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The Dead Prince

Page 8

by Alejandro Betancourt


  Zack parks and leans his head back against the seat with a sigh.

  "I know this isn't your thing, but I do appreciate you taking me to the game," Olivia says, as she looks at the mirror and reapplies her lip-gloss.

  "I'm sure it'll be fun," he says unconvincingly.

  When Olivia's satisfied with her touch-up, they leave the car and walk to the tailgate area. Olivia sees her friends and waves before turning back to Zack. "You're the best. See you inside."

  Zack is walking to the entrance when he sees Eva; Amy and Emma are standing next to her. "Zack!" Eva shouts, gesturing for him to come to over. He awkwardly greets the girls as Eva nudges him in the arm. "Hey, hero. Amy and Emma are shocked to see you here. They say you never come to the games." She hands Zack a can of cola.

  As their fingers make contact, Zack feels an electric shock that makes his whole body tingle. He stiffens, his eyes wide, briefly filled with a wild excitement.

  "Zack? Are you okay?" Eva asks.

  "Oh, sorry, I felt a little light-headed for a second," Zack says, tamping down his odd feelings. "You're right — I don't usually come to the games, but my sister Olivia begged me to take her. She's got this thing for the quarterback."

  "Aww, you're not only a hero, but you also have a weak spot for your little sister. How sweet."

  Amy clears her throat. "I think it's time to go in," she interjects. "Don't want to miss the start of the game, you know."

  "Mmm-hmmm," Eva purrs, looking at Amy a bit archly. Amy blushes.

  As they start walking toward the entrance, Eva wraps her arm around Zack's and pulls him slightly closer. Her touch brings him a sensation of energy and power that spreads into his soul, soothing and eerily familiar.

  For a moment, he feels indestructible.


  Olivia zigzags through the crowds, leaving the stadium after another Raiders win. She finds Zack and grabs his arm. "Brady asked if we can stay awhile," she says, her voice a little giddy. "He and some of his friends are going to Harper's Diner and we're invited!"

  "We have school tomorrow," Zack reminds her.

  "Puleeeease? Didn't I already say you're the best brother ever? Don't blow your winning streak!"

  Zack laughs. They sit on the trunk of their car and talk about the game while they wait. A few minutes later, they're joined by Brady — and, to Zack's surprise, by Mike, Amy, Emma, and Eva.

  "Thanks for coming," Brady says as they share a hand-clasp.

  "No problem," Zack says. "Olivia really wanted to see you play. Me too. Great game, guys."

  "Thanks, bro," Mike says. "We should get going before curfew cuts our dinner short, though."

  Their plans are derailed by a sudden shout.

  "Euperian scum!" The group turns to see a mob shouting obscenities at a group of four young people who are hurrying away with their heads down. Brady slaps Mike on the shoulder and heads to intercept the group.

  "Mike! Don't you dare!" Amy shouts.

  Brady and Mike stop in front of the so-called Euperians.

  "Where do you think you're going?" Brady demands.

  "Please, we don't want any trouble," one of them says as the mob encircles them. "We just came to watch the game."

  "What makes you think we want your kind watching a human sport?"

  "I'm human, and we mean no disrespect. We just want to go home."

  "You're a species traitor!" one of the mob shouts. He throws a punch that knocks the man to the asphalt. One of the beleaguered Euperians uses his alien strength to push the attacker away from his human friend. He then goes into a defensive stance, trying to keep the mob at bay.

  Zack, don't!

  Zack blocks Olivia from his mind. He can sense the Euperians' fear; it's so strong that it draws him in. He starts stalking toward the mob — and Eva steps in front of him. "Be smart," she whispers.

  Zack takes his phone out of his pocket, takes a picture of the mob, and sends it to 911. He tells the others to get in his car. Amy and Emma decline, and head toward Amy's car instead.

  As Zack pulls out of the parking lot, he can see the lights of the approaching police drones in his rear-view mirror.


  Head Minister Bannon is escorted to the safe house where Ambassador Jabieko is being kept. Jabieko stands up from his desk and greets the Head Minister as he enters.

