Book Read Free


Page 4

by Clay Moore

  “We’re about to come in Hamrehan. Will your contact put us up here?”

  “He better. He’s the Rector here. Here the maintenance of books is considered primary. No celibacy practiced here. You might find some children running around the vaults and stacks. This over here is the Parking for Visitors.”

  Brian brought the grav-car to a stop in a parking lot. A man wearing a habit of broadcloth opened a wrought iron gate.

  “Ask If we can bring our weapons.”

  “I asked that when you came to us.”

  Brian said to the others. “Bring a crate of ammo and your guns.”

  “I don’t think we are going to be molested here,” Ofana said.

  “Why? Because this is sacrosanct. There are some out there that would love to come in here and destroy the books. Also, never assume an enemy will do something. Always ask what the worst thing that an enemy can do to you. Prepare for that.”

  The man seemed perturbed by Brian’s statements. “How can we get rest if we have to prepare for everything.”

  “You put out a couple of sentries.”

  Brian followed the retreating Rector, and the followers brought their weapons and a crate of ammo. The Rector waited until everyone moved inside, and then The Rector assigned bedrooms quite well. Ofana and Brian were appointed a bedroom.

  Brian set the Crate of ammo on the side table, and He pulled out one of the ship’s uniforms. He took off the suit coat and pants. Ofana did the same thing that so many women did. She came over and held Brian’s tool.

  “We’ll have time for that later,” said Brian.

  “I’ll take that as a marker. You owe me, Brian Butler.”

  “What is your father going to say?”

  “Nothing, probably.”

  “You like shocking your own father. Let’s shock him by doing what he wants.”

  “You know with you here. I feel like I can carry this task off.”

  Brian put on the gray uniform clothes. He put his pistol holster on. Then he walked right up and cupped her breast. She smiled. “Let’s go to the dinner. We meet who again?”

  “Acquisitions, tomorrow.”

  “Great Dinner tonight. I do guard mount. Then I mount you.”

  Ofana laughed and then lost the humor. “We are acting as if this will be the end.”

  “Because it will be. When we get home, I go home to a wonderful woman who could shoot me in the eye if I hurt her.”

  “Do you think she might share you with me? “

  “Felicity share me with the Princess of Eridani. I would have to say no to that.”

  “Do you know what my father wants me to consider.? He wants me to consider Janus Scovey. Have you ever seen him?”

  “I’m sure that he is awful looking.”

  “He’s nothing of that set. He is like you, a handsome man, but you, I don’t mind rubbing bodies with you.”

  “What is the problem with Scovey? “

  “He is the sort that gets nervous. Really nervous, so nervous, it’s like touching a sponge filled with sweat.”

  Brian worked hard not to laugh outright. Then he lifted her dress and touched her body, rubbing it. She whispered to Brian: “Yes, I like it when you touch me like that.” He heard the huskiness in her voice.

  “More to come after dinner.”

  She moved to kiss him, but he had moved away. She followed him. He who seemed to own her soul was not allowing the kiss. She enjoyed the sex with him, BUT he was not the only one who could do what Brian did. She would never forget this moment, the moment that Brian said “later” and forced her to grow up.

  They walked down the three flights of steps. They were shown to the side of the table with the Rector’s wife. She wore an immaculately cleaned white caftan. A white cloth was tied in her hair, looking like a Turban. The Rector was wearing his working uniform, which was a slightly dirty white caftan.

  “You will pardon my other workers. We rarely get users or people who bring the Acquisition Council. It is a great day.”

  “Rector, my pardon, but what is the count of books lodged here.”

  “Of physical books, we have two hundred fifty thousand.”

  “Quite a collection.”

  The rest of dinner was spent in eating and asking questions for which he was an expert. When dinner was over, Ofana and Brian went walking among the stacks. Something about this place tickled Brian’s mind. “On a Place like Giesling Why have a Master Library?”

  “Do you know?”

  “I do. I knew about 12 hours before we arrived.”

  “Alright. When you teach, you need a handy reference. Large Libraries have always gone hand in hand with Universities. This place was intended for the University of Giesling. One of the land grants for the University is the main mine. That’s not what I really am interested in.” She showed him a narrow strip of paper. Printed on the paper was a single phrase, “Time for a change.”


  “I thought you might like it. We flood the world with these.”

  “When did you work that out?”

  “Our second time together.” She interlocked her fingers behind his neck. “You’ve been playing psychological games with me. You’ve moved me into the light on this trip, little by little. Why?”

  “Every movement takes a mover. I am so central casting for a handsome man that I could not get much sympathy. You are a pretty woman and a graduate of a speech class. You, they would listen to. They would listen to the woman who could make this handout make more sense.”


  “You will put your life in my hands?”

  “Yes. Let’s go to our room.”

  “Excellent idea.”

  Brian led her back to their room. In her place was a ream of paper printed with her words printed across the page. His Slate has a red light blinking on it. He flipped his Slate. A message was there from Carla. His account card would be picked up by the Emir. He took his clothes off. He carried his Athro.”

