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Finding Kenna (SEAL Team Hawaii Book 3)

Page 16

by Susan Stoker

  “Talk to me,” Marshall implored.

  So she did. She told him everything. How she’d suspected the man was going to be trouble from the second she saw him. How cowed his wife and son seemed to be. How Kenna had worried as the man downed one drink after another. And then her horror when the guy had struck his son. She even told him about the man’s threats as he was hauled out of the restaurant. By the time she was done rehashing everything, Kenna felt drained.

  “I’m so sorry, babe. That sounds awful. But I’m proud of you for calling the police on his ass.”

  Kenna smiled and turned onto her side. This is what she needed. Marshall’s voice in her ear, saying he was proud of her. “Thanks.”

  “Although I’m not thrilled with his threats. You need to be extra careful. It was bad enough with that Shawn asshole being pissed at you, I can’t stand the thought of someone else wanting to get back at you.”

  Kenna hadn’t even really thought about that. “I hate to even tell you this, because you might get upset, but honestly, people threaten the servers all the time. Well, maybe not all the time, but they generally aren’t happy when we refuse to serve them alcohol when they’re obviously drunk as hell already, or if there’s anything wrong with their meal. We’ve even had people accuse us of stealing their credit card numbers to use later. Most customers are great. Happy to be in Hawaii and enjoying the food and ambiance, but there are always those assholes who want to throw their weight around.”

  “Not making me feel better by telling me tonight’s incident wasn’t unusual. Just please be careful. I can’t have found you now, only to lose you.”

  Kenna smiled. “You aren’t going to lose me. I’m right here.”

  Marshall chuckled in her ear. “You know what I mean.”

  “I do. But I don’t remember signing a contract that said I’d live to be a hundred years old. All I can do is live my life the best I can here and now. I can be kind, and helpful, and stand up for others, no matter what’s thrown in my face.”

  Marshall didn’t answer immediately, and Kenna frowned. “Are you still there?”

  “I’m here,” he said quietly. “I think that’s one of the reasons I’m so drawn to you. You’re the antithesis of the people we’re sent to battle against when we’re deployed. You’re the light to the dark that sometimes threaten to overtake my damn soul.”

  Wow. Kenna both liked and hated that. “I’ve just learned that a little bit of kindness goes a long way. Maybe I made that woman and boy’s situation worse tonight. But then again, maybe they’ll remember the kind waitress they had and realize there are people out there who are more than willing to help.”

  “I hope so too,” Marshall said.

  Kenna’s voice lowered. “And maybe when you start feeling that darkness creep in, you’ll think about me and how much I respect and admire you, and you’ll beat that shit back.”

  “What time can I come over tomorrow?” Marshall asked.

  Kenna blinked at his change of topic. “Um…whenever you want? The stalls at the swap meet don’t open until eight, I think. But they’re open until eleven, so we have plenty of time.”

  “Is six too early?”

  Kenna nearly choked. “In the morning?”

  “Yeah. It’s taking everything I have not to get up and drive over there right now. I’ve missed you this week. Lunch yesterday was amazing, and I really liked seeing you on a weekday. And after the night you’ve had, and with what you just said…I really want to be with you.”

  Kenna was tempted to tell him to come on over, but it was late. She was exhausted and she knew Marshall had to be too. She’d talked to him before her shift started and knew he’d spent all day in training. He and his team had been dropped off in the middle of the ocean and left to make their way back to shore on their own. He’d nonchalantly mentioned it was a four-mile swim, which seemed insane to her, but for her SEAL, it was apparently just another day. “Six is fine. Although don’t expect me to be fully awake.”

  “You drink coffee?” he asked.

  “Um…who doesn’t?”

  “You like it sweet or black?”

  “The sweeter the better,” Kenna said.

  “No wonder you and Lexie get along,” Marshall said. “I’ll bring coffee. And malasadas.”

  Kenna’s mouth watered. “Deal. Thanks for letting me vent.”

