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The Broody Brit: For Christmas ( A Hot Single Father Second Chance Romance) (A Holiday Springs novel)

Page 15

by MJ Fields

  She’s on me in seconds, gripping my cock and rubbing it against her slick heated center, and then slowly takes me inside her hot, soaked pussy.

  “Fuuuuck,” I groan, tightening the grip I have on her arse as she bites down on my shoulder.

  When she doesn’t move, I know damn well she needs to be primed.

  I lift her by the waist and roll atop her.

  “I’m supposed to—”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not going to make this experience anything but the best.” I reach between us, my fingers finding her clit.

  “Oh, God,” she moans, her hands slapping against my abs, her fingers digging into the muscle.

  “Incredible,” she gasps as her hips buck slightly, her pussy getting hotter and wetter with each inch I feed it.

  “Kiss me,” she cries, raising her face to mine

  My mouth slams over hers as I set a steady pace. Her kisses become nibbles, and her hips finally begin to meet mine thrust for thrust.

  Lying on top of her, panting as she lies beneath me doing the same, I push myself up enough to kiss her.

  “Incredible,” she moans, licking across my lips.

  “Better than that, I’d say.” I smile against her lips.

  “Can we do this all night?”

  “Gonna have to feed you, I think. You know my three-date rule?” I feel her grin against my lips, and she nods. “Well, you just literally fucked it.”

  She laughs against my mouth. “Never was a rule breaker.”

  “How’s it feel?” I push myself up to a standing position, my feet still on the damn ground.

  “Like I can’t wait to do it again.”

  “Well, I’ve never fucked in the back of a vehicle, bare arsed in the middle of the woods.”

  “How’s it feel?” She lifts her hand, waiting for me to pull out of her.

  “A bit chilly.”

  She laughs, and so do I as I help her out.

  And then, a horn blasts from behind me.

  “Oh my God,” Nikki whispers, throwing an arm over her face.

  Grabbing one of the footballs, I turn around, holding it over my dick and trying to block her from view. The used rubber, meanwhile, is in my other hand.

  A tall bearded man, who actually may be more bear than human, in Carhartts no less, climbs out of the quietest Ford I’ve ever seen in my life. With a shotgun in one hand, he growls, “You’re on my property,” and proceeds to point the gun at me.

  “I wasn’t aware it was private property.” I stay as calm as I can be in a situation this screwed up. Meanwhile, my arse is turning to ice.

  “Are you aware that you’re on the wrong side of the pond, butt ass naked, in forty-degree weather? If so, I may have to call the asylum.”

  “Shep?” Nikki squeals from behind me.

  “Who’s there?” the man snarls.

  Nikki sasses, “Turn around so I can get my clothes on, and I’ll tell you who this is.”

  He attempts to look around me. “Maybe I’d rather see for myself.”

  I hiss at him, “You’ll have to get through me.”

  “Turn around, Shepard Granger, or I will kick your ass just like I always used to!” Nikki laughs as she fumbles around, likely trying to find her clothes.

  “Only one girl from these parts would make threats like that. Nikki Winterfield, that you?”

  “Turn around and give me a minute, and you can find out for yourself.”

  “If you’re trying to pull a fast one on me, there will be hell to pay.” He chuckles as he turns around. “Meet me at the cabin. That is if you can remember how to get there.”

  Rule Number Eighteen

  Naked introductions are never good ones


  I squeeze Raff’s hand as we walk over sticks and leaves toward Shep’s cabin. I haven’t been here since we were in high school. Our parents were best friends in this life and died together in the boating accident. Whereas I was lucky enough to have my aunt and uncle take me in, Shep had his aunt Sissy who came into town just for Shep. Suffice it to say, she hated the fact that he forced her out of the city because he needed to be watched. She smoked herself into oblivion with her long, skinny Capri cigarettes, frequently left Holiday Springs for singing auditions, and brought shady men home almost every Saturday night. She wasn’t evil, but she was neglectful. But the men she brought home? One piece of shit after the next. One even stole money straight out of Shep’s wallet while he thought Shep was sleeping. I think that incident was just the tip of the iceberg, but Shep never opened up about it, and I was always too chicken to ask.

