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Glass Ceilings: A Modern Steamy Cinderella Fairy Tale (Fairly Twisted Tales Book 1)

Page 13

by Lux Miller

  Except today, for some reason. Apparently the damn rooster is laying down on the job. Or my mother finally wrung his neck like she was threatening to do if he pecked one more hen. I know it was crude and horribly inappropriate, but I had to leave the dinner table last night when she was ranting and raving about the little pecker.

  I ended up staying up late last night reading trashy romance novels that I found stashed in my mother’s closet. I set more than one alarm, and I have to admit I expected pecker-head to wake me up if all else failed. The warm stream of sunlight filtering in through my second-story window confirms that it’s well past dawn and likely getting on toward the end of the morning.

  I change out of my sleep clothes and pull on the ranch-hand attire I’ve been wearing since arriving. The Wrangler jeans and hot pink button down flannel are a little tight on me since I haven’t worn them in years, but the boots still fit like a glove. They’re also all stained from god-knows-what, but they serve their purpose. Ranch hand clothes are made to get dirty. Besides, nobody wants to worry about getting shit on your thousand-dollar Louboutins when you’re in the middle of mucking out a stall. And the horses don’t care what you look like.

  I work my fingers down the back of my head, estimating a pair as I divide my blonde curls into two. It’s been years since I’ve worried about being practical, but braiding hair was surprisingly something that came back to me immediately. Once I’ve plaited the strands down my back, I bound down the stairs. As I hit the bottom landing, my boots clunk against the wooden floor. The sound echoes off the simple wood-paneled walls, and it’s a humbling reminder it’s worth it to work for the things worth having.

  I turn the corner and almost run smack into the new girl. Well, to be fair, she’s not totally new to me. I’ve never met her in person, but I’ve heard enough about her to know that she’s got an attitude worse than mine sometimes. Though she’s usually fairly sweet, there are times when she flies off the handle and loses her shit completely. Aspen says those are her “majesty moments” when she thinks she’s a freaking queen ruling a kingdom. Aspen says she thinks he sister is doing drugs to cope with the loss of their mother, but I told Aspen to cut the girl some slack.

  I stop short of colliding into her, tipping my head at her casually, “Good morning, Raven.”

  The ebony-haired girl blinks at me in astonished surprise. “Morning?” She giggles softly, and I breathe a sigh of relief that she seems to be in a pleasant mood. “It’s almost noon, silly! Your mom gave up on you helping out today, so Hunter and I took care of the stalls. She said to tell you to check your iron levels when you did finally get up though, since you’re not used to all this fabulous sunshine.”

  She bounces on her heels, then pushes her dark hair off her forehead and secures the loose strands in place with a bright red headband. It’s somehow fitting as she scurries by me. She stops when she’s just cleared the doorway and pokes her head back in. “By the way, Ditsy is living up to his name. He got his muzzle stuck between the bars again, and it took Hunter and me half an hour to free him. And that was with me coddling him, so he wouldn’t freak out. Your mother says we might have to make alterations to the stall gates before the rest of the miniature horses get here next week.”

  I nod and shake my head, laughing softly. “Figures he’d be a little out there with a name like Ditsy. Has mom come up with names for the others yet?”

  Raven shakes her head. “Nah, she said they’d name themselves when they showed up. Or that I could do it. What ever made your mother decide to get miniature horses anyway?”

  I shrug. “Beats me, but I did read that they’re descended from mining horses. They used them because they’re small enough to fit down into the mines with the miners, but still strong enough to pull carts. It’s kinda a fascinating history, actually. I don’t know what mom wants with them, though.”

  Raven nods and makes like she’s going to leave, then pokes her head back in. “Are you seeing somebody?”

  I narrow my eyes at her. What an odd question for her to ask me. “Did your sister put you up to asking?”

  She shrugs. “She may have suggested that I try to make friendly conversation. Told me not to be so stand-offish, but no. My question is my own.”

  I step across the kitchen and grab hold of her hand as she tries to leave once again. “Raven… what aren’t you telling me?”

  She glances out the window in the direction of the barn, then back at me. “You know, I think I may have missed mucking out one of the stalls this morning, now that I come to think about it. Maybe I should go do it now… but man, I’ve already changed my clothes.”

  Rolling my eyes at her, I let go of her hand. “First of all, you’re a terrible liar, Raven. You’re not selling that story for free. I’m convinced you’d have a hard time selling water in the desert. Second of all, you don’t have to guilt me into doing it. I slept in like a prat. All you had to do was ask.”

  Raven shrugs and puts on a mega-watt smile, “Okay! I think I’m going to sneak off to the woods to pick some berries. There are some kind of hybrid growing out there that are phenomenal… and I want to bake them in a pie… maybe with some apples.”

  I watch her skip out of the house, and I reach to my back pocket for my phone. I yank it out and bring up the conversation screen with Aspen, my fingers flying over the keyboard.

  Me: What’re you up to?

  Aspen: Me? Up to something? Never. How’s Raven working out?”

  Me: Surprisingly well. She’s usually sweet as candy. Almost too sweet, in fact.

