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While She Sleeps: The Dirty Heroes Collection

Page 13

by René, Dani

  Logan may think he’s dangerous, that he’s someone I need to stay away from, but there’s a part of him that also believes I’m made for him. I need to make him see that I am not afraid. It’s taken me years to come to terms with these needs, and I don’t want him to think I’m a fragile girl.

  I’m all grown up, and I know what I want. I think I’ve always known that Logan was mine. Even when I was younger, remembering his face, his eyes, the way he looked down at me when I was so enamored with this boy in a suit who looked like he should grace the pages of a magazine.

  The older I got, the more I realized that even though he walked away from me, my heart would find his again. Fairy tales aren’t always filled with rainbows and happily-ever-afters. They’re also drenched in darkness, curses, and bad guys. I’ve learned over time that fiction imitates real life far too often, or perhaps it’s the other way around.

  I grab another mug, filling it with steaming coffee before I settle at the counter to read the newspaper from a few days ago. Logan left it out, and I soak up all the information I can. I really should be rummaging around in the cabinets, or even trying to find a way to escape. But I’m not longer here as a prisoner, I’m here because I want to be with him. So, I sit and wait for him to return.

  I have to be honest with myself. I don’t want to go back to my old life. Right now, I know I can’t because Logan has changed me in ways I can’t explain. I would never be the girl from the small apartment in the little town of Pine Lake again. And I certainly am not the girl who walked out of Chicago, leaving her father to serve his life sentence in prison.

  But I am still the girl who’s afraid of Herbert Oakridge because he’s the only person who can hurt me. If he ever finds out where I am, I doubt I’ll be alive to see the next sunrise.

  Sighing, I move to the couch, crossing my legs on the cushions and sipping the still-warm coffee. The bitter taste bursts on my tongue, and I savor the heat coming from the cup. It’s not winter, not even close, but I feel a chill as if a storm is about to hit. Being out in the wilderness is strange when I’m used to being around people.

  The door flies open, crashing against the back wall as it bounces on its hinges. I shoot off the couch, only to come face-to-face with the man who practically bought me from my father. Logan hasn’t returned from wherever he went, and now I’m standing facing the man I ran from, the one I hid away from for years.

  “I thought I’d never see you again,” Herbert says in his cold, rage-filled tone as he saunters inside. Two men, both dressed in black suits, white button-up shirts, follow him into the cabin. It doesn’t take him long to reach me. I can’t move because I’m stuck between him and the couch. He steps closer, and I fall back onto the cushions.

  “I . . . I didn’t mean—”

  “You know,” he says, interrupting my mumbling, “I thought you’d be a good girl for me.” His words send poison trickling through my veins. “But you’re nothing like that, are you?” His dark brow arches as he questions me. “Tell me something, Vera,” he continues. His dark eyes look so much like his sons it’s scary. “Do you like playing house with my son?”

  “I never wanted to marry you. I—I told my father that. I—I was just trying to live my life,” I tell him, but my voice breaks on the last word. I inwardly curse myself for the fear lacing my words.

  “With my son? He deserted you!” His voice bounces off the wall, the threat hanging on every word. “He walked away from his chance, and your father agreed that you would be mine.”

  “I’m not a possession you can push around, bartering me.” I push off the couch, needing space from this man I know is going to hurt me. There’s no doubt about it; he isn’t someone who can be reasoned with. I’ve known him all my life, and I know for a fact that even my father was afraid of him.

  I pray inwardly that Logan will return, but with the two bodyguards standing at the door, and his father right up in my face, I have a feeling he won’t make it in time. And even if he did, they would be armed, and the thought of Logan getting hurt because of me sends cold dread racing through my body.

  “You,” he sneers, grabbing my hair, tugging me backward until I fall against his large, looming frame. “Are mine.” There’s no longer a question that he’s angry. My throat feels thick, and my lungs work hard to pull in a much-needed breath. “And I’m here to show my son that he may try to save you, but he’s no fucking hero.”

