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Bride & Seek

Page 2

by Samantha Chase

  “So, what happened?” Anna May asked.

  “So cliché,” she murmured, ducking her head, the embarrassment still fresh. “He was working late on a case and I stopped by to see him at the office. And as you can guess…”

  “You were the one surprised,” they said in unison.

  “Bingo. She was the boss’s daughter - the Van Wilkinson in the Van Wilkinson-Cameron wedding.” Sighing, Cammie said, “It was so weird because…he texted me earlier in the day asking me to come by the office and bring him his phone charger. At the time, I thought it was odd because he always kept a spare but…”

  “Damn. I’m so sorry. That sucks,” Dixie said sympathetically.

  “Nicely said,” Anna May murmured.

  “It was like he wanted to get caught,” Cammie commented, more to herself than to anyone else. “So...the thought of working on their wedding…”

  She thought for sure they’d back her up and tell her she could have that day off.

  But they didn’t.

  “Cammie, we hired you because we’re trying to expand the events here at the resort. You won’t have to deal with them directly. We’ll make sure of it. However…there’s a chance you will have to handle some things at their event. I’m sorry.” Dixie’s voice was firm, even though her expression was compassionate.

  “I... I understand.” But she didn’t. Right now, she just wanted to scream and stamp her foot and have a pity party for herself. Why was life so damn unfair? Why did Preston get to go on and have a dream wedding at the one place she had already deemed was her perfect place to get married? Why did he get to experience it–the cheating bastard–while she was stuck working at it?

  “We haven’t booked them yet,” Dixie commented. “For all we know, the date they want can already be taken.”

  No one commented on that point, and Cammie didn’t take it as a good sign.

  “Why don’t we take a break and meet up again after lunch?” Dixie said softly. “Take a little time to sort of let all of this sink in.”

  “Thanks,” Cammie said quietly. “I appreciate it.”

  “We’ll meet back here at one-thirty if that works for everyone.”

  They were all in agreement, and Cammie said a quick goodbye as she walked out the door. She looked around–trying to find a quiet corner where she could either have a crying jag or a screaming fit. Unfortunately, she didn’t want to be in earshot of her boss and co-worker when it happened. And that meant her office was also out of the question because they’d still hear her.

  The Emerald Grove Resort was massive, and, no doubt, if she put some effort in, she’d find a spot. Cammie walked with purpose out the door and onto the path that led to the maintenance and storage area. If she could just hold on for a few more minutes, she’d be able to let all of her rage and frustration out without witnesses.

  She spotted the landscaping shed. It was amazing she even remembered that’s what it was–her tour of the resort had been over two weeks ago and it was a whirlwind. Funny how some things just stuck–like the landscaping shed–and yet she still couldn’t find the closet where they stored all of their linen samples for potential clients to look at.

  Quickening her pace, she took a look around and realized she was alone. Relieved, she pulled the big wooden door open, stepped inside without really seeing anything, and just as quickly shut it before letting out a stream of curses guaranteed to make a sailor blush.

  “I can’t imagine what I or these tools did to piss you off, but I give you props for such a colorful vocabulary,” a deep voice said from behind her right before she screamed.

  Cade Taylor did his best to avoid drama and loved how his job managing Emerald Grove's grounds allowed him time to be by himself. It was peaceful–almost therapeutic–and everything he wanted in a job.

  In his five years of working at the resort, this was the first time a guest had come screaming into his tool shed.

  Well…not screaming. Not exactly. But she was certainly fired up over something.

  He put the metal file down that he was using to sharpen the blade on one of his shears and studied the woman. Her eyes were wide as she looked at him, but he wasn’t sure if it was because she was shocked to see him or just…crazy.

  “Um…Miss?” he prompted.

  Her hand reached over her heart as if willing it to slow down. No doubt he’d scared her–if her scream was anything to go by. She wore a light blue sundress that hit right above her knees, and her long blonde hair was pulled back away from a spectacular face. And even though she was a little breathless, he could see she was also a little irritated with his presence.

  “You scared me,” she said finally.

  “I got that,” he confirmed. “Are you all right?”

  She just stared at him for a moment. “Seriously?”

  “Okay, stupid question,” he said with a chuckle. “Still, can I…can I get you something? Are you lost? Is there someone I can call for you?”

  With a sigh, her arms dropped to her sides. “Sorry. I just needed a moment alone. And…well…I didn’t realize anyone was in here. Again…sorry. I’ll just be on my way.”

  She turned to leave, but oddly enough, Cade wasn’t quite ready to see her go. “So…do you often break into tool sheds to yell at inanimate objects?” He was going for light and teasing and was relieved when she smiled at him.

  Then she laughed.

  And it was rich and throaty and…wow. How was it possible for a laugh to be sexy?

  “This was my first time,” she said, ducking her head.

  “Well, if you ever need to do it again, just let me know. Normally the doors are locked, but we have several other storage area options for you to choose from here at the resort.”

