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The Irresistible Buck

Page 21

by Barbara Cartland

  “I cannot – marry – him,” Clarinda whispered.

  “You mean that he has not yet asked you,” Lord Melburne suggested. “That is easy, you have only to tell me who he is and if he is not on the long list of those who you have already refused, I will speak to him. I am certain that I can contrive that you are happily united within a very short space of time.”

  “N-no – no!” Clarinda cried. “Y-you don’t – understand.”

  “What do I not understand?” he enquired in the tone of someone dealing with a difficult child.

  “He – does – not care for – me.”

  “You are sure of that?” Lord Melburne asked.

  “Quite – sure.”

  “I would like to be convinced of this myself,” Lord Melburne said. “You have been so involved in so many tangles, Clarinda, that I just cannot trust your instinct in this. Look, for instance, at how you misunderstood me, or rather was taken in by Jessica Tansley’s lies. Tell me this most enviable young man’s name. I am sure without any difficulty that I can persuade him to go down on his knees in front of you.”

  “No – no,” Clarinda pleaded, turning to the window again. “Please don’t – press me, my Lord – it is something I – cannot speak about – I will be all right – and I will find myself a Guardian and someone to chaperone me. I have – no wish to be – married. I will stay at The Priory – as I always meant to do after Uncle Roderick died.”

  “You think you would be happy there?” Lord Melburne enquired.

  “There is no need to – trouble yourself about – me, my Lord, I will arrange something.”

  “It does not seem to me very satisfactory,” Lord Melburne remarked slowly. “You see, Clarinda, I have become tremendously involved with all your problems in these past weeks. I cannot leave you unattended and unprotected and so, before I see to my own affairs, I must find you a husband.”

  “I don’t – want a – husband,” Clarinda protested and now her voice broke on the words. “There is no one I can – marry, no one I have met in – London, so please don’t think of it.”

  “I have thought,” Lord Melburne said slowly, “although I may be mistaken, that it was someone you had met in the country, Clarinda.”

  For a moment Clarinda was frozen into immobility.

  “What – makes you – think that?” she asked evasively, as she felt that he was waiting for an answer.

  “I think I know all the men who danced attendance on you in London,” Lord Melburne replied, “and yet there is somebody who has made you cry, someone you have wept for night after night. Who is he, Clarinda?”

  “It is not true – who has been – telling you such things?” she asked brokenly and then she closed her eyes.

  Next she gave a little gasp, for she felt his hands on her shoulders as he turned her round to face him.

  “Must you go on lying?” he asked. “Look at me, Clarinda!”

  For a moment she resisted him before she opened her eyes filled with tears and looked into his.

  “My poor, unhappy little love,” he said softly. “I am a brute to tease you, but you have made me suffer so excruciatingly these past weeks that I wanted to punish you just a little.”

  For a few moments she could only stare at him, tears blinding her eyes, feeling that she must be dreaming.

  “Do you really think that I could marry anyone else?” Lord Melburne asked, “or let you marry anyone but me?”

  “What are you – saying to – me?” Clarinda whispered.

  There was a strange excited feeling tingling over her, a feeling that made her tremble, but not with fear.

  “I am trying to tell you, my dearest sweetest heart, that I love you and you have driven me nearly insane. I don’t think any man should have to go through the torture you have made me suffer these past few weeks, when I have watched every man you met dangling after you, proposing to you, wanting to love you, while I dared not even look at you.”

  “You ignored – me,” she whispered. “You never – spoke to me, you never – asked me to – dance.”

  “Do you not realise, my foolish love,” he asked, “that if I had so much as touched you I would have taken you in my arms and kissed you as I kissed you once before. It has been an inexpressible agony to see you looking so beautiful and to know that you were not for me.”

  His fingers tightened on her shoulders until they hurt.

  “Just how could you built that impossible ridiculous barrier between us? I have walked about my room night after night saying the words ‘Jessica Tansley? Jessica Tansley?’ until I think they are engraved on my heart. I thought that she must have meant something in my past and yet my memory was blank. She stood like an angel with a flaming torch between me and my only hope of happiness. Clarinda, how could you be such a nitwit as to believe her?”

  “Forgive me – please – forgive me.”

  Her eyes were looking up at his, her lips were parted a little and her breath was coming quickly between them and, because she looked so entrancingly lovely, he gave a little sound that was half a groan, half a cry of triumph and then swept her closely and crushingly into his arms.

  His lips were on hers and he kissed her wildly and passionately with the desperation of a man who thought he had lost all that mattered most to him in the world.

  When, after a long time, he raised his head it was to look down into her face, flushed and glowing with a radiance that he had never seen before.

  “I love you,” he said hoarsely. “Oh, God, how I love you! And to think that it was only last night after you had left me that I decided I must go abroad.”

  “Go abroad!” she cried. “But why?”

  “Because I could not bear to be near you any longer and not hold you like this, not kiss you and not beg you to marry me,” he answered. “Can you not understand, Clarinda, what I have been through, wanting you, thinking that my love was in vain and believing you spoke the truth when you said you hated me?”