  Herbert pushes me onto the floor. The pain that shoots through my arm as I fall against the wood of the coffee table causes me to cry out in agony.

  “Perhaps my son likes the helpless ones.” Another dark chuckle follows me as the two men who were behind Herbert are now in front of me. One of them has a syringe in his hand. The clear liquid filling the device makes my chest tighten in fear.

  “What is that?”

  “Something to show Logan he’s not some fucking hero who can save his damsel in distress,” Herbert tells me, which only kicks up the level of fear that’s captured me.

  Confusion settles around me as the men drag me up the stairs. I watch as Herbert follows, and my legs kick out in an attempt to shove him down to the floor, but he’s too far out of reach. My arms flail as the large hands grip my biceps, and they pull me into the bedroom where Logan had me captive.

  “What are you doing? Please, please don’t hurt me,” I beg, looking directly at Herbert Oakridge, but from the expression on his face, I know pleading for mercy isn’t going to make him change his mind.

  He moves toward me as both bodyguards hold me down on the mattress. My legs kick up and out, but I don’t make contact. Herbert’s hand raises, and I notice the syringe. He leans in and offers me a sickening grin.

  “Time to go to sleep, Vera,” he chuckles darkly. The sound is low, animalistic. He doesn’t sound human. The sharp needle pierces my skin, and I watch as he pushes the plastic bit down, injecting me.

  “No! What is that? No!” My voice is scratchy, my throat dry and painful as the words are ripped from me. I feel the heaviness in my limbs, my eyelids fighting to stay open, and as I look at the man who’s finally gotten what he wants, I can no longer fight.

  Darkness overwhelms me, and weariness takes hold.

  “Please,” I mumble, sounding like a voice from a dying radio. “Please don’t.” The last thing I remember is a shot ringing out before I’m stolen from the light and thrown into darkness.



  One of the men goes down, and the other spins on his heel, startled at the way his friend fell to the ground. He lifts his hands in surrender, but I don’t feel like showing mercy as my finger presses the trigger. Another bullet empties from my gun, hitting him right between the eyes. Looks like target practice paid off.

  It’s only when I reach the middle of the staircase that I see him. My father stares at me long and hard. Disappointment and disapproval shine in his dark eyes. The only difference between now and my younger years when that look would hurt me is I no longer give a shit about him.

  “What the fuck did you do to her?” My voice is low, menacing, as I move closer to him. But Herbert Oakridge doesn’t cower in front of me. No. His son, now a man who no longer answers to him, doesn’t scare him because he knows his life is over.

  “I thought I’d see how long you both can last if you’re given the type of woman you like,” he smirks, the corner of his mouth lifting in satisfaction. My gaze darts to Vera. She’s not moving. Her hands are clasped across her chest. She looks so peaceful as if nothing can hurt her.

  “What. Did. You. Do. To. Her?” I ask again, turning my attention back to my father.

  His expression doesn’t help the rage coursing through me. I want to shoot him, to see how well he does with a bullet straight through the heart, but I can’t do anything until I know how to fix her.

  “You’ll know soon enough, son,” he tells me easily. The tension in my shoulders tightens. “If you put down that gun, I’ll give you my terms.”

nbsp; “Terms? This isn’t some fucking game,” I bite out, my finger still poised on the trigger. I want nothing more than to pull it, to show him I’m in charge, but I don’t because I’m not sure what he’s done to Vera. The asshole knows I won’t do shit to put her in harm’s way, and that only angers me more.

  A loud bang from downstairs captures my attention. I want to move, I know I should, but instead, I stay focused on my father. He doesn’t seem at all perturbed by the fact that I have a gun pointed at him.

  Seconds pass before I speak again. “You have your team of assholes coming in here to kill me?”

