The Breaking Point
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fake, 371–72
growth, 371
multiple, 91
John of England, 82, 124, 125, 127, 133
John of Leiden, 79–80
Johnson, David Cay, 252
Johnson, Lyndon, 360–61
Jose Cycle, 194
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 391–92
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 220
Journal of Economic Growth, 17, 44, 47, 476
Juncker, Jean Claud, 493
Jupiter, 195, 197, 225
justice, sale of, 125
Juvenal, 400
Kabul Press, 465–66
Kachin societies, 226
Kaempffert, Waldemar, 94–95
Kaldellis, Anthony, 469
Kaminska, Izabella, 138
Kanjorski, Paul, 173
Kashmir, 229–30
Kavoussi, Bonnie, 93
Kazakhstan, 477
Keller, Helen, 480
Kentucky Resolution, 474
Keohane, Robert, 117, 120–21
Kesser, Chris, 293
Keynes, John Maynard, 26, 88–89, 116, 243, 352
Khanin, Grigory, 10, 493
Kiribati, 203
Kishanganga Hydroelectric Plant, 230
kleptocracy, 41–43
Kondratiev, Nikolai, 173
Kotlikoff, Laurence, 350, 422, 424
Krieger, Mike, 17
Krumholz, Harlan M., 288
Kurzweil, Ray, 62–64
commodification of, 79, 248
division of, 78
forced, 147
participation in labor force, 362–63
reduction in labor force, 139
labor theory of value, 55–58, 72, 304–5
labor unions, 37–38
“Lack of Association Between Cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease” (Krumholz), 288
Lancet, 288
Land Bank, 113
Landscheidt, Theodor, 181, 193, 222
Lane, Frederic, 450
Lansky, Meyer, 265
large groups, 242
Latin America, 150
Lausanne School, 302
laws of nature, 5–6, 27–28
lawyers, 131
Lee Kuan Yew, 82, 118, 449–52, 497
legacy institutions, 411
Lehman Brothers, 136–37, 163, 381, 435, 494
Lenin, Vladimir, 11
Let’s Take Back Your Health (Kesser), 293
Letters on Sunspots (Galileo), 226
Lewinsky, Monica, 266
Lewis, Peter, 41
lies about economy, 2, 11–12, 135–39, 282, 381, 495
life, artificial, 62–64
Life after Growth (Morgan), 105, 301, 304, 309, 496
life expectancy, 152
Lincoln, Abraham, 259
Lindzen, Richard, 22
Link, Stefan, 36–37
Litan, Robert E., 369
Little Ice Age, 28, 179–81, 186, 192–93, 196, 219, 222, 226–28
Littoral Combat Ship, 243–44, 411
nonrecourse, 268
student, 269
lobbying, 43–44, 262
Lobo, Julio, 264
Lofgren, Mike, 235, 237–39, 245–48, 253
Logic of Collective Action, The (Olson), 242
Logic of Scientific Discovery, The (Popper), 401
London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), 166
London Metal Exchange, 434
“London Should Break Free from Little England” (Stephens), 478
London Stock Exchange, 485
long cycles, 173
“Long-Lost Free Market in Health Care” (French), 295
Longmay Group, 432
long view of history, 28–29
Long-Wave Rhythms in Economic Development and Political Behavior (Berry), 178
Louis XII of France, 15
Lovins, Hunter and Amory, 256
low-fat, high-carb diet, 282–83, 295
low productivity sectors, 278
low-wage service work, 371
Luciano, Charles “Lucky,” 265
Lustig, Robert, 273, 283
Lydia, 313
Maasai tribe, 286
Maastricht Treaty, 413
MacDonald, Gregor, 342–43
MacDonald, Ramsay, 116
Machine Age, ix–xi
Machlup, Fritz, 320
Mackinsey, Wood, 387
“Macroeconomics of Unbalanced Growth” (Baumol), 296
Madison, James, 474
Mad Max, 356–57, 391–94
Magna Carta, 124–28, 130, 133–34
