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Clarissa: Historical Romance (Chronicles of the Hudson River Valley Book 1)

Page 15

by Jean Jacobsen

  Nicholas sought out Clarissa for the last dance of the evening. Everyone in the room had eyes on them as they gracefully moved around the dance floor to the tune of a waltz. Memories of their first dance lessons flashed through Clarissa’s mind as she twirled in perfect time and step to his ever-subtle commands. Although Clarissa was tired, she gave it her best effort and completed the evening with one final flourish, which placed her firmly in Nicholas’s arms.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  C larissa would have liked to rest the day following her ball as her schedule had been a whirlwind of non-stop activity since arriving in the city. Instead, of a quiet respite from all the activities, floral bouquets by the dozens began arriving early afternoon at Granger Hall along with gentleman’s calling cards and requests to see the lovely Miss Clarissa. No rest was in sight, as etiquette required her to receive every caller. She sat in the front parlor along with her maid and sometimes Abigail wandered in to observe the melee.

  Each caller, including Farley Applegate, professed his undying love for Clarissa. He asked, “May I call upon you again soon and escort you to an evening’s event?” To which she replied, “You are very kind Mr. Applegate. Perhaps you and your friends will return here one afternoon to entertain me.” Farley beamed, “Yes, of course, Miss Tanner. It would be our pleasure.”

  It was almost teatime when the last caller departed Granger Hall. She took tea in the library quietly reflecting on her debut. She wished Laura was here. She needed to talk with someone since she had never experienced this kind of deference and she had no idea how to handle the attentions afforded her by these young men.

  Clarissa made a list of pros and cons of each possible suitor. The one with the most positive checkmarks was Nicholas, perhaps because she knew him better than the others. She crumpled the list in frustration. The ninety-day deadline which had been imposed by Alex Kilpatrick was drawing closer making Clarissa all the more anxious about selecting a husband. Her final decision would change the rest of her life. She was choosing the man she would spend the rest of her life with and while she did not want a loveless marriage like that of her parents, neither did she want to give up working with her beloved horses to spend time running a household. She sighed deeply as she rose from her seat by the fireplace.

  She was about to retire to her suite of rooms for a short rest when she decided she should first check in on Gran and thank her for the most wonderful debut ball ever. She’d been so busy the last few days that they’d spent very little time together and it dawned on Clarissa that Abigail appeared to be feeling her age and had only ventured downstairs once during the day. Abigail would dine in her rooms that evening while Nicholas escorted Clarissa to yet another event. Clarissa softly knocked on Gran’s door and entered.

  “Come in my dear and tell me all about your callers today. There has been a steady stream of young gentlemen coming and going.” Gran smiled up at Clarissa as she glided across the room to sit beside her.

  “Good evening Gran. How are you feeling? I’ve barely seen you all day.”

  She gently patted Clarissa’s hand. “I’m feeling a bit tired tonight, dear, and happy to have your big day behind us and ready for the next chapter in our lives to start. Tell me, did any of the nice young men who came around today interest you as a husband?”

  “Clarissa, my dear, I know the pressure of the ninety-day deadline is weighing on you. I don’t want to rush you, but there is little time remaining and if we are to keep our beloved Lochwood, you must make a decision soon.”

  “I know full well, the importance of meeting the deadline and that makes my choice of a husband very difficult, as you can well imagine.” She paused before continuing. “How did you know that Grandpa George was the right choice for you?”

  “I didn’t know, not really. You see, back then marriage wasn’t about love as much as it was about joining Clans or furthering political ambitions and strengthening border lands. Often times, the betrothed were lucky to meet before their wedding day. Your great-grandmother was a house maid who fell in love with the Laird’s second son. They were forbidden to marry but his aunt stepped in and helped them. That’s a story for another time.” Abigail sighed, “You my dear are so fortunate to have a choice.”