  “I don’t want to kill you, son,” he tells me as he settles in the armchair overlooking Vera’s sleeping form. “I want to prove to you that you’re just like me, son. She’ll never accept you for who you are.” He gestures with his chin, pointing at the beauty in a deep slumber. I want to go to her to make sure she’s still alive, but I can’t move because I feel cold metal against the back of my head.

  “Then why is there a man pointing a weapon at me?” I challenge him, needing to know the truth. “Because from where I’m standing, his finger can slip, and I won’t be in your way anymore.”

  “Why are you so convinced I’d like you dead?”

  “Because I took her, I hid her away, and you want her for yourself. You signed the agreement, forcing her father, your longtime friend, to give his only daughter to you.” My voice is chilled, ice dripping from every word, because I can’t believe the man who I’m looking at is even related to me. Yes, we may share similar features, but the evil so clear in his dark eyes has nothing on me.

  He smiles, the action slow, intentional, because nothing my father does hasn’t been thought through. That’s what he taught me all those years ago. You must be calculated if you want to make your enemies fear you.

  I watch his movements, his one leg crossing over the other. He steeples his fingers under his chin, and he regards me with cool aloofness that makes him seem almost mechanical. That’s who my father is, an uncaring monster. The more I look at him, the more I realize I’m nothing like him.

  Vera was right. I may be slightly broken, but I am not an evil monster like the man who raised me. “Tell me,” I say finally. I’ve had enough games. It’s time to walk out, kill all the men he’s brought into my home, or be killed. The latter doesn’t sound like an option to me, because the moment I take my last breath, he’ll claim Vera. And that’s the last thing I want or need.

  “I want to prove to you that you’re no good for her,” he tells me easily. “You’re so far gone you don’t see it. I chose to take her as mine because I knew that you’d never be able to give her the life she should have.”

  “Neither can you.” My frustration is clear in my voice. “Does mother even know you’re here, trying to lay claim to a girl young enough to be your daughter?” Venom drips from my words, and I notice the slight flinch on his face. He doesn’t give away much, but I know I’ve just hit a nerve.

  “Your mother is traveling. She’s enjoying her life,” he tells me, and I wonder if that’s code for him having her killed. There’s dark satisfaction in his eyes as he watches me. “Come inside, Logan.” He gestures with his hand for me to enter the bedroom. I don’t want to move, but with the metal weapon pointed at my head, I take two steps, and I’m at the foot of the bed.

  “What do you want here if you’re not taking Vera?” I ask him, still holding onto my gun. I could shoot him, but then his men behind me will pull the trigger, and I’ll be on the ground with Vera exposed to them. And that’s not a chance I can take.

  “I want you to see yourself through their eyes,” he chuckles, nudging his chin toward the bed where my girl is lying still.

  “What is wrong with her?”

  “Have you heard of an induced coma?” Dad arches a brow at me, the corner of his mouth tipped upward, and I nod. “Well, our little beauty is sleeping soundly for a while. She’ll awaken in a few days. I made sure to give her a good dose of the drugs needed for this little experiment.”

  “You’re sick,” I bite out, making my way toward him, but the moment I take a step, the click of the gun trained on me has me halting my steps. My father rises, shrugs, and then makes his way past me toward the door. “Where the fuck are you going?”

  “Oh, I’m going to watch this from the security of my own home.” The grin on his face makes my body shudder with rage and revulsion. “I can see this will be very entertaining.” He turns and shuts the door, and that’s when I hear it. They’re trapping us inside. Something is being shoved against the door after the lock clicks. “My men will stay behind to ensure you don’t leave. Unless you’d like to jump out the window,” he tells me through the wood.

  I raise my gun, cocking it before I pull the trigger. A chuckle resonates through the barrier, and I realize I missed. Cursing inwardly, I set the gun down on the vanity before turning to Vera.

  “Nice try, son,” Herbert mutters. “But you’re way off. Goodbye,” he tells me before I hear his footsteps going down to the ground floor. I’ll give them an hour before I break out of this fucking room and kill the men I know are in my house. My father’s plan will not work because I’ll never hurt my beauty.