  She laughed softly and met his gaze. Her eyes were the color of dark chocolate, and even though she was smiling, he saw a hint of sadness there. “I appreciate the offer. I may take you up on it.”

  “How long are you staying at the resort?”

  She looked at him oddly and then said, “I’m not a guest. I work here.”

  That was a surprise. Although the resort's size made it difficult to know everyone, Cade was confident he would have remembered seeing her before. “Oh. I didn’t…I guess I never…” Then he cleared his throat and wondered when the hell the last time was that he’d gotten so tongue-tied. “I’m Cade Taylor, by the way. I manage the grounds here.”

  Her eyes went wide for a moment before her expression went neutral. “Hi, Cade,” she said softly. “I’m Cammie Parker. I’m working with Dixie Cruz in the events department.”

  “Ah…the drill sergeant.”

  “The drill sergeant?” she repeated.

  Cade chuckled and raked a hand through his hair. “Um…yeah. It’s sort of how most of us refer to her. It doesn’t matter how chaotic things get, she manages to walk around looking as cool as can be, and then barks out orders and everyone falls in line. It’s very impressive.”

  “Oh…um…okay.” Cammie was still studying him as if she were trying to figure out if she knew him. Actually, he was beginning to think the same thing about her.

  “So if you’re working with the events here, I’m guessing you live local. Are you a native of the area?”

  “Not a native, but I’ve lived here on and off since 2004. My family moved here when I was a sophomore in high school.”

  “Ah…so you’re a Grove County graduate,” he said, pleased. “Why haven’t I seen you at any of the reunions?”

  “Like I said, I’ve lived here on and off. After high school, I moved to Raleigh to go to college and stayed there until recently.”

  “So what brought you back to Emerald Grove?” Cade saw her hesitate and figured it was a personal question. “Sorry, it’s really none of my business,” he said quickly. Sliding his hands into his pockets, he took a step back and figured he really should get back to work. “Anyway, like I said, if you need a place to let off some steam, there are plenty of options.” />
  She seemed to relax a bit at his change of subject.

  “Thanks, Cade,” she said, smiling again.

  “No problem.” He walked over and opened the doors and squinted at the bright sunlight. The weather was perfect today; there was a light breeze, the temperatures were mild, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.


  He held the door open for her and watched as she walked out and seemed to look around to get her bearings. “If you follow this path to the end and turn left, it will take you around the business offices of the resort. There’s a glass door that should take you right to the events offices.”

  “Thanks. The property is a bit massive and I’m still finding my way around. It was sort of dumb luck that I even found my way here.”

  That wasn’t what he’d call it, but he wasn’t about to argue with her. “Welcome to the Emerald Grove Resort, Cammie. I hope I’ll see you around again.”

  “Thanks again, Cade,” she smiled as she turned and walked away.

  And Cade was more than happy to admire the soft sway of her hips as she did.


  Two days later, Cammie was still smiling about Cade. He had been the perfect distraction to her miserable morning. And while she had thought she wanted a pity party, she found that talking to a nice guy worked out even better.

  She knew who he was–had remembered him from school even though he was two years older. Football player, popular, and pretty much all-around good guy. Everyone at Grove County High seemed to know who Cade Taylor was, but he was a senior when she was the sophomore new girl and they did not run in the same social circles. It didn’t stop her from seriously crushing on him for a while, though.

  Not that she was going to share that information with him–or anyone–any time soon.

  It hadn’t taken long for her to recognize him–even before he said his name. He still had the same dark hair he tended to keep a little long, dark eyes, and dimples that made you want to smile every time he did.


  And definitely a nice way to deal with an icky situation.

  Now she was sitting at her desk when she heard Anna May walk in. Cammie had been working on designing a seating chart for a wedding they were doing next month–graphic design was a little side hobby of hers–when Anna May appeared next to her desk.

  “What up?” Cammie asked, smiling.

  Anna May looked around and then spoke in hushed tones. “Okay, I totally don’t condone what I’m about to do, but…I didn’t want you to get upset.”

  Her stomach sank. “Why? What’s going on?”

  “Your ex is on his way down here to meet with Dixie about the food for the wedding. She tried to keep him and his fiancée up in the dining room, but they were pretty insistent about speaking someplace more private.”

  “Oh.” Great. Even though she knew this was a possibility, Cammie had hoped it wouldn’t happen quite so soon.

  “So what I’m trying to say is…go! Run! Get out of here for a while. Give her about thirty minutes and they should be gone,” Anna May said hurriedly.

  “Really? Are you sure?”

  Anna May nodded, and they each turned when they heard voices near the doorway. “Go out the back door! I’ll stall them. Go!”

  Cammie did not wait to be told again. She quickly made her way down the back hallway and slid out the door that led to the gardens as quietly as she could.

  And found herself looking directly at Cade Taylor.

  “Oh!” she cried. “You scared me again!”

  He chuckled. “Do you normally scare this easily?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. Sorry. I wasn’t expecting anyone to be right out here.” She looked at him and saw he was dressed similarly to how he was the other day–khakis, a dark t-shirt that read Emerald Grove Properties on the upper left section, and a pair of work boots.