  Clarissa, not wanting to burden Gran with her misgivings about marrying a “city boy”, decided to keep those thoughts to herself. “I must confess, I’ve had more fun than I expected to. Thank you Gran for making it all possible.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  T he next day, dressed in fine woolen garb and a top hat, Nicholas passed by the parlor on the way to the stables where his horse was saddled and waiting for him. He was to meet a couple of old acquaintances from one of his men’s clubs for a ride in the park. This would be no leisurely jaunt today, as Nicholas needed a good workout. His growing feelings for Clarissa were of grave concern to him.

  He passed the parlor on his way to the grand entry hall and heard laughter and a great deal of noise coming from the room. As he glanced in, he observed Clarissa holding court with a room full of admirers from the previous evening. Flowers graced every possible surface in vases, which had not been used for years. One gentleman, Mr. Farley Applegate, was standing and reading from a book and was acting out the script while the others watched and listened. He was very entertaining with his exaggerated gestures and voice.

  Clarissa appeared to be having a great time as she hung on his every word and seemed very animated today. Her maid sat at a small table near a window and had put down her needlework so as to not miss any of the reading. Everyone in the room was entertained by Mr. Applegate.

  As the reader reached the conclusion of his story, he fell on one knee in front of Clarissa. Hands over his heart, he declared his undying love for her. She threw back her head and laughed and with her left foot, gave the suitor a gentle push, which sent him falling backwards. Everyone laughed and a good time was had by all.

  Nicholas felt he was too old to marry Clarissa as evidenced by the group of young admirers in the parlor. She would be happier with someone closer to her own age. However, that didn’t stop his growing desire for her. For her own good, he would need to emotionally distance himself from her which was becoming more difficult each day. Perhaps he was jealous of the attention she was receiving from her admirers.

  At the stables, a groom had readied a horse for Nicholas whose mind was on Clarissa and the parlor full of admirers. He failed to notice two shadowy figures lurking around the stables however, the hair on the back of his neck prickled. This was not the first time he felt as if he was being followed. Where was his brother?

  At the park, Nicholas and his two friends raced along the trails and paths, huge puffs of vapor billowing from the horse’s nostrils indicating the brisk temperatures. The ride was exhilarating to be sure. Nicholas returned to Granger Hall in a better mood and with a clear head, but no closer to finding an answer to his question with regard to his feelings for Clarissa.

  The front parlor was empty of its guests and Clarissa was nowhere to be found in the main floor rooms. Perhaps she was preparing for the evenings events. Tonight, he would escort Clarissa and Abigail to the theatre.

  Their theatre box was centrally located for all to see. Clarissa and Abigail were seated at the front of the box while Nicholas stood behind them, he would take his seat during the performance. At this moment, he was scanning the patrons in the other boxes and noticed Olivia watching him from a box across from them. She inclined her head slightly as did Nicholas in reply.

  He continued to scan the audience, observing ladies using their fans to cover the fact they were surveying the other boxes to see who else was in attendance. They were gossiping as if no one observed their actions. All eyes seemed to be on Clarissa as she took her seat. Fans were fluttering, the older women were straining to get a good look at her as they acknowledged Abigail with a nod, and she did the same in reply.

  “You are quite the center of attention this evening,” Nichola
s said to Clarissa.

  “Surely you are mistaken. I am merely an observer, as are they.”

  Nicholas gave a low chuckle. “You do indeed have their tongues wagging whether you choose to believe it or not.”

  Abigail said, “Clarissa dear, Nicholas is quite correct, you are the talk of the town, in a good way, that is. Your choice of the royal blue gown this evening is quite stunning on you.”

  There was a commotion at the rear of their box and Nicholas turned to address it. Several young admirers of Clarissa were pushing and shoving to see who could gain access to the box. Nicholas brought along his valet as an extra bodyguard, not knowing what or who would be following him as he continued to search for his brother. The guards were doing their best to keep the crowd at bay when Nicholas moved in to assist.

  “What’s the meaning of this?” asked Nicholas as he parted the curtains and met the small group of young men tussling to gain first in line.