  "You didn't have to come, Mr. Head Minister," Jabieko says with a smirk as he shakes Bannon's hand. "I'm sure this won't be the last attempt on my life."

  "I promise you that we'll catch these bastards," Bannon says.

  "I'm sure you will." Jabieko invites the Head Minister to sit. "And I expect that they'll be handed over to me, even the human ones?"

  "Of course. Claire." Bannon waves to his assistant, who hands Jabieko a file.

  "Ambassador, I'll be asking the Assembly to vote on this amendment in our next session." Bannon waits for Jabieko to scan the document before continuing. "I would love your support on this measure."

  "Mr. Head Minister, I'm sorry, but that's a hard pass." Jabieko tries to hand over the file, but Bannon refuses to take it.

  "Ambassador, my people are already using any means necessary to terrorize Azhalians. By making it legal, it will give us the power to control the narrative. Our shared vision to keep humans and Azhalians segregated will come to fruition much quicker if we allow this measure to pass." Bannon leans back in his chair. "Think about it, Ambassador. If your people know that humans have the right to bear arms again, they will accept any measures, including forced migration, if that's what it takes for them to remain safe."

  Jabieko glares. "I will not allow any Azhalians, even Euperians, to be tortured and killed by your kind! You humans have demonstrated throughout your history that you cannot be trusted to govern peacefully."

  "Mr. Ambassador, considering who you are, that's rich coming from you. I will submit this motion with or without your support," Bannon says flatly, "and if you block it, you will be responsible for the uprising that will surely follow."

  Jabieko stares at him coolly for a long moment, hands steepled before him on his desk, before he replies. "Mr. Head Minister, I think you're forgetting who was truly responsible for getting you elected. I can just as easily arrange for a vote of no confidence and toss you back out onto the street." Jabieko stands up. "Now, Bannon, if you don't mind, let's adjourn. Assassination attempts can leave one feeling a bit fatigued."

  Bannon stands smoothly, clearly aware that Jabieko has dropped any pretense of civility along with his title, but none of the emotions he is feeling show on his face. "Certainly. Again, I'm happy that you're still alive, and I will find those scum." He doesn't bother to offer a handshake before he turns to go. The Head Minister's entourage follows as he exits the bunker.

  Nima hands Jabieko a drink. "Careful, sir. Bannon may be a career politician, but that makes him smarter than most people give him credit for."

  Jabieko takes a sip. "I know exactly what he is."

  "If you block a measure to make it legal to bear arms, the humans will no longer see you as an ally."

  "Yes, and that's what he wants. He wants to expel us from Earth. Set an emergency meeting with the Azhalian Assembly. If we have to pass this resolution, we'll do it our way."

  Chapter 14

  Eva stands on the cabin's porch with a cup of coffee in hand. She takes a sip as she watches Blake and Wally wrestle. "Take him down, Wally!" she shouts.

  Blake looks up, and Wally slams him to the ground.

  "What happened to never losing focus in battle?" the bearded Isarian asks as he helps Blake up.

  "Whatever. Lucky move." Blake brushes the leaves off his shirt and starts walking toward the cabin.

  "Aren't you afraid of using your powers out in the open?" Eva asks as he steps up onto the porch.

  "We're both registered Azhalians," Blake says, "so not really." He grabs a glass of water from the table and takes a sip.

  "I he
ar that doesn't matter anymore unless you're an Ucte," Eva says.

  "Well, that's why we live here," Blake says. "No neighbors close by, and the pine trees hide us from the drones. How was the game?"

  "Americans love their football, don't they?"

  "I'll make us breakfast," Wally says. He enters the cabin.

  "You should go to a college or professional game," Blake says. "It's even crazier."

  "No thanks. I just want to go home. Last night the humans reminded me how evil they can be, even towards their own kind."

  "What happened?"

  "A group of Euperians was harassed by a mob. Their human friend was beaten for trying to defuse the situation." Eva pauses. "The worst part is, I stood there and did nothing. I even stopped Zack from intervening."