  Aspen: Give her time. Her dark side will rear its ugly head. Looking forward to my Christmas present.

  I roll my eyes as she sends a dozen emojis after her message, half of which are either unrecognizable or completely inappropriate to send to your sister-in-law.

  Me: Ugh, gross. Don’t make me change my mind. I swear, you and Blake are sickening sometimes with all the lovey-dovey bullshit. One day, you’re gonna wake up and realize that love isn’t this butterflies and rainbows and unicorns crap that card companies try to sell you.

  Aspen: Still pining over Mr. Mysterious?

  Me: I never should have told you about that! Have you told Blake?

  Aspen: Sisters don’t share. Besides, I work hard to feed that man, and I don’t need him puking on my shoes because I’m trying to discuss his baby sister’s sex life with him. Or lack thereof.

  Me: Aspen! It hasn’t even been two weeks yet. I’m not itching to dive into bed with another man. Sex is great, but it isn’t a bandaid for a broken heart.

  Aspen: I don’t know why you let a man you barely know get to you like that. You’ve always been so protected and closed-off, and here you are, baring your soul to a servant.

  Me: First of all, he wasn’t my servant. Second of all, I bared a hell of a lot more than my soul to him. And my third, and totally lame reason, he was fucking hot!

  Aspen: Well, why don’t you go talk to that new farm hand and see if he can make you forget about Mr. Mysterious for a while?

  Me: Hunter? Ew, no. He’s too pretty-boy type for me. Besides, I’m pretty sure Raven is crushing on him hard. She made up some bullshit story about going to pick berries in the woods or something.

  Aspen: Ugh. She’s probably banging him. Tha was mine and Blake’s code for sneaking out to go have sex. Do you know how many pies my daddy thinks I baked before Blake and I got married? Let me clue you in… he suggested I open a bakery! Besides, I’m not talking about Hunter.

  Me: It’s just me, Raven, and Hunter…

  Aspen: No, your mom hired a new guy this morning. Raven was telling me all about him. Apparently, he’s quite the looker. Tall, dark, and handsome and all that other cliched bullshit. From the way she described him, I think it’d be worth your while to go check him out. Besides, I’ve heard a romp in the hay is as good a cure for a broken heart as anything.



  When Giovanni Bianchi told me he needed a favo
r from me, I admit a hundred thoughts raced through my head… and none of them were particularly good. When the mob asks for a favor, you may as well accept that your number has been called. It’s a shame I never had time to get my affairs in order -- though I’ve really no use with a will. I don’t have anything worth leaving to anybody… except a bad reputation.

  As the car slows to a stop, I’m briefly thankful. All of the jostling down this out-of-the-way road has made my already-queasy stomach even more uneasy. I feel like I’m a vomit geyser, and I’m going to erupt any moment. So when the car finally stops and the world stops jostling around like I’m on a trampoline, I’m grateful. The elation is short-lived, though. Stopping means we’ve reached our destination… possibly my final one.

  Giovanni has given me zero hints as to what he expects me to do, but as several car doors slam all around me, I know that I’m about to find out soon enough. I’m suddenly wishing I was still slumped over in the bar getting smashed. At least then, I’d know what to expect. I cringe and scrunch down in the seat as the back door opens and sunlight streams in unabated.

  “You have two weeks to convince my Ashley that she was wrong about you.”

  I blink at Giovanni stupidly as he leans into the backseat. “Come again?”

  Giovanni crosses his arms over his chest and scowls at me. “Are you deaf, boy? I said you have two weeks to convince my niece that she was wrong about you. That you didn’t use her to get back at Pierce for breaking up your little fling with Helen.”

  I know it would be wise to shut up and thank the man for his generosity. Capos in the mob aren’t famous for being very forgiving. Men don’t get made for giving out hugs and lollipops. He’s given me a golden opportunity, but my pride is going to be my undoing. I inhale sharply at his insinuation and open my big mouth, “I didn’t use Ashley. I used Helen… to get back at my stepfather for being a lowlife worthless piece of shit who rode my coattails until he damn near broke my back. Those prize-winning gardens all over New York… my work. Yet my stepfather took the credit and Pierce let him, knowing good and damn well, he didn’t do a bit of the fucking work. As far as I’m concerned, they can both rot in hell...”

  Giovanni’s eyebrows twitch as he watches me with mirth. He steps out of the car and motions for me to do the same. “I like you. Even as a dead man walking, you’re still spouting fire and flames.”

  I slide out of the car, my shoulders bunched like a cat on its hackles. I don’t trust this man, but right now, I’m at his mercy. I look around at my surroundings and realize that we’re in the middle of nowhere. I may not be Spiderman, but I have a tingling sensation racing down my spine that sets every nerve on edge.

  Giovanni makes a sweeping motion with his arm as he turns. There’s a dusty dirt road that winds down between the trees. In the distance, if I squint, I can just make out an enormous red building. Scattered around the barn are several other buildings, including a large turn-of-the-twentieth-century two-story home with a wrap-around porch. I can’t see much in the way of details, but it’s become abundantly clear that we aren’t in the city any longer.