  “We just came to pay our respects to Miss Tanner, sir. Who are you to keep us from her?”

  “I am her escort this evening and if you want to pay your respects then you will act like gentlemen first and foremost. Is that clear?”

  The pushing and shoving came to an abrupt halt and the fellow in the forefront extended his right hand to Nicholas. He took the opportunity to remind him that he was Mr. Farley Applegate and they had met at a ball a few nights previous.

  “I’ll take one at a time until the program starts then I must insist that you leave us to enjoy the evening’s entertainments. You sir, indicating Farley, come with me.”

  When Nicholas announced the young man, Abigail said, “Mr. Applegate comes to pay his respects I see.”

  “Yes, Ma’am, and to Miss Tanner as well.”

  Clarissa bestowed a brilliant smile on him and a slight nod of her head, “Mr. Applegate.”

  Nicholas, true to his word, allowed the others to enter the box one by one until the lights lowered and the orchestra began with the opening strains of music. After Nicholas and his valet helped disperse the crowd of young men, he returned to the box and took his seat behind Clarissa.

  Nicholas leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “You are quite the attraction this evening. Perhaps you should give some thought to one of those gentlemen as a serious suitor.”

  Clarissa rubbed her arms as if to recover from the delicious shivers brought on by his warm breath on the back of her neck but didn’t reply to his remark as the entertainment had started.

  Intermission proved to be another press of young men vying for an audience with Clarissa. Nicholas ordered champagne delivered to their box, as it would have been quite a challenge for them to make their way to the front lobby and take refreshment there. Clarissa had little time to enjoy the bubbly with the presence of more young men. Some were pushed forward to bow and blush as Clarissa bestowed one of her brilliant smiles on each and every one of them.

  The lights dimmed once again, and the entertainment continued. Nicholas suggested they leave a few minutes before the performance ended to avoid the press of the crowd.

  Their carriage was waiting at the front entrance for their quick departure. They rode in silence, with only the clip clop of horses’ hooves striking the avenue to interrupt their reflections upon the evening.


  At Granger Hall Clarissa retired to her rooms. She longed to discuss the evening’s events with Laura, who would have answers for all of Clarissa’s questions. They would have talked about the feelings she had for Nicholas and his apparent coolness. Was he indeed too old for her? Oh, how she wished her dear friend were here. She missed her more than words could say.

  Clarissa knew she had to hold her feelings more in check where Nicholas was concerned. Why had he tried to encourage her to meet these other young men?

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  N icholas and Abigail met in the library of Granger Hall. The season’s activities had not afforded them much time together for a private conversation lately. Abigail had tea waiting for Nicholas and they shared it in front of the low burning fire. Abigail was hoping to see if she could detect what Nicholas’ feelings were for Clarissa by using an old ploy. She had noticed that they were becoming more comfortable with each other and hoped for more. Although Nicholas was somewhat older than her granddaughter, she thought they would make a fine match. She was going to put her plan into action and hope for the best.

  “Good day to you Nicholas. I trust you are in fine health?”

  “To be sure Abigail, and you?”

  “The cold air last evening seems to have settled in my bones, so I plan to stay in this evening. A matter has come to my attention that requires your assistance.

  One of Clarissa’s young gentleman callers has requested a private audience with me and should arrive in a few minutes. I would feel more comfortable if you joined me when he calls.”

  “Of course I will, Abigail. Any indication what this is all about?”

  “I can only speculate but perhaps it has to do with Clarissa.”

  “Yes, I see,” replied Nicholas as he rose and moved to the fireplace. He rested an arm on the mantel in a casual manner. “There was one young man last night quite insistent, more so than the others. Perhaps it is he.”

  The butler entered and announced that Mr. Applegate had arrived to see Abigail. Nicholas told the butler to bring Mr. Applegate to the library.

  “Ah, Mr. Applegate,” Nicholas said, “we meet again.”

