Quantum Christianity: Believe Again
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“When we face conflict, it’s so easy in our human mind to get focused on the conflict itself. But God is trying to get us to focus higher, to look at the big picture. Look at your conflict through the lens of your destiny. God thinks higher than us, and he’s constantly trying to get us to a place where we can think like him.”
—Keith Craft
“Sometimes we are outright rude when we interact with people. We meet a gay guy or a couple living together, and we think we have the obligation and right to warn them what God thinks about their sexuality on our first meeting. As if their sex life is the first thing on God’s agenda. It’s not. Love is. Grace is. Mercy is. Jesus is.”
—Judah Smith, Jesus Is
“Christianity without love is just another cult. The world does not care what we know until they now that we care.”
—John Hagee
“Paul laid down a daunting task for the church when he said in I Corinthians, ‘I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.’ Even though God has created the church as unified, unity doesn’t come easy today. Unity is something that requires humility, patience, and skill to achieve and maintain. When speaking of ‘unity,’ I’m not talking about leaving truth and your personal convictions at home and succumbing to some uniform mindset. Rather, I’m talking about a humble mindset that seeks unity first in essential areas and that disagrees in love on non-essential issues rather than seeking to create division.”
—Mark Driscoll
“There is no worse screen to block out the Spirit than confidence in our own intelligence.”
—John Calvin
“If we are going to reach forward and take hold of the destiny God has for us, we cannot stay stuck in a moment of the past.”
—Christine Caine, Run to Win!: Pursuing God and Finishing Strong
“We can so easily become attached to our own ways of doing things that we forget about God’s ways. We can get so immersed in our agendas, our ideas, our vision, our desires that we forget to say, ‘Your kingdom come, your will be done.’ For some people, the greatest obstacle to getting unstuck and beginning to make progress in life is their unwillingness to change. A new thought, a new habit, a new perspective could revolutionize their present and jump-start their future, but so many times they find it difficult to change and do things a different way.”
—John Siebeling, Momentum: Five Keys from the Lord’s Prayer to Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward
“The one who knows all about nutrition and exercise will still be overweight and out of shape unless he removes the negative thoughts and habits that created his unhealthy lifestyle. It is obvious that just hearing or learning the truth is not all there is to being free.”
—Casey Treat, Renewing the Mind: The Foundation of Your Success
“You don’t have a faith deficiency, you have a knowledge problem! You don’t know what you’ve got. You haven’t learned the laws that govern faith or how to cooperate with them. If you don’t acknowledge this faith and learn how to use it, then you won’t see it manifest. It won’t be because you don’t have it but because you’re ignorant of how it works!”
—Andrew Wommack, Spirit, Soul and Body
“Atonement through the grace of God is scientific in its application. Jesus used many methods of healing the sick. All were scientific. Science is the discovery of how God does things. Jesus laid His hands upon the sick in obedience to the law of contact and transmission. Contact of His hands with the sick one permitted the Spirit of God in Him to flow into the sick man.”
—John G. Lake, John G. Lake, His Life, His Sermons, His Boldness of Faith
“Tradition is simply continuing the old franchise of the past but eventually that old franchise becomes irrelevant. Chained to tradition, the church will never be able to discover the creative forces they were meant to possess.”
—Kim Clement, Secrets of the prophetic, Unveiling Your Future
“The Voice you believe will determine the reality you experience.”
—Steven Furtick
“With even greater detail, God wrote an ’address’ in history to single out his Son, The messiah, the Savior of mankind, from anyone who has ever lived in history—past, present and future. The specifics of this ’address’ can be found in the Old Testament, a document written over a period of 1,000 years which contains over 300 references to his coming. Using the science of probability, we find the chances of just forty-eight of these prophecies being fulfilled in one person to be only one in ten to the 157th power.”
—Josh McDowell, More Than A Carpenter: Certainty in an Uncertain World
“To reach the closest star by airplane would take approximately fifty-one billion years, non-stop! That’s 51,000,000,000 years! Yet light from this star travels to earth in only 4.3 years . . . Scientists estimate there are billions of galaxies, each of them loaded with billions of stars . . . Our finite minds cannot even begin to comprehend distances this immense . . . And God can measure all this with the span of His hand! To top it off, the psalmist tells us, ’He [God] counts the number of stars; He calls them all by name. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power, His understanding is infinite (Ps. 147:4–5).’ Not only can He count the billions upon billions of stars, but He knows the names of each one!”
—John Bevere, The Fear of the Lord: Discover the Key to Intimately Knowing God
“You have been healed to bring others to the Healer. You have been restored so that you can introduce others to the Restorer. And you have been revolutionized by Him to become a revolutionary.”