  “You going on Guard mount naked?”

  “I’m getting too many questions after the last singing performance you had.”

  “Oh—that one. You can walk around naked like that?”

  “Former Marine. I lost my inhibitions during boot camp.”

  “That was why your first Sergeant asked you if you’d like to spend your leave with her. She knew what she was getting.”

  “That may be. The First Sergeant taught me a lot, especially about psychology, and yes—about how to make love to a female.”

  “Do you ever go back and see her.”

  “Only once. I was a newly made Special Agent. I went to her cabin. She and her husband worked hard to make a palace. Three children were in view. She and her husband kissed. That shut the door on that fantasy.”

  “Was she your first time?”

  “Yes. I think the First Sergeant realized that I would be picked on, so First Sergeant crashed me on that. A week after sorting me out, I was the most popular Marine in the Training Platoon.”

  I have no doubt about that. So, I can expect you back soon?”

  Brian nodded. He took the Athro with him. Everyone met him on the south balcony. They were not expecting him to arrive nude. Brian checked the weapons and then settled the watch bill. He then asked if there were any troubles. One of the males was going to say something and then ceased. Brian did not have the relationship that he would want if he were really their commander.

  The women were looking more at Brian’s tool than anything else. He walked back to his room, and Ofana had disrobed and gotten into bed. She looked at Brian.

  “These ministers are going to come by themselves?”

  “That is why You and the others are such a wonderful chance meeting. You can protect the acquisition council meeting. Have they been told that they cannot bring bodyguards?

  “No, it’s the way.”

  “It’s too late then. Someone is going to bring bodyguards other than you. They may want t
o stop you from doing what you are doing.”

  “Why would they want to do that?”

  “There some people on other worlds that make money on the turmoil on Giesling.”

  “Like who?”

  “Planetary Interests of Alphacent. They have no love for us. They would love to see us fall on our faces over this while they milk billions from Giesling.”

  “Now you got me concerned, Brian.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m on the case. During the meeting, if the battle starts, Stop the one who tries to get away. That person took bribes to destroy the Library. Remember to couch everything in terms of the Library. That is the touchstone for these people.”

  “Okay, is that it for the advice?”


  “You promised to make love to me.”

  “Oh, so I did.” Brian slipped into bed next to Ofana.

  Brian’s eyes were suddenly awake. Something was wrong! He checked, and Ofana was in bed with him. He crawled on his hand and knees, and He opened their bedroom door. He looked at the watch post. Then what was wrong was glowing through the windows. The dawn occurred about twenty-nine minutes late. He backed his way into the bedroom.

  “Did you have fun looking down the hallway?”

  Brian checked his watch. It showed him that the dawn would be earlier than where they were. He showed his watch to Ofana.

  “OK, the stupendous Brian Butler made a mistake. I don’t think that is a first.”

  “The problem is that when I make a mistake, people Die.”

  “I guess the best thing to do is take what measures you may.”

  “Does a bodyguard team consist of four people here?”

  “Yes, everyone said I was lucky I had one more guard. Now I have six.”

  OK, that might be a good thing. If Anton does not know that I am here, then I might have the advantage over him for a brief time.

  Brian put on his ship’s uniform, which consisted of a gray turtleneck and gray work pants. He hung two magazines on his belt, and he swung the Athro over his right shoulder. He called his troops to attention. Everyone came down at the same times and had breakfast. Then Brian set his troops along the third-floor balcony.

  Ofana came down wholly washed. She ate her breakfast with a cool detachment, and She put her plates in a busboy tray. Then she stepped over to the Rector. The first of the Councilors arrived. She also wore a caftan of paisley design. They both nodded at each other.

  “I see that you did make it here,” said the Councillor.

  “Owona, I told you several months ago that I would be here.”

  “It might be too late.”

  “I don’t think so. It might be the right psychological moment. If we were here earlier, we might be thwarted by the opposition.”

  “You mean the miner’s guild? They wouldn’t dare.”

  “No, I mean a different opposition. This is a group always looking for a profit. An unstable government might be what they want.”

  “Who are they?”

  “I heard of them from another source. When that man speaks, it is top secret.”

  “OK, if you insist.”

  The Librarians started coming into the Library. Brian used the rope on the balcony railing. He created a rappel, in case he needed to be on the floor now. Brian had Luana, the second woman, watching at a window where everyone was parking. She turned away and made the hand signals he taught her. Someone had come with bodyguards to a place where bodyguards were not permitted.

  When the Librarian who brought the extra firepower entered, Luann flashed her signals to Brian. Brian went down his rappel. He sprinted to the Librarian who had brought the bodyguards. With him. Brian put the tip of his barrel to the man’s chest, and he made a signal to the third floor. Several soft sneezes were the Athros working on the enemy. Then Brian heard the sound of two men rushing out into the parking lot. They returned with one left alive.

  “Bring him in Joe Little.”

  A terrified man was looking around a conference area in the middle of a library. Brian handed his Athro to Ofana.