  “Mrs. MacDonald,” said Farley, “Nice of you to see me today.” He gave a slight bow.

  Abigail inclined her head towards him and indicated a chair. Farley appeared a bit confused as he looked from Nicholas to Abigail. “May I ask why Mr. Granger is present?”

  Nicholas broke in before Abigail could get started. “Mrs. MacDonald and her granddaughter, Miss Tanner are guests in my home this season. Do you need more of an explanation than that, Mr. Applegate?”

  “No…no, sir,” Farley stuttered as he met Nicholas’s gaze full on.

  “Then please state your business with Mrs. MacDonald.”

  “Well you see, Mrs. MacDonald, I have had the pleasure of meeting Miss Tanner and must confess I am thunder struck. That is to say, Ma’am, with your permission, I wish to court Miss Tanner.”

  Abigail and Nicholas exchanged glances. The season was only in its first week. Abigail needed time to confer with Clarissa before giving an answer. Could it be this easy for Clarissa to make a match so soon? Truly, her prayers would be answered, but what about Nicholas?

  Abigail turned her gaze to Farley. “Mr. Applegate, I thank you for your interest in my granddaughter. Please return tomorrow afternoon at this time and I shall give you my answer.”

  Farley looked crestfallen, “I was hoping for an answer today so that I might escort Miss Tanner to an event this evening. A disappointment, to be sure.”

  “Yes, understandable,” said Nicholas as he put a hand on Farley’s shoulder and ushered him from the room. “Mrs. MacDonald will have an answer for you tomorrow. Good day Mr. Applegate.”

  Farley and Nicholas were met at the library doors by a footman who showed Farley to the front door. Nicholas returned to the library and seated himself near Abigail.

  “You must be pleased to have such a fine upstanding young man ask to officially court Clarissa.” He settled back in the chair and crossed his legs. His foot was casually bouncing up and down.

  “I know the family,” said Abigail, “A fine young man with a prestigious pedigree. The season has only begun and here we are with a most eligible suitor. I shall have Clarissa join us in this conversation before I make my final decision.”

  Clarissa appeared in the library shortly after being summoned. “Good afternoon Gran, Nicholas.” She looked as if she had been sent to the head mistress’s office for some sort of punishment. Glancing from one to the other, she had no clue as to what they wanted.

  “Clarissa dear,” Gran started. “How are you enjoying the season so far?

  Clarissa looked from Gran to Nicholas and back, a bit apprehensive. “Fine, Gran. It is very different from life at Lochwood. There is so much to see and do here. I fear I will need a month to rest up when we return to the country.” She smiled and looked down at her hands, which were clasped in her lap.

  “I had a visitor this afternoon, a Mr. Applegate,” said Gran.

  Clarissa smiled. “Yes, he is most entertaining. He’s quite an orator to be sure. I understand his father is a state’s Senator in high standing.”

  “He has asked permission to court you. How do you feel about that?”

  Clarissa was stunned. She had no idea that Farley’s proclamation in the parlor was anything but entertainment for the crowd. With disbelief written on her face, she answered.

  “I am taken aback, Gran. He is a delight to be with and seems to be well liked by his peers. An excellent dancer, but I have no feelings other than friendship for him.”

  “Friendship is an important first step to a lifelong commitment, my dear. Your grandfather and I were fortunate to have become friends when our marriage was arranged. It’s not something every couple can enjoy.”

  “I have no thoughts of spending my life with Mr. Applegate,” declared Clarissa as her face colored when she glanced at Nicholas.

  Nicholas shifted in his chair and uncrossed his legs as he pondered her answer.

  “I am inclined to say yes to the request,” said Gran. “You know well enough our timetable and the importance of securing a good match quickly.”

  Clarissa was painfully aware of the time constraints, but this felt like a demand from Gran and she wanted to make her own choice. “I see, so then it’s settled. I feel as if I’m being auctioned off to the highest bidder.” Clarissa rose to leave and Nicholas caught her eye.


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