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Happy Never After

Page 4

by Candace Dowds

  You see, my father left the religion when he moved away, and he had a whole new outlook on life. He was happy, finally, and he took my advice and had ceased caring about what others thought of him. He was at peace and genuinely happy in his life.

  As we sat down at the hotel restaurant on a Saturday night, waiting on our meals, my

  father went ahead and ordered us both bourbon and cokes and because he was the one to order them, no one asked if I was of legal age.

  As I sipped my drink, I went on to tell him about how I was upset by the fact that I could only see my boyfriend of two and a half years when no one was around, just so his parents wouldn’t look bad in the congregation.

  “So, what do you plan on doing? Are you thinking about getting baptised?” he asks before taking a sip of his drink.

  Taking in a deep breath, I shake my head. “I’m not. I don’t think it’s for me, dad. I love Cole, I really do, but I’m not going to get baptised just for someone else. I can’t see this relationship lasting, yet he’s talking about marriage, kids, and where we’re going to live.”

  He places his glass down onto the table. “Have you told him how you feel and that you aren’t interested in becoming baptised?”

  “I have, on more than one occasion, but it’s like he doesn’t want to listen. Cole really thinks everything will be okay, when I know it won’t be. I’m scared because I don’t want to lose him. Cole means the world to me, and I know that away from the religion we

  could have the happy ever after we both want.” A lump forms in my throat and I have

  to take a moment. I pull my head up to look at the roof and try to keep my tears inside, but it’s all far too much, and I can’t stop them from streaming down my cheeks.

  “Look at me, my love,” my dad tells me.

  Slowly, I lower my head and let the tears fall as fast as they come. I guess I had more built up emotions that I’d tried hard to keep buried than I realised.

  My father reaches over the table and takes my hand in his. “You need to do what’s right for you. I will support you in any way I can. Why don’t you take some time off work and come up to the cabin for a couple of weeks? It’s so quiet up there, you’ll be able to clear your head and sort out what you want to do next?”

  I guess it couldn’t hurt, considering I’d dropped out of school a few months back and can work from anywhere doing graphic design. “It may be just what I need. I was even thinking of asking you if it would be okay for me to get a two-bedroom kit home or cabin built on the other end of your property, just so I’d have somewhere to go when I need to get away from here. I do love staying with you, but I’d also like somewhere to go when I have a big project

  that needs to be finished and I need to work in complete silence.” It would be a true godsend. Yes, I may be only seventeen, but

  career wise, I know exactly what I’m doing. And being a freelance designer gives me more control too."

  “Of course, you can. I think that’s a brilliant idea.” He lights up and the sight warms my heart. My dad wants me to be close to him. It’s something I haven’t experienced in quite some time and I like it.

  “Thank you, dad.”

  “No thank you needed. I’ll be glad to have you around more.”

  Chapter Six


  After I spoke to my father, we immediately began searching for brand new, ready built cabins that could be relocated to my dad’s property. Around two weeks into the search, I found it. I found the cabin of my dreams.

  It was made from logs, so the outside looked like it belonged in the woods, and it had three bedrooms, one very large living area, and two bathrooms. It was totally stunning, and when it came to payment, I knew I could put down over half the amount. When I asked my father to go guarantor on the loan because I was under age, he went ahead and paid off the remaining balance.

  Of course, I tried to fight him on the subject, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He told me it was his duty to make sure I was comfortable and that he’d always planned on giving me fifty thousand dollars towards purchasing a house when I was ready to go out on my own. He also informed me that he’d been saving for it since the day I was born. He never wanted me to have to struggle like he had, and I was truly grateful to him.

  A month later, I made my way up to Mansfield with my father, and watched on

  as the men drove onto the property with my new part time home and placed it right beside the lake, exactly where I’d wanted it to go. I could already imagine sitting out on the deck and looking over the lake as I took some time out to regroup and be able to go back to the city with a clear head.

  For whatever reason, I never mentioned the cabin to Cole. My dad thought it was because I knew I’d need a quiet spot to go where Cole wouldn’t be able to find me if I needed to leave. After giving it some thought, I agreed with him. It wasn’t long before I was grateful for the fact that I’d never mentioned my new home, because Cole hurt me yet again and it proved the proverbial final nail in the coffin.

  One week shy of my eighteenth birthday, I was in my cottage, working on my laptop, when the door opened. When I looked up, I saw Leah walk in and she seemed mad as hell.

  Closing the laptop, I placed it to the side so I could give her my full attention. Leah had always been there for me, so I needed and wanted to return the gesture.

  “What is it? Are you okay?” I asked in a rush.

  “No, not at all.” She slammed the door, then dropped down on the bed beside me. “I used to think Cole was really good for you, I

  really thought you two belonged together, but after today, my entire thought process has changed.”

  My stomach begins to churn, and I’m not sure I want to hear what she has to say, but I know Leah won’t let whatever’s happened go. I also know it will gnaw at me if I bury my head in the sand. “Lay it on me,” I breathe, and brace myself for whatever is about to come.