  “I don’t think that I ever hated you after I came to know you. And then I – loved you – I loved you – so much that I was – afraid of myself.”

  “And yet you remained loyal to that idiotic, deceitful over-imaginative friend of yours?”

  “I thought you did not – love me,” Clarinda replied. “I thought I should find myself like all the other women who loved you, who found you – irresistible and who – bored you.”

  She shivered and looked into his face.

  “I am afraid that – I too might bore you?”

  He tightened his hold on her so violently that she cried out with the pain of it.

  “You are never to think of such a thing,” he said fiercely. “It is impossible that we shall ever be bored with each other and I will tell you why.”

  He kissed her forehead.

  “First, my darling, because you have such an exciting brain, although Grandmama thinks it is most regrettable. It will I do know keep us talking, arguing and perhaps even quarrelling occasionally for the rest of our lives.”

  He bent and kissed her eyes.

  “Secondly, my most adorable one, you have already mapped out a programme that will keep me occupied for years. Because of you I intend to go into Politics and if as a Politician’s wife you complain that you have too much to do, it will be entirely your own fault.”

  He kissed her lips before she could reply and then, close against her mouth, he said,

  “Lastly, my lovely one, I adore you as I have never adored anyone in the whole of my life. I never knew that love could be like this. I have never felt for any woman what I feel for you. I think that for every man, there is in his heart a shrine where he places his ideal woman. You are in my shrine, Clarinda, and there you will remain. My love, my guide and inspiration and most important of all, my wife!”

  He sought her lips and his kiss was gentle and had something reverent in it.

  Then he asked her softly,

  “Is that what you want of me, Clarinda?”

  “You know it is,” she whispered. “You know all I want is your love – because Buck, I love – you until there is – nothing left in the world – but my love for you – I cannot think of anything else. I only know that – my heart belongs to your – heart and I want to be – married to you – and to belong to you.”

  “How soon will you marry me?” Lord Melburne asked. “Tonight?”

  “H-how could – w-we?” Clarinda stammered.

  “Very easily,” he answered. “Grandmama said something only this morning that made me hope that you did not hate me as much as I feared. So before I left London I obtained a Special Licence.”

  “Oh, how – wonderful!” Clarinda breathed.

  “Then shall we be married later this evening in the Private Chapel?” he asked.

  “I want – more than anything in the world – to be your wife,” Clarinda answered, “and – to be – safe.”

  “You will always be safe in my arms, my darling. There will be no more terror, no more fears for you by night or by day. You will be close to me and if any man so much as looks at you, I swear I will kill him. You are mine, do you hear me? Mine!”

  His arms tightened about her and his lips, passionate, masterful and possessive, captured hers.

  The whole world seemed to be filled with sunshine and celestial music, which swept them into a Heaven all of their own.

  They were now one person, close, united and joined by a love that Clarinda knew would be with them forever and ever in this life and many other lives yet to come.

  When he then raised his head, Lord Melburne saw that her eyelids were for the first time heavy with the passion he had aroused in her and deep in her eyes there was a flame that echoed the fire in his.

  “Oh, my wonderful glorious darling,” she whispered tremulously, her breath coming quickly between her lips. “It is not very original – but I find you – irresistible.”

  “Is that not lucky?” he replied, his voice was deep with desire, but she heard a hint of laughter in it, “because, my beloved adorable sweetheart, I find you completely irresistible too!”


  The Barbara Cartland Eternal Collection is the unique opportunity to collect as ebooks all five hundred of the timeless beautiful romantic novels written by the world’s most celebrated and enduring romantic author.

  Named the Eternal Collection because Barbara’s inspiring stories of pure love, just the same as love itself, the books will be published on the internet at the rate of four titles per month until all five hundred are available.

  The Eternal Collection, classic pure romance available worldwide for all time .

  Elizabethan Lover

  The Little Pretender

  A Ghost in Monte Carlo

  A Duel of Hearts

  The Saint and the Sinner

  The Penniless Peer

  The Proud Princess

  The Dare-Devil Duke

  Diona and a Dalmatian

  A Shaft of Sunlight

  Lies for Love

  Love and Lucia

  Love and the Loathsome Leopard

  Beauty or Brains

  The Temptation of Torilla

  The Goddess and the Gaiety Girl

  Fragrant Flower

  Look Listen and Love

  The Duke and the Preacher’s Daughter

  A Kiss for the King

  The Mysterious Maid-servant

  Lucky Logan Finds Love

  The Wings of Ecstacy

  Mission to Monte Carlo

  Revenge of the Heart

  The Unbreakable Spell

  Never Laugh at Love

  Bride to a Brigand

  Lucifer and the Angel

  Journey to a Star

  Solita and the Spies

  The Chieftain Without a Heart

  No Escape from Love

  Dollars for the duke

  Pure and Untouched


  Fire in the Blood

  Love, Lies and Marriage

  The Ghost who Fell in Love

  Hungry for Love

  The Wild Cry of Love

  The Blue-eyed Witch

  The Punishment of a Vixen

  The Secret of the Glen

  Bride to the King

  For All Eternity

  King in Love

  A Marriage made in Heaven

  Who can deny Love?

