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The One and Only (Fur, Fangs, and Felines Book 5)

Page 4

by M. A. Church

  “Yes!” Breanna bounced on her toes, giggling. “So, I was at this store in the mall, and from out of nowhere, came this scent! By all that’s holy, talk about the best thing I’ve ever smelled. My cat went nuts—yowling and purring, hissing and caterwauling.”

  “Yup, from what I’ve heard, that sounds about right. Seriously, congratulations.” Brier toasted her with his mug. “I’m happy for you.”

  Sighing, Breanna picked up her coffee and sipped it. “Hold on to that thought because there’s more.”

  He didn’t care for the sound of that. “What?”

  “She’s human. Just like Kirk and Lawson were before they joined. Her name is Shannon Smith.”

  “Fuck, Bre.” Brier set his coffee down and scrubbed his hands over his face.

  When Dolf and Tal found their third, the elders weren’t happy that Kirk wasn’t a werecat. But to be fair, they weren’t the only ones who reacted negatively about a human joining them. Brier had been rather outspoken too. So had Heller. Then Heller mated Lawson, who was also human.

  Dolf assumed Alphaship and made more changes the elders weren’t fond of, like allowing Janelle, Sam’s mate, and Marshell, Remi’s mate, to join the clowder. That shitstorm barely ended before Janelle won Aidric’s beta position after Aidric resigned to become the Alpha-mate to his werewolf, Carter. A few elders and members left the clowder. It didn’t help that Janelle also stirred up the younger women with her modern-day ideas on women’s rights, which Dolf allowed. The elders were becoming more and more vocal about Dolf and his leadership. One in particular.

  “Are… are you mad at me?”

  “Huh?” Brier glanced at Breanna. Fuck, how’d he missed how upset she truly was? The tremble in her voice floored Brier. “Oh, Bre, no, not at all. This is your mate—the person who’s perfect for you. She’s a gift from the goddess. I’m surprised, that’s all. Can I meet her?”

  “I’d like for you to.” Breanna fiddled with her mug. “But understand this. If she isn’t accepted, then I will leave. I won’t reject her because she’s human.”

  “Let me speak to Dolf before you do anything. I’ll get back with you.” Brier stood. “I need to go.”

  After the door locked behind him, he jogged down the steps to his vehicle. First stop—coffee. Then he needed to think. He attempted to start the vehicle, but the cranking of the engine was sluggish. It took longer than normal to start. “Shit, this is not what I need right now.”

  He finally started the truck, made a mental note to get it checked, and left Breanna’s apartment to fight his way into traffic. He was ready to beg, plead, cry—whatever it fucking took—to get Dolf to accept Shannon so he didn’t lose his sister. Again. Dolf wouldn’t be pleased when he found out Brier knew about this first.

  And the elders? He didn’t want to think about how the elders would react.

  AFTER BRIER finished his coffee, he called Dolf. “Hey. Are you busy?”

  “Actually, I was about to call you. I’ve talked to Dad, and I’m arranging for everyone to come to the house at noon to discuss what he told me. In the meantime, my mates and I have a quick errand to run in town, and then we’re going to breakfast. If you’re not doing anything, why don’t you join us?”

  “Sure. Where?”


  “That works since I’m here. By the way, after the meeting today, I need to talk to you privately.”

  “Is everything okay?” Dolf asked.

  “Well, depends on what you mean by okay. I don’t want to get into it over the phone.”

  “All right. See you shortly.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Brier asked for a refill on his coffee while he waited for Dolf, Tal, and Kirk to show. Twenty minutes later, they walked in. After he greeted them, a waitress took their order and left. All four of them perked up when she brought their meals.

  “Man, I’m hungry.” Tal rubbed his hands together, staring at the pile of waffles.

  Kirk picked up his fork. “You guys and food…. I swear.”

  “It’s a—”

  Kirk snorted. “Thing. Believe me, I’m aware. You guys and your… things.”

  Dolf lowered his voice as he spoke to Kirk. “Just wait until later. I’ll show you… things.” A promise heated Dolf’s eyes, one that had Kirk squirming. Dolf licked his lips as he stared at Kirk. Tal shifted in his seat too. Hell, even Brier caught the sudden spike of sexual tension. Lucky bastards. They were so natural together, so in tune that they even finished each other’s sentences. What must it be like, to be so close that you knew what the other would say before they said it?

