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Reign of The Valdraken

Page 8

by N L Nold

  She took the few steps necessary to lead her from the fallen tree and out into the opening that held their small fire still being tended by the fae.

  His head raised as she approached his gray eyes meeting hers for the briefest of moments before turning away to once again monitor their surroundings.

  She veered off to the right going around the log to find a place to relieve herself. Making short work of her needs she once again returned to the fire and the fae. Finding her place across the fire from him she sat and stared into the flames neither making an effort to speak.

  After several long moments of silence, she was surprised when Eerikki broke the silence.

  “I couldn’t save him. I tried, forced all my magic into him but to no avail.”

  He whispered into the silence of the night. Reign sat in silent contemplation before speaking knowing this was a make or break moment between her and the fae.

  “I’ve never healed anyone but myself, never cared enough to try. My light magic appears good but like me it manifests itself using pain and hate.”

  She was addressing the fae but couldn’t bring herself to look at him having never admitted that to anyone before.

  “I… I haven’t had a good life Eerikki. I know little of kindness and loyalty and even less of love. What you three are asking of me I… I don’t know if I can be what you want.”

  Finally raising her eyes to meet his she expected to find sympathy perhaps even disgust but instead she found understanding. This fae understood her plight. He recognized the fear and insecurity she held, and he did not back away from it.

  “Reign we don’t expect you to change for us, we don’t want you for what you are the powers you possess. We were born for you, to love you, to protect you always.”

  He placed a hand over his heart.

  “We feel you in here, it’s a pull, an indescribable need to be near you.”

  He lowered his gaze.

  “I realize we didn’t exactly approach this whole thing in the right way, dumping all this destiny on you and just expecting you to fall in line.”

  Reign laughed at that.

  “You certainly could have gone about it better.”

  She said with a smile. Eerikki raised his head once more a smile on his beautiful lips.

  “I can’t promise we are going to give up, but after the ass kicking you gave us today, I can promise we will try to do better.”

  Reign and the fae laughed together at that, neither speaking but instead reaching a silent agreement. They spent the rest of the evening hours sitting together in quiet comfort neither feeling the need to speak but rather enjoying each other’s company.

  Chapter 14

  A new bond

  The sun had just started to appear in the sky causing shafts of light to spill through the trees. The pond glistened in the early morning rays. The forest was coming alive around them the birds chattering amongst the tree tops, animals emerging from their dens.

  Reign and Eerikki must have dozed at some point as she opened her eyes to the morning, she found the fae across the fire doing the same. Their eyes met with a new understanding for the briefest of moments before she rolled onto her back stretching out her stiff muscles.

  Coming to a sitting position Reign reached up to run her fingers through hair. They were met with snarls, bits of leaf, and dirt. She quickly pulled back disgusted by what she felt.

  If her hair was in that state, she could only imagine how the rest of her must appear. She was not a particularly vein person but she did prefer to be clean. With that in mind she stood from the fire and made her way to the shore of the small pond.

  She knew Eerikki was watching her but she couldn’t bring herself to care. She stripped out of her fighting leathers taking her time to slide the soft leather from her skin.

  She stood at the edge of the pond in nothing but her chest wrap and thin cotton underwear.

  Looking over her shoulder she saw the fae enraptured by her little performance and decided to throw caution to the wind. She slowly reached her hand behind her back to undo the pin of her chest wrap.

  As the pin unclasped the chest wrap fell. She kept her gaze on Eerikki as she towed the water before her.

  “You could join me Eerikki I may need help with my wings.”

  She stepped forward into the surprisingly warm water releasing her wings and spreading her arms as the water rose to just above her chest.

  The water surrounded her body helping ease the stiff muscles and tension she had acquired in their short journey. Reign couldn’t believe it had only been a day since she left the only home she could remember.

  A tinge of sadness began to well in her gut but she refused to let it grow. Drogan had been nothing but abusive to her he did not deserve her love or loyalty.

  A slight splash sounded behind her and she turned to see Eerikki wading into the water towards her. This was the first time she had seen the fae without a tunic and she had to admit he was even more than she could have hoped.

  Where Maikoh was large and muscular, and Abban chiseled, Eerikki was lean toned muscle from his strong shoulders to his perfectly sculpted chest. Her eyes wander to the defined muscle of his abdomen and the perfect v form that trailed south to the water at his waist.

  She noted the small trail of hair that progressed south from his belly button was the same silver color as his hair. Damn how she wanted to follow that trail.

  The fae smirked as he approached her realizing she was drinking her fill of him. His long sure strides had his wings gliding across the water behind him creating small ripples to cascade outward towards the edge of the pond.

  Slightly embarrassed by her unabashed perusal of his body she dipped her head under the water wetting her hair.

