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Andrea The Beginning (Holy Trinity, #1)

Page 8

by Adriana Brinne

  It is almost midnight, and everyone has left except the Volpe siblings. The Parisi sisters left soon after grandfather dismissed everyone. Those girls are beautiful, but the two older sisters seem almost robotic. Arianna, the oldest of the three, acts like an unfeeling bitch while the middle one Kadra is too quiet, deadly so. I watched her all night because something about her gave me the heebie jeebies. The blank stare she wore all evening made me anxious-as-fuck.

  Nothing or no one impresses her.

  The youngest Parisi sister, something about her just tugs at my heartstrings. She seemed lonely. Like she just doesn’t belong, trust me I know the feeling.

  My thoughts are interrupted by a very pissed off Fallon walking down the stairs towards us. The green Slytherin pajamas she is wearing and the slippers of the elf from that wizard movie she loves so much, makes her look more adorable than threatening. She was reluctant to come down, but I needed her as a backup in case shit went down with Lucan again.

  “So, Drea, it must be difficult getting used to the calm and quiet of this city compared to how crowded and noisy New York is.” —Giana, the middle child of the Volpe family breaks the uncomfortable silence first.

  Unlike her bubbly younger sister, Giana seems a little standoff-ish and shy. She’s beautiful though, with light brown hair that stops just above her shoulders and the same baby blues as her older brother. I notice the younger sister, Cara, does not share the same skin tone or any of the same characteristics as her older siblings.

  “It was at first.” I answer truthfully. Detroit is not so different from New York. It’s not a horrible place but it’s just not home. I also detest most of the kids at Holy Trinity Academy because they act superior and their holier-than-thou personalities irritates me to no end. I have nothing good to say about that place or those people and my mom always taught me to shut my trap if I have nothing nice to say. Unless someone messes with me, then it’s fair game.

  Besides, everyone is the same here.

  The popular kids are not welcoming to others and they just keep to themselves, for fuck sakes even the nerds act like bitches.

  They act like everyone else is beneath them.

  I also hate how judgmental the older generation is. The first-time grandfather introduced me to some of his acquaintances, I was not oblivious to their disapproving stares and I'm sure when they got home, I was the topic of their conversations.

  I dislike how I’m always surrounded by non-stop silence. In this house, nobody is ever here besides the maids and guards, but they pay me no mind. Benedetto is always gone; God only knows where Cassius is most of the time and the twins? Well, they act as if I don't exist.

  At night I can't escape the silence, thoughts of what could've been plague me until the point it's hard to breathe.

  At night is when I miss her the most.

  When I dream of only her and my life back in New York.

  It’s almost sad how I made mom my everything. It was just us against the world and now I'm alone here surrounded by hungry wolves.

  They can never know that I feel everything, sometimes too damn much.

  That’s my only weakness now that mom is gone.

  My vulnerable heart.

  So, I suck it up and offer them my best smile, the fake one.

  The one I perfected the day after my mother died and I had to face the world and chaos she left behind

  “I do miss New York and my friends, but I talk to them almost all the time and I keep tabs on my mother’s businesses through my uncle Emilio.” I ignore Lorenzo’s petty snort and carry on. “This city is…well unusual but after years of so much noise and a hectic lifestyle, I appreciate the chill environment.”

  I am thankful for Fallon’s interruption when she asks about what went down at the meeting with Benedetto.

  “I believe that's none of your business, witch.” Valentino speaks after being silent and merely observing all night. I’m surprised he’s even acknowledging her, since every time they’re in the same vicinity he acts like she doesn’t exist.

  “And I believe I was not asking you, dickhead but thanks for the compliment by the way.” She smiles sweetly and flips him off before asking again, but this time Giana answers her.

  “Valentino is right, what was said is family business, only family or associates are allowed to know. — Giana smiles kindly at me. — “Although, it wouldn't kill you to be nicer, Val.”

