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Chasing the Shadows

Page 30

by Maria V. Snyder

  “While I’m tempted to gloat,” Jarren says, “I suspect they’re trying to delay us, which means more of them are on the way.”

  I shove the doubts aside and concentrate. The barriers around the controls for flying the shuttle are impenetrable. Maybe if I go into the program for the weapons. The defenses are thick and complex.

  “All right, I’m targeting all three at once,” she says.

  No time to be delicate, I bulldoze right into the protocols, sizzle-zapping everything. Desperate, I call to the Q-net to help. To stop them. To do something. Anything! Please!

  The engines and lights turn off.

  “What the—” the pilot says in the sudden quiet.

  I sag back in my seat. Thank you.

  “What’s going on?” Jarren demands. “Did they hit us with an EMP?”

  An EMP is an electromagnetic pulse. If it’s strong enough, it can knock out anything that uses electricity.

  “No, we’re shielded. All the shuttles are. It’s just turned off.”

  “Can you turn it back on?”

  She pushes various buttons, but nothing happens. I suppress my smile as her actions become more frantic.

  “No. There’s a disconnect from here to the rest of the ship.”

  “That’s…” Jarren turns and meets my gaze. “What did you do?”


  He aims the kill zapper at me. “Want to try that again?”

  I lift my hands and spread my fingers. “I’m stuck here. I can’t do anything. No tangs. No terminal.”

  “Don’t kill her,” the pilot says. “We need her alive to negotiate.”

  Jarren curses. “Safe passage in exchange for her?”

  “That’s our only play. We can take another shuttle,” the pilot says.

  He slams a fist into the seat next to me. I jerk in surprise.

  “Going to another shuttle will expose us,” Jarren says. “And they can cut the engines like they did to this one.”

  “If they’re honorable, they’ll keep their side of the deal,” she says. “We don’t have anything else.”

  “I can’t leave her behind or she’ll ruin everything. DES doesn’t get to win. I’ll do anything so they don’t. Even die.”

  A buzzing sounds in my ears as all the air is sucked from the shuttle. Except no one but me notices this lack of oxygen. What little comfort I scraped together during their conversation has fled. No way I’m going to survive this.

  Jarren returns to the cockpit, but the pilot is eyeing me with a piercing gaze. A dark brown braid spirals around her head like a cap. There’s nothing friendly in her expression.

  “I’ve an idea,” she says and then leans close to Jarren and whispers in his ear.

  His frown deepens and he shoots me a look. It’s not encouraging. He appears sick to his stomach. In the end he agrees. To what, I’ve no idea.

  While she goes to the back of the shuttle to rummage around for whatever supplies, Jarren messages Niall and the others. There’s a bit of back and forth until Jarren’s satisfied.

  He comes over and unbuckles my harness. This is it. My one chance to escape. Then he frees my left wrist. I brace. When my right wrist is free, I surge to my feet, striking out with the heels of my palms for his Adam’s apple. Jarren steps back with a cry so the blow isn’t as hard. That’s okay, I aim my fist at his face and—

  A sizzle sounds behind me right before I’m hit. I collapse on the ground as a million pinpricks of fire spread out from my back. My jumpsuit keeps me from being knocked unconscious. Although as the pain increases, passing out seems like a really good idea. I curl into a ball. Enduring another minute of torture, I suck in deep breaths to keep from losing the contents of my stomach. Eventually the sensation eases.

  Jarren yanks me to my feet. “A wasted effort. You’re still dangling on your hook, Little Worm.”

  “I caused you pain. To me, that’s well worth the effort.”

  Instead of answering, he shoves me toward the door, keeping one hand on my shoulder. “Do you have it?” he asks the pilot.

  “Yes,” she says.

  Jarren turns me so I’m facing him. He holds my upper arms, keeping me still. Before I can figure out what’s going on, something is pressed between my shoulder blades. It’s cold and hard and little hooks sink into my skin through the jumpsuit’s fabric.

  I bite down on a cry of pain. You would think I’d be used to sharp objects piercing my skin by now, but you’d be wrong.

  “Done,” the pilot says.

  “Ready?” Jarren asks.