  “With your excellencies leave I will question the former bodyguard.

  “This is the Library of Giesling,” Brian said. “It is a treasure beyond imagining. Who bid you come with him.”

  “That man you have in your hands.”

  Brian forced the former Librarian to sit at a table. “I’m going to extract information using a chemical. This is called chemical interrogation and is considered a more humane method of getting the information from a suspect.”

  “Can we ask questions?”

  “Yes, but it is better if one person presents the question. Tell me your questions. I would like to ask a few at the beginning.”

  Brian opened his small case and took out the pink color needle. Brian opened the package and jabbed the needle in the bad guy’s thigh.

  “The name of this drug is druare. Its effect is instantaneous. We wait a few minutes for it to take full effect.”

  “How does it work?”

  “It inhibits the center of speech that keeps you from speaking when you should not. Let’s try something easy. What is your name?”

  Lannester Pom.

  Did anyone give you money to hire bodyguards.”


  “And did you hire bodyguards and bring them here?”


  “For what purpose?”

  “We were to kill the Ofana.”

  Brian let that sink home to everyone there including Ofana herself

  “At whose instigation did you do this?”

  “Anton Hecton of Planetary Interests.”

  One of the most infamous Companies in all of known space and Anton Hecton was the Director for Corporate security. Everyone knew of him and had an opinion of him.

  Brian looked at the Eyes on his client, and The eyes were whirling. He did not have that much more time. It was better to make the client feel better, so he stopped the interrogation. Brian had to reveal most, and it was enough to Execute Pom. Brian turned around and looked at each Librarians.

  “Now comes the time for judgment. I am an executioner. The guard captured, what is your pleasure? All of the librarians deliberated. Then an elderly woman got on the Dais.

  “For the guard Death.”

  “What tell you about the Librarian?”

  The Librarians looked around. Finally, there seemed to be a verdict. The Elderly woman turned to Brian. For Pom The decision is also death.

  Brian picked up his man and muscled him out the door. Brian put a ship’s boot on his man. He pushed and fired a dart through his head. Brian retrieved his cuffs, and Brian looked at Ofana’s man. He seemed unable to pull the trigger.

  It takes a man with a different sort of attitude to be an executioner. Brian came up to the man and put an arm across his shoulders.

  “Can’t kill your man, eh?”

  “I thought I could.”

  “Not everyone can. A general I know can shoot in the firing line with the Team. The General just couldn’t execute someone, one on one.”

  “People will call me a coward.”

  Who was that man jumping from place to place shooting the bad guys? That was you. You had heroism there. If anyone gives you trouble about not doing executions, just stare ‘em down. Your man needs to die. Do you mind if I do it?”

  “Be my guest.”

  Brian kicked out with his boot flattening the opposition guard. Brian fired rs, putting a dart in the man’s head. Then he gathered the young man by the shoulders. Together they walked into the Library. Brian came to the area that the Librarians were standing. “The order of the Council of Librarians has been carried out.”

  “What is next on the agenda?” said the Elderly woman.

  “I am,” said Ofana town to the old Librarian. She moved to the spot in front of the crowd.

  “I am Ofana of Eridani. I have looked in my nation’s histories for mention of Giesling. There was the talk of
the Giesling fierceness, their industriousness. Many of the attributes that characterize my nations were words we learned from Giesling. We would see that wonderful partner and frustrating enemy when nature forced us to be enemies. I would see all of that back. The elections that will end Miner’s Guild rule are coming up fast. We have a chance to take our place among those who will rule.”

  “How can we get our message out to those.”

  “I have created a simple campaign.” She reached into her purse and pulled out some of the one inch thin rolls of paper. She handed out the golden rod paper to the Librarians.

  The librarians unrolled the paper. For a moment, no one did anything. Then a Deep laugh resounded in the chamber.

  “This is so simple. Whoever we want to run simply uses the paper strip. Ofana, this is so simple. Who taught you the use of human nature?”

  “My Teachers and my bodyguard, The support I need from you,” said Ofana, “comes in the printing press and it’s ability to make these by the thousands. I will tell you where you can deliver these strips.”

  “These Strips will be enough?”

  “No, someone has to get in front of the electorate,” said Ofana. “I propose myself. I will stop at the correct places and times..”

  “You expecting to win?”

  “No, I am expecting to win a sizable minority. We may not get what we want totally in the first few years, but it will come.”

  “What you want from the Librarians is for us to generate the circulars, and to get them where they will be used. What if we know a place where they will be used.”

  “I tried to make sure that the coalition will make do without too much strife. I hope I was thorough. If I reject one of your partners, understand that I was trying to build a coalition that can work together.”

  There was a murmur of affirmation. Brian went to some of the windows on the lower floor. His people were already at the more tactical spots in the Library. He was surprised they did this without him ordering it. When he asked who ordered root, they all said “Luna”. Brian walked and made bits of conversation. When he reached Luna, he saw her writing in a notebook. Some of the diagrams were his defense of prepared positions. She was studying his tactics.


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