  After they ate, Dolf paid and they left. Brier followed Dolf, Tal, and Kirk to the parking lot. He waved goodbye, then got into his vehicle. He turned the key and—nothing. “Shit. Come on, come on.” He tried several times, but it wouldn’t crank. Annoyed, he pulled his cell out and called Dolf. “Hey. You’re not going to believe this, but my truck won’t start.”

  “Okay, let me turn around. Do you want me to ask Kirk to tow it to his shop?”

  “Yes, if he doesn’t mind.”

  “Hold on.” Brier heard Dolf speaking to Kirk in the background. “He’s calling it in now. Someone will come and get it for you,” Dolf said.

  “Thanks, Alpha. Tell Kirk I appreciate it.”

  “He said no problem. You can ride with us. We need to stop by the office before heading home. It won’t take but a minute,” Dolf added.

  “That’s fine. I’ll, ah, just be here. Waiting.”

  Dolf laughed and hung up. A few minutes later, he pulled into the parking lot. Brier climbed inside and buckled his seat belt.

  “So, I hear we have a stop to make.”

  Tal, sitting in the front, turned slightly, tucking a long strand of hair behind his ear. “It’s nothing. I need some paperwork I left yesterday. I was—”

  “In a mad rush to get home.” Kirk snickered next to Brier in the back.

  “After the text you two sent me? Of course I was.”

  “I’m surprised he didn’t get a speeding ticket.” Kirk winked at Brier.

  They made small talk on the way to the office. Dolf got lucky and found a parking spot in front of Tal’s business, Martin Construction Company. It was located on the town square. Vehicles lined the street, thanks to the number of thriving shops.

  “You guys want to come in?” Tal opened the truck door.

  “Tal, wait.” Dolf snagged Tal’s arm, staring at a man standing near the entrance. “Do you know who that is?”

  Kirk leaned over, peering between the seats. “Why is someone hanging around the door? The office is open, right, Tal?”

  “Yes. At eight.”

  Brier gently moved Kirk out of the way.

  “What the hell?” Kirk mumbled, smacking Brier’s arm.

  “I need to see, Alpha-mate,” Brier said.

  An attractive young man with brown hair stood in front of the business, tucking in his shirt. His hands smoothed the wrinkles out over his chest, and Brier gulped. A very toned chest. Instead of walking inside, he ran his fingers through his hair—a length that would be perfect for grabbing ahold of. Brier jumped. Where did that come from? Finally the stranger reached for the handle, then dropped his hand. Brier watched as the man took a deep breath. Then another. If he didn’t know better, he’d think the man was nervous.

  Every instinct Brier had screamed a warning.

  “See what?” Kirk complained. “A kid standing at Tal’s office door?”

  “He’s not a kid. Early twenties, I’d guess, but he’s a young guy none of us recognize who’s milling around the place where both my Alpha and his other Alpha-mate work,” Brier pointed out. Dammed if he would mention how his body was reacting or how his senses were jangling. “A guy who looks nervous, going by his body language. That makes me nervous.”

  Tal bit his lip. “His clothes are kind of rough… clean, but rough. I bet he’s homeless and looking for a job. I get a lot of people like that.
Look, I’m getting out. I feel stupid sitting here staring at this human—oh hell, he’s noticed us. Dolf?”

  “Just to be safe, why don’t we all get out?” Dolf opened his door too. “I doubt he’s a threat, but be careful. Brier, protect my mates, if needed.”

  “Of course, Alpha.”

  Dolf walked toward the stranger, his two mates behind him, and Brier trailed along, glancing up and down the sidewalk. Dolf stopped in front of the newcomer. “Can I help you?”

  Tal and Kirk stood behind Dolf. Brier discreetly sniffed the air and frowned. He didn’t pick up the telltale odor of a shifter. In fact, it surprised him that he could smell anything thanks to the overpowering cologne the dude was wearing and the stench of cigarettes.

  A quick visual inspection showed no obvious bulges that could represent a gun—but there was one in the front of his jeans that caught Brier’s attention, though. His cat purred in confused agreement. There was something about the guy. Something… deadly, but damn if he knew what it was. The guy looked normal. Kind of easy on the eyes. Nothing intimidating to say the least.