  As she came up, she was slightly startled by how close Eerikki had come. He stood only inches in front of her. She spread out her wings hoping to use them to propel herself backwards but the fae was too quick for her.

  Eerikki reached down and grasped her hips effectively holding her in place. He pulled Reign to him and on instinct she wrapped her legs around his waist bringing her chest out of the water as she pressed close to his body.With their faces only, inches apart she struggled to catch her breath.

  “Eerikki I…”

  Reign didn’t have the chance to finish her sentence as the fae’s lips found hers.

  The kiss was hungry and fierce. Eerikki kissed her like a man starved for it. She found herself relaxing into him. He ran the tip of his tongue along the seam of her mouth requesting entry. She granted it parting her lips as his tongue swept in tasting her. She replied with equal fever grinding her hips against him as she did.

  The fae groaned in pleasure slipping his hands down to cup her backside he pulled her closer grinding his growing erection against her heated core. He pulled back from her lips slowly placing kisses along her jawline.

  He nibbling her ear briefly before finding that spot just below it that seemed to have a direct connection to her clit. Reign threw her head back and hips forward moaning with pleasure.

  The actions only spurred Eerikki on. She was so lost in his touch that reign didn’t realize she was glowing. Her skin glowed the same color the fae seemed to emit. Eerikki lifter her out of the water slightly so she had to adjust her legs to wrap around his abdomen.

  He slowly moved his lips from her shoulder down to her chest creating a burning path on her skin. The tingling that had been growing steadily in her core almost erupted as the fae’s mouth surrounded her nipple.

  Reign reached her hand up running it through Eerikki’s hair. Eerikki liked and sucked at her nipple as she ground her core to his chest. He removed one hand from her backside slipping it between them.

  He applied pressure to her pulsing nub and Reign exploded in pleasure around him. The glow of her skin growing even brighter. Eerikki loosened his hold allowing Reign to slide back down his abdomen coming to rest once more on his hips. Completely sated and relaxed she wrested he
r head on his chest listening to the thump of his heart.

  They sat there in silence for a moment Reign relishing the feeling of contentment the moment brought. Eerikki’s soft words broke the silence.

  “My dearest Valdraken, I have waited for you for an eternity. In all my time I have dreamed of you of what you would be like.”

  Reign feared what would come from his mouth next having never know a word of praise in her existence. Afraid to look up and see the disappointment in his eyes she clung to his chest harder. His next words almost broke her completely.

  “Never in all that time of hoping, of wishing, did I ever expect you to be so perfect. You are beautiful, you are broken, you are kind, and you are fierce. I know you worry about what will happen if you embrace the role, we are asking you too, if you accept our love and loyalty. Please do not fear my beloved Valdraken you could never disappoint us, we will never judge you, we are here to love you, to protect you, and to follow you no matter what.”

  Reign allowed herself to enjoy the fae’s embrace for a little longer. When she started to here movement coming from the camp, she dropped her legs from Eerikki’s waste and moved back slightly.

  Looking up to him she saw nothing but love and admiration in his eyes. Unsure of what to say she leaned up and pressed a light kiss to his lips.

  “We should head back to the camp and dress before the others awake.”

  Eerikki gently released his hold on her allowing her to move away completely.

  “As you with my Valdraken.”

  With that they both returned to shore and dressed. Reign was ringing out her hair as Abban and Maikoh stepped from there temporary shelter. Abban looked to them both a grin splitting his face.

  “I see we missed bath time”

  He winked at Eerikki causing the fae to shake his head.

  Eerikki responded by walking towards the forest calling over his shoulder

  “I’m going to try and find us some breakfast.”

  Maikoh looked to her with a knowing smile and went about tending the fire. Abban approached Reign taking her hand in his he pressed soft kiss to the back of it.

  “Thank you my Valdraken.”

  Reign was confused if anything he should hate her not be thanking her.

  “For what Abban, I almost killed you. I would have killed you if my magic hadn’t worked.”

  He reached his hand forward tugging at the leather of her vest. He pulled down to reveal the new mark that marred her skin just over her heart. He pointed to the mark

  “This mark that now covers your heart is mine.”

  He reached up pulling back his cloak to reveal his own new mark.

  “This mark is yours. Not only did you save my life Reign. When you gave me the kiss of life you released a piece of your magic of your very soul to me, bonding us eternally. I am forever yours Valdraken.”

  Pointing once more to the mark over her heart he stated

  “Just as you are now forever mine.”

  With that he stepped back releasing her vest and his own cloak.

  Chapter 15

  Never trust a fae

  Shocked didn’t even began to cover what Reign was feeling. She had unknowingly tied herself to the mage. She didn’t even know that was a possibility. She just wanted to save him after almost killing him.

