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Succubus Chained (Paranormal Prison)

Page 15

by Heather Long

  Shaking my head, I wrinkled my nose when Fin beckoned with a curl of his fingers as he dropped into one of the armchairs. The little poof of dust that went up when he did that though utterly ruined the effect.

  Laughing, I shook my head. “I think I’ll pass. Or we’ll end up back in the bath.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Fin teased, his grin growing. He twirled his fingers, and a little dust storm rose up around him as it collected the fluttering particles in a swirl of air and then whooshed over to the fire. “See? All better.” He patted his lap.

  “Subtle,” Maddox growled as he prowled forward and dragged a bench over to me. Snagging my abandoned—well, Fin’s anyway—robe, he held it up. “You want this Kitten or shall I keep you warm?”



  Too tempting. The pair of them.

  Not throwing his hat into the ring, however, was Rogue. He merely refilled his mug with more ale and poured a second one that he nudged toward me. “We should talk.”

  Fin groaned, and Maddox scowled.

  Biting back another smile, I set the leather pants down. Apparently, they were fine with panties and a top, but I snagged the robe anyway because unlike these three beasts, the cold did bother me. Dragging it on, I didn’t bother with tying it. Ale claimed, I settled on the top of the table where I’d eaten—alone, thank you very much—and crossed my legs.

  “Talking would be good.”

  No, my body didn’t want to talk. It protested with the same pout reflected on Fin’s too pretty face and with the same force in Maddox’s scowl.

  Lifting the ale, I had a hard time containing another laugh. They did not like it when they didn’t get their own way.

  Awareness crept over me as I took a swallow. The sensation of being watched, but the guys weren’t looking at me so much as exchanging long silent glances with each other. Well, probably not so silent. Fin could do his little mental hoowah and let them have a private conversation.

  Downing another mouthful of the ale, I considered the drink. It was darker in shade, a rich copper without the metallic taste of blood. Toasty and almost nutty, there were hints of malt with a touch of caramel and nuances of fig. As I ran the ale over my tongue and sampled it, the different flavors grew more distinctive.

  Like the saffron rice and curry earlier, the different textures and tastes fascinated me. Another deep mouthful, and I swirled it around my tongue. There was definitely raisin in it.

  “Fiona!” Rogue’s voice jerked me back to the present.

  “I’m right here,” I told him almost languidly. “You don’t have to snap.” Despite the harsh crack in his tone, it hadn’t really bothered me. I’d rather just poke holes in his reserve. That man had let loose with me and then acted like it didn’t affect him at all.

  Game on.

  “Were you paying attention to the discussion about hybrids last night?”

  “Hmm…I don’t know, was that before or after you fucked me again? Or was that this morning? It’s all sort of running together.”

  Maddox rumbled, but when I raised my eyebrows at him, he shook his head quickly. What? A warning?

  Be careful, Beautiful. Rogue is not Maddox or me. He doesn’t play like that.

  I snorted, then took another swallow of the ale. All of them played like that. Or had Fin already forgotten the fact that Rogue had gotten me off before they even made it back from the prison?

  “Hybrids,” Rogue said, as though my comment hadn’t registered, “transition differently.”

  “Right, I have to feed enough to finish it, but we have to flush the shadow demon out of me.” I shrugged. “You’ve all said, hence the draining and me feeding on all three of you.”

  “There will be four soon,” Fin added, the earlier teasing vacating his voice. “When he’s awake, we have to have you ready.”

  “Wait—there are four of you assholes?” I motioned to the three of them.

  “Yes, Kitten. There are four of us. Alfred’s been asleep for a long time. He hasn’t fed in a long time. When he wakes, you’ll likely feel his teeth first. He’ll need to drain you.”

  “Well, whoopee. Glad I’m turning into a glorified blood bag slash sex doll for you folks. Let me guess, I’ll need to warm his cock up for him, too? Get all the kink out.”

  Fin winced, then tugged at his ear. “It’s not like that, Beautiful.”

  “Little sváss, have a care. They are besotted with you,” Rogue warned. “I’m not.”