  Before I can sort out what’s going on, he releases one of my arms and keys in the code. The door opens. Bright light outlines the hatch as it peels away from the shuttle. Jarren steps behind me. He hooks an arm around my neck and presses his weapon to my forehead.

  “Show time, Little Worm,” he says, pushing me down the short steps. A group of people stand a few meters away. He keeps me between him and them as we walk sideways to another shuttle about fifteen meters away. I assume the pilot is behind us.

  No one says a word. I scan faces: Niall, Rance, Zaim, Radcliff, Morgan, and my parents. They’re all glaring at Jarren, which is good. If they were scared, I’d be sobbing by now. I meet Niall’s gaze and he gives me an encouraging nod.

  When we reach the shuttle, Jarren tells the pilot to go inside and ensure it’s empty and is able to fly. While she checks it out, we wait at the base of the ladder.

  The shuttle engines roar to life. After a minute the pilot pokes her head out. “We’re good to go.”

  Jarren addresses the group. “I’m holding up my side of the bargain and leaving Little Worm behind. Do not try to stop the shuttle,” Jarren says. “If you do, I’ll blow her to bits.” He spins me around. “There’s an explosive device on her back.”



  A new level of terror slices through me. Did he just say—

  “Once we are safely away, I will disarm the device.”

  I meet his gaze. He’s holding my shoulders. Jarren’s comments replay in my head: I can’t leave her behind or she’ll ruin everything. And the other one: I’ll make sure you stay dead before I leave.

  “You picked the wrong side,” he says. “And it killed you. Twice.” He pushes me down and sprints for the shuttle.

  I land on my butt, but scramble to my feet as the door raises. My family and friends start toward me, but I hold out my hand. “Stop! Don’t come any closer!”

  Because Jarren is going to detonate the device as soon as he’s out of danger.

  And they’ll all die, too.

  And I can’t let that happen. Jarren doesn’t get to win.

  So I do the only thing I can, I take a running jump and grab onto the leg of the shuttle as it lifts off. Shouts sound below me. I look down. My family is staring up at me. Their mouths are moving, but I can’t understand a word. Which is probably for the best, since I’ll never see them again and I don’t want my last memory to be of them yelling at me for being an idiot.

  Then I pull the rest of my body up onto the foot so I’m not hanging by my hands. It’s a tight fit, but at least the leg doesn’t retract into the shuttle. Now, if he detonates the explosives, I’ll take him and the pilot with me. I wonder if Jarren will check before—

  The shuttle banks hard to the left. I tighten my hold on the metal structure. And that would be a yes. He knows I’m here. Then it makes a wild dive to the right. Wrapping my legs around the leg as well, I cling with all my strength as the pilot does a series of maneuvers to fling me off. I actually regret not doing more push-ups. Who knew push-ups would be that important?

  Eventually, the shuttle levels off. I’ve a second to catch my breath before the door opens. Oh boy. Shifting to put the leg between me and the door, I adjust my grip.

  Harnessed to the shuttle, Jarren steps out. I’ve a flashback to when he shot me from a shuttle before. But then I was in the port and he was up above. Now
I really am a worm dangling on a hook. Crazed laughter bubbles up my throat. He meets my gaze and just shakes his head as if he can’t believe it.

  He pulls the energy wave gun, then pauses. That’s right, figure it out. The force from that weapon will shatter the leg and damage the shuttle. Jarren switches to his kill zapper. Except that too will harm the shuttle, knocking out the electronics. Then he touches my pulse gun, but no one can shoot that but me. Well, unless he reprogrammed it to his own electrical signal. I’ve a moment of panic before he drops his hand.

  Grinning, he shouts over the noise, “Guess you’re coming back with us. Hold on or not. Either way is fine with me.”

  Oh my stars! I didn’t quite think this through. To be fair, it was one of those spur-of-the-moment decisions. Although not dying is preferable to dying.

  He retreats into the shuttle and the door closes. Now what? The ground blurs far underneath me. It’ll take six hours to get to his base. Can I hang on that long? They’re flying straight and my weight is on the foot. It’s windy and cold, but not enough to shake me loose.