  “Anytime. I mean that,” he told her. “And maybe in the future, you’ll do so while I’m holding you.”

  God. The image that sprang into her head made Kenna’s heart pound. She wanted that. Badly. “I’d like that.”

  “Me too. Sleep well, babe. You did the right thing tonight.”


  “See you soon.”



  Kenna clicked off her phone and realized she was smiling like a loon. She set an alarm for five fifty-one the next morning—she was going to get every minute of sleep she could—and put her phone on the table next to her bed.

  Usually after an intense situation like the one that happened tonight, it was difficult for her to fall asleep, and she frequently had at least one nightmare. But with Marshall’s words of praise rattling around in her brain, she was adrift in a dreamless sleep within minutes.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Aleck took a deep breath before knocking on Kenna’s door the next morning. It was five fifty-eight and he couldn’t wait one more minute to see her. He knew how close he’d come to losing her, and it still haunted him.

  He heard the locks click open, then Kenna’s face appeared in the crack of the door.


  “Yeah, it’s me.” He’d have a conversation with her later about opening the door before knowing who was on the other side.

  The door opened all the way—and it was all Aleck could do not to burst out laughing. Kenna’s hair was sticking up on one side and matted on the other. She was squinting as if the light in the hallway bothered her, wearing an oversized T-shirt that swamped her frame.

  “Come in,” she said, then turned and headed back into her apartment.

  Aleck pushed the door open all the way and closed it behind him. There was a light on over the stove, and that was it. The apartment was dark, but he could make out Kenna climbing into the large beanbag in her living area.

  “Not a morning person?” he asked softly.

  “No,” she said.

  “How long have you been awake?”

  “About four minutes. I set my alarm, got up, brushed my teeth, and then you were here,” she told him as she grabbed a blanket and curled up into the squishiness of the beanbag.

  Aleck placed the coffee he’d bought for her on the kitchen counter, along with the bag of malasadas. They could wait. Without hesitation, he kicked off his shoes and headed straight for Kenna. Her eyes were already closed, but when he eased himself onto the beanbag next to her, they popped open.

  “What are you doing?” she asked sleepily.

  “Napping with you,” Aleck informed her. He held his breath to see if she would kick him out. But to his relief, she nodded, closed her eyes and, once he was settled, snuggled into him. They were squished together just as they’d been the other day, and nothing felt better than having Kenna curled up in his arms.

  He wasn’t tired in the least, but he wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to hold her. Aleck stroked her hair slowly and felt her sigh. She shifted a little, burrowing closer.

  “Did you sleep okay last night?” he asked.

  “Mm-hm. I fell asleep immediately, which is amazing after everything that happened. But I’m just so tired still.”

  “Then sleep,” he said.

  “I should get up,” she protested halfheartedly.

  “Why? The swap meet doesn’t close until eleven. We have plenty of time. That’s what you said.”

  “But you’re here, and I want to spend time with you,” she said.

  Aleck fucking loved hearing that. “You
are. Sleeping in my arms,” he said quietly.

  “Is this weird?” she asked.


  “Okay. Wake me up in an hour. I’ll get up and shower and eat the food you brought—which smells amazing by the way—and then we’ll go.”

  Aleck nuzzled her temple but didn’t answer. He wasn’t going to wake her up at seven. There was no need. He’d let her sleep as long as she wanted to.


  “Yeah, babe?”

  “I needed this.”

  “This?” he asked.

  “You. Hugging me.”

  Closing his eyes in gratitude that Kenna was as forgiving as she was. And that she’d done what he’d asked and talked to him when she’d heard about his lie by omission, he took a moment to compose himself before he responded. “I should’ve come over last night,” he whispered.

  He felt Kenna shrug. “You’re here now.”

  Yes, he was. And he wouldn’t take her for granted. “I am,” he agreed. “Sleep,” he told her.

  “Bossy,” she muttered.