  I met his cool-eyed gaze and smirked. “Liar.”

  It’d be better if he didn’t care. Maddox and Fin already tugged at me in ways that didn’t make me comfortable. Their lust was glorious to feed on, and I already enjoyed their blood.

  There was a thought I never believed I’d give voice to internally much less externally. Still…if Rogue were my enemy, this would be so much easier.

  “There are four of us, Alfred is waking,” Rogue continued. “It can be a process. We’re only telling you because once he is awake, he will come for you.”

  “Any minute now The Twilight Zone theme is going to start playing. That, or Psycho. Are you trying to terrify me, Rogue?” Also, what the hell kind of name was Rogue anyway?

  Beautiful. Fin’s mental voice strained, but Maddox chuckled. “You are so absolutely irreverent. I am not sure whether to kiss you or spank you.”

  “Who says you can’t do both?” Still, even as the comment rolled off my tongue, I raised my eyebrows in challenge. I could do with more ale, but I drained what was left in my mug.

  Maddox grinned. “Good to know you’d enjoy that.”

  “Succubus, Mad-Dragon. I pretty much enjoy everything if it packs a lust-filled punch.” Not entirely true, but I had a part to play, and they were getting all sorts of attached. I had clothes, and I could go out in the sun. I’d already managed to wake before them once.

  First thing tomorrow, I was the hell out of here.

  The thought of leaving twisted something uncomfortably in my gut. Time to cut out that infection before it sank in too deep. I couldn’t afford to get attached. Succubi were not made for long-term relationships. Speaking of which… “Anyway, your point was we need to clear the shadow demon out, Fin needs to drain me, then we can have another magnificent round robin of ride the cock while I feed off of each of you. But you want to wait until tomorrow morning?”

  With my new plan in mind, that didn’t work for me. The more I glutted, the more likely I could keep on the move. Particularly since I needed to travel from the dark ages back to the real world.

  “Crudely put,” Fin said, his scolding very present in his voice. “But it’s safer for you. We’re hybrids, our blood will sustain you like no one else’s will.”

  “Dorran’s seemed to be working for me.” Even stoned me out. “Didn’t mind his dick too much either.”

  Yes, I was absolutely pushing, and the black look crossing Maddox’s face said I’d definitely achieved aggravation. So what if I never wanted it until I was starving? That wasn’t the point. I needed them to let go.

  “Little sváss, I warned you,” Rogue stated. “Maybe we should just press ahead tonight. Eradicate the shadow demon’s influence. You seem healthy enough.”

  A muscle ticked in Maddox’s jaw.

  “Oh please,” I continued, baiting the hook. Or in this case, baiting the dragon, the druid, and whatever the fuck Rogue was. “I was hardly a virgin when I got here. A fact of which you should be grateful. You two knotting up and getting stuck inside of a girl could freak a normal person out. You’re all lucky that I’m very not normal.”

  Fin chuckled. “And you very much want us angry, Beautiful. Despite what he says, Rogue isn’t going to hurt you. None of us are.”

  Maddox surged to his feet, irritation vibrating off of him in waves. “Or is the point to push us away, to make us act rashly?”

  I shrugged. “None of this is my plan. I was happily whiling away my time in a cell when you showed up.�

  “We will move this to the bedroom, save us the trouble of having to carry you when you collapse,” Rogue stated. “Clean up in here, Maddox.” The dragon was a foot from me, his eyes incandescent when Rogue stopped him in a single order. “Fin, take her and feed on her until she’s silent. We could all use the peace.”

  “Yeah, fuck you, too.” Asshole.

  “Oh, you will, little sváss.” Rogue was suddenly right there, in my space, his mouth mere centimeters from mine. “You will be begging for it as you have each time.” With one finger, he stroked my cheek.

  “I don’t beg.” Ever.

  His soft chuckle raked over me like a bad rash. Then he bit my lower lip. Not a loving kiss or teasing nip, but full on bite, and it fucking hurt. When I would have jerked away, he locked my head in place, his hand at my nape, and he bit down and then sucked at the blood welling up.