  “Being nice to the bitch is what fucked me up, so yeah it actually can.” Valentino stands and leaves the room after that nasty remark towards Fallon.

  What the actual fuck is going on here? I have only known Fallon a couple of weeks and yes, maybe it is too early to feel so protective of someone you just met but I can’t help it. It is like I have been waiting for her all my life. She feels like someone I can trust, especially now that I need someone in my corner.

  “I'll just meet you upstairs, Drea.”, she clears her throat, a nervous habit I've noticed she has. “I’m tired.”, she murmurs so quietly that I almost miss it.

  I wish I had.

  There is so much pain behind those gorgeous dark eyes of hers and I wish I could erase it and ease her pain.

  “You don’t want to know, trust me.” — Cara has also been quiet until now. — “Fallon and Val are complicated.” This sweet girl is a whole ass grown adult in a fifteen-year-old body.

  “I’m bored, let’s go.” Lucan rises from his seat and heads to the door but stops to wait for his sisters to follow.

  Both girls stand but before they leave, they have one last thing to say.

  “I'm glad you’re here.” — Giana surprises me. — “You should know that it wasn’t always like this, this was a man's world before the Parisi sisters changed it all just by being born and changing the rules. They proved themselves to be just as ruthless and cunning as any man. Their father’s men follow them, but our families need a little bit more convincing.”, she lowers her voice. “If you want to survive you need to make sure you don’t reveal any weakness. You don't ever back down and show fear. Even if you are losing, if you can’t breathe, if it’s too much, you don’t tap out.” She touches my hand in a supportive and kind gesture before she turns and follows her siblings to the door before they all leave.

  Lorenzo stands from the love seat that he was sitting on just a couple of minutes ago and walks towards me. I’m still staring at the door when he begins to speak.

  “You know cousin, you are out of your depth here. To become a full member of the Cosa Nostra and a "man or woman of honor" we must take part in an initiation ceremony. The ceremony involves a significant ritual, oaths, blood, and an agreement is made to follow the rules of the Holy Trinity,” he explains. He proceeds to tell me how the ceremony will be held after every single one of us completes our task given to us by the current boss of our respective families.

  “What happens if someone refuses to go along with the chosen task?” I am curious because there’s no way in hell I will be a part of this.

  “It’s quite simple dear Andrea.” – a cruel smile appears on his face as he answers me. — “If you don’t go through with your task it will be considered an act of rebellion and a betrayal to the three families and trust me when I say this: you will wish you would’ve man up and done your job, because there is no escaping us.” His tone unnerves me. I catch a glimpse of hurt in his eyes before it’s gone. Like it was just a figment of my imagination.

  I remember Benedetto mentioning the blood oath. The last step before you become a full member of the Holy Trinity and a Made Man or Woman.

  “Grandfather mentioned a blood oath, what is that all about?”

  The freak smiles at the mention of blood.

  “It is a frequently broken rule, but also punishable by death.” he leaves my side and walks to the stairs. “Basically, if you turn rat, you die.” With those parting words, he disappears.

  As morbid as it is, I'm not afraid to die. I’m more afraid of living a life I don’t want. To
end up in this hell hole and become one of them.

  Staying in Detroit and being part of The Holy Trinity means leaving all my dreams behind.

  A buzzing noise coming from the main entrance interrupts my sad-as-fuck train of thought. Who could it be at this hour? Everyone left.

  I do not wait for the maid to open the door, I do it myself.

  Ugh, I should have waited for the maid to answer the door, now I must deal with him.

  I am seconds away from closing the door in his face when he forcefully grabs my neck and shoves me back into the house. I try to fight him off, but he is so much stronger than me. Lucan maneuvers us until my back is to his front.

  From this position, I can feel his growing erection. “If you ever mention my mother again sweetheart, I will rip your heart out of your chest and give it to your grandfather on a silver fucking platter.”, he threatens.