  “Did you know he was planning a huge trip for all the teens in the congregation?”

  My brows bunch. “No, he never mentioned anything about it to me.”

  “Well, apparently his parents have banned you from going and Cole told Matt that under no circumstances were you to find out about the trip. Matt was pissed and when he let it drop that his parents had also set him up on a blind date with a girl from a neighbouring congregation. The asshole said he only stayed to be polite, but if he were any kind of boyfriend, he would have gotten his ass out of there and told his parents that he loved you and he didn’t want to see anyone else. I can’t get over it. Matt isn’t on speaking terms with him anymore, and he told me that either I came over to fill you in or he would. I’ve never seen him angry before and it scared me,

  Mia.” As she finishes speaking, she’s turning bright red and her jaw is clenching.

  As my heart begins to shatter into a million pieces, I manage to whisper, “I can’t believe he’d do that to me. I’d never ‘stay to be polite’ regardless of the situation. He essentially dated another girl. He stayed and shared a meal with someone that wasn’t me and they were out in public, something we aren’t allowed to do. How could he do that to me?” My breathing is heavy, and tears are welling in the corners of my eyes.

  “He didn’t think you’d find out. What I want to know is what the hell else is he hiding from you to ‘protect you?’ I know he loves you, but he’s letting the fact that his parents have always bought him anything he’s ever wanted, decide what happens in his life. He promised he’d always put you first. He promised he’d never hurt you. But he’s gone off and done the absolute opposite of what he’s said to you in the past. I honestly don’t know how he can think this can work unless you both leave the religion.”

  Stunned silence is all I can manage for now. My heart is broken. Yes, he didn’t know about the date, or at least that’s what he told Matt, but he should have gotten his ass out of there when he did. I would never disrespect him like that. I think this is my

  breaking point,
and I need to make a big decision, now.

  Chapter Seven


  The pressure from my parents is starting to take its toll on me. I need to have Mia in my life, I need to keep her close, I cannot lose her. Mia accepts me for me, she loves me for who I am.

  The night I thought I was going out to dinner with my parents, I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears when we were seated ‘at different tables.’ Confused, I’d caught my mother’s arm and asked, “Mum, what the hell is going on?”

  She gave me a cheeky smile. “Your father and I set you up with a lovely girl. Her name is Callie. She’s baptised and her father is an elder. I just know the pair of you will hit it off. You need to forget about Mia; she simply isn’t right for you, my son. I know you’ve been trying to convince your father and I that you don’t have feelings for her, but we aren’t stupid; we know you better than anyone else. She isn’t Kade material, and we can’t have the stigma of her parents’ looming divorce attached to our good name.”

  I’ve never wanted to raise hell against my mother before, but right now, I’ve never felt

  such anger and disappointment. “You don’t know anything about her. Do not make judgment,” I bit out.

  Mother then leaned in. “I do know that she isn’t right for this family. You will not be with that girl; do you hear me? And this camping trip you’re organising, Mia is banned from attending. If we find out you are spending time with her, we will cut you off. Now, go and sit at that table and act like a gentleman.” And that was it, my mother turned away from me and headed to her table, not giving me a chance to say another word.

  To be polite, I sat down with Callie, but I let her know that there would be no further contact between us because I was involved with someone else, someone my parents didn’t approve of, someone who deserved more than being hidden like I was ashamed of her, when that is far from the truth. Fuck all of this shit. They can cut me off all they like. Mia is my person; she is my forever.

  The next day, when I spoke to Mia, I didn’t mention anything about what had taken place the previous evening, because hurting her wasn’t something I wanted to do. She didn’t need to be upset for no

  reason. I needed to find a way to be with her, regardless of my parents’ thoughts and

  actions. I was at a point where I just wanted to take her away from here so we could start our life together, as one.

  My family’s reputation now means nothing to me. I was going to call the trip off and I was ready to tell the world that I’m madly in love with Mia Carter. But I never got the chance because she disappeared out of my life that day, for good.


  Finally, when the shock and bewilderment subsided, I packed my bags and called my father. Fortunately for me, he was in the city for business, something he did on a regular basis.

  Immediately, he dropped what he was doing, and he came to pick me up. Of course, my mother wasn’t thrilled with my decision to leave, but she also understood why I had to go. Since my parents’ separation, we’d been able to grow closer than we once were, but our relationship still wasn’t as close as the one I shared with my father.

  When we arrived at my father’s house, I opted to stay with him for a couple days

  because we both thought it may not be the best idea for me to stay in my new cabin alone with my thoughts, not just yet.

  Heartbroken wasn’t even the word for how I felt. I went as far as to get a new number so Cole couldn’t contact me whatsoever, and I made Matt and Leah promise to never mention his name to me again, regardless of what news there was. I knew I wouldn’t be able to move forward with my life if I was getting reports telling me where he was, what he was doing, and how hard he was sucking up to his asshole parents.

  When I knew I’d be okay on my own, I moved into my new cabin, and that was where I stayed.

