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Spiked Roses: The Complete Top Shelf Series

Page 74

by Alta Hensley

  “I don’t understand what’s happening. What is going to happen to me?” My voice quivered as much as my body did. Fresh tears erupted and ran down my cheeks as I watched Roman, the cold expression on his face unfamiliar to me.

  Roman closed the distance between us and put the knife under my chin so I had to look up into his brown eyes. He inhaled deeply. “The initiation begins, and you know what that means.”

  I nodded every so slightly, scared of the knife under my chin.

  “You understand what I must do? Who I must become?”

  I inhaled deeply and blinked a few times, not being able to control the tears. I thought I could do this. I thought I was strong enough. But facing it made my stiff spine disappear.

  “I love the way your tears smell against your cheeks.” He pressed the tip of the knife into my skin, forcing a gasp to break free from my closed lips. He then darted his tongue past his lips and licked a trail up my cheek, collecting my tears for his tasting. “These will not be the last of your tears,” he nearly growled as he then lowered the knife to the edge of my panties.

  “Please,” I said softly. Another sob broke free. “I’ll do as you ask. I’m scared. Please don’t hurt me.”

  Would he hurt me? My Roman wouldn’t… but this was a different man before me. This was Prince Roman, member of The Iron Colt Brotherhood, and he had an image to uphold.

  The knife dipped below the waistband of my panties and rested against my mound. The coolness of the steel against my intimate skin had me gasp again as Roman brought his lips to my ear. “Stay still, Cheri. It would be a shame to scar this pussy of yours.”


  I didn’t want to do this!

  I wanted to leave!

  I was a fool in thinking I could do an initiation like this.

  I wanted out, but I also knew it was too late.

  He tapped the metal of the knife against my clit, causing a surprising surge of sinful arousal. The twisted sense of desire while shaking in horror, due to my captive situation, weakened my knees. Beads of sweat formed on my upper lip as I focused on not collapsing to the floor, jamming the blade right through me.

  “By the time I’m done with you, diamonds will be paid and your life will be changed forever. You will be part of The Iron Colt Brotherhood whether you like it or not for the rest of your life. But while you earn your diamonds, your life belongs to me. You belong to me. I will be your captor, your sir…” He paused for a moment and examined my body from head to toe. “Fuck that. For you. For you, my dear Cheri, I will be your master, your trainer, the keyholder to your cage, and you will be my kitty locked away in this manor—caging you in. My filthy, dirty, raw, wild kitty. Yes, The Iron Colt Brotherhood will like hearing you call me Master.” He gave a wicked smile, clearly pleased with his thoughts of what that would mean. “I will be the man who controls every single breath you take and move you make. You will call me Master, my wild kitty. Trust that your Master knows best, and you’ll survive this ordeal.”

  He was serious. This man was fucking serious.

  “Do you understand what I am saying, Cheri?”

  I nodded, trying to stay as still as I could as the knife resting on my pussy reminded me how precarious my situation was.

  “Answer me the proper way,” he said firmly.

  Not sure what he meant exactly, I tried to guess and replied, “Yes, sir.”

  “No, you do not call me sir. Not for you. That’s too common, and I know that you are far from common. You will call me Master, dirty girl. Say it.”

  I swallowed hard and with wide eyes tried one last time to beg for mercy. “Please don’t do this. I know I said I could do this, but I’m scared. I’ll do whatever The Iron Colt Brotherhood wants me to do and say whatever they want me to say. I can keep secrets. I promise you that I will never betray them. We don’t need to do this. An initiation is not necessary.”

  “But we do. All who marry a member of the brotherhood and want to truly be accepted must be initiated. You aren’t the first, and you won’t be the last.”

  “Please,” I pleaded as fresh tears fell. “I beg you.”

  “You aren’t begging yet. Trust me. But you will. When I’m done with you, you’ll be begging for more. You will beg for my cock to be inside of you. You will plead with those tears in your eyes for my tongue to go lower and deeper. You will beg, dirty girl. Trust me. You will beg.” He pressed the knife a little harder against my mound. “Now say it. Say yes, Master.”

  “Yes, Master,” I whispered.

  “Say it louder.” The knife went even lower, rubbing my clit with the burn of seduction on its descent.

  “Yes, Master!” I said louder as I tensed. It felt good—but was so fucking wrong.

  “Say it again and look me in the eyes like a good girl.”

  I opened my blurry tear-filled eyes wide and stared at him. “Yes, Master.”

  “Very good,” Roman praised. “You just earned yourself a diamond.” He rubbed the knife up and down in a slow and sensual manner. He inhaled again, brought his lips to my ear, and whispered, “I smell you, dirty girl. I can smell those naughty juices of yours. I have a feeling we are going to have great fun earning your dues.”

  I cried harder—more out of shame and humiliation this time rather than fear. The man who escorted me to the room was still standing there witnessing everything Roman was saying and doing to me. I couldn’t look at him, embarrassed that not only could he see me naked, but he was also witnessing me call Roman Master… and no doubt, he could see what it was doing to me. My body hungered for more, and I hated myself for it.

  I was his. His.