  Aleck saw the smile on her face though. He leaned over and kissed her temple and soon she was fast asleep once more.

  Aleck was a man who didn’t necessarily like to sit still. He liked to be doing something at all times. But at the moment, he couldn’t think of anything he wanted or needed to do more than he needed to lie there with Kenna. There was something immensely satisfying about her trusting him enough to hold her while she slept. She was extremely vulnerable like this, but Aleck would never hurt a hair on her head. The day she’d jumped into the ocean to save him was the best day of his life, he just hadn’t known it at the time.

  At seven forty-six, Kenna stirred in his arms. Aleck had dozed lightly a time or two, but mostly he’d stayed awake, just enjoying the intimacy of being with her.

  She mumbled something under her breath, then her eyes opened and she looked up at him sleepily. “What time is it?”

  “Almost eight,” he told her softly.

  Her eyes widened. “Eight? Shit! I meant to get up an hour ago.”

  Aleck held her tight when her body tensed as if she was going to leap up. Not that there would’ve been much leaping out of the beanbag.

  “Easy, babe. It’s fine. We’ve got three hours to browse the market.”

  “But the good stuff’ll be gone,” she sighed, settling back against him.

  Her T-shirt had risen up while she slept, and Aleck could feel her bare legs against his own. But he wasn’t feeling horny, exactly, just wildly content.

  “You okay about last night?” he asked gently.

  Kenna sighed, and Aleck felt her warm breath against his neck above his shirt. Goose bumps broke out on his nape. It was a surprising reaction, but he merely smiled.

  “I keep thinking about what might be happening today. His wife said she wasn’t pressing charges, so the cops probably had to let him go.”

  “If he was drunk, they could’ve decided to keep him until he sobered up,” Aleck suggested.

  “Maybe. But I can’t imagine he’d be any happier whenever he was finally released to go back home. I hope he doesn’t take out his anger on his wife or son.”

  “Do you see that kind of thing a lot?” Aleck asked.

  “Not really. I mean, in public, people are usually on their best behavior. And it’s Hawaii and most are on vacation.”

  “Which in itself can bring out a lot of stress sometimes,” Aleck noted.

  “True. I’m thankful though that Alani and the rest of management is supportive of us making a judgement call and calling the cops if we think it’s necessary,” Kenna said.

  “Me too,” Aleck said.

  Kenna lifted her head and met Aleck’s gaze. “Thank you for talking to me last night. I needed that.”

  “Of course. As long as I’m around, I’ll always pick up when you call, no matter what time it is or when you need to talk. And this is probably way too soon, but fuck it. Before too long, I’d like to be there in person to discuss your night.”

  Aleck mentally kicked himself when she didn’t immediately answer. He held his breath as he waited for her response.

  “I think I want that too,” she said quietly.

  Aleck smiled. He brought his hand up and ran it over her hair before sliding it under the messy locks, gripping the back of her neck.

  “I love when you do that,” she said, her eyelids drooping.

  “Do what?” he asked as he leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

  “Hold me by the nape,” she told him.

  Making a mental note to do so as often as possible, he kissed her nose. Then her cheek. Then he brushed his lips against hers lightly. Teasing her. Enjoying the intimacy of the moment.

  When she squirmed against him and grumbled under her breath in frustration because he refused to deepen the kiss, Aleck smiled. “Something wrong?” he asked.

  “Kiss me already,” she ordered.

  “With pleasure,” Aleck said. He tightened his hold on her so she couldn’t pull away—not that he thought she’d do so—and dropped his head once more. This time there was no more teasing. His tongue immediately sought entry to her mouth, which she granted.

  She tasted slightly of mint from when she’d brushed her teeth earlier, and he savored each tiny moan as their tongues dueled erotically. Her hands eased under his shirt beneath the blanket, and his nipples immediately hardened. He only had one hand free because he wasn’t about to let go of her nape, especially now that he knew how much she liked it when he held her possessively, but he eased it down her body, making sure she was all right with his touch before moving further.