  The big question is, what happens once we get there. He’ll interrogate me with his pink liquid and I’ll tell him everything, including how I can access the Q-net without— The Q-net! With all the stress, I’d forgotten. I close my eyes and confirm I’m still connected. Amazing.

  I could ask it to shut off the shuttle’s engine. Except we’d crash and die. How about the explosive device on my back? Concentrating, I focus on it. No. It’s a straight communication from the device to the trigger. No need for the Q-net. Disappointment stabs through me. At least I can send a message to my parents and Niall. But what should I say?

  2522:245: Mom and Dad, I’m sorry for putting you through such grief, but Jarren was going to kill me no matter what happened and this way I’m able to save your lives, which is a huge comfort to me. Even though I only worked in security for sixty-two days, I tapped into my inner guardian lion and it feels good to help others. I know, I’m shocked too. I’m not sure what’s going to happen next. I’m going to try to stay alive, which means Jarren will have me. But that’s better than the alternative. And I’ll try everything in my power to escape and send you messages from time to time. Jarren’s going to regret this. Trust me. I love you both. Please send a message to Phoenix for me and tell him I love him. I never told him that before and it’s a shame it has to come to this for me to tell my brother that I love him.

  I send it, imagining Phoenix will not be too upset about the news. After all, he left knowing he’d never see us again so this will just be more of a regret. Something like: it’s a shame, she had such potential. The next message is going to be harder to compose.

  2522:245: Niall, I’m sorry we didn’t have more time together, but I had to get away or risk killing everyone I care about. The security team has become my family—and not the distant cousins or annoying crazy uncle family—but actual deep level love. Surprising! Who knew I’d be worried about Bendix and Rance? And speaking of Rance, the man is supposed to be in bed recovering. And so is Zaim. And YOU! Thank you for disobeying orders, though. I’m glad I was able to see you one more time before…whatever happens next. I’ll never forget you, Toad. And do me a favor the next time you meet a cute and annoying girl your age? Don’t be a jerk! Love you!

  Composing those messages is emotionally exhausting. But the fact that I can when I’m hanging onto a flying shuttle is a good sign that I will be able to communicate with my parents and Niall in the future. And maybe, if I can get this damn device off my back, I can strike a blow for the good guys. Hope warms me from the inside out. I’ve a new sense of purpose. Plus, I’ve plenty of time to plan.

  It’s dark by the time we arrive at Jarren’s forest base. The temperature is near freezing. My hands and face have long since gone numb. Lumpy blackness spreads out below. We descend closer to the forest. The moist scent of living green warms the air. I breathe in deep. It’s been a long time since I’ve been this close to trees. Probably a little too close for comfort as we skim above the canopy.

  Lights pierce the darkness and we aim toward a clearing in the forest that’s getting…bigger? Ah, it appears to be a retractable forest roof. Jarren has all the upgrades. Must be nice to have rich and well connected patrons. I send a report, describing everything I see and my location. Might as well do it while I can.

  Landing is a bit stressful. I make sure to keep clear of anything that pivots and flexes so my fingers and other appendages aren’t caught, which is hard to do when your entire body has turned into a giant popsicle. Once the shuttle settles and the engines turn off, I assume a wilted position—super easy to do—and rest my forehead against the shuttle’s leg. Time for my very own Operation Worm on a Hook.

  The door opens and footsteps clatter. A beam from a flashlight shines on me.

  “Little Worm? Are you alive?” Jarren asks.

  I lift my head as if it weighs a thousand kilos. Blinking blearily into the light, I say, “Are we…here?” I gaze around as if confused.

  “Yes, you made it.”

  Sighing, I try to release my hold, but can’t quite get my limbs to move correctly. Jarren comes closer. He’s pointing a weapon at me. Hard to tell which one in the semi-darkness.

  “Help her,” he orders the pilot.

  She huffs, but grabs me under the arms and pulls. I hook my left foot and become a dead weight just to make it more difficult. And after a bit of grunting and bumbling, she sets me on my feet. I sway and hold on to the leg.

  “Gotta admit I’m impressed you stayed on,” she says.