  "You did the right thing."

  "No. They were our people, and they needed help."

  Blake puts his arm around her shoulders. "We got an invitation to meet with members of the EIRF. With Zack reconnecting with us, Wally and I realized we need to start taking chances."

  "Are you serious? When?"

  "This coming weekend."

  "How do we know they can be trusted?" Eva asks.

  "We don't, but what choice do we have?" Blake starts stretching. "Are you ready for a quick one-on-one?"

  Eva puts her coffee down. "I thought you'd never ask."


  George Harper walks into the volunteer tent, signs in, and gets his badge. It comes with a T-shirt with the image of Head Minister Bannon on it, and a red Make Earth Human Again ball cap. He then attends the briefing where instructions are given to the volunteers before they head to their posts. George looks at the podium where Bannon has promised to reveal a new measure to help humans defend themselves from an invasion. For the first time in a very long time, George feels that somebody is standing up for the rights of the human race.

  As attendees start arriving, George ushers them to their assigned seats. Before long, the stadium is full of the Head Minister's supporters. The announcer welcomes the Minister to the podium, and the crowd gives him a thunderous ovation. George joins in enthusiastically. Once the applause dies down, Bannon starts the rally by condemning the media and the cowardly members of the opposition party who won't stand up to the alien invasion. He continues by painting a grim picture of Earth, and how the aliens have taken advantage of humans; he glosses over the fact that the aliens also saved humanity from extinction, just as his audience wants him to. Crowds cheer and chant with excitement. As he winds down his speech, the Head Minister makes his latest proclamation — he will reinstate the right to bear arms to every human on Earth!

  It takes a moment for the crowd to process what many thought was unthinkable, but seconds after, the crowd erupts, chanting, "Make Earth Human Again! Make Earth Human Again!" The Head Minister lifts his fist to the crowd in appreciation.

  George helps direct the crowd to the exit. Once done, he returns his badge and carries his MEHA swag to his rental car, where he finds a stranger leaning against it. "Can I help you?" he asks cautiously.

  "Hi, George. My name is Paul Ingram." The man extends his hand.

  After a brief pause, George shakes his hand. "May I ask how you know me?"

  "Well, George, I have a strong feeling that you and I have similar views on the need to expel the aliens from our planet. For that reason, I want to invite you to a special gathering today with other likeminded individuals." Paul hands George a business card. "Hope to see you there."

  Later, George Harper sits in his car, contemplating his next move. He looks at his phone and reads Amy's message wishing him luck on his business trip. He feels guilty for lying to her, but she would never understand. He can no longer stand idle and lose another woman he loves to an alien, not like he lost his wife. He looks at his reflection in the mirror and makes up his mind.


  Wally and Blake enter the diner, look around, and slide into an empty booth facing the entrance. "He's not here," Blake growls.

  "Patience. He's probably making sure we came alone." Wally calls the waitress over and orders two coffees and two Irish breakfasts.

  "Or it's a trap," Blake responds, just as the diner's door chimes. Two men enter and help themselves to the empty seats at Blake and Wally's table.

  "Good morning, gentlemen," Aaron says in a low voice. "Thank you for meeting up with us. This is Matthew, one of the founders of the Resistance."

  "Good morning," Matthew says with a warm smile.

  "I didn't expect to see an Uek'unt leading the Euperian Resistance," Blake says slowly.

  "Well, we didn't expect to get a message from an Isarian," Matthew says, looking at Wally. "The official line is that there are no Isarians on Earth, and never have been. I have to wonder just how wrong that statement is."

  "Thank you for meeting with us, and I apologize for my associate," Wally says quickly. "But like him, I wasn't expecting a Azhalian representative to be leading what the UN calls a terrorist group."

  "I understand. First of all, let me assure you this is not a trap. If it were, you would've already been arrested. Second of all, what you have heard in the fake media is just that — fake. Propaganda, some of which we encourage."

  Matthew pauses as the waiter arrives. "Would you guys like to order as well?" he asks.

