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The Vampire's Masquerade

Page 4

by Kiersten Fay

  A branding.

  With this kiss he’d be taking part of her with him forever. A part she didn’t even know existed, let alone could be claimed so thoroughly.

  He broke the kiss and gazed at her like he’d just been gut-punched. Hand still tangled in her hair, grunted through harsh breaths, “You will return to me.”

  “Huh?” His hips were still rocking into her with perfect friction, making her mind nothing but a haze of unintelligible pleasure.

  “Here. Tomorrow night. You will come to me again.”

  There was no way that was happening, this was a one-time-event, but he didn’t give her time to formulate a response. As his cock slammed home again and again, he kissed her with a carnal intensity that she was helpless against. White-hot pleasure scored every nerve in her body, burning her from the inside out with pure, concentrated nirvana. She threw her head back and screamed.

  His already furious pace doubled, flinging her pleasure to new, impossible heights. His thrusts turned into something unnatural, yet were pure heaven-made. Gripping her waist, he slammed her down on his cock, harder, faster, deeper. It was almost too much to bear. She prayed it never ended.

  Once more, she screamed in delighted rapture. He roared, his release telegraphed in the straining of his muscles. The tendons in his neck were so tight they looked as if they could pop free.

  She kissed his neck.

  He groaned against her shoulder.

  With a final, blissful thrust, his movements slowed. After a moment, he lethargically crumbled over her. She cradled him in her arms, working to breathe evenly and draw her mind back to the realm of reality.

  She wasn’t sure how long they laid there, his face buried in her neck as they both turned to mush. As her eyes drifted closed, she mused that she wasn’t even worried about his fangs being so close to her carotid.


  “Little Dove,” a soft voice cooed.

  She curled into the soft sheets and grumbled, wanting nothing more than to stay in her cozy cocoon of slumber. But that voice? That sultry baritone was strange and unknown to her. Little Dove? No one called her that except—

  She shot upright. The bed sheet nearly slid down her torso. She caught it against her chest.

  I am butt-ass naked.

  Oh, that’s right. Because I just banged a stranger, and then passed out from bliss.

  The vampire stood at the end of the bed, gazing down at her. He was fully dressed in his previous clothes but for a new shirt, buttons intact. How could he look even sexier? Even after the mind-bending orgasm he’d given her, her body stirred for more of his touch. She couldn’t recall ever reacting to a man so strongly.

  Guild fell upon her like a pall. “What time is it? Did I seriously fall asleep?” Wrapping the sheet more tightly around her, she scooted off the bed and searched the floor for her clothes, which were probably still strewn all over the living room.

  How long had she been here? Was Brian worried? Looking for her even now?

  “Only about twenty minutes,” said the vampire.


  “You look a little alarmed. Don’t worry. You’ve only been asleep for about twenty minutes.”

  “Oh. Alright. Thanks.” Brian might not have even noticed her missing.

  The vampire plucked her clothes off an armchair where they’d been folded and handed them to her.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He nodded and walked out of the room, giving her privacy.

  As she dressed, slipping her blouse and skirt on, she discovered her panties were curiously missing. She searched through the sheets, around the bed, then all around the room. By the time the vampire returned, she was bent over on all fours, ass high in the air as she squinted through the darkness underneath the bed.

  He cleared his throat. “What are you doing?”

  She bolted upright, her cheeks flaming. “I was just looking for...” She broke off, spotting a familiar scrap of black fabric peeking out of his pocket. Was that...?

  He followed her gaze. Swiftly, his thumb shoved the fabric deeper into his pocket. She blinked up at him.

  Innocent look in place, he said. “Don’t forget this.” He held out her white feathered mask.

  Still a bit stunned, she slipped it over her face and stood. Their gazes linked for a long moment. She was unsure what to do next. Should they kiss or something? Was he hoping for a round two? Should she demand her undies back? Or was she meant to bid him farewell and leave quietly?

  The thought depressed her.

  “Shall I show you the way back?” he offered.

  She nodded, feeling...she didn’t know what she was feeling. Her body was well loved, practically glowing from satisfaction. The things they had done. Naughty things. Wondrous and intoxicating. She felt...different. Danger and excitement had drugged her mind, but now she was coming down. Her fling was over.

  So soon?

  The way back. Back to her spot at the bar. Back to her old life. Back to Brian.

  She followed him into the living room, a hard ball forming in the pit of her stomach. The vampire had given her exactly what she’d come for: one hell of an amazing night. Too amazing.

  How could she go on knowing such passion existed in the world? Passion she had never before experienced? What if she never did again?

  Ignorant to her unhappy musings, he walked her down the hall, stopping at the elevator. He didn’t join her inside.

  That heavy ball gained mass. “Well,” she said. “Thank you for an unforgettable evening.”

  He inclined his head, and the elevator doors closed, leaving her with the image of his burning gaze.

  Yet his silent goodbye poked at her self-esteem. She almost had to wonder if she’d been somehow inadequate. Disappointing even? Had she done something wrong? Been too eager? Not eager enough? Stayed too long? Damn it! Why had she fallen asleep? Talk about a faux pas.