  When she arched against him, he ran his hand up her bare thigh, then her side.

  She squirmed against him and mumbled, “Ticklish,” before taking his lips once more.

  Some men might have taken advantage of her ticklishness, but he didn’t want to make her laugh right that moment. He wanted her to moan even more.

  So he moved his hand from her side to her belly. He was tempted to ease it down, under the elastic of her panties, but instead shifted it upward. Not willing to tease her, or himself, Aleck boldly palmed her breast, and they both moaned. Kenna pulled her head back and arched harder into him.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He gave her another squeeze, then flicked her hard nipple with his fingernail. To his surprise, she reciprocated, doing the same to his own nipple.

  “Fuck,” he muttered.

  He saw the satisfied smile on Kenna’s face and freaking loved that she wasn’t just lying docile against him. She was just as into this as he was.

  He removed his hand to throw the blanket back, ignoring her pout. Then he ventured back under her shirt, the pout fading as he began to tease her nipple once more. Her own hand had stilled, as if her brain had short-circuited. He was all right with that. He wanted to please her more than he wanted or needed to be taken care of. She would come first. Always.

  “That feels amazing,” Kenna whispered.

  Shifting so he was hovering above her now, Aleck still didn’t remove his hand from her nape. His thumb brushed back and forth over the sensitive skin there, as he did his best to arouse her with his other hand.

  Her nails dug into his chest, and it turned him on even more. His cock was as hard as it had ever been, but he didn’t spare a moment to do anything about it. This was all for her. His woman had a hard night, and he wanted to help make it better.

  He lowered his head and suckled her nipple, biting and nipping through the wet cotton of her shirt.

  “Oh my God, yes,” Kenna said.

  Then she delighted the shit out of him by reaching for the hem of her shirt and pulling it to her chin, exposing herself fully.

  For a second, Aleck was struck dumb. She was so fucking beautiful. Her round tits sat high and firm on her chest, her pink nipples beckoning. Her hand went to the back of his head and she gripped his hair, pulling him down to her chest.

  Aleck didn’t need to be told twice. He immediately took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked. Hard.

  She cried out in pleasure and pushed his head closer.

  How long he spent worshiping her tits, Aleck didn’t know. He was lost in the pleasure of her reactions.

  It wasn’t until he felt her hips rhythmically thrusting against him that he realized she was on the verge of an orgasm. He felt ten feet tall that he could get her to the edge just by playing with her breasts…before movement between them, down low, caught his attention. He glanced down her body, realizing that she’d snaked a hand into her panties. She was frantically rubbing her clit.

  “Don’t stop!” she pleaded.

  There was no way Aleck was going to miss her going over the edge in his arms for the first time. Even if it was by her own hand. He pinched her nipple. Hard. He was no longer tender and loving as he worked her, squeezed her tit and rolling her nipple roughly in his fingers.

  “That’s it,” he murmured. “Get yourself off. Show me what you look like when you come.”

  She whimpered, her eyes closed as she concentrated on reaching orgasm.

  Aleck continued to stimulate her breasts as she got closer and closer to the edge.

  “Open your eyes,” he ordered as he hovered over her. “Look at me when you come.” Her beautiful brown eyes popped open and he could see her pupils were dilated with lust. “That’s it, babe. Come for me. Come hard.”

  He stared into her eyes as he pinched her nipple once more, and that was all it took. Every muscle in her body tensed and her thighs shook as she flew over the edge. She curled into him and cried out as she gave into the pleasure coursing through her.

  Her hand stopped moving under her panties—but Aleck wanted more.

  Knowing he was pushing his luck, yet unable to stop, he eased his hand down, gripping her sex possessively. She’d slipped her own hand away, and he ruthlessly began rubbing her clit through the wet cotton.

  She jerked in his hold and said, “Too sensitive!”

  But Aleck shook his head. “One more,” he rasped.


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