—Sergio De La Mora, The Heart Revolution: Releasing the Power to Live from the Inside Out
“God loves you. You are one of his children. He’s crazy about you. There is nothing you can do to make God love you more. And there is nothing you can do to make God love you less. Love is not something God does. It is who God is. And because of who He is, God loves you. Period.”
—Craig Groeschel, The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living as if He Doesn’t Exist
When I initially set out to write Quantum Christianity, I had never heard anyone teach or write about much of the content that I believed God was revealing to me. For me, it was a fresh and uninfluenced revelation. Instruction from the Holy Spirit was my primary catalyst for any nonscientific content. I was studying some writings on the kingdom of God from the book Divine Conspiracy by theologian Dallas Willard, but other than that, I was immersed mostly in science books and articles.
As I shared some of what God was giving me with some of my inner circle of friends, they advised me to read a few other books from Christian authors with whom they were familiar and believed had parallel content (some of which are listed below). Initially, I refused to read them because I did not want to be influenced by what anyone else had written during a time when I was sincerely attempting to hear and learn from God.
After I finished my first draft of the manuscript, I took several months away from writing and read the books that my friends had recommended. To my excitement, I found that I was not the only one who was deeply considering many of these thoughts. Many others were expressing similar perspectives and experiences. I wore out my highlighters taking notes from their books and then went back to my own manuscript and rewrote my content while also refererring to their words. I feel like this additional content filled in the gaps of what was missing by solidifying a much more well-rounded project from multiple perspectives. And I’m thrilled with the final results.
For those interested in pursuing a deeper knowledge of what has been addressed in Quantum Christianity, here is a list of other writings that I referred to in the writing of this book. Some I had already read; others I came across during the writing. The ones marked with an asterisk (*) are more directly related to my subject content, while the others were referred to but are n
ot necessarily written from a parallel perspective:
100 Days of Grace, Rob Koke
* Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in your Mind, Joyce Meyer
* The Believer’s Authority, Kenneth E. Hagin
The Christian Atheist: When You Believe in God But Live as if He Doesn’t Exist, Craig Groeschel
The Compassionate Samurai: Being Extraordinary in an Ordinary World, Brian Klemmer
The Covenantal Structure of the Bible, Ralph Allan Smith
The Cross: One Man. One Tree. One Friday, Rod Parsley
Destined to Reign: The Secret to Effortless Success, Wholeness and Victorious Living, Joseph Prince
* The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life In God, Dallas Willard
Exorcism: The Reality of Evil . . . and Our Power over It! Lester Sumrall
* Experience the Impossible: Simple Ways to Unleash Heaven’s Power on Earth, Bill Johnson
The Fear Of The Lord: Discover the Key to Intimately Knowing God, John Bevere
The Final Quest, Rick Joyner
Forces That Form Your Future, Kevin Gerald
Fresh Air: Trading Stale Spiritual Obligation for a Life-Altering, Energizing, Experience-It-Everyday Relationship with God, Chris Hodges
God and the New Physics, Paul Davies
Graceworks, Tony Sutherland (Although not directly related, this is one of the most impactful books I have read for my development and understanding of the subject of the Grace of God. It was liberating for me.)
Greater: Dream Bigger. Start Smaller. Ignite God’s Vision for Your Life, Steven Furtick
The Heart Revolution: Releasing the Power to Live from the Inside Out, Sergio De La Mora
How to Maximize Your Life, Brian Houston
Increase God’s Way, Jerry Savelle
Invading Babylon: The 7 Mountain Mandate, C. Peter Wagner, Bill Johnson, Lance Wallnau
Jesus Is, Judah Smith
* John G. Lake: His Life, His Sermons, His Boldness of Faith, John G. Lake & Kenneth Copeland
Legacy Now: Why Everything About You Matters, Phil Munsey
Loose That Man and Let Him Go! T. D. Jakes
Momentum: Five Keys from the Lord’s Prayer to Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward, John Siebeling
More Than a Carpenter: Certainty in an Uncertain World, Josh McDowell
Next Generation Leader: 5 Essentials for Those Who Will Shape the Future, Andy Stanley
Only God Knows Why, Randy White
Primal: A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity, Mark Batterson
The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? Rick Warren
Pursuit of His Presence: Daily Devotions to Strengthen Your Walk with God, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland
* PUSH: Pray Until Something Happens: Divine Principles for Praying with Confidence, Discerning God’s Will, and Blessing Others, Jurgen Matthesius
* Quantum Glory: The Science of Heaven Invading Earth, Phil Mason
* Renewing the Mind: The Foundation of Your Success, Casey Treat
Run to Win! Pursuing God and Finishing Strong, Christine Caine
Secrets of the Prophetic: Unveiling Your Future, Kim Clement
* Spirit, Soul and Body, Andrew Wommack
* Stepping Into Greatness: Finding the Flow of Your Intended Destiny, Dr. Mark Chironna
* The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind: Access to a Life of Miracles, Bill Johnson
The Uncommon Leader: 31 Keys for Unlocking Your Greatness, Mike Murdock
* Walking In The Supernatural: Receiving Spiritual Power For A Miraculous Life, T. L. Lowery
* When Heaven Invades Earth: A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles, Bill Johnson
You! The Journey to the Center of Your Worth, Ed Young Jr.
Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential, Joel Osteen
In addition to these books, I am frequently asked what translation of the Bible I personally like to read. It depends upon the purpose for my reading. If I am researching content for a sermon or study, I prefer to use the Amplified Bible (AMP), which breaks down the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic words into multiple English words for a better understanding of the original text. (It is very word-heavy but elaborates in depth.)
For simply reading (or listening to the Bible for free through my free YouVersion app on my iPad and Android phone), I prefer the New American Standard Bible (NASB), and I also like to just read the Message Version (MSG) because of the simplicity and easy flow in its writing. Sometimes I just want to picture the story unfolding, and the MSG paints the easiest picture with the least amount of thought for me.
For cross-referencing original text with modern translations, I also frequently will use a Strong’s Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon.
About the Author
Aaron Davis, also known as the Tattooed Preacher, is an ordained minister of twenty years and the Online Campus Pastor at OasisChurch.Tv. This is his third book, following The Spirit of Religion and Love Thy Neighbor.
Pastor Aaron has served in ministry as a youth pastor, an associate pastor, a traveling evangelist, a street evangelist, a church elder, and a worship leader, and served on the board of trustees in one of the most respected ministries in the US. He has worked with and ministered to the homeless, inner-city youth, gang members, and drug addicts. He’s preached in other countries and is currently pursuing an evangelistic ministry both stateside and abroad.
Aaron was a law enforcement officer from 1999 until 2008, serving as a DARE Officer, School Resource Officer, Detective Sergeant (criminal investigations), and SWAT team member, and was awarded Officer of the Year in 2002. An attempt was made on his life in the line of duty, forcing a medical retirement.
Pastor Aaron is originally from Detroit, Michigan, and lives with his wife of nineteen years, Lisa, and his son, Rocky, in Nashville, Tennessee.
When he’s not researching, writing, or serving others, Aaron enjoys riding his Harley-Davidson motorcycle, scuba diving, skateboarding, and riding dirt bikes with Rocky.
There were several people who helped make this book become a reality. I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge them and thank them for investing in the lives that will be changed by what is presented in Quantum Christianity.
To my wife, Lisa Davis:
Few know the hours I have spent and the time taken away from family in order to adequately research and pen the words written here. Even fewer would understand the expense needed to bring this book to a place of completion. As I struggled to try to figure out how I would pay for the professional services needed to prepare the manuscript for publishing, little did I know that you were saving money and secretly putting it away, making sacrifices of your own so that when the time came I could continue to pursue what God has placed in my heart with excellence and hire the necessary help. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for sacrificing for me. Thank you for always being my greatest supporter and cheerleader. I love you.
To my parents, Larry and René Davis:
This book has taken several years to write, and with Lisa and I both away working, your willingness to be there, supporting us, and taking care of Rocky has been an absolute godsend. Thank you both so much for the financial investment that you made into this book, the sacrifices that you have made over the years, and the wisdom you have poured into me over a lifetime. God gave me the best parents in the world. I am who I am today because of you. I love you.
Galina Osborne:
Thank you, Galina, for your loving heart and obedience. When you heard I was writing a book, you were the first one to tell me that you wanted to invest in the ministry. The contribution you made was both sacrificial and significant. I can never tell you how much it means to me that you wanted to support this project and be a part of the ministry that goes forth with each life touched. You are such a blessing! Thank you.
Zac and Raquel Gallo:
You guys have been such a blessin
g and so instrumental in the publishing of this book, impacting the life of each person who is influenced by reading Quantum Christianity. I simply cannot thank you enough, and you will probably never know the depth of the part that you have played until those lives have an opportunity to personally thank you in eternity. I appreciate and love you both. Thank you.
Summer and Tony Dawes:
I love and appreciate you both so much. Tony, on so many occasions you have been an ear for me to bounce ideas off of and a support to the entire family. I’m so thankful for the family that God has given me, and the blessing that you are in the lives of every person you come in contact with. You guys are amazing! Thank you so much for everything!
Amber Davis:
It seems like yesterday that you were just a little kid, singing and dancing and playing sports with your big brother. Now you’re grown up, have a daughter of your own, and are pursuing your own dreams. I love you and am so thankful that you are my sister. I pray your seed sown into this book provides significant harvest in your life! I know you have been a blessing to me and I pray that comes back to you in huge return!