  Not an ounce of pleasure stroked through me, nor was his lust even a stir. This was punishment, pure and simple. Pain for being a pain.

  He was definitely an asshole. When he released me, the flood of copper in my mouth had me swallowing convulsively. He ran his tongue over his own lips, now stained with my blood.

  “You taste better with each sip,” Rogue said. “If only you didn’t still taste of him. That is what we will remove.”

  There was just enough distaste curdling his words that fury roused in me. “You don’t like it, fuck off. No one asked you.”

  Instead of responding, he turned away and moved. The speed of his departure took me a moment to process, but one moment, he was in front of me, and next, he was at the fire—with all my newly acquired clothing. From the irritating floss to the semi-decent leather pants, he had everything but the camisole, panties, and robe I was wearing.

  He threw them all into the flames.

  “You son of a bi—” The word broke off as Fin hoisted me and stepped. My stomach plummeted as the world wrenched around me, and we went from the warm, if dusty library with its roaring fires, to the cold bedroom. I landed on my back on the bed, and a fire burst into being in the hearth.

  Shoving upward, I halted as Fin pivoted to face me, his expression dark and severe.

  “Stop it, Fiona,” he said, his tone unforgiving and without the teasing lilt of every earlier interaction. “You are trying to make us fight you.”

  Considering I could still taste blood in my mouth, I’d say I’d done a damn good job of it. “Or what?” Because I was tired of these assholes hauling me around like I was their fucking toy or fuck toy. Whatever.

  “Or you will make this situation far more difficult than it needs to be for you. For us.”

  “Well, the gods forbid I make this situation difficult for you. Really wouldn’t want that…”

  Fin sighed, face turned heavenward. “I love your mouth,” he said abruptly. “I love the way you smile. I love how it felt on my cock.”



  “I also love the sass you spill so swiftly and without mercy.” He faced me then. “You’re perfect.”

  I snorted. “Hardly.”

  “No, you’re perfect.” He took a step toward the bed and then slid onto the end of it. “I need you to listen to me, Fi—do you mind if I call you Fi?”

  It was the first time any of them actually asked me if I minded one part of this whole thing. “It’s fine,” I said. “Only Elias calls me Fi, but I don’t mind it so much.”

  “And Elias would be?”

  “A friend.” A real one. Did he think I was dead? I hoped not. We’d been close for a long time, he would be pissed enough that I’d fucked a vampire much less turned into one. But that was a problem for another day.

  “Interesting.” He actually sounded like he meant that. “But will you listen to me, Fi?”

  “I’ve been listening, Fin.”

  His smile was sudden and bright. Yeah, yeah, I used his name. Whatever. He’d been polite to me, why not show a little of the same back to him?

  “Yes, you have, but have you heard us?”

  “Pretty much. Also rather getting that you all think you get to make these decisions for me. The arrogance is rather off-putting. The magnificent sex does help in that department, but not so much I just forget you’re all assholes who stole me from one prison to lock me into another.”

  Sighing, he nodded. “That’s not an unfair assessment.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Another small smile. “Fiona, the world as you know it has changed.”

  No shit, Sherlock. Though I kept that last bit to myself and waited. If this was another ‘oh, I was a hybrid and special, la-dee-dah,’ I might cut myself just to get on to the feeding and fucking portion of the evening.

  My pussy ached at the very thought, but damn if she wasn’t already wet thinking about it. They seemed to enjoy wrecking me almost as much as I was enjoying being wrecked.

  Like I’d said a few times now, I was definitely twisted.

  “You’re more than just a hybrid.”

  I snorted, but at his frown, I raised my hands in surrender and then flopped back against the bed. If I was going to listen to this epistle, I might as well be comfortable.

  “I saw you in a vision,” Fin continued. “Several centuries ago.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “You were the most beautiful female I had ever seen, one I knew was perfect for us. All of us. You would fit with us and be our fifth. You would also be a hybrid.”

  “Well yay you?”