  I break free from his grasp until we are face to face. “Same goes for you baby, next time you mention either of my parents, I’ll cut off your dick and I’ll shove it down your throat.” I smack his cheek lightly and leave him standing there.

  I'm almost to the second floor of the mansion when he laughs maniacally.

  Fucking psycho.

  “You have no idea what you just started, principessa.” he rubs his hands over his lips, smearing my red lipstick all over his mouth while offering me a sick grin. “I’ll make you regret that,”, he promises.

  “And I’ll make you regret the moment you thought you were any match for me.”

  Feels good to have the last word.

  Take that asshole.


  Fuck, I’m hard.

  The little bitch has consumed my every thought since the moment her sexy ass arrived in my city.

  Tonight, she proved she can hold her own against me.

  The threats coming out of those sinful, plump, red lips made me hard, so much so that I need to get fucked before I lose it.

  I haven’t gotten hard over a girl running her mouth since I was a twelve-year-old horny kid.

  I underestimated Andrea. That’s a mistake I won’t ever repeat.

  She stands in the way of me being boss, they all do. I’ll kill anyone that threatens both my sister’s safety.

  When it comes to Andrea, I won’t think twice before I spill her blood and watch the substance — the same color as her cherry red lips — drip from my favorite knife.

  I might fuck her while doing so.

  I’ve always been good at multitasking.




  “Playtime is over kids.” - Gaston


  I had a rough night last night, everything that was said in the meeting plagued my thoughts and then the fucking nightmares wouldn’t leave me alone. Not even Fallon’s company could keep the nightmares at bay.

  She slept like a baby while I’ve been up since 2:00 am, losing myself in my sketchbook. The only good thing about the miserable and sleepless night is that I came up with some beautiful designs for the company. I need to be prepared to prove to the board members that I am more than qualified to run my mother’s business affairs and that there’s no better option than me. If they find any reason for me not to take my mother’s place as CEO, they’ll appoint someone else and that’s just not an option.

  It is not only my dream but my duty.

  I promised her.

  But sadly, I don’t own all the shares of Valentina Co., and they have more votes than I do. They can easily overturn any decision I make, so I need to play nice with them to get what I want.

  A small amount of the shares belong to an unknown investor. Since mom passed away, I’ve been trying to locate this silent investor, but it has been almost impossible to track him down. What the hell was mom thinking adding a silent investor? It’s not like she needed the money.

  I swear, sometimes it feels like I never fully knew my mom.

  She held so many secrets so close to her heart that it was almost impossible to reach them.

  I press send to the email and wait till it goes through before I slip my phone back into the pocket of my sweatpants. The head of the designing team at Valentina Co, has been hounding me nonstop for some new ideas for the next spring collection. Last night I came up with some great looks for every body type and for all kinds of women. I didn’t lie when I said I wanted to help break stereotypes, everyone should be represented in the fashion industry. It is high time the fashion world broke out of the discriminatory and judgmental mentality.

  I want to expand to men’s clothing as well.

  I walk out to the patio and find my new trainer leaning against a lounge chair smoking a cigarette. He has a sour look on his face. He doesn’t hide the fact that he is displeased with my tardiness.

  Today, I have my first training session with Benedetto’s very own personal bodyguard, Rian.

  In the meeting last night, I didn’t really pay enough attention to the silent man whose job is to protect the current capo of the Nicolasi family with his life.

  Rian is attractive, that I did notice but what caught my attention first is the number of tattoos that cover his body. Every man that works for Benedetto has the clean-cut, respectable Made Men man look while Rian looks like a common street criminal, a dangerous and reckless one at that.

  “You’re late.” He puffs a smoke ring my way before he puts the cigarette out and throws it at my feet.

  “First off, how fucking rude.” I bend down, pick the cancer stick from the grass and walk to the nearest trash can to dispose of it.” I make my way back to where he is standing now. He assesses me with a calculating but yet amused look on his face.

