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Page 3

by Vivica James

  “Please, Raphael. I can’t—”

  His blue eyes briefly caught mine, as he spoke. “Ah, my love, but you can. It is why they call it the ‘petit mort’. Let me take you there.”

  Although my dress was no higher, his hand made its way to the soaked silken panties, I wore. The ones he had bought. My passion was obvious and I heard him sigh.

  His finger slid the material to the side. While his thumb began to gently circle my swollen nub, another thick finger eased its way inside of me. I gasped and Raphael moaned in response.

  “You are so wet.” His finger sliding in and out of me in rhythm to the music from within the ballroom.

  My grip tightened on the rail as my legs became liquid.

  “Raphael, I’m going to—”

  “Not yet. I want my mouth on you. I want to feel your lips quiver on mine.”

  I didn’t think I could hold off. My body was screaming for liberation. His hand pulled away and he lifted my hem.

  “Rafe!! You out here?” A booming voice from the doorway called out.

  I froze, my body at its tipping point. Instantly Raphael stood, covering me with his large frame. My dress, but not my climax was released.

  A masked couple rounded the corner.



  Dammit, the man had horrendous timing. I would have gladly tossed him over the balcony if Maisie hadn’t not been at his side. I hoped I had hidden Brenna enough that she could take a moment to compose herself. I may be willing to share many things with my brothers, but no one other than me would ever be witness to that particular look of desire upon her face.

  Gabriel shook his head and scowled. “You’re a hard man to find. I need to speak with you.”


  “Yes, now.”

  For such a perceptive man, he was oblivious to what he had interrupted. It was Maisie that grabbed his hand and cleared her throat, giving her husband a pointed look.

  To his credit, he did manage a shrug of apology. “I know it’s rude, Maisie, but you more than anyone know how important this is.”

  It must have been for Gabriel to be this inconsiderate. I turned to make my apologies to Brenna, but she stepped around me.


  Gabriel’s wife took just only a moment before she smiled and opened her arms. “Brenna!”

  “What are you doing here?” they said in unison, then began to giggle like schoolgirls. I looked to Gabriel, but he was as confused as I was.

  Brenna turned back to me, “Maisie was my old roommate.”

  The story she had told me earlier suddenly made sense. I could see now, why the ladies were so amused.

  Although he was smiling at his wife’s delight, Gabriel was obviously distracted. Something was definitely wrong.

  “What is it?” If the problem could be solved immediately, I wanted it handled so I could get back to my evening with Brenna.

  Gabriel looked to Brenna, and then back to me. I nodded. Reassured, he answered. “It’s Michael. He requires…assistance.”

  Michael was the oldest of our four. He was also the most physical. There was very little that he could not handle on his own. His biggest problem was himself. We had lost him to the French Foreign Legion for a few years, and when he came back, he wasn’t the same man who had left. There was a darkness to him, that usually under control, could rear its head at the most inopportune times. Apparently, this was one of those times.

  I didn’t want to leave Brenna. I cursed Michael for his selfishness, but perhaps I was being equally so.

  Brenna smiled. “Go. Like you, I understand the importance of family.”

  Mon Dieu, the woman was a jewel. Brenna’s reassurance and lack of irritation at our interruption and unfortunate change of plans, confirmed for me that I had chosen wisely. I could also see the approval on Gabriel’s face.

  “I do hate to leave you, but for the moment, I believe you are in wonderful hands.”

  “Of course, I am.”

  As I leaned in to kiss her cheek, Brenna whispered, “Although I much prefer your hands.”

  I inhaled her scent. “Now it is you who is incorrigible.”

  “What I am, is yours.”

  I tamped down my thoughts of leaving Michael to his own devices and whisking Brenna away and finishing what we had started on the balcony.

  Gabriel cleared his throat and I shot him a deadly glare.

  I looked back to Brenna. “We will be back shortly.”

  I was already counting the minutes until I could return to Brenna.



  I took another sip of my coffee and snuggled into the corner of my old couch. I felt like giggling like a schoolgirl. Last night had been singularly the most wonderful night of my entire life.

  Raphael had returned swiftly with Gabriel, their concerns for their brother momentarily pushed aside. They had put out the fire, and Raphael assured me that any repercussions from the night’s events could be dealt with later.

  We spent the rest of the evening dancing and laughing and sharing our life’s stories. With every moment I was certain I was falling deeper and deeper for Raphael Dubois. Being with him was like a dream, and I hoped I never woke from it.

  His offer to look after Gran, was one I gladly accepted. My pride fought the idea for only a moment before my love and wish for Gran to have the very best of care overrode it. He was right when he said that we must do everything we can to protect and care for the ones we love.

  I’d be lying if I said I was going to miss those damn poker games. The money was great, but it was for Gran, and if she didn’t need it, then I could support myself with my writing. I had never worked the game the way the other girls had, but it still left me feeling dirty. I was happy that those days were behind me.

  I’m sure Bobby would be ticked off, but Raphael had made it very clear that Bobby was no longer my problem. I was happy to release that burden.

