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The Lies We Tell Ourselves (A Southern Heroes Novel Book 3)

Page 15

by Michelle Heard

  “It didn’t go squeaky,” he quickly defends himself.

  I lean over him and press a kiss to his cheek. “It went squeaky, all right.”

  “I’m throwin’ this book in the trash on the way out,” he threatens.

  “You will do no such thing,” Nurse Hensley suddenly says. She walks closer, takes the book from Alec, then holds it to her chest. “This is book one from one of my favorite collections.”

  Alec and I stare at Nurse Hensley, not sure whether she's serious.

  “Thanks for lendin’ it to me,” Mom says.

  “You’re welcome, dear.”

  Well shit, I guess she’s serious. Good for her.

  “Are you ready?” Alec asks as he takes hold of my elbow.

  “Yeah.” I look at Mom. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

  “Have fun.” We walk to the door, then Mom adds, “Don’t do anythin’ I wouldn’t do.” I let out a chuckle. “On second thought, go crazy.”

  “See ya, Mom,” I call as I walk out of her room. She’s become mischievous and playful, not that I’m complaining. I love seeing her like this.

  After leaving the house, Alec drives toward Spartanburg.

  “Are we going to your apartment?” I ask, curious about what he has planned.

  “No, we’re gonna visit my mom,” he says.

  I stare at him, surprised to hear this. “Really?”

  “Yeah, and you’re in for a treat, ’cause she’s makin’ pancakes.”

  Instantly, I feel nervous as hell. I start to chew on the inside of my bottom lip as we get closer to our destination. When Alec pulls the car into a driveway, my eyes are drawn to the porch where I see a woman sitting on the steps.

  When she sees the car, she jumps up and excitedly walks over to us.

  We get out of the car, and I watch as she throws her arms around Alec’s neck, hugging him tightly.

  There’s a happy smile on her face when she looks at me and says, “I’m Faye.”

  Reaching a hand out to her, she takes hold of it only to pull me into a hug. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. Alec has told me so much about you, it feels like I know you already.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Taylor,” I say, hugging her back.

  “Call me Faye, or I’ll feel old.” Taking my hand, she pulls me toward the front door. “I’ve already made the pancakes, so we can sit down and eat.

  As I enter the living room, I see photos of Alec everywhere, and it’s clear Faye lives for her son. I look at a couple on my way to the kitchen.

  “Is there anythin’ I can help with,” I ask, but then I see the kitchen table. “Oh wow.”

  “Yeah, Mom likes to go all out on Pancake Friday.”

  There’s a massive pile of pancakes stacked in the middle of the table, surrounded by plates filled with bacon, scrambled eggs, hash browns, and a whole lot more.

  We sit down, and Faye hands me a plate. “Help yourself.”

  “Thank you.” I take a couple of pancakes, spreading butter between each one, then glazing the top with just enough syrup that it slowly drips down the sides. Glancing up I see Alec watching me with a thoughtful look. “Oh, I’m sorry, do you pray first?”

  He shakes his head. “No, you can eat. I’m just lookin’ at you.” He reaches over the table and brushes a stray hair back behind my ear. “Isn’t she beautiful, Mom?”

  Faye sits down and looks at me with the same thoughtful look, and at the moment the resemblance between her an Alec are so strong, you’d have to be blind not to know they’re mother and son.

  “She’s gorgeous,” Faye agrees, making me blush, “but then you’ve always had good taste.”

  Alec winks at me. “Hear that? I have good taste.”

  I let out a burst of laughter, then take a sip of water to ease the heat in my face.

  “How’s your friend, Wyatt?” Faye asks Alec.

  “I haven’t been able to reach him yet.”

  I hear the worry in Alec’s voice, and ask, “Did somethin’ happen?”

  He shakes his head and begins to pile food onto his plate. “No, he’s just dealin’ with something’.”

  Faye places a couple of pancakes on her own plate, then says, “Well, when you hear from him be sure to tell him, I’d love to meet him.”

  “Will do,” Alec replies.

  We eat in silence for a little while, when Faye asks, “How did the hearin’ go for that Roberts’ guy?”

  I stop mid-bite, and my eyes dart between Faye and Alec.

  He sets his fork down, and leaning back in the chair, he says, “It went well. They got sentenced, so I suppose justice was served.”