  Fin levered himself over me, and I met his gaze.

  “Fi, I’m not making this up. I’ve waited hundreds of years for you. Maddox has, too. Rogue…Rogue will come around. He’s more cautious, but he’s welcomed you here, and he wants you here.”

  I studied him. He really was serious.

  “You belong to us,” he continued, and I clamped my teeth together. I didn’t belong to anyone. “When Alfred wakes up…you’ll see. The balance is shaky right now. Without Alfred, Rogue feels like he has to look after us, and he and Maddox both think I’m too impetuous.”

  Well, I couldn’t fault that assessment.

  He cupped my face, and against my better judgment, I leaned into the contact. “I get that this is a lot. You didn’t ask for any of this.”

  No, I really hadn’t.

  “But we can make you happy.” Then he nuzzled a kiss to the corner of my mouth before laving his tongue against the cut on my lower lip left by Rogue’s teeth. It was a soothing gesture, healing the bite. Too sweet. I swallowed. “You don’t have to trust us yet, even if you kind of are. You don’t have to believe everything, though I wish you would…”

  Fuck. Me. “Then what are you asking me for?” Dammit. Pretty boys were like my kryptonite. Especially when they were sweet and wore their hearts on their sleeves.

  “Time,” he whispered, and then he kissed his way down to my chest, not hesitating or pausing near my throat. When he nudged the robe wider and the camisole up, I sighed. The heat of his mouth on one nipple fanned the flames of languid heat. “Can you give us time?”

  When he sank his teeth into my breast, I closed my eyes and arched. The first hot pull had my brand new panties soaking, and I cried out when he slid his hand beneath the band.

  Time, Fi. Just give us time.


  I couldn’t see him, but his mental smile burst through me, and then he thrust two fingers inside as he began to rub the heel of his hand to my clit. The draining, the finger-fucking, and the smile—a devastating combo.

  “A little while,” I gasped. I’d give them a little while. Everything else faded as he kept feeding and sent me tumbling toward my first orgasm of the evening.

  But it would certainly not be the last.

  Not that I was even a little bit hungry.

  This was all just for me.


  I was so fucked.

  Literally and figuratively.

  Chapter 13

; “More is planted in the garden than flowers and food. Hope. Freedom. Joy. They need to be tended, too.” - Unknown

  Some sixty hours after telling Fin I’d give them some time, I found myself chewing on the jerky of regret. I’d woken in the same pile of limbs we’d slept in since my first night. This morning, I’d been sleeping on Rogue, straddling his half-hard cock still half in me. Face pressed against his throat, I could still taste his blood in my mouth. That part hadn’t really bothered me. Nor had the fact that Maddox had a territorial hand on my ass while he draped alongside me or that Fin held one of my hands to his chest.

  I’d woken to sleeping on all of them. Despite how large the bed was, apparently I didn’t get my own spot. Maddox seemed my usual mattress, but I probably gravitated to him out of heat. Fin though tended to fold around me when I slept on him, but Rogue and I were not friends no matter how good he felt.

  No, the physical dimensions of playing human twister with all their naked limbs and their refreshing lack of any kind of concern where their bare skin encountered each other, these I enjoyed.

  No, my problem was that morning, I hadn’t wanted to move. Awake, aware, and intimately settled, I hadn’t wanted the distance I needed to regain each day. I’d kissed the spot over Rogue’s throat where I had been feeding. The skin wasn’t puffy or swollen like their bites were on me. The fact that they hadn’t healed had worried them.

  None of them said as much, but I’d caught Fin studying those marks with an intensity that bordered on dangerous. And apparently, Fin draining me to near empty before I fed up on all of them wasn’t the last time it happened. He did it again the following night, and the night before it had been Rogue who’d done it after he’d gone down on me.

  The man had an extremely talented gift with his mouth, when he wasn’t being stoic and distant.

  The minute I realized I didn’t want to move, I levered myself out of the bed and off of Rogue. His cock had already been stirring, as had a fresh pool of desire, and what the fuck was up with that I had no idea.


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