  I now had a Master.

  There was nothing I could do. Nothing I could say. My cries grew louder and joined the screams from the other rooms. It was a symphony of misery. A chorus of terror. And as I looked at my new Master, I realized he would be the man orchestrating it all.

  Chapter Twelve


  “So now we begin,” Roman said, removing the knife from my panties.

  He raised the blade up to meet our eye level. Glancing at it, I could see it was coated with my signs of fucked-up lust and twisted sexual need. It glistened with sin. Roman was right. I was a dirty girl. Yes, filthy. So fucking wrong. I should be screaming. Demanding freedom. I should be fighting to escape, but instead I was nearly coming on a weapon used to kill.

  There was a sparkle in Roman’s eye and a smirk on his face as he put the blade back in its holder on his belt. “The Iron Colt Brotherhood likes to watch from afar. There are cameras everywhere in this manor. They want to guarantee that the women are being properly initiated.” Roman’s face grew serious. “And if they don’t feel you are, they may revoke my right at initiating you and will send in a harsher replacement. So, I advise you to be a good little girl. Do you understand?”

  I nodded and softly said, “Yes, Master.” I didn’t want to have anyone else but Roman. I could do this. I could earn my diamonds. I already had one. Ninety-nine more to go. Ninety-nine more diamonds for my freedom and my future life married to Roman. I could do this. I had no choice but to do this. “What are you going to do to me?”

  It suddenly dawned on me that I was still standing with my arms at my sides. Like I was a private in the army standing before a general.

  Yes, sir.

  No, sir.

  Whatever you say, sir.

  Only this time, the private was wearing nothing but a pair of white lace panties. I didn’t have to look down to know my nipples were hard, and I didn’t have to press my legs together to feel the leftover wetness from the kiss of the knife.

  Roman took hold of my hair and circled it around his hand. He then guided me out of the room as if my hair was a leash and I was his filthy kitty. We walked down the hallway, and I noticed that there were cameras placed in strategic places. The Iron Colt Brotherhood was watching. I could practically feel their eyes burning holes into my exposed flesh. When we reached the bathroo
m door, Roman turned to me with seriousness washed over his face. “We are going to start filming from the minute we walk into the bathroom. The Iron Colt Brotherhood will be watching every single moment. They want a close-up recording so they can truly examine how grateful you are for your opportunity to become a member of the society. Are you going to be able to behave and act as they would expect someone who wanted to earn reward diamonds would behave? I’m serious when I tell you that what you do from this point on is crucial. It will determine if you live to see tomorrow. So will you be able to do exactly as I say?”

  I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. In a very tiny voice, I answered, “I think so… Master.” The word still felt foreign, but didn’t necessarily feel more fucked up or wrong than my current situation.

  My body trembled with the overwhelming nerves exploding from inside, but I didn’t want The Iron Colt Brotherhood to see that anyone had the ability to break me. I would remain strong no matter what occurred on the other side of the door.

  Roman’s face lit up, and he stroked the back of my head. The act didn’t feel loving, but rather condescending. Humiliation was clearly a tactic of his. I wondered if it was only because he was on camera, or was he enjoying a part of this? “That’s my good girl. You just do as I say and don’t fight me in the slightest. Swallow that pride that will be raging inside of you. Your pride is only the first of what you will lose while here.” He took a deep breath, as if he was nervous of what was to come. Would The Iron Colt Brotherhood order him to kill me if I acted out? Would he try to stop it if they did order my execution? “Once The Iron Colt Brotherhood sees that you are coming along nicely, they won’t require so much monitoring.” He opened the door and gave a nod to a man who stood at a video camera. “That’s Gage. He’ll be recording this session tonight.”

  I walked into the pristine bathroom, fiddling with my fingers as I gave Gage a small awkward nod. I was standing in nothing but my panties in front of a complete stranger… again! I didn’t know what to do or say to Gage, but I could see the red light was on the camera and knew that there was no turning back. The Iron Colt Brotherhood was watching.

  “All right,” Roman began. “Let’s get you out of those panties.” His command was firm.

  Only pausing to appreciate my breasts for a moment, Roman took hold of my panties, squatting as he pulled them down all the way to my ankles and lifted my feet one at a time so I could step out of them.

  Glancing up and staring at my exposed and completely bare body, he scowled and stood up. “Naughty, naughty girl.”

  I flinched at his words and the stern expression on his face. I had no idea what I had done wrong. I did exactly as he had asked.

  “Only very bad girls have hair on their pussies,” he lectured.

  I glanced down at my brown little curls of hair and then back at him in disbelief.

  “We do not tolerate women being initiated into the brotherhood to ever have body hair. This is not acceptable.”

  He took a step forward, lifted my arm, and ran his fingertips along my armpit, nodded, and then ran his hand down the front of my leg and nodded again.

  “Lucky for you and your ass, you at least took care of the rest of your body hair. But,” he said as he went and sat on the edge of the tub, “you will still be punished.” He patted his lap, which I assumed meant he wanted me to lie over it.

  “I… I’m sorry.” I had no idea what to say or do. The humiliation of this entire conversation was almost too much to endure.