Magnificent and Beggar Land (Oliveira), 42
Mair, Thomas, 408
Mairano, Romano, 487–88
Maldives, 203–4
malinvestment, 429–30
Malthus, Thomas Robert, 334
Mandelbrot, Benoît, 174
Manuel, Victor, 222
manufacturing, 102, 371–74
“Many Failed Efforts to Count Nation’s Federal Criminal Laws” (Wall Street Journal), 157
maps, 454–55, 458
Marcus, Joyce, 78–79
margarine, 284
marginal returns on investment, 140, 335–39, 446
marijuana legalization, 474
market bubbles, 446
market dynamics, 423
Marx, Karl, 40, 53–83, 248, 312
“Marx in Detroit” (Tronti), 38
Massey Energy, 432
mass production, 35–37
mass prosperity, 98
mathematics, 302–3
Matterhorn Asset Management of Switzerland, 351, 416, 441
Maunder, William, 219
Maunder Minimum, 179, 192, 197, 219
Mayans, 456–57
Mazzucato, Mariana, 388
McAfee, Andrew, 72–73
McCausland, James, 391–94
McConnell, John M., 254–56
McCracken, Ken, 193–94
McCracken, Paul, 118
McGovern, George, 282
McKay, G. A., 496–98
McKinsey Global Institute, 437
McNamara, Frank, 92
McNeill, J. R., 306–7
mean sea level (MSL), 208, 210
medical industry, 278–79, 296–99, 492
medical tourism, 151–53
Medicare, 153
medicine, molecular, 65
medieval commerce, 488
Medisave program, 450
megapolitics, x, 3–5, 30–32, 77–78, 410–12
Menger, Carl, 68
Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), 441
Mercola, Joseph, 273
Merkel, Angela, 156
metaconstitution, 58
metageography, 21–22, 447–48, 454–58
Metamorphoses (Ovid), 78
MetLife, 399
Mexico, 148
Meyerson, Harold, 38
Miccosukee Tribe, 475
Micklethwait, John, 446
Micronesia, 206
microscopes, 65
microsovereignties, 61, 479–80, 497
See also city-states
middle class, 138–39, 387
Milbank, Dana, 129
mileage efficiency, 382
military-industrial complex, 235
military interventions, 14
military spending, 119–20, 243–44, 253, 410, 492
Mill, John Stuart, 333, 334–35
millenarian sects, 79–81
Miller, George, 391–94
minimum income, 75–76
Minsky, Hyman, 121
“Miracles You’ll See in the Next 50 Years” (Kaempffert), 94
misdirection of production, 89–90
Mises, Ludwig von, 89
moats, 60–62
Modern Age, 14–16
molecular medicine, 65
Monaco, 152
“Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle” (Hayek), 121
evolution of, 107
manipulation of, 313–16
supply, 315, 350
Money Beat, 51
money market investments, 435
monopolies, interlocked, 11
monstrous hybrids, 134, 497
Monte dei Paschi, 400
Monte San Giovanni, 15
Moore, Patrick, 185
Moore’s Law, 63
morality, 77–78
moral syndromes, 132
Morgan, Tim, 55, 105, 301–12, 317, 339, 349, 357, 496
Mörner, Niels-Axel, 203–7, 211–12
Morrison, James, 115–16
mortgage-backed securities, 163–64
“Most Americans Best Days Are behind Them” (Cameron and Mellnik), 98
movement of people, 452
Moyers, Bill, 235
Mughal, Murtaza, 217
Mulligan, Robert F., 69, 70
Mummery, F., 314
Munster, Germany, 79–80
Murthy, Vivek H., 239
Muscovy cycle, 179
musical chairs, 371
Muwekma Ohlone Tribe, 475
Myerson, Harold, 98
Mylchreest, Paul, 103
nanotechnologies, 62–63
Napoleon, 477
Napoleonic Wars, 114–15, 465
Napolitano, Andrew, 129–30
Nasheed, Mohamed, 203
Nasuti, Matthew J., 465–66
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 23, 221, 446–47
National Bank Act of 1864, 315