  “They did? When?” Why didn’t I know about this?

  “The hearin’ was on Tuesday. With Wyatt disappearin’ afterward it slipped my mind. Sorry, Reece, I should’ve told you.”

  “So, Clay’s locked up?”

  “Yeah.” He lets out a sigh. “But Liles is a free man. The prosecutor didn’t have a solid case against him.”

  “Getting two out of the three is a win, Alec,” Faye says.

  “I suppose so.”

  I place my hand on his arm. “Your mom’s right. It’s a win.”

  Alec picks up his fork again and says, “Enough of work. Mom, do you still have the hots for Barry?” He turns his eyes to me, and explains, “Barry’s the new neighbor who moved in across the street.”

  “Hot new neighbor,” Faye corrects him.

  “She’s so far gone in love, I’m surprised she hasn’t asked me to set up surveillance on the poor guy.”

  I laugh, thinking how Mom would definitely ask Alec to do something like that.

  “Just two cameras will be enough,” Faye answers dead-serious.

  When we get home, Alec pulls me toward the indoor garden. He grabs the blanket I keep there in case Mom get’s cold, and leads me outside through the glass doors.

  After he spreads the blanket on the lawn, we sit down. He places his arm around me and pulls me into his side, then he takes hold of my hand and puts it around his waist.

  “It feels like a lifetime has passed since that night we sat out here and I first kissed you,” he says with his eyes glancing over the yard.

  “Mmm… that was some kiss,” I admit.

  “Yeah?” he whispers, turning his head to me. His eyes lock on mine. “You want me to re-enact it?”

  I grin and nod excitedly when he suddenly kisses me. The peck is so quick, I barely felt it.

  I begin to pout when he moves in slowly, his eyes filling with the intensity I’ve grown addicted to seeing. He stops an inch away, letting our breaths mingle and the anticipation builds, then brushes his lips over mine.

  The way Alec kisses me has ruined me for any other man. It means more to me than our wild lovemaking. It’s in moments like this I can feel his love for me.

  Alec pulls back, his eyes caressing my face. “I like you a lot, Reece.”

  I smile and poke him in the stomach which makes him laugh. Wagging my eyebrows at him, I say, “I kinda like you a lot, too, Alec.”


  “They’re my family to love and protect.”


  It’s Mrs. Nicolson’s birthday, and I have something special planned for her.

  I move everything in the living room against the wall. Making sure nothing is obstructing the open floor space, I check the sound system and pause the song at the beginning of the track.

  Glancing up at Nurse Hensley who helped me set my plan in motion, and I say, “You can bring her down.”

  She goes to call Reece and Mrs. Nicolson, and I move to the bottom of the stairs. I glance down at the suit I’m wearing, and then straighten my tie.

  As Mrs. Nicolson comes into view, I smile and lock eyes with her. When she reaches me, I take the wheelchair from Nurse Hensley. She gestures to the couch for Reece as I push the wheelchair to the middle of the room.

  “What’s all this?” Mrs. Nicolson asks.

sp; “You’ll see,” I say, and when Nurse Hensley brings the braces, I lean down and wrap my arms around Mrs. Nicolson’s back. “Place your arms around my neck.”

  She does as I ask, and I pull her out of the chair. I hold her to my body while Nurse Hensley straps the braces on her legs, and on her back. When she’s done, she goes to the sound system and watches for my sign.

  I move my right arm around Mrs. Nicolson’s waist, and lift her, so her feet are on top of mine. As I take her right hand in mine, I look into her eyes and smile.

  “Will you dance with me?”

  Her chin begins to tremble and overwhelmed she can only nod.

  Emotion rushes through me at seeing her reaction and taking a deep breath, I nod at Mrs. Hensley to push play.

  The opening cords to She’s like the wind by Patrick Swayze fills the air.

  Locking eyes with Mrs. Nicolson, I take a step backward as he sings the opening line. Instantly tears spring to her eyes, and it makes me smile gently at her.

  I move slowly to the beat, and when it gets to the chorus, I sing softly to her, “Just a fool to believe I have anythin’ she needs. She’s like the wind.”

  A tear trickles down her cheek, making me wrap my arms tightly around her. I sway to the rest of the song as she buries her face against my chest, and even after the song ends, I keep on slowly dancing with her.