  “Mistakes happen. This manor is all about mistakes. But that does not mean that there won’t be consequences.” He patted his lap once more. “Now come here. I haven’t got all day.”

  Oh, Jesus.

  This was it. I was about to be spanked. Spanked over a man’s knee. Was this really happening? Was I really standing naked in front of two men and a camera? All because I was fated to marry a prince. Death or… shame and humiliation?

  All for the sake of royalty.

  My legs trembled and when I took my first step, I wondered if my knees would buckle from beneath me. As if I were moving in slow motion, I somehow reached Roman and placed my body over his lap, feeling the firmness of his thighs beneath my belly.

  “Now before we start,” he said as he ran his palm along my naked behind. “Some punishments will be worth more diamonds than others. You obviously want the punishments that earn you more if you want to leave this manor anytime soon.”

  I nodded as I stared at the tiled floor beneath me.

  “Each diamond will depend on severity.”

  I nodded again.

  “To begin with, we will only do a single diamond punishment,” he said. “So, expect this show of discipline to be far easier than any of the future ones. Now, I am giving you this spanking today to remind you that good girls keep their cunts nice and smooth.” His hand came crashing against my flesh, and I flinched more out of surprise than pain. He swatted me again and again, before saying, “After every swat, I want you to say ‘good girls keep their cunts smooth.’”


  “Good girls keep their cunts smooth.” The words sounded as if they were spoken by someone else other than me.


  I gasped when the sting set in. “Good girls keep their cunts smooth.”


  I squinted my eyes. “Good girls keep their cunts smooth.”


  “Ow!” Fuck, it was starting to hurt. Far more than I thought it would.

  Roman spanked me several more times. “What are you supposed to say?” he asked in a warning voice.

  The Iron Colt Brotherhood was watching.

  “Good girls keep their cunts smooth!” I cried out as my ass heated up with every second that passed. Each swat hurt more and more, and I wasn’t sure how many of the searing blows I could take.

  He brought his large palm squarely down on my punished cheek, and I gasped at how the pain radiated through my core.

  “Good girls,” I squeaked, “keep their cunts smooth!”

  He spanked me again, but this time hitting the tender flesh that met the tops of my thighs.

  “Please!” I begged. “It hurts!”

  My plea was rewarded with a volley of spanks that were far worse than the ones he had been giving me. He continued on with a ferocious spanking as I kicked, wiggled, clung to his calf and cried out in pain. The sound of his palm connecting with my punished flesh echoed off the walls of the tiled room, the only sound louder was my cries for mercy. Over and over, Roman held my helpless body to his lap and spanked my butt, even taking some time to once again spank my upper thighs and the area where my bottom met my legs. It was excruciating, and the fact that he could do all this with just his hand and little effort on his part terrified me as to what else he was capable of.

  Finally, as I lay gasping for air, Roman paused, rubbed my skin, which felt as if it had been stung by a million hornets, and asked, “Shall we try this again?”


  I did not hesitate in the slightest. “Good girls keep their cunts smooth.”

  “Now that is truly my good girl,” he praised, which actually did fill me with a sense of warmth and pride.


  “Good girls keep their cunts smooth.”

  “We will do ten more, and then your spanking will be over. You have earned a credit. Be brave.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I hadn’t even realized the video had been recording. Not once during my spanking did I even stop to consider that Gage had the camera pointed at my upturned ass the entire time. Funny how the only thing going through my mind was how I would never let even a hint of hair grow on my ‘cunt’ ever again.

  Roman kept me in position over his lap while I slowly regained my breath and sniffled back the tears. I hadn’t sobbed, but the pain definitely brought tears to my eyes, and I wasn’t sure if I should try to hide them or not. Was I to be brave and endure my spanking with little emo
tion? Or did they want to see the pain? The fear? I made a mental note to ask Roman when the time seemed right. Would tears earn me extra diamonds? Or would showing strength earn respect, hence more diamonds? Right now however, I wouldn’t have been able to speak even if I wanted to.

  Roman rubbed his fingertips in small circles over my heated flesh. “Good girl. This is the first of many punishments to teach you your lesson.” Without warning, he moved his fingertips down the crack of my ass until they reached my pussy. Dipping them past my folds, he moved them around and collected my juices of arousal. “Someone likes having her ass spanked, I see.”

  I shamelessly wiggled against his hand, desperate for him to move his fingertips beyond my folds and to enter inside of me, or at the very least to play with my clit. Something, anything… He was right. I had enjoyed it. Maybe not the actual pain of it. I didn’t think I actually liked the feeling of being spanked, but my body was on fire just as my ass was. How could a spanking that I was literally begging him to stop do this to me? The only explanation was that the feeling of desire was far better than the feeling of fear.

  “Do you want your Master to make you feel all better? To kiss away all the pain?” His fingers only ran along my folds, teasing me with how close they were to giving me what I wanted so badly.

  “Yes, Master.” My voice cracked as I all but pleaded my answer.

  He pulled his hand away quickly and gave me one final swat before helping me to a standing position. “Dirty kitties with hairy cunts do not get to feel all better.”


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