Quantum Christianity: Believe Again
Page 40
89 Jurgen Matthesius, PUSH: Pray Until Something Happens: Praying with Confidence, Discerning God’s Will and Blessing Others, pg. 155, location 2156.
Chapter 13: RevoLution
90 Tony Sutherland, Graceworks, pg. 47.
91 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_theory.
92 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_effect.
93 Bill Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth (Expanded Edition): A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles, pg. 41, digital edition.
Chapter 14: Symphonic Application
94 http://npr.org/templates/transcript/transcript.php?storyId=142717081.
95 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphony.
96 Google definition.
97 Bill Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth (Expanded Edition): A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles, pg. 172, digital edition.
98 Ibid., pg. 57.
99 Ibid., pg. 58.
[1]00 Lance Wallnau, “The Meaning of Symphony,” http://lancewallnau.com/2013/12/the-meaning-of-symphony/.
[1]01 Ibid.
[1]02 Bill Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth (Expanded Edition): A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles, pg. 52, digital edition.
[1]03 Ibid., pg. 105.
[1]04 Ibid., pg. 102.
[1]05 Mufasa, The Lion King (1994).
[1]06 Oasis Church, Nashville, Tennessee.
[1]07 Bill Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth (Expanded Edition): A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles, digital edition, pg. 83.
[1]08 Ibid., pg. 189.
Chapter 15: Atomic Interconnectedness
[1]09 Dexter, Season 5, Episode 8: “Take It,” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexter_(TV_series).
[1]10 http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/potd/2010/03/mycorrhizal_networks.php.
[1]11 Phil Mason, Quantum Glory: The Science of Heaven Invading Earth, Digital Edition 2010, pp. 81–82.
[1]12 Ibid., pg. 82.
[1]13 Ibid.
[1]14 Jean Staune: “Beyond the Horizon on the Edge of Physics,” http://uip.edu/en/articles-en/beyond-the-horizon-on-the-edge-of-physics.
[1]15 http://www.VictoryChurch.tv.
[1]16 Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy, pp. 58–59.
[1]17 http://www.math.niu.edu/~richard/Math210/comb_ho.pdf.
[1]18 Bill Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth (Expanded Edition): A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles, pg. 92, digital edition.
[1]19 Ibid.
Chapter 16: Revelation Revolution
[1]20 Jay Haizlip, The Sanctuary Church: Westminster & Los Angeles, CA: MySanctuaryChurch.com, “The Importance of Signs and Wonders.”
[1]21 Bill Johnson, sermon quote, “Thinking from the Throne,” June 9, 2013.
[1]22 Ibid.
* * *
* Because of the traumatic nature of the events leading up to my friend’s daughter being admitted to the hospital, I’ve chosen to remain vague on some of the details surrounding this event. I acknowledge that omitting some details may leave the reader wanting more information, but as a pastor, I believe it is important to guard the reputations of those who have placed their trust in me. I would never want anyone to feel betrayed or exploited by anything I have written. I hope you can respect my position on this while understanding I would do the same to protect your privacy.
* Several people have asked if I still have the watch and if I noticed anything else abnormal with it. I never noticed anything else out of the ordinary, other than the gaining of time and the lack of explanation for it. I continued to wear the watch daily, never having another inconsistent issue. To my extreme disappointment, I lost the watch surfing in California in 2013. I was paddling hard to catch a wave, and the resistance from the water caused my clasp to come unlatched. As I swung my arm forward to paddle, the watch flew off my wrist about fifteen yards in front of me into the murky water. I waited until low tide the next day and looked for about two hours, but I never found it.
* Covenant, also known as the protoevangelium or “First declaration of the Gospel,” References: http://www.jesus.org/is-jesus-god/old-testament-prophecies/what-is-the-protoevangelium-protoevangelion.html, and http://carm.org/dictionary-protoevangelium.
* I would also put this subject in the same category as the endless hole-filled debates over the age of the earth and whether or not dinosaurs coexisted with modern man, all of which can by theorized into the dirt (pun intended), but are unlikely to change the mindsets of those whose perspectives are as fossilized in stone.
* Length, width, height, and time being the four dimensions upon which our physical laws are built.
* Leviticus 19:28, “Do not tattoo yourselves”: This prohibition probably refers only to the common ancient Near-Eastern practice of branding a slave with his owner’s name as well as branding the devotees of a god with its name.
* Sandage is considered to be one of the founders of modern astronomy and was widely regarded to be the world’s greatest cosmologist until his death in 2010. He came to believe in God as a result of his science, as he announced at a conference on the origin of the universe in 1985. He also became a Christian.
* Upon hearing this story, someone asked if I asked him to pray for my healing as well. I didn’t. I was so interested in the information I didn’t even consider my own need.