  This cabin was part of Shep’s dream life, or the one place he could always hide away from the world. I think it took him over three years to build, and of course, he did it all with his bare hands. That’s just the type of man Shep always was. And from the looks of it—still is.

  When the cabin comes into view, I have to pause and stare. It’s breathtaking. Raff stops with me.

  “Wow, this is incredible!” he exclaims, shaking his head in awe. It’s a traditional log cabin, but whereas I remember the logs being worn looking, these look sanded and stained. It’s a beautiful golden brown color. The roof is triangular and pushes out longer than the body of the cabin. I’m guessing to make shade and keep the cabin cool. The cabin is also perfectly symmetrical, with square windows on each side and a beautiful door in the center. I can’t help but laugh about that. Shep always liked things to be organized visually.

  Pride for Shep rises in my chest. “He built it all himself. He’s been in the military for years now. I can’t even believe he’s back or had the time to do this.”

  Raff leaves me standing as he walks over to the house, touching the wood. “This? This is professional.” He moves to the windows next. “I mean, craftsmanship like this is incredibly unique. Do you see the carving here? This is hand done.”

  Shep calls out, “You guys just gonna wait outside and gawk? Get in here.”

  We walk inside, and I am immediately taken aback by the beauty of the place. It smells wonderful, like freshly cut wood and clean air. It used to be nothing but a one-room shed style. But this? This looks like a spread in Architectural Digest. A kitchen sits nestled in the left corner with stainless steel appliances, wooden cabinets, and a beautiful square wooden island with one high-top chair to sit in. In the other corner is a large, full-sized four-poster bed with cream-colored sheets and a fluffy navy bedspread. There is even a beautiful silken carpet in reds and blues by the bedside. In the center of the room is a large, cozy-looking navy couch across from a large television. Everything about this place is Shep. My heart fills. He deserves this.

  Raff shakes his hand. “You’ve done a phenomenal job. Are you a craftsman?”

  “Nah.” He leans against a wooden bookcase, crossing his arms over his bulging chest. “Marines. So, how are you doing, Nikki?”

  Immediately I walk over and hug Shep tight. “I’m doing just fine, Shep. Better than fine. Let’s have some coffee and catch up so I can introduce you two properly.”

  “I was actually about to turn on the grill.” Shep throws a heavy arm over my shoulders, keeping me close to him. “Got some good meat, if you want to stay for dinner. Also, give me some time to talk to this man of yours who thinks it’s okay to get you naked this time of year on property that isn’t his.” Shep raises a brow before picking up a small toothpick from his back pocket and putting it in his mouth. I should walk to Raff and side with him, but Shep isn’t letting me go.

  I laugh awkwardly, not taking him seriously but worried that Raff might. My fears are confirmed when I look up at Shep, trying to envision him the way Raff might. Unfortunately, he is very convincing as a tall and strong, angry wilderness man with a shotgun. The beard camouflages his sweet face, and his green eyes are incredibly sharp. Oh, shit.

  Raff keeps silent, his eyes glaring at the spot where Shep’s arm meets my body. “I assure you, she stayed hot the entire time.”

  I pull Shep�
�s arm off my shoulder and walk over to Raff. In my sweetest voice, I ask, “Can we stay?” I turn so both men can see me. “Can we also start this conversation again? Raff, this is one of my closest friends growing up, Shep. Our parents were best friends, too. They passed away together in the boating accident when we were eleven. And, Shep, this is Raff. My boyfriend. He owns Blizzards Bar in town and makes me very, very happy. Now, can we all be nice?”

  I wrap my arms around Raff’s waist, giving him my puppy eyes. He wraps a heavy hand around the back of my neck possessively. Suddenly, heat spreads through my body. I know we just had sex, but I want it again. God, he’s so handsome. His eyes move down to my lips, and I exhale.

  He smiles smugly like he knows exactly what’s on my mind. His lips twitch. “Of course, we can stay.” His voice is low and dark as his hands move from the back of my neck to the side. “Let me just let Sally know we’ll be later than expected at the bar.”