  Over the next five years, I kept in close contact with Matt and Leah, and I also made frequent visits to my mother’s new home, but those visits tripled when she was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer.

  For six months, I stayed by her side and helped her through each day. After the first cycle of chemotherapy didn’t work, she refused further treatment, and she seemed to be at peace with her decision. Of course, I protested for some time because I wasn’t ready to face losing one of my parents, but in the end, I knew it wasn’t my decision to make.

  Fortunately for me, my parents had managed to set aside their differences and my father helped me care for my mother. The time we spent together was precious,

  and the only thing my mother asked of me before her passing was that I promise to put aside my fear of relationships and wouldn’t keep my heart closed off to any possible future loves in my life. Although it was the very last thing on my mind, I made that promise, but it wasn’t until after her passing that the true chaos began.

  Everyone who had ever met my mother, came by her home to give their condolences as I tried to pack up her belongings so they could be moved into storage. I couldn’t bring myself to throw anything away, so I figured I’d hide it all away until a later date, but I had made the decision to sell the house. My mother told me that there were absolutely no memories there that would warrant holding onto it, and I wholeheartedly agreed. It was a death house, in my eyes.

  On the third day after her passing, I was sitting on the floor of the living room while my father was out making sure the casket we’d chosen was perfect. I asked him to tell the funeral director I wanted one with plenty of padding, and that I also wanted a matching blanket in the coffin so my mum

  wouldn’t get cold. Yes, it was an odd request, but my dad didn’t bat an eyelid when I’d sat him down. He dropped everything he was doing to complete my request immediately.

  As I continued to go through my mother’s paperwork, there was a knock at the door. I figured it was just another well-wisher or maybe my aunt Sally, my mother’s sister. She’d mentioned the previous evening that she was going to pop by today to help me get things completed so I could return to my cabin straight after the funeral. She knew just how much anxiety I’d been having over staying in the city, and it was an offer I very much appreciated.

  “Come in,” I called out to whoever was on the other side of the door. When I heard it open and then close, I looked up, and when I did, my stomach dropped and I immediately began to sob.

  Cole rushed over, kneeling by my side, and wrapped his strong arms around me. My head rested on his perfect shoulder, but I couldn’t utter a single word through my tears. Everything hit me at once, and I hadn’t been prepared for it, not in the slightest.

  “Where have you been?” he whispered as his hand smoothed down my long hair.

  When I didn’t answer him straight away, Cole stood, leaving me confused. But then he reached for me, and without even batting an eyelid, I forgot about the past and let Cole take the lead like he once had. I was that naive little girl, once again, and

  somewhere between the heartache of my mother’s death and living alone for the last six years without him, I gave up. I wanted someone else to take the lead, to tell me where I needed to be, and who could stay away from me. Cole was that someone. I’d always known it, but I’d been far too stubborn to permit it.

  I stand before him, looking up into his perfect dark brown eyes, but I can’t utter a single word, and I don’t have to. Cole knows what I need and what I’m desperate to say, and his lips crash down onto mine. He kisses me with force, almost knocking me off my feet, but he didn’t let that happen. His arms snaked around me, holding me against him, our bodies pressed up against each other’s; a feeling I’ve missed so very dearly.

  Desperate to feel something, something other than the sadness that’s consumed me for so long, I reached up, slipping my arms around his muscular shoulders. As I do, Cole moved his hands down my back, over my ass, until finally, he gripped the backs of my

  thighs and lifted them until my legs are wrapped around him.

  Cole presses my back
up against the wall, his kisses becoming desperate, his hardness pressing against me, and the air leaves my lungs. As he rubs against that perfect spot, my hips thrust and his mouth gapes open, letting go of a moan.

  All I want him to do is slip my panties to the side and have him slam into me, but I need to talk to him first, I need to clear my head. Before I had a chance to utter a single word, I heard, “You do have a bedroom, Mia.” It was my father.

  Mortified, I let go of Cole and he lowered me until my weakened legs straightened and my feet hit the ground. “I’ll give you a minute.” Dad chuckles as he closes the front door, leaving the house.

  “Well, that hasn’t happened for many years.” Cole laughs as I check that my short dress is back in place.

  “I feel like I’m a teenager again,” I admit. “What are you doing here, Cole?” It was a question I should have asked before dry humping him in my dead mother’s living room.

  Reaching up, he cupped my face in his hands, his eyes searching mine, and I can’t help feeling like I still belong to him. “I heard

  about your mum and I knew you’d be here, so I took a chance. I wanted to see you, I wanted to make sure you were okay. I’ve missed you so much. You never get over your first and only true love, Mia.” He leaned in and kissed me again. “So, how are you doing with all of this horrid craziness? Is there anything I can do to help?”

  Taking a deep breath, I take a moment to

  think. “I don’t think so. Mum never wanted to have a big funeral, so we’re going to honour her wishes. There’ll be a few of us in attendance at her burial tomorrow, but after that, I’m headed home. I don’t want to be here anymore. I hate the city and all it is.”


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