  Very rugged.

  “Well, you’re not screaming or cursing this time, so I guess that’s a good thing. Just taking a break?”

  “Um…yes. Sure,” she said vaguely. The door was glass and there was a large window next to it and she needed to keep moving and get out of sight. “Anyway, have a good day!”

  She’d gone no more than five feet when Cade caught up and began walking with her. She had no idea where she would go to kill time, but figured it really didn’t matter as long as she wasn’t in the office.

  “Where’s the fire?” he asked.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You seem in a hurry. Do you only have a short break?”

  Maybe talking with Cade–a little further away from the building–wasn’t such a bad way to kill time. “I have about a half-hour,” she replied as she kept walking.

  Cade kept up with her, but she noticed him glancing at his watch. “Wow. I had no idea the drill sergeant was so generous.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s a little after lunch and you already get a second break? That’s kind of nice.”


  It took her a few seconds to realize he had stopped walking. Cammie turned and looked at him. “What? What did I say?”

  “Look, maybe it’s none of my business–again–but…” He shrugged. “This is the second time I’m seeing you and you’re skittish and I can tell you’re clearly looking to get away from your office so… what gives?”

  Ugh…so not the conversation she wanted to be having right now. But when she looked at Cade, she kind of felt bad. “Okay. Fine. My ex and his new fiancée are getting married here. They’re in there with Dixie right now, so…”

  “So you’re avoiding seeing them,” he finished for her, nodding. “Got it.”

  “Anna May gave me the heads up and sent me on my way, otherwise I would have had to see them in the office while they talk food with Dixie.”

  “And what about on Monday? They were here then too?”

  “No. But I had just found out about it and needed a moment to vent. Sorry about that.”

  He shrugged again. “Like I said, not a big deal.” Then he studied her for a minute. “So what are you going to do? Do you have to help him plan his wedding or be one of the people working it?”

  “I wish I knew. I think that’s what we’re all trying to figure out–the balance. Dixie told me I didn’t have a choice–that there was a good chance I’d be doing one thing or another for it. But then Anna May gave me the heads up so I could leave before they got there today.” She sighed and hugged herself a little. “It’s just awkward.”

  “How long ago did you break up?”

  “Six months ago.”

  “And he’s getting married already?” he asked incredulously.

  “Don’t ask…”

  They started walking again and Cammie was more than happy that Cade seemed to take her literally and stayed quiet. They reached the end of the path and she wondered which way she should go. The path to the right led to the lake and the left…

  “I’m pretty sure you don’t want to tour the storage shed again,” Cade said, his tone teasing, and Cammie couldn’t help but smile.

  “Oh, I don’t know…I might need to get the lay of the land in case I need a different place to hide.”

  Laughing, Cade shook his head. “So this wedding is definitely a go?”

  She shrugged. “I’m not sure. I’m guessing that’s what the meeting was all about today. If they’re already talking food, it’s a sign they want to get on the schedule.”



  “I’m thinking if it does happen, you’ll end up playing an epic game of hide-and-seek around here.”

  They both laughed and Cammie hated to admit how he wasn’t that far off. “The only problem is it’s going to be a very one-sided game of hide-and-seek. Mainly because I don’t want to be found!”

  After a moment they both grew silent, and as much as Cammie was enjoying talking to Cade, she didn’t want to keep him from his work–which she mentioned to him.r />
  “I was actually just finishing up a little weeding over by the offices when you came out,” he said. “My plan was to go and put these mini shears away and then go get something to drink.” Then he hesitated a moment–almost as if he were contemplating his next words. “Would you like to get something to drink with me?”

  There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that she was blushing, and yet there was no way she could turn down his offer.

  “I’d love to.”

  Cade led the way back over to the tool shed and quickly put his work gloves and shears away before locking it back up. Then he motioned for Cammie to follow him over to his office, which was a small building near the back of the property.

  “Your office is all the way back here?” she asked and then shook her head. “Sorry. That was a stupid question.”

  “Not really. It’s just easier for me to be a little off-the-grid. Most of the time the crew and I are sweaty and dirty and we don’t need to be trekking through the resort lobby like that, so I have the storage buildings and the garage bays back here for the bigger equipment. All in all, it’s a good setup.”

  Once inside his office, he walked over to his mini-fridge and pulled out two bottles of water.

  “Thanks,” she said, and turned to find a seat. Cade might have a dirty job, but he had a clean office. He watched her look around a bit before sitting, and then he wished they had gone somewhere else or simply grabbed the drinks and kept walking around outside. It just seemed a little…awkward.

  “So…” he began.

  “So…” she said and then laughed. “I’m usually much better at conversation than this!”

  That had him relaxing. “I am too.” He sat at his desk and looked at her. “I know you mentioned the other day how you moved here when you were a sophomore–so that means you graduated around 2006, right?”

  She nodded. “And you were in the class of 2004.” Her hand immediately flew over her mouth like she wanted to take that statement back.


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