  “I was…motivated.”

  She laughs until I clutch my stomach and bend over slightly. “I…don’t feel…very good.”

  The pilot jumps back. “She’s all yours, Boss.” Then she strides away.

  “Come on, let’s get you inside.” Jarren holsters his weapon.

  I sink to both knees and cradle my head in my hands. “I don’t…I’m…”

  He reaches me and holds out a hand. I wrap my arms around his legs instead.

  “What? Let go!”

  “Please take the explosive off me!” I cry, letting all the fear and desperation of the last six hours pour out. “Please,” I sob with real tears running down my face. “I’ll cooperate, tell you anything. Just. Please. Take. It. Off!” What’s funny in a sad way is that he has no trouble with the idea of killing me, but my tears and groveling are making him very uncomfortable.

  “Last time you—”

  “I didn’t have a bomb on my back!” By this point I’m hysterical.


  “Yes, please!”

  “All right, turn around.”

  I do and I try to calm my hiccup breaths and runaway sobs. There’s a bit of pressure and then it pulls away. Cold air kisses the sweat and pain burns where the hooks were, but I’ll take it. My relief is genuine and I scramble away on all fours from Jarren and the device. He leaves it on the ground and follows me. When I’m far enough away, I collapse onto the ground.

  Jarren kneels next to me. “Just breathe, you’ll be fine.”

  “I’m sorry,” I mumble and shudder—it’s not an act. “It’s—that was just so horrible!”

  “It’s over now, Lyra. Come on, let’s get inside. It’s warm and there’s plenty of food. You must be starving.” He helps me to my feet.

  Huh. So he’s not entirely evil. Who knew? And he called me Lyra. “My legs—”

  “That’s all right.” Jarren hooks my arm around his shoulder. “I’ll help you.”

  “Okay, thanks.” I sniff.

  I limp next to him agonizingly slow, but once I’m inside the base, it’ll be harder to execute my plan. The hum of another shuttle cuts through the quiet. Jarren stops and turns us around as it gets louder.

  A bright beam spotlights us for a second and it’s just the distraction I’ve been hoping for. I straighten, yank my pulse gun from his belt, and shoot him in the head. He jerks, stares at me with
wide eyes, and thuds to the ground.

  “I don’t have to keep my word to a murdering looter.” I grab his kill zapper then bolt for the forest, diving behind a tree. No way I’ll be able to navigate it in the dark. And who knows what creatures lurk inside. My best bet is to stay close to Jarren’s base until I figure out a way to return home.

  The shuttle lands, but doesn’t turn off its engine. I aim both the weapons toward it. Figures hop out, they go to Jarren’s prone form and one bends over him. Heads swivel as if looking for something…or someone. Did they spot me when the light hit us?

  “Mouse?” Niall calls.

  Such is my relief, my legs give out for real. And more tears fall. Lots more. My team came for me.


  “Here!” I stagger to my feet. Then I stumble from the trees and right into Niall’s embrace. It’s better than flying in the Q-net.

  His hands run over my back. “Is it gone?”



  “Hysterical tears. Another super power.”

  He laughs then sobers. “Can you walk? We need to move fast.” Niall releases me.


  Radcliff arrives. “Let’s go before they figure out we’re here.” He sweeps me over his shoulder and runs to the shuttle as if he isn’t carrying an extra…er…fifty or so kilos.

  Niall’s right behind him. We enter and Radcliff orders the pilot—Morgan—to take off. I’m dropped gently into a seat while he goes into the cockpit. Beau and Elese are securing an unconscious Jarren into another seat, while Niall claims the one next to mine. Within seconds, we’re airborne.

  The shuttle suddenly veers to the left. I scramble to click into the harness as the craft makes another hard turn. I clutch Niall’s hand. A bright white light stabs through the windows. It turns an angry red as the roar of an explosion rams into us. The metal floor shudders under our feet. We spin around and drop through the air, becoming weightless. My stomach pushes into my esophagus. Terror wars with nausea. A brief thought flashes that, despite my efforts, I’m still going to get the people I love killed. At least I’m taking Jarren with us. It’s not as comforting as you’d think.


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