  So why was the hair on his neck standing up?

  Suddenly his cat was very interested in the situation. It bewildered him and left him off-center. He wanted to run. He wanted to stay. He didn’t know what he wanted, and his cat was just as confused. It was on guard, but….

  Aroused? What the fuck?

  “Oh man.” Blushing, the stranger ran his hand through his hair again. “I’m sorry. Bet I did look kinda suspicious hanging around in front of the door. I was trying to work my nerve up before I went inside. I’ll just—”

  “It’s no problem. I only wanted to know why you were lurking by Tal’s office,” Dolf said, clearing his throat. “Are you here for a job?”

  “Well, yes.”

  Tal stepped next to Dolf. “Hello. I’m one of the owners, Talise Martin.”

  Brier barely managed to stop the snarl that wanted to escape. He blinked. What was wrong with him?

  “Oh! Hey. Nice to meet you. My name is Seth Galloway.”

  “Nice to meet you too. Why don’t we go inside and talk?” Tal asked, then coughed.

  “Sorry. Seem to have a frog in my throat.”

  Brier struggled not to sneeze. Good grief, did the guy bathe in that cologne? His nose hairs had long since burned off, thanks to the eye-watering smell. It had to be killing Dolf and Tal. But as severe as the scent was, the need to get closer was almost impossible to ignore. Did he want to get Dolf and Tal away from Seth? Or get Seth away from Dolf and Tal? Wasn’t that one and the same? His cat said it definitely was not. At this point, he didn’t know who was more confused—him or his cat.

  “That would be great. Thank you.”

  Dolf held the door open. Tal stopped by his receptionist and asked for the appropriate paperwork.

  By Bast’s right paw, someone needed to hose this dude down. Fuck if Brier could breathe. An image flashed through his mind of Seth in a white T-shirt and underwear that was soaked. And see-through.

  Great, now he had that image stuck in his head.

  While they waited, Dolf caught Brier’s eye. He tilted his head at the waiting room, then toward Kirk. Brier nodded that he understood he was to stay with Kirk. Apparently Dolf was going with Tal while Tal interviewed Seth. Brier wasn’t happy with the situation, but there was nothing he could do about it with so many humans standing around.

  “Okay, Seth, let’s go to my office. This way.” Paperwork in hand, Tal walked down a hallway and opened a door. “Come on in. Oh, this is Dolf, and he’s part owner.” Tal, Dolf, and Seth disappeared inside.

  About forty minutes later, Brier was ready to break the door down—and do what, he wasn’t sure. But he needed Seth to come out of that office. Finally they appeared and joined Brier and Kirk.

  “Thank you again,” Seth said.

  “No, no, thank you. We’re spread thin at the moment and need the help. You showing up when you did was perfect. By the way, this is Brier Fendon and Kirk Wells.”

  Kirk was playing on his cell. He glanced up and nodded. “Hey.”

  Seth returned the nod. “Hello.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Brier said, thanking his lucky stars the overwhelming cologne had faded somewhat. It was still horribly strong, but now he noticed a nearly undetectable woody scent with an undertone of citrus.

  “Nice to meet you too,” Seth replied.

  “I’ll see you this upcoming Monday, Seth,” Tal said. “If you have any trouble finding the site, call me.”

  “Sure thing.”

  They walked toward the door. Following them, Brier reached for it at the same time as Seth did. When Seth’s hand touched his, a tingle ran up his arm. Brier’s cat snapped to attention, then growled. It wasn’t a threatening growl, but he wasn’t sure what kind of growl it was.

  What the fuck is going on?

  Seth’s eyes widened, and his hand tightened on Brier’s for a split second. They were so close that Brier could see Seth’s eye color. His irises were so dark, they seemed black. Was that even possible? It was sexy, and dammed if Brier’s cock didn’t take notice too. His cat wanted to bite the shit out of Seth. Or lick him. Maybe bite, then lick him.

  Seth pulled free of Brier’s touch, his hand shaking. Brier pushed the door open, and they stepped outside. Holy shit, where they touched, his skin tingled.

  “Do you have anywhere to stay?” Dolf abruptly asked. “Some place safe?”