  “And also, dude you have to give me some credit for the simple fact I made it out here in the first place. Who the hell wants to train at 6:00 am in the morning on a fucking Saturday? Not me that’s for sure.”

  After everyone left last night, Fallon and I stayed up late watching reruns of some nineties sitcom that she loves. She was acting weird the entire time and I bet it had everything to do with a certain silent and broody twin. Valentino really is an asshole, and he doesn’t even try. It just comes naturally to him.

  I also noticed that she was hiding bruises on her neck with foundation. She did a really good job applying the perfect amount of makeup to cover the bruises so no one would be able to see what she is hiding underneath it.

  I did notice though.

  I asked what happened and she just shrugged it off like it was normal and said: “Just a normal day in the James household.” — How can anyone hurt Fallon?

  For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been hanging around her. She avoids all topics about her family. She has never invited me into her home and all the times we have hung out together, it has been on my turf. I must find a subtle way to ask her what is going on. We all have demons, but she doesn’t have to face them alone.

  Not anymore.

  Once I’m free to get out of this place, I’m hoping she’ll follow once she graduates. She shared her dreams and goals with me. Fallon wants to study photography in New York. I can also hook her up with some acquaintances of my mom, maybe they can offer her an internship or something.

  I completely forgot about the asshole standing before me until he snaps his tattooed fingers in my face. “Hey, kid, snap the fuck out of it and let’s do this. I have shit to do.” How did I not notice his accent before?

  Very hot and very Irish.

  How the hell did an Irish guy find his way into the Italian mafia?

  Ugh, who the hell cares? Honestly, it is too early for this shit.

  I find it extremely difficult, not to mention painful, to hold back the sarcastic remark threatening to slip free from my lips.

  “Yeah, yeah whatever. Let’s get this over with.” I follow him to the patio table where he has every torture item imaginable including grenades.

  Why would he need a fucking grenade?

  He notices my dumbfound
ed look and takes advantage of it.

  “Have you ever held a gun kid?”, he mocks.

  He really is an ass.

  “Never needed to before, so no.” I am honest. This shit is new to me, but as the daughter of a famous supermodel I had bodyguards working around the clock.

  “Here.” He throws a gun at me.

  A fucking loaded gun.

  Thankfully, I catch it before it hits the ground and goes off. I grab the gun with shaking fingers and hold it as far away from me as I possibly can. It would be a tragedy if I shoot an eye out. Still, I’m furious.

  “What the hell!” I yell. “It could’ve gone off.” I hand him back the damn gun.

  I did not sign up for this shit.

  “Please kid, like I would hand you a loaded gun. I care about my life.” he turns around and leads the way to the shooting range behind the pool house.

  The Nicolasi mansion has everything you could ever need.

  I reluctantly follow him all the while shooting daggers at his back

  Ugh, how the hell did I get myself into this mess?

  Fucking Benedetto, that’s how.

  “What are you waiting for, princess? I don’t have all fucking day.”, he says that at the same damn moment a gun goes off.

  He shot at me.

  The asshole shot at me because I took my time catching up to him.

  What in the ever-loving hell…?

  Not only have I been threatened, mocked, and ridiculed since I have arrived in this city but now, I can add being shot at by an Irish psycho.

  I can’t wait to be done with this damn place.




  “Morality isn’t black and white.” – Cruella De Vil


  It’s the Monday after the gathering and Fallon still won’t open up about what kind of nightmares she’s facing at home. She shrugged it all off like it was normal to walk around hiding bruises – real painful looking ones on her neck might I add–with makeup foundation. She also refuses to talk about Valentino or their tumultuous past. Every time I tried to ask or bring him up in conversation, she shut me down. Fallon wouldn’t budge so I just dropped it and let her keep her secrets for now. Some things are better left in the past, but her current situation at home concerns me and what kind of friend or even human being would I be if I just stand by and watch the sweetest of souls get abused in any way.


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