  Would she be as memorable to him in his endless nights of one-night stands as he undoubtedly would be to her? Was she just another notch on his bedpost? Easily forgotten?

  Why was she even thinking this way? It was a single night of anonymous sex. Nothing more. It didn’t matter if he remembered her or not....

  Although, he had kept her underwear. Though maybe that was more of a habit. A trophy? Maybe he did that every time he was with a female. Perhaps he had an entire drawer filled with women’s undergarments.

  The idea made her giggle, and she latched onto it, dubbing him a compulsive panty hoarder. She laughed out loud, the sound bouncing off the elevator walls, reflecting her blurry visage. Her hair was a mess. Why, she almost looked like she’d been fucked out of her wits. Though she was alone in the elevator, she covered her mouth to hold back a cackle, one that would not be tamed. On and on she laughed. By the time the elevator doors opened, and music once more blasted her ears, she was sucking back air to laugh even harder.

  She felt like a lunatic. Maybe she’d been fucked past the line of insanity.

  Taking in several deep breaths, she wrangled control of herself. When she felt semi-normal again, she crossed toward a dark corner where a table sat unoccupied. Couples were still dancing and flirting, but a bout of paranoia made her worry they were secretly staring at her, knowing where she’d been. What she’d done.

  When she took her seat, her heart was hammering behind her ribcage, as though she’d run a ten-K, and she was slightly out of breath.

  Her first one-night stand had been a heady experience, and as conflicted as she was about it, she had to admit she was a little sad that it was over. In the span of a few hours, her world had been rearranged, like a toppled game board, but she no longer recognized where the pieces fit.

  Her eyes darted back to the empty elevator. It was early yet, by club standards. Would the vampire return to the party tonight? Seek out another partner?

  A pang stabbed her chest, and confusion skated along her subconscious. She’d felt this way before, when her very first
long-term relationship had ended. But that didn’t make any sense. Why should it feel as if her heart was breaking all over again?

  Clearly her wayward emotions were taking her for a ride. She wasn’t cut out for casual sex and one-night stands. How did others do it and keep their hearts out of the mix?

  “Any luck?” Brian bellied up to her table.

  She gazed at him blankly for a moment, her mind stuttering before a thousand more emotions bombarded her so fast she could only register a scant few: Guilt, regret, defiance, righteousness. Nothing made sense.

  “Hello?” He waved a hand in front of her face. “You have too much to drink or something?”

  At length, she shook her head. “Sorry, I couldn’t hear.”

  “I asked if you had any luck.”

  As if on autopilot, she shook her head again. When she registered her own movement, she rushed to correct herself, but Brian said, “Yeah, me neither. There’s nothing but teases here tonight. Look, maybe you were right. Maybe this was a bad idea.”

  Her jaw dropped open.

  “You want to just head back to my place?” He tilted his head, studying her expression. “You okay? You’re looking a little pale.”

  Her fingers lightly trailed over her cheekbone. “I...yeah, I’m not feeling too well. Can you just take me home?”

  Looking disappointed, he nodded. “Sure, let’s go.” He added in a derisive tone, “This night was a complete bust, wasn’t it?”


  The following week, Kasima still battled her guilt. She hadn’t meant to lie to Brian. Everything had happened so fast that night. After they’d left the club, he’d dropped her off at her place with a sullen, “You sure you don’t want me to come inside?”

  To have Brian in her home, in her bed, after what she’d just experienced? The idea had rustled her riotous emotions. “I’m really not feeling well,” she’d told him, then speed-walked to her front door. She hadn’t wanted to confess that night, worried about his reaction. Although the whole thing had been his idea, she didn’t believe for a second he’d be cool with how things had turned out. In fact, he might just lose his shit when he learned the truth.

  And still she hadn’t been able to come clean.

  Not because she didn’t want to, but what should she bring up first? His alleged visits to Ever Nights or her sexcapades?

  She didn’t want to accuse him of anything when the vampire had shrewdly pointed out that Ever Nights offered an array of non-sexualized entertainment. It was an all-in-one kind of establishment—her coworkers talked of going there for Friday night drinks and dinner. So if she asked him about that before revealing her truth, it could make everything worse. Brian always hated it when she showed any kind of jealousy. It was the reason he’d split with women in the past, and the reason they’d been non-exclusive for so long.

  If she brought up the masquerade first, it might appear as if she’d slept with the vampire out of spite. She wasn’t entirely sure she hadn’t.

  Secretly she was passively avoiding the whole situation.

  She reminded herself that if he could have, he’d have slept with someone too. With lots of someone’s, probably. Truth be told, the peacock had looked like a sure thing. As Kasima had sat at that bar, she’d had no doubt they’d be engaging in the horizontal mambo shortly. After all that flirting and heavy petting? Who would have guessed she’d turn him down?

  How ironic that Brian had been seeking a free pass and hadn’t used it, while she’d resented hers, yet had turned it in like a kid at a candy store.

  She thought of the vampire—which she found herself doing a lot these days. A problem she’d have to overcome if she was going to try to make it work with Brian. Is that even what I want anymore?

