Max Bornstein, Citoyen de nulle part
Tommy Dick, Objectif: survivre
Marian Domanski, Traqué
John Freund, La Fin du printemps
Anna Molnár Hegedűs, Pendant la saison des lilas
Helena Jockel, Nous chantions en sourdine
Michael Kutz, Si, par miracle
Alex Levin, Étoile jaune, étoile rouge
Fred Mann, Un terrible revers de fortune
Leslie Meisels, Soudain, les ténèbres
Muguette Myers, Les Lieux du courage
Arthur Ney, L’Heure W
Felix Opatowski, L’Antichambre de l’enfer
Marguerite Élias Quddus, Cachée
Henia Reinhartz, Fragments de ma vie
Betty Rich, Seule au monde
Paul-Henri Rips, Matricule E/96
Steve Rotschild, Sur les traces du passé
Zuzana Sermer, Trousse de survie
Rachel Shtibel, Le Violon/ Adam Shtibel, Témoignage d’un enfant
George Stern, Une jeunesse perdue
Willie Sterner, Les Ombres du passé
Ann Szedlecki, L’Album de ma vie
William Tannenzapf, Souvenirs de l’abîme/ Renate Krakauer, Le Bonheur de l’innocence
Elsa Thon, Que renaisse demain
Agnes Tomasov, De génération en génération
Anka Voticky, Frapper à toutes les portes
About the Azrieli Foundation
The Azrieli Foundation was established in 1989 to realize and extend the philanthropic vision of David J. Azrieli, C.M., C.Q., M.Arch. The Foundation’s mission is to support a wide spectrum of initiatives in education and research. The Azrieli Foundation is an active supporter of programs in the fields of Education, the education of architects, scientific and medical re- search, and the arts. The Azrieli Foundation’s many initiatives include: the Holocaust Survivor Memoirs Program, which collects, preserves, publishes and distributes the written memoirs of survivors in Canada; the Azrieli Institute for Educational Empowerment, an innovative program successfully working to keep at-risk youth in school; the Azrieli Fellows Program, which promotes academic excellence and leadership on the graduate level at Israeli universities; the Azrieli Music Project, which celebrates and fosters the creation of high-quality new Jewish orchestral music; and the Azrieli Neuro-developmental Research Program, which supports advanced research on neurodevelopmental disorders, particularly Fragile X and Autism Spectrum Disorders.
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