  Giovanni’s smooth-as-silk voice yanks me out of my state of awe. “Welcome to Bianchi Ranch... “

  I stare openly, first at Giovanni and then beyond him. “A ranch? You brought me to a ranch? You own a ranch?”

  Giovanni chuckles, and I’m acutely aware of how intimidating the man is. I may be taller than him by six inches and probably outweigh him by forty pounds, but he’s still not a man that I want to mess with. Even his laugh makes me second guess every decision I’ve made in my life up until this point.

  “My money may have purchased it, but my sister owns it. She does the upkeep with the help of a couple ranch hands. Which brings me to your purpose here. My sister is in need of a capable ranch hand to help out with a shipment of miniature horses that she has coming in over the next couple weeks.”

  I raise one eyebrow, and it takes everything in me not to burst into giggles. Big mafia man wants me to do what?

  Giovanni shakes his head, and I realize that I must have my amusement written all over my face. I clear my throat and drop the smile, but I feel the corners of my lips tugging up again. “Really though… miniature horses? You’re serious?”

  Giovanni nods. “Quite, boy. She’s got six more of them coming in over the next couple of weeks. She asked me to keep an eye out for anyone who could handle the back-breaking work of breaking horses. Even if they’re miniatures, they can still have quite differing personalities. It just so happens that a strapping young lad who needs to redeem himself fell in my lap.”

  I shiver at his words and inhale deeply, then exhale slowly. “I know you’re presenting this to me as an option, but anyone with ears could understand there isn’t another choice. So… I guess this means I’m the newest resident of the wild, wild west.”

  Giovanni chuckles again. It really is disarming to see a man known for brutality throw his head back and openly laugh. “I have a feeling it’s going to get a lot wilder before your time is up…”

  I tilt my head to the side, curious what he’s implying. “And doing this will get me back in Ashley’s good graces?”

  He shrugs. “My niece has her own mind. It may or may not help your cause with her. But it will go a long way to clearing your debt with me… Off the record, I’m kinda rooting for you, boy. Most of the men Ashley gets involved with are shallow and money-hungry fools. While you can certainly drink yourself into debt, you seem to at least be genuine. Honesty, no matter how brutal, goes a long way in my book. And Ashley’s a Bianchi too… you’ll find that while the truth may hurt, she’ll respect you a hell of a lot more for breaking her heart with the truth than winning it with lies. The truth always finds a way of letting itself be known.”

  I nod and sigh, then start walking down the dirt road. If Giovanni was planning on delivering me to the front doorstep of the house, he’d have done so already. I only get a few hundred feet away from him when he calls out to me, “Boy!”

  I stop and turn, bringing my hand up to my face to shield my eyes from the blazing sun. Giovanni jogs down the path to me, his pristine suit now dusty. It’s unnerving to see a man in full formal-wear jogging like he’s participating in a marathon. Especially when he’s coming straight for you with a look of absolute determination on his face. He reaches me and slaps my shoulder.

  “For the record, those pictures you’re so worried about will be taken care of by midnight. I can’t guarantee that my useless brother-in-law hasn’t seen them, but I can make sure they don’t circulate any further. Strong-arming is what my men are good at… Your stepfather will turn over every copy he has of the video if he knows what’s good for him.”

  Giovanni’s eyes flash as he continues, “And that nasty little stepsister of yours won’t be a problem either… She was stupid to distribute pornography that involves a minor. If the police don’t want to talk to her, I’ve got a man for the job who’s been itching to get his dick sucked for a while now. I hear she’s rather willing to do just about anything for money…”

  I nod, a rush of relief trailing down my spine, but something sits uneasy with me. I know I should keep my mouth shut and not break the unspoken ‘no questions’ rule with anything that involves a man as dangerous as Giovanni, but I can’t stop the words from spilling out of my mouth. “How do you know… about…?”

  Giovanni chuckles and lowers his voice, but the warning tone there is unmistakable, “I have connections, boy. I know everything. No worries, though. There’s no love lost between Pierce and I. He treated my sister like shit. He deserves to be cuckolded a thousand times over. So kudos to you for tapping that ass. I will warn you, however, if I ever see photos or a video like that of my precious niece, you won’t live long enough to erase them. Capiche?”

  My head nods of its own accord, because my brain has short-circuited. I know that there’s photos stored deep inside my piece-of-shit phone that Trevor took away from me. There’s no way in
hell I’m admitting to Giovanni that Ashley already sent me spank bank material, but if Trevor finds them, he won’t hesitate to exact his revenge.

  Clearing my throat, I speak up, “Can you get your guy to retrieve my cell phone from Trevor? It may not be much, but it’s got some stuff saved on there that I’d be rather upset to lose access to.”

  Giovanni narrows his eyes at me, but nods. “Consider it done. Now, my sister mentioned something about a big, black mare that has a nasty attitude. She can’t break her, despite trying multiple times. She lost a ranch hand recently because of this horse. If you can break that horse without breaking your neck, I’ll make sure Ashley gives you a second chance…”




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