  I was supposed to be meeting Raphael again this evening. He and Gabriel had some loose ends to tie up regarding Michael, and then he was coming to pick me up. His plans were a surprise, but secretly I was hoping that it would include something that kept us far away from prying eyes. In fact, any eyes other than those gorgeous blue ones.

  There was an unexpected knock at the door. Despite my disheveled appearance, I ran to answer it, hoping it was Raphael. Was he as keen to see me, as I was to see him?

  I couldn’t have been more wrong.

  Once I opened the door, Bobby Mazzano pushed past me, closing the door behind him.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Bobby sneered. “The better question is what the hell are you doing?”

  I looked for my phone, it was still charging in my bedroom. I wasn’t sure what Bobby wanted, but I knew it couldn’t be good.

  “You’re making a mistake by being here, Bobby. I’m done with the game. I don’t work for you anymore.”

  “Wrong. You’re making the mistake of thinking that you’re special. You’re just another body to him, Brenna. I would think you’ve seen enough of that to know better. Men like that chew up girls like you and spit them out like their nothing. You’d be a fool to believe otherwise.”

  He was right about most of the players, but he was wrong about Raphael. I knew that what we had was real, and nothing Bobby said could change how I feel.

  “Then I guess I’m a fool. Raphael isn’t like the others, he’s different.”

  “Ha! Different, do you know how stupid you sound?”

  “Yes, different. I won’t disagree about the others, but they are Raphael. So as much as I appreciate your concern, don’t worry. I’ll be fine.

  Bobby shook his head. “I don’t need to worry, Brenna, because you aren’t going anywhere. I forbid it.”

  Was he out of his mind? What was his problem?

  “You forbid it? You were my boss, not my father and now you aren’t even that. I quit, Bobby. We’re done.” />
  He stepped in close, and I moved back.

  “I was trying to be nice about this, Brenna, but you’re forcing me to be blunt. You will work this game.” I could smell the alcohol on his breath, and God knows what else he had taken before he came here. “For whatever reason, the players like you. Like some frigid unicorn, you’re the one girl that doesn’t put out. These guys like a challenge and right now that’s you. My job is to keep them happy. So, I’m keeping you.”

  My temper flared, I was so tired of being told what to do by this piece of crap.

  “I don’t care what they need. I’m done. I’m out.”

  “Leave my game and you’ll regret it.”

  “You can’t do anything to me, I’ve done nothing wrong, and Raphael will kill you if you hurt me.”

  “Maybe you’ve done nothing, but can you say the same about you precious Raphael Dubois? How do think those guys get where they are? You think that any of them play by the rules? You know exactly the kind of men they are. You’ve heard them talk. They think the rules don’t apply to them.”

  “I told you, Raphael is not like them.”

  Bobby laughed. “Do you even hear yourself? Don’t be so naïve. They are the same and I can prove it.”

  The pit that had been forming in my stomach started to grow. “What do you mean?”

  “You think I don’t have cameras in that room. A few words whispered in the right ears, will take down Dubois for good. The authorities would jump at the chance to see that arrogant prick fall.”

  An icy chill ran across my skin, as Bobby’s words penetrated. I knew Raphael’s heart, but I knew nothing of his business. I did know what I’d heard around that table for the last 18 months. I didn’t want to think of what Raphael had to do to rise up from his sordid beginnings.

  “You wouldn’t.” My words were more of a plea than a denial.

  “I will, if you don’t play ball. So, the decision is yours.”

  He looked so smug as he said the words that my hand whipped out to slap him before I could stop it. “You bastard.”

  He grabbed my wrist and wrenched it. Twisting until I fell to my knees and cried out from the pain.

  “Break it off, or mark my words, your selfishness will be the end of him.”

  Bobby gave my wrist a final jerk, then he hauled me back to my feet and let go.

  “Maybe use the free time to visit your grandmother. I know she’s not well these days. Old people,” he shrugged. “You never know when they might leave us.”

  I didn’t say a word as I held my injured wrist. I just wanted him gone. He seemed to approve of my silence. Giving me a smug smile and wink, he left, closing the door behind him.


  Michael’s issues were becoming a problem. Gabriel, Uri, and I had spent the better part of our morning trying to talk some sense into his thick head. He wouldn’t listen. But when did he listen to anyone? He was settled for now, but I had a feeling that this was not the end of it.

  I loved my brother, but his behavior had already taken too much of my time. Meetings that should have finished, had been pushed to the afternoon. Any obstacles between me and time with Brenna were fast becoming a pain in the ass. That included work, and my troublesome brother.

  I couldn’t wait to see her tonight. My people would be informing Bobby Mazzano she was off his payroll and the process to move her grandmother had begun. Things were going exactly as I planned. When Brenna and I met tonight, we could start to talk about our future together.

  Mon Dieu, it felt good to say those words. I now understood how Gabriel felt when he found Maisie. With my brothers at my side I had always felt I could take on the world. With Brenna, I knew I had finally won.

  ‘Ce Lui.’ The One. There was such beauty in discovering the soul that was matched to yours. I could only imagine the joy on my mother’s face to know that her steadfast belief, that I would find a heart to meld with my own, had come to fruition.