  My attention is on my girl as I take her hand and press a kiss to her knuckles. She’s warm, her cheeks flushed, and her lips pursed. I don’t think she will ever forgive me for this. I left her alone when I should’ve kept her close.

  “I’m so fucking sorry,” I tell her sleeping form. “I should never have left you alone. This is all my fault, but I promise you, I’ll make it right.”

  I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I’ll make sure her life is safe once more. The thought of killing my father is still at the forefront of my mind. I want nothing more than to see him fall for his devious plans.

  I pull my phone out of my pocket and scroll down to Dax’s name. Hitting call, I press the device to my ear and attempt to focus on how the fuck I can get out of here.

  “Hey, what’s going on?”

  “I need you to send a team of men to the cabin,” I tell him. “Herbert Oakridge thinks he can fuck me over, but it’s time I take the asshole out.”

  “He’s your father.”

  “I don’t give a shit, Dax. He’s taken it too far.” I know my best friend won’t deny me. He knows how lethal my father can be. “He has two of his men in the cabin. I’m locked in a room with Vera. He’s drugged her. She’s in an induced coma.”

  “What?” The surprise is evident in his voice. My father’s done some questionable things before, but this is taking it just a step too far outside of my comfort zone. I grew up around illegal acts, I heard things that would most probably get him arrested, but when he came into my home, threatened the woman I love, he made a mistake.

  “I need your help.”

  Dax answers me quickly. “There’s no question about it. You know I’m going to be there for you no matter what.” I breathe a sigh of relief. “I’ll have a team out to you in the next few hours. Give them time to arrive, and don’t do anything stupid.”

  “Me? Stupid? Since when?” I try to make light of the situation, but it’s no use because I’m livid. I could easily rip them apart.

  “I’m serious, Logan. They know you’re strong, Herbert is no fucking idiot. He’ll have planned for you to try to break out of there,” Dax warns, and even though I know he’s right, I don’t think I can sit around and wait.

  “Get them here as soon as possible,” I tell him before hanging up and moving toward the window. There aren’t any cars outside, just my truck, which is parked near the front door. Other than that, I suppose the men must have been left here without a way to leave. Perhaps I can get them to side with me. My father may pay their salaries, but I can offer them freedom from his organization before they get hauled into cells beside him.

  With a slow twist, I unlatch the window with the small key I kept in my pocket, pushing open the upper half of the pane. The cool breeze fills
my lungs the moment the wooden beams snap open. In an attempt to see the lower floor, I lean over the bottom half of the window and notice one of the men, dressed all in black, outside smoking a cigarette. That means there’s only one of them inside.

  I turn toward the door. Moving silently, I twist the handle but find it locked. I don’t have the spare keys on me, which only sends frustration coursing through my veins. I should’ve kept the fucking batch of keys when I left.

  I pick up the gun, realizing there’s only one way to do this—with brute force. Aiming at the doorknob, I pull the trigger twice. The resounding clank of metal bounces around the small bedroom.

  “He’s trying to break out!” The shout goes off just like I knew it would. With a grin on my lips, I step back, waiting for the assholes to make their way inside. Because the moment they do, I’ll kill them both and get my girl out of here.



  I listen to them, pulling away whatever they’ve barricaded the door with. I’m ready, my hand poised, my finger on the trigger, waiting, breathing deeply. My chest aches with worry and fear, and I want nothing more than to get Vera out of here. Since my father knows where we are, it won’t be long until he gets a team of men out here to keep us imprisoned.

  The door flies open, the hinges squealing at the sudden movement, and my finger presses down on the trigger. The shot rings in my ears as I take down the first asshole. The second man stops, falls to the ground, and moves behind the wall, which is solid. I can’t take a shot until he’s moved into view.

  “If you come out, I’ll spare you. But if you come near her, I’ll make you pay,” I tell him, not moving from my spot where I’m sheltering Vera if he does decide to shoot from around the corner.


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