national debt, 91, 120, 245, 337–38, 415, 490–91
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), 158
National Geographic, 12, 225
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 221
National Public Radio (NPR), 48
National Security Agency (NSA), 156–57, 235–37, 254
National Taxpayers Union, 261
National Tide Facility (NTF), 205
National Weather Service, 181
nation-states, 12–13, 75, 125, 231, 337–38, 390, 446, 453, 458, 470–80
See also big government
nature, state of, 26–30
Nazarbayev, Nursultan, 471
NBC News, 59
n-body problem, 197
Nefedov, Sergey, 177, 186, 245, 247
neoboreal climate, 231–32
Neptune, 197, 198, 225
Network World, 159
Neuromancer (Gibson), 459
New Approach to the Economics of Healthcare (Olson), 298
Newby, Elisa, 116, 119, 318
news, independent, 181
Newsmax, 181
New Studies in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the History of Ideas, 107
Newsweek, 419
Newton, Isaac, 113–14, 197, 208
New York magazine, 182
New York Times, 73, 149–50, 250–51, 266, 269–70
nickel, 433–34
Nielson, Jeff, 381, 419–22, 426, 434
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), 155–56, 369
Nixon, Richard, 48, 50, 117–19, 243, 344, 386
Nizami, Majid, 230
nonconstitutional politics, 5
nonrecourse loans, 268
Norman Conquest of England, 31
Normann, Wilhelm, 284
North, Douglas, 126
Nove su Dieci (Pianta), 388
Novum Organum Scientiarum (Bacon), 212
nullification, 474–75
nutrition, 92–93
Obama, Barack, 104, 129–31, 156, 239, 360, 369, 389, 467
Obamacare, 151, 298–99, 365–66
obesity, 93, 152, 273, 279, 290–97
Observations Tending to Investigate the Matters of the Sun, 219
Occasion, 493
Octavian, 469–71
off-balance-sheet entities, 424
offshoring, 358
collapse in price, 20, 351
consumption and income, 382
decrease in production, 380
diminishing returns, 337
and economic growth, 317
peak oil, 308, 386, 391
production, 307–8
productivity, 383
rise in prices, 345, 377
shale, 309–10
Oliveira, Ricardo Soares de, 42
Olson, Mancur, 174–75, 240–42, 280, 298
omega-6 fatty acids, 284–86
oncology, 292–93
On the Cause of the Greatness of Cities (Botero), 176
“Opening Pandora’s Box” (Wrigley), 330
organic economy, 327, 329–31, 384–85, 490
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 153
original thought, 126–27
Orlov, Dmitry, 484, 495–96
Orwell, George, 155–56
Osborne, Michael, 73
“Our Current Illusion of Prosperity” (Hollenbeck), 8, 3
Ovid, 78
Oxford Martin School, 73
Pakistan, 229–32
Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW), 217
Pakistan Today, 217
Palm Beach, Florida, 266
paper gold, 440–41
“Paper vs. Real” (MacDonald), 342–43
Pareto, Vilfredo, 302
Park, Alice, 294
Paterson, Isabel, 113–14
Patriot Act, 154–55
Patriot-in-Exile, 408
Paul, Rand, 240
peace dividend, xi
peak oil, 308, 386, 391
pediatricians, 297
pensions, 137, 359, 497
permafrost, 214
perpetual motion, 303, 319
personal power, 31–32
perverse policy syndrome, 174
Petrobras, 42
Pew Charitable Trusts, 8, 364
pharmaceutical industry, 293–98
Phillip II of France, 82
physics, 302–3
Physiology of Industry, The (Mummery and Hobson), 314
Pianta, Mario, 388
Picketty, Thomas, xiv
pieces of eight, 110
pimpocracy, 43
Pirenne, Henri, 88–89, 487–89, 495