  He walks outside to make the call, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

  “So, you two are a couple? Serious?”

  It’s incredible how we haven’t seen each other in years but so easily fall back into our friendship. “We’re just starting out. He has a son though, who is adorable. But we want to take it slowly for him. And what about you? When did you get back?”

  He opens his frig. “Just got out of the Marines. Think I may stick around for a while, but not sure. Some friends of mine are planning to build some log cabins for veterans. May join them in that. Beer or Coke?”

  “Beer is good.” I look around again, amazed. “This place is unreal. When did you have time to do all this? Lord knows it didn’t look this good in high school.”

  He pulls a glass bottle of Heineken and opens it against his island before handing it to me. “Took a lot of time. But it was something I just had to do. Between deployments, I began fixing her up. And since I got back six months ago, I spent all my time on it.”

  If it were another friend of mine, I might have been offended that he barely reached out. But this is Shep. And Shep is...shady like that. Suddenly, Raff’s friend Beckett jumps into my head, and I remember that he’s been trying to reach Shep. “What about your hotel?”

  “Which hotel?” He takes a can of Bud Light out of the frig for himself and holds it up for me to see. “Your man want one, too?”

  “Sure.” I nod. I’m actually not even sure he drinks beer, and I make a quick mental note to find out the answer. “Your hotel. The Springs Mountain Resort.”

  “Ah, yeah. It’s running. Some short-term rentals, I think. Got some girl handling everything. Joanie. Must be fine, as I get a check every month.” He shuts the refrigerator door, and we lean together on the island.

  “Well, I hate to tell you, she’s running it into the ground. Have you even visited it, Shep? It’s a mess.”

  He shrugs casually, taking a long sip of his beer, seemingly not caring either way.

  I clear my throat. “Someone is interested in buying it.”

  “Don’t really need the money.” He shrugs. “Got everything I need.”

  Raff comes back inside to let me know everything is fine. I want to press Shep about the hotel and tell him that selling isn’t just about him but for the prosperity of the whole town, but I don’t want to turn this reunion into a business conversation. I give Shep a good hard look, and he laughs. He turns to Raff. “Beer?”

  He takes it. “Thanks, man.”

  And all is well in the world. Halle-fuckin-lujah!

  We all walk outside to Shep’s fancy-looking grill. Beside it sits a wooden picnic table. We stand around the grill as he puts on some rib steaks, on the bone, to cook along with loads of vegetables. He chuckles. “Still like zucchini?”

  “Oh, God.” I laugh. “Can we not go back down memory lane right now?”

  “So, this one time,” Shep starts, shutting the grill cover and turning around, “Little Nikki over here wanted to learn how to give a blow job.”

  “Sshhh!!” I practically jump on his back, wishing he would stop talking.

  “Oh, hell no.” He smiles, standing tall and strong despite my attempts to unnerve him. “If Raff here wants to know the real you, he should know the good, the bad, and the...sexual.”

  Raff laughs, pulling me over to him and wrapping his arms over my shoulders. It feels so good to be pressed against him like this. I blink, feeling his hardness pressed against my behind. “Tell me about this blow job. I’d really like to know.”

  My heart speeds up as he pulls me closer into him, the outline of his cock huge and perfect pressing against my ass.

  “I told her a penis looks kind of like a zucchini. So, one day, American Pie style, I walk into her bedroom and find Jenny trying to teach Nikki—”

  I jump out of Raff’s hold and slam my fist into Shep’s shoulder. I mean, come on! There’s embarrassing, and then there is over the top embarrassing.

  The guys seem to think this is hilarious. Shep laughs so hard as I do everything in my power to get him to stop talking.

  “All right, settle. I won’t go on.”

  “You should make this up to me.” I point at Shep, wanting to murder him. “I want the biggest steak.”

  “You can have it, baby.” Raff wraps an arm over my shoulder. “You already have the biggest zucchini, so—”

  I turn around to punch him, too, but he bear hugs me into his chest.