  Interesting. Seemed like the human impressed Dolf and Tal. Dolf was a great Alpha and would do anything he could to help a member of his clowder. While he was always courteous to humans, he rarely went out of his way to inquire about their personal lives. That he did surprised Brier.

  Seth fidgeted.

  “Right, then.” Frowning, Tal reached for his wallet.

  Seth stiffened. “Hey, look, I don’t do charity.”

  Tal paused, meeting Seth’s gaze. “I was going to give you an advance, which I’ll deduct from your paycheck, of course.”

  “In that case, yeah. That’d help a lot.” Seth shoved his hands in his pockets, rocking on his heels. “Thank you.”

  Tal counted out two hundred dollars. “Please think of getting a room.”

  Seth pocketed the money, then shrugged. “Sure.” Seth nodded goodbye and left.

  Brier watched Seth climb into an old Ford truck and drive off. He was ready to crawl out of his skin. He wanted to touch Seth again, but his hair was still standing on end. There was something odd about him. Intimidating. And sexy as hell.

  Brier’s cat wholeheartedly agreed.

  He followed Dolf, Tal, and Kirk to Dolf’s vehicle, lost in thought. This time Kirk sat in front with Dolf and Tal sat in the back with Brier.

  Brier waited until the doors were shut before launching into what was bothering him. “Please tell me I’m not the only one who’s bothered by that guy.” Brier watched Seth’s taillights disappear down the street.

  Tal growled softly, staring after Seth’s truck. “He’s twenty-five and camping out at Crowley’s Mountains State Park, Brier. I’m willing to bet he isn’t in any of the designated areas too. If he’s that desperate for money, he probably used that godawful cologne to make a good impression. Although I could’ve done without it. That and the cigarette smell.”

  Dolf agreed. “It’s all I could smell.”

  Brier didn’t think it was that bad. Well, it drowned out Seth’s natural scent, but there was a hint of something under it, something that spoke to him. “What’s his story?”

  “He said his parents kicked him out when he was seventeen because he’s gay, and he’s been on his own since. I swear, I’ll never understand humans and how they get so twisted up about sexuality. He’s a drifter.”

  Brier buckled up again. “But he can afford cologne? It smelled expensive. Does that seem odd to anyone but me?”

  “Who knows? Maybe he stole it.” Tal pulled his seat belt across him.

  “I wish you ha
dn’t hired him.” The situation made Brier uncomfortable—something about Seth made him uncomfortable. His cat just wanted to see the guy again, and Brier couldn’t figure out why.

  “He’s a kid, Brier. What do you think he’s going to do?”

  “He’s not a kid, Tal.” There was nothing about Seth that suggested childlike innocence.

  “He needs help. For the time being, I’m paying him under the table.”

  “Don’t let the humans find out. They frown on that stuff,” Kirk added from up front. “The government wants its fair share.”

  “I’ll be careful, but really, I don’t give a damn about the human government. It doesn’t seem to care about its people. Seth needs every dime he can get his hands on. Besides, I doubt he stays here long. But if he does, I’ll make everything legal.”

  Brier still didn’t like it, but he kept his mouth shut while Dolf drove toward home. What would he say, anyway? That Seth confused not only him but his cat? And he had no idea why? That would go over well.

  After they arrived, Dolf parked and they got out. Dolf checked his watch as they walked inside. “We have some time before the meeting. You said you wanted to speak to me?”

  “Yes. If we don’t finish, can we continue after the meeting?”

  “Shit.” Dolf grimaced. “Of course. Come on, then.” He opened the front door and let Kirk and Tal enter first. Brier followed. Dolf had a quick word with his mates, then motioned for Brier to follow him to his office. Dolf sat at his desk, with Brier across from him. “Okay, what’s going on?”

  Brier folded his hands. “Breanna found her mate. I’m here to smooth the way.”

  “Guess it’s safe to assume there’s a problem if she thought she needed you to approach me first.”

  “Problem will be with the elders. Her mate is a human female.”

  Dolf collapsed in his office chair, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes. “Fuck.”


  Opening his eyes, Dolf stared at the ceiling. “Why, goddess? Why do you keep testing me like this? I mean, seriously, do you have any idea what’s going to happen if I accept yet another human into my clowder? Why do you ask these things of me?”


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