planetary alignments, 193–98
“Planet Money” (NPR), 48
Plantagenet cycle, 179
Playfair, William, 4, 32, 34
plunder, 40–52, 69–70, 385
Pluto, 225
Podobnik, Bruce, 451
polar bears, 222
political attitudes, 447–48
political donations, 262
Politico, 250, 13
“Polluter Pays Study” (Everglades Foundation), 271
Poole, R. L., 457
Pope Francis, 183
Pope Innocent III, 127
Popper, Karl, 401
Popular Mechanics, 94
Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (PMLA), 41–42
Popular Science, 281
decline, 82
growth, 3, 93, 176
Population Reference Bureau, 151
Porsche, Ferdinand, 37
pound, British, 403–4
poverty, 372
Poverty of Philosophy, The (Marx), 54
centralization of, 33–34
cost of projecting, 467
devolution to small scale, 468
territorial and personal, 31–32
See also violence
predatory rule, 126
preindustrial societies, 347
Principia (Newton), 197, 208
privacy, 129, 465
privileged groups, 241–42
Procter & Gamble, 284
production, misdi
rection of, 89–90
productivity, 314, 372
productivity growth, 73–74
profits, manufacturing, 102
programmers, 72–73
progressive state, 327–35
propaganda, science research, 199
property rights, 69–70, 78, 125
“Property Rights and Time Preference” (Mulligan), 69
proprietary governments, 450
prosperity, 352
fabricated, 9–10
protection services, 448
public opinion, 282
purchasing patterns, 376
Pursuit of the Millennium (Cohn), 79
Putilnik, Lev A., 219
Putin, Vladimir, 249–50
quantitative easing (QE), 6–7, 48–50, 69, 161–69, 250–54, 427, 491
Quebec independence, 471–72
Quincey, Saire de, 124–28, 133–34
quota systems, 270
Rae, Douglas W., 317
Ramsey, Drew, 276
Rand, Ayn, 96–97
RAND Corporation, 10
Rankka, Maria, 250
ransoms, 82
real estate investors, 166
reality gap, 381
recession, 363
recovery, 368–70
redistribution of hunt, 76–77
redistribution of income, 51, 478
Red Queen’s Race, 386
redress of grievances, 159
Rees-Mogg, William, 2–3, 7, 16, 22, 27, 34
reference ellipsoids, 208–9
regime changes, 14
Reginald of Durham, 487
regulation, 17, 47, 88–89, 130–31, 157–58, 476
Remote Sensing Systems (RSS), 224
replicative senescence, 65
Reporters Without Borders, 129
Reserve Fund, 435
reserve funds, 374–75
resources, biophysical limits to, 189
retail sales, 106
retirement, 67–68, 149, 362
retrenchment, 119, 363, 380, 389
retrograde economy, 391
“Return of Karl Marx, The” (Cassidy), 40
return on capital, 425
Revolution and Rebellion in the Early Modern World (Goldstone), 176
revolving door, 253–55
Ricardo, David, 115
Richard II of England, 31
Richard I of England, 133
Rickenbacker, William F., 101–2
Ridley, Matt, 185–86
rights of individuals, 161
Rise and Decline of Nations, The (Olson), 174–75, 240, 280, 298
River Rouge Complex, 36–37
Roberts, Paul Craig, 16
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 152
Rockefeller, Jay, 236
Rogers, Jim, 417
Role of Climate in Affecting Energy Demand/Supply, The (McKay and Allsopp), 496
Role of Money, The (Soddy), 49
Roman Empire, 145–48, 468–71
Roman Warm Period, 227
Rosiak, Luke, 86–87
Rothbard, Murray, 69, 314, 412–13
Rousseff, Dilma, 42
Ruggie, John G., 31
rule of law, 124, 130
Russia, 17, 249–50, 477
Saint Cuthbert, 486
Saint George, 109
Saint Godric of Finchale, 484–87