  "Just coffee for us, please." Matthew returns his attention to Wally and Blake. "So with that out of the way, how can I help you gentlemen?"

  "We need to get back to Azha," Wally says.

  "Trying to reunite with the queen?"

  Wally looks a bit startled before replying. "That's the plan."

  "You must hold some interesting memories, Wally," Matthew says. "I can probably make some arrangements for you to be smuggled into Azha, but what's in it for us?"

  "Actually, there are four of us. If we can get to the queen, we guarantee that we can change the course of the war. Which means that for you and your movement here on Earth, less Ucte control over Earth affairs — and if the cards are played right, maybe even them losing their hold on Earth."

  "Sounds like an intriguing offer, but there's a lot of 'ifs.' Who are the other two individuals?"

  "Euperians loyal to the queen."

  Matthew looks to Aaron, and there's a silent exchange of information that Wally and Blake don't catch. Matthew shakes his head. "Sorry, gentlemen, but I didn't get to where I am by taking 'ifs' as payment."

  "We have money," Wally says.

  "I have enough money to last me a couple of lifetimes. What I need is manpower. Since the passing of the Alien Exclusion Act, the UN has not only increased their number of raids, but has also started to induct Ucte soldiers into their forces. How about this. If you can help us smuggle some contraband, I'll get you and your friends to Azha. Do we have a deal?"

  "What are we smuggling, and to where?" Blake asks.

  "Does it matter? It's your only ticket to Azha."

  "You have a deal," Wally says, extending his hand to Matthew. He pays the bill, and minutes later the four of them walk out, Wally and Blake taking their breakfasts to go.

  Matthew and Aaron wave to Wally and Blake as they drive off. "You look puzzled," Aaron says.

  "You should be, too. There's a Isarian on Earth. Don't you wonder whose memories he possesses?"

  It takes Aaron a moment to connect the dots. "You're saying there's a possibility that the Doctor has been correct all this time?"

  "It's starting to look that way."

  Chapter 15

  Years after its demise in the wake of World War III, the United Nations has risen from the ashes like a phoenix, reborn through the intercession of the Azhalians, to become what nobody but right-wing conspiracy theorists and Marxist utopians had ever thought possible: the overarching government of the entire Earth.

  The nuclear holocaust had obliterated entire countries and rendered many parts of the planet inhospitable. The survivors split into thirteen factions, and during the ensuing deca
de, constantly fought each other for control of the planet's scant remaining natural resources—particularly drinkable water and arable land. When the Azhalians arrived, they were welcomed as saviors by most.

  Today, General Robert A. Helms hurries through the empty corridors of the structure that stands on the former grounds of the UN building in midtown Manhattan. He has received critical information from his field officers that he must deliver to the UN representatives who have secretly convened here in New York.

  Two armed UNSTF soldiers greet him at the door of the New Oval Office. "Good evening, sir," the first says.

  Helms nods and presses his thumb against the scanner. The metal doors open, and he walks into the briefing room. The tapping of his dress shoes against the cold marble floor echoes throughout the vast space. Six men sit at desks in front of him. They are five of the thirteen permanent members of the UN's governing board, as well as the body's Secretary-General. Helms doesn't fully trust them, and the mistrust is mutual.

  Helms takes off his ring and inserts it into the port of the computer in front of him. A holographic screen displays behind Helms, and holograms pop up above each of the men's desks. "Good evening," Helms begins. "I am pleased to report the capture of an Azhalian fugitive — more specifically, an Isarian, or as they are called on Azha, the Protectors of Memories."

  The screen shows a prisoner seated in a brightly lit room with shining electric-powered handcuffs around his wrists. He's surrounded by UN agents. Helms smirks a bit at the representatives' stunned expressions.

  "We have reason to believe that this prisoner is the protector of Eza, the fiancée of Prince Zec, heir to the Euperian throne. Eza is also the daughter of Matiboth, now second-in-command of Zheteg's forces but once the general of the forces that protected Greron, the capital of the Euperian Empire."

  The screen changes to show footage of Eza's escape.


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