  I pull back and taking hold of her chin, I lift her tear-stained face to mine.

  “A couple of months ago, I met this feisty redhead. Little did I know I’d end up fallin’ in love with her and her mother.”

  Mrs. Nicolson sniffs as she blinks fast.

  “I’d like your blessin’ to marry, Reece. I promise I’ll always read to you.”

  She starts to nod as her face crumbles with emotion.

  “I promise I’ll always dance with you.” My voice is hoarse with all the feelings swamping me. A tear rolls down my cheek, and I don’t bother wiping it away.

  She brings her hands to my face, and cupping my jaw, she wipes the wetness away with her thumb. “She better marry you.”

  Wrapping her arms around my neck, she pulls me down into a hug. Standing still, we hold each other for a long while.

  When Mrs. Nicolson pulls back, she whispers, “Thank you for being my legs.”

  “You’re welcome, ma’am.”

  She shakes her head. “Mom.”

  “You’re welcome, Mom,” I say, which brings a warm smile to her lips.

  Nurse Hensley helps me to remove the braces, and once I have Mrs. Nicolson sitting comfortably in the wheelchair, I look at Reece.

  Her eyes are red from crying, and I smile gently at her. “Reece, you’re an amazing woman. You’re so far out of my league, but I’m hopin’ my love will be enough for you.”

  She covers her mouth with a trembling hand as I start to walk towards her. Kneeling at her feet, I look up at her with all the love I feel for her in my eyes.

  “I promise I’ll protect you, and Mom. I promise I’ll never leave y’all. Will you marry me?”

  Throwing her arms around my neck, she sinks to my lap, and nodding wildly she says, “Yes. Yes. A million times yes.”

  “Thank God you said yes, or there would’ve been a murder in this house today,” Nurse Hensley mumbles.

  “You bet ya,” Mrs. Nicolson says.

  I laugh and then lift Reece’s face to mine. Leaning in, I tell her with one look that she’s my world. I’ll only ever see her. I press my mouth to hers in a soft kiss.

  We’re both still kneeling on the floor when I pull the tiny box from my jacket. Opening it, I remove the ring and taking hold of Reece’s left hand, I slide it onto her finger.

  “It’s a done deal now. Y’all can’t go back on the promise,” Mrs. Nicolson warns.

  I climb to my feet and help Reece up before I walk to her mom. Taking another box from my pocket, I open it and crouching down, I slide the ring onto her right ring finger.

  “This is better than any romance novel I’ve ever read,” Mom says.

  “It’s all the trainin’ he’s had readin’ to you, dear,” Nurse Hensley comments, making us all laugh.

  I move everything to their right spots while Nurse Hensley brings out the champagne. While we’re each enjoying a glass, my gaze rests on each of the women who fill a considerable space in my heart.

  How did I get this lucky?

  The End.


  Aiden’s Book - The Ocean Between Us

  Cole’s book - The Girl In The Closet.

  Alec’s book – The Lies We Tell Ourselves.

  Wyatt’s book - All The Wasted Time.

  Zac’s book – We Were Lost.

  Aiden’s book – The Fire Between Us.


  Michelle is a Bestselling Romance Author who loves creating stories her readers can get lost in. She loves an alpha hero who is not afraid to fight for his woman.

  Want to be up to date with what’s happening in Michelle’s world? Sign up to receive the latest news on her alpha hero releases, sales, and great giveaways →

  If you enjoyed this book or any book, please consider leaving a review. It’s appreciated by authors.


  Sheldon, I live for you.

  Allyson, (who had to drag me through the sex scenes, and wrote half of it herself) thank you for being a fantastic Editor. I’d be lost without you.

  Leeann & Sheena, thank you so much for letting me run my crazy ideas by you, and for brainstorming with me. You’re the best Alpha Readers an author could ask for.

  Elaine, Jennifer, Kelly, Kristine, Kaci, & Sarah thank you for being the godparents of my paper-baby, and for beta reading for me.

  Sybil, thank you for the breathtakingly stunning cover.

  Johhny & Eric, thank you for the badass photo. It’s always a pleasure working with both of you.

  A special thank you to every blogger and reader who took the time to take part in the cover reveal and release day.






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