  One good thing to come out of this? The ice is officially broken. The rest of our evening is spent drinking beers—Raff only has two—eating barbeque, and having a great time. Shep tells us stories about his friends in the Marines, and Raff talks about backpacking around Europe with Beckett. I stay quiet, enjoying hearing these two men I adore becoming friends.

  As the sun sets, I tell the guys to get behind me. “Let’s take a selfie!”

  They grumble but do as I ask.

  I immediately post it on Instagram with the comment: BBQ and Beer with these two men. What’s a girl to do? Eat!

  We say goodbye, and Shep promises to stop into Blizzards sometime over the next week and talk about the property as well as catch up some more. As Raff and I drive, we stay quiet. But the moment we hit our first stoplight, I pull off my seat belt and straddle him. Our mouths are on each other in an instant as heat furrows through my skin. A car honks behind us, and we finally part, panting. I drop back in my seat, wondering if I ever wanted a man as badly as I want Raff. I turn my face, smiling at his profile, and my question is answered: No.

  “Let’s get home.”

  Rule Number Nineteen

  When they clap, take a bow


  He carries me up the steps to his apartment, my legs wrapped around his hips as he alternates kissing my lips and sucking on my neck. My body incinerates, pressure building in my core before we’ve even had a chance to lie down. He sets me down to pull out his keys.

  The door swings open, and he lifts me back up again. I lean my head back to give him access and find myself up against a wall. I open my eyes long enough to see we’re in the living room by the fireplace. “God, Raff. Please.” I’m begging, my back arching. My gaze moves to the side. “The door—we have to shut it.”

  “It’s dark. This is my property. I will fuck you whenever and however I want.” His kisses slow down as he moves to my ear. “And, Nikki? I’m going to take my time with you tonight. I’m going to enjoy the hell out of you. Taste and lick every inch. Inhale you…”

  His fingers slide beneath my floral dress, finding the inside of my thighs, and I moan, the sound so guttural it’s almost shocking. Big hands squeezing my ass, I wrap my legs around his waist as tightly as I can.

  His tongue slips into my mouth, silencing me, as I wrap my hands around his neck, my fingers digging into his silky, wavy hair. He sets me on my feet, drops to his knees, pulling up my dress, and then makes quick work, thank God, of removing my panties.

  His lips press against my thigh as he tosses them aside and uses his free hand to pu
ll his shirt up and over his head, then throws that as well.

  He stands to remove his pants, and I watch with greedy eyes as his perfect erection springs free. I’ve never seen a more beautiful cock in my entire life.

  Before I can blink, he’s back on his knees before me, and when he puts his hot mouth on my pussy? I almost collapse onto the floor, but his big hands hold my thighs open as he licks and sucks, growling like an animal.

  In the distance, I hear some laughter, probably coming from the bar. I should care. I should insist he shut the door. Oh, who the hell am I kidding? I don’t care if someone comes upstairs and asks for a fucking tequila on the rocks so long as he doesn’t stop!

  The orgasm builds from my toes, the tingle tightening my body and winding me to no end… “Ahhh!” My scream is torn from my throat as my body explodes into a beautiful and powerful orgasm.

  He stands quickly, wiping the back of his hand across his glistening mouth, and a condom appears out of nowhere.

  He slides it on as he growls as his hands grip my ass, and he lifts me, “I need inside of your perfect fucking cunt,” before pushing into me, my body sandwiched between his hard chest and the wall, the feeling so exquisite I’m shaking. His hand grips my ass, not letting me go, not letting me move. It’s so deep. I’m not even sure how this is possible.

  “Raff, God, oh, God…”

  He pulls my dress down below my breasts, tearing the fabric. His mouth on my nipple has me starting up all over again. The pleasure sparks, this time from the center of my stomach flashing outward and down, pooling, the blood pulsing in my body like a tidal wave. My head turns toward the open door, knowing we should close it because my orgasm is building again, but I know there is no way in hell I’ll be able to control this. He hoists me up higher, the angle so good, my breath catches as the pleasure increases higher and higher…

  “Nikki, you’re so tight. I’m going to die…” He pounds into me, his heavy muscled shoulders flexing, the veins in his neck pulsing as my breasts bounce from our movement.


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