  Her plan was to get to Wargra and ditch the three. Telling them they were headed to the place she was born was just to distract them. She didn’t even know where she was born, or where she came from.

  She was found by Drogan on the streets of Wargra but the coloring of her skin and hair was not typical for the area. She stood out amongst the citizens of this region like a sore thumb.

  The morning went by in a blur Reign lost in her own thoughts about what this bond with Abban meant. Eerikki had returned with some small game birds they cleaned and roasted over the fire. Once finished with breakfast they snuffed out their fire and gathered their meager belongings.

  Reign returned to the inside of the hollowed-out tree to retrieve her bag she had left. Stepping inside she was surprised to find Maikoh sitting on the moss that was their bed the night before.

  “What are you doing in here Maikoh?”

  The shifter looked to her with a smile.

  “I’m covering your sent with my own. We are not the only ones who know the Valdraken has returned.”

  Unsure of what he was getting at she grabbed her small pack and returned to the Abban and Eerikki outside. They seemed to be arguing about something. She approached them quietly but Eerikki’s fae hearing heard her coming regardless. He turned towards her once again offering his signature glower.

  “Are you ready to leave?”

  His tone was short and clipped and reign was getting dizzy with all the hots and colds this man was producing.

  “Yes, I’m ready but Maikoh is still in the tree covering up my scent.”

  The fae nodded and stepped around her headed straight for the tree. She looked to Abban

  “I don’t get it he was a completely different person last night.”

  Abban simply shook his head and smiled.

  “My dearest Valdraken don’t you know fae are fickle creatures, their mood changes with the weather. One minute they can be as kind as a mother, the next as ornery as a hornet.”

  He leaned down to whisper in her ear wrapping his arm around her shoulder as he did so.

  “I happen to know this particular fae has a very serious condition.”

  Reign was taken aback by the mage’s words.

  “A condition what do you mean Abban, is he ok?”

  Reign found herself surprised that she felt concern for the fae but she did in fact feel worried. Abban leaned a little closer his breath tickling her ear.

  “His condition is treatable love, don’t fret.”

  Frustrated by his dance around an answer Reign whisper yelled at him

  “Well dammit Abban, tell me.”

  The mage looked at her with a complete straight face

  “He has a stick shoved so far up his pretty little arse….”

  That was all the further the mage got Reign reached out and smacked him in the shoulder laughing as she did so. In fact, they both laughed together quiet at first but eventually erupting into an all-out roaring laughter.

  Their laughter began to die down but Reign couldn’t help herself she had to ask

  “Well my dear mage is this serious condition curable.”

  Abban’s smile grew wide

  “Aye love it is, like all things involving men a good yank should do the trick.”

  Unable to help herself she broke out in fits of laughter once more. By the time she and the mage where finished laughing at the poor fae’s expense they were both doubled over tears flowing freely down their faces.

  Looking to the mage Reign couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed so hard or so freely. The smile that lit Abban’s face was enduring and only served to increase his beauty.

  Maybe being tied to him wasn’t so bad at least he made her laugh. Well that and Drak knew he wasn’t hard to look at either. She could get used to having someone by her side. There were certainly worse options that’s for sure.

  Maikoh and Eerikki finally appeared from the log there faces screwing up in confusion at the hunched over Abban and Reign which only made the two laugh harder. Eerikki adjusted his posture and began to walk towards them.

  Reign couldn’t help but look to Abban noticing the way he walked, she mouthed

  “Oh my god your right, he does have a stick up there.”

  It took the pair several moment and multiple angry glares from the Fae before they were able to compose themselves enough to stand and speak without breaking out into another fit of laughter.

  “Well if you too are quite finished”

  Eerikki gave both Abban and I a pointed look

  “We can be on our way.”

  He spun on his heel and strutted towards the forest. Apparently, her compos
ure was not quite what she hoped because as he strutted away, she broke into another fit of laughter Abban not far behind. Maikoh simply smiled at the two and turned to follow Eerikki into the forest.

  With one last look and smile between them Abban laced Reigns arm with his and they followed the two into the forest.

  They ventured through the forest, the roots and underbrush slowing their pace to almost unbearable. By the time the sun was at its peak in the sky Reign was exhausted and frustrated from making their own path through the wood.

  Eerikki led the pack his light steps and fae grace making the trek far easier for him. Maikoh followed his animal instincts leading him through the wood without a problem. Reign however seemed to trip and stumble over every obstacle that appeared in their path. She caught another root with the toe of her boot cursing as Abban grabbed her arm to right her once more.

  With her mood soured from this morning and her growing frustration with her lack of grace she had finally had enough. Reign stopped right in the middle of the procession and sat down.


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