  Brenna was a treasure. She was a voluptuous goddess that had stirred the smoldering embers of desire in my heart to an inferno that could never be extinguished. My heart longed for the moment we would consummate our passion. My body demanded it. Her response to my touch at the ball had given me a glimpse into the heaven that awaited in her arms.

  Yet it wasn’t just her soft flesh that called to me. Brenna’s commitment, loyalty and desire to protect the ones she loved was more than I could have hoped for. To have such a gift, wrapped up into one perfect woman was a miracle. My miracle, and there was no questioning this truth.

  Brenna would always be mine.


  Afraid he would come back, I quickly locked the door,

  It took me a moment to catch my breath. Tears streamed down my face, and my heart screamed its denial, but I knew what I had to do. With leaden legs I walked back to grab my phone from the nightstand. My fingers cold and body numb, I sent the text.

  I told Raphael it was over. Fun, but nothing more than a fling and I needed to move on.

  I lied.

  I sent another text to Bobby, letting him know it was done, and I would be at the next game.

  It was finished and Raphael would be safe. It was better to destroy my heart, than to destroy the life of the man I loved.

  No one ever guaranteed that doing the right thing was going to feel good.

  To have found Raphael was a gift I never thought I would receive. To lose him was a crushing blow. But it was a blow I was willing to accept if it meant protecting him.

  I finally understood what people meant when they said that you had to love someone enough to let them go. What I felt for Raphael was real. I would do anything for him and that included breaking my heart into a million little pieces to know he was safe.

  I understood he had money, more than I could fathom, but these were different times. The whole world had witnessed mountains fall from scandal, and I had no desire to be the reason Raphael lost it all. He may think he cared for me now, but how could any man forgive a woman who led to his destruction. I didn’t even want him to have to try. That is how I knew that my love for Raphael was stronger than my need for a whole heart.

  I would work for Bobby as long as I needed to cover Gran’s bills. The time would come where that would no longer be necessary and when it did, I would take my broken heart and my laptop and leave this place. Travel the world and write my pain and heartache away.

  If I could use my hand. My wrist was killing me. I almost relished the physical pain as it matched the ache in my chest. I probably needed to get it checked, but I didn’t need anyone asking questions.

  The only person that came to mind was Maisie. She was a nurse, and I could ask her over on the premise of continuing our reconnection. It felt horrible to lie to her, and I probably could have figured out how to wrap it on the internet; but as I sent the text, I realized that more than anything I just wanted some company.

  Raphael hadn’t responded to the text I had sent. I could see that he hadn’t read it either. Maisie on the other hand answered immediately and was free to come over right away and she wasn’t far away. She seemed happy to reconnect.

  Thank, God for Maisie. Right now, I needed help and I needed a friend, and both those things were in short supply.

  I threw a bottle of wine in the fridge to chill. I had a feeling I was going to need a little liquid courage to get through this day.

  I guess having a private driver, made getting around the city a lot faster as Maisie was soon knocking at the door. When I answered, it was to my absolutely glowing friend. She had looked beautiful last night at the ball, but I could see know there was a radiance that was shining from within. After all she had been through, she deserved to be happy.

  Maisie hugged me and looked around the apartment. “It’s cozy, really cute.”

  I had to laugh. “Not quite so fancy as you must be used to these days, hey?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I can’t lie. It sure beats our old place. Remember that ol
d lady upstairs with that trumpet?”

  How could I have forgotten? “I’ve tried hard to forget. Can I get you a drink? Wine?” I waved the bottle with my good hand, as I pulled it from the fridge.

  Colour rose to Maisie’s cheeks. “None for me, thanks.”

  I nearly dropped the Chardonnay. “Oh my God! Really? That’s amazing. I am so happy for you.” And I was, but I would be lying if I didn’t feel a twinge of jealously touch my heart.

  “Thanks. It’s still early, but Gabriel is over the moon. If I let him, I’m sure he’d announce it on the front page of every newspaper in the country.”

  Gabriel loved her. They were going to have a baby. I was so happy for her, then suddenly I burst into tears. Some friend, I was.

  Maisie rushed over. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Sorry. I really am excited for you guys. I think I’m just exhausted.”

  She gave me a knowing look and winked. “If Raphael is anything like Gabriel, then you won’t be feeling rested anytime soon.

  My gut wrenched at her words. She was talking about a life I could only dream of having now.

  I waved off her words, “Oh, that’s not a thing anymore. Last night was fun, but he’s not right for me.”

  Maisie looked confused. “Not quite right? You don’t like gorgeous, loving, wealthy protective men, who would move mountains for you?” She gave me a skeptical look. “I’m pretty sure he’s everyone’s type.

  How could I argue? She was right. Painfully so, but that didn’t change my reality. “Then someone out there is going to be very lucky. It’s just not me.”

  I placed a wine glass down a little too hard on the counter and winced.

  Maisie raised her brow. “Are you okay?”

  “I hurt it earlier, this morning.”

  “Come over to the couch. There’s better light by the window. Let me have a look.”

  I felt like such a fraud. Maisie really was a good friend. “Sure is handy having a nurse for a friend.”

  I sat down next to her and held out my hand. I sucked in a breath as she carefully tried to turn my wrist.


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