  Riding to the Moon

  Wish for Love

  Dancing on a Rainbow

  Gypsy Magic

  Love in the Clouds

  Count the Stars

  White Lilac

  Too Precious to Lose

  The Devil Defeated

  An Angel Runs Away

  The Duchess Disappeared

  The Pretty Horse-breakers

  The Prisoner of Love

  Ola and the Sea Wolf

  The Castle made for Love

  A Heart is Stolen

  The Love Pirate

  As Eagles Fly

  The Magic of Love

  Love Leaves at Midnight

  A Witch’s Spell

  Love Comes West

  The Impetuous Duchess

  A Tangled Web

  Love lifts the Curse

  Saved By A Saint

  Love is Dangerous

  The Poor Governess

  The Peril and the Prince

  A Very Unusual Wife

  Say Yes Samantha

  Punished with love

  A Royal Rebuke

  The Husband Hunters

  Signpost To Love

  Love Forbidden

  Gift Of the Gods

  The Outrageous Lady

  The Slaves Of Love

  The Disgraceful Duke

  The Unwanted Wedding

  Lord Ravenscar’s Revenge

  From Hate to Love

  A Very Naughty Angel

  The Innocent Imposter

  A Rebel Princess

  A Wish Comes True


  Passions In The Sand

  Little White Doves of Love

  A Portrait of Love

  The Enchanted Waltz

  Alone and Afraid

  The Call of the Highlands

  The Glittering Lights

  An Angel in Hell

  Only a Dream

  A Nightingale Sang

  Pride and the Poor Princess

  Stars in my Heart

  The Fire of Love

  A Dream from the Night

  Sweet Enchantress

  The Kiss of the Devil

  Fascination in France

  Love Runs In

  Lost Enchantment

  Love is Innocent

  The Love Trap

  No Darkness for Love

  Kiss from a Stranger

  The Flame Is Love

  A Touch of Love

  The Dangerous Dandy

  In Love In Lucca

  The Karma Of Love

  Magic For The Heart

  Paradise Found

  Only Love

  A Duel with Destiny

  The Heart of the Clan

  The Ruthless Rake

  Revenge is Sweet

  Fire on the Snow

  A Revolution of Love

  Love at the Helm

  Listen to Love

  Love Casts out Fear

  The Devilish Deception

  Riding in the Sky

  The Wonderful Dream

  This Time it’s Love

  The River of Love

  A Gentleman in Love

  The Island of Love

  Miracle for a Madonna

  The Storms of Love

  The Prince and the Pekingese

  The Golden Cage

  Theresa and a Tiger

  The Goddess of Love

  Alone in Paris

  The Earl Rings a Belle

  The Runaway Heart

  From Hell to Heaven

  Love in the Ruins

>   Crowned with Love

  Love is a Maze

  Hidden by Love

  Love is the Key

  A Miracle in Music

  The Race for Love

  Call of the Heart

  The Curse of the Clan

  Saved by Love

  The Tears of Love

  Winged Magic

  Born of Love

  Love Holds the Cards

  A Chieftain Finds Love

  The Horizons of Love

  The Marquis Wins

  A Duke in Danger

  Warned by a Ghost

  Forced to Marry

  Sweet Adventure

  Love is a Gamble

  Love on the Wind

  Looking for Love

  Love is the Enemy

  The Passion and the Flower

  The Reluctant Bride

  Safe in Paradise

  The Temple of Love

  Love at First Sight

  The Scots Never Forget

  The Golden Gondola

  No Time for Love

  Love in the Moon

  A Hazard of Hearts

  Just Fate

  The Kiss of Paris

  Little Tongues of Fire

  Love Under Fire

  The Magnificent Marriage

  Moon over Eden

  The Dream and the Glory

  A Victory for Love

  A Princess in Distress

  A Gamble with Hearts

  Love Strikes a Devil

  In the Arms of Love

  Love in the Dark

  Love Wins

  The Marquis who Hated Women

  Love is Invincible

  Love Climbs in

  The Queen Saves the King

  The Duke Comes Home

  Love Joins the Clans

  The Power and the Prince

  Winged Victory

  Light of the Gods

  The Golden Illusion

  Never Lose Love

  The Sleeping Princess


  Barbara Cartland, who sadly died in May 2000 at the grand age of ninety eight, remains one of the world’s most famous romantic novelists. With worldwide sales of over one billion, her outstanding 723 books have been translated into thirty six different languages, to be enjoyed by readers of romance globally.

  Writing her first book ‘Jigsaw’ at the age of 21, Barbara became an immediate bestseller. Building upon this initial success, she wrote continuously throughout her life, producing bestsellers for an astonishing 76 years. In addition to Barbara Cartland’s legion of fans in the UK and across Europe, her books have always been immensely popular in the USA. In 1976 she achieved the unprecedented feat of having books at numbers 1 & 2 in the prestigious B. Dalton Bookseller bestsellers list.


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