  She’d replayed that fateful night in her mind a thousand times. She was still surprised at how easily he had seduced her. He’d been an expert at mowing down her defenses with that sexy grin, cool confidence, and fun banter. As if she was a vault, and he knew all the codes.

  With seemingly little effort, he’d rendered her the definition of easy.

  In an attempt to shake him, she painted him a villain, her subconscious desperately trying to find something sinister about the whole situation. She pictured him regaling his club buddies with his conquering story over their bellows of laughter.

  So why couldn’t she get him out of her head?

  And what was the deal with him asking her to return? As if she would rush right back there the next night, like some wonton female looking to beg for more of his cock.

  God, how she wanted more.

  She hadn’t gone, of course. It had all been a part of his seduction. He was a self-proclaimed regular at Ever Nights. He even had his own private apartment there. No. He didn’t really want to see her again. Would probably laugh in her face if she shown up looking for him. Obviously he was a playboy bachelor—with a possible panty problem.

  She didn’t need that kind of mind-fuckary.

  Even if he did want her to return, she’d decided she shouldn’t. No. She couldn’t see him again. Instinctively she understood there was something addictive about him, and it had nothing to do with his vamp status—he hadn’t even bitten her, and still she felt like a junkie. Not to mention it had been a pre-approved, agreed upon by all parties, one night only, free pass....

  So why was she having such a hard time coming clean to Brian?

  She wrung her fingers together. He was going to be here any minute to pick her up for a dinner date. She promised herself that today would be the day she told him the truth. Omission was the same thing as lying when someone’s heart was on the line.

  Tonight would be their first date since the masquerade. Hoping to lessen the blow of her admission, she’d dressed up. The spaghetti-strap dress with a plunging neckline was cut just above the knee and cinched at the waist. Her heels were simple, black and short. She’d piled her hair over her head with a few curled flyaways, exposing the sleek column of her long neck—one of her better features.

  The ensemble was enhanced by a simple necklace with a heart charm that fell perfectly into the hollow of her clavicle.

  Brian should be blown away.

  With a little added charm, her confession should go over without a hitch. She just wasn’t sure if she should tell him now, or at dinner, or after they returned to her place for a nightcap. For some reason she wasn’t anticipating the last. Probably because of her guilt.

  When she heard a car door slam, she snatched her purse and headed out the door, not waiting for Brian to walk the short path to her door.

  His brows shot up when he saw her. “Wow.” His smile gutted her.

  “Thanks.” She hastily kissed him hello and hurried past him. “Shall we go? I’m starving.”

  “’Course,” he said, returning to the driver seat.

  She slid into the passenger seat, working hard not to fidget. He pulled away from the curb and took a right turn at the first intersection that led out of her cozy neighborhood, situated in a pocket of Riverstone that many would dub the rich side of town, which wasn’t saying much. It was a single street of well-maintained houses. Most of her neighbors were small business owners or held upper management positions at the local casinos, where the real money was made. She was the odd one out, having inherited her two-story home from her parents who had inherited it from her very savvy and shrewd grandmother.

  The economy had yet to bounce back after vampires had revealed their existence, resulting in a great civil war that had devastated not only America, but almost every nation worldwide.

  Was now a good time? Maybe she should get it over with like a ripped bandage. “Brian....” she started.

  “Can you believe this guy?” he snapped when another car pulled out in front of him. He blasted his horn, slammed his foot down on the gas and, pulled onto the shoulder to gun it past the offending car.

  Used to Brian’s aggressive driving, she held onto her seatbelt with a death grip.

people shouldn’t even be allowed to get a driver’s license,” he grumbled.

  Reaching their destination, Brian pulled into an open parking spot and jerked the car into park. He grinned down at her. “Look at that. Record time.”

  She weakly smiled back. He didn’t seem to notice her pensiveness. He shut off the engine, exited the vehicle, and waited by the bumper for her to join him. Her heels crunched on the gravel on her way to the restaurant’s big double doors, her heart rate kicking up with each step.

  The hostess showed them to a booth and handed them each a menu. Once they were alone, Kasima took in a fortifying breath. “Brian, there’s something I need to tell you.” Maybe it was better to do it now. He’d be less likely to make a scene in public. Always concerned for his professional reputation.

  “Mm?” He scanned the menu.

  “That night at the masquerade—”

  The server, a balding male with a slim frame, sidled up to their table. “How are you this evening? Can I start you off with something to drink?”

  “Anything new on tap?” Brian asked.

  After reciting a few beers, Brian ordered his usual.

  She asked for a white wine.

  Brian went back to his menu. “I was thinking of getting the chicken. If you get the beef we can share. How’s that sound?”

  She hadn’t even picked up her menu. “That’s fine. Listen, I wasn’t exactly...I mean that night when you asked if I’d had any luck I...”

  He glanced up from the menu. “Sorry, what night are you referring to?”

  “The masquerade.” Her voice had gone low, embarrassed for anyone else to hear. “When you asked me if I’d had any luck...well, I was caught a little off guard and I wasn’t exactly honest.”

  His expression was mildly amused. “What did you do? Kiss someone? Please say it was a girl.”

  She shook her head.

  “Don’t tell me you slept with someone?” He laughed as if that were preposterous.


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