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The De-Coding of Jo

Page 26

by Lali A. Love

  With Conrad’s guidance from the galactic realms, I was embraced by the Arcturus light force energy. As I basked in the comfort of this truth, I vowed to do everything in my power to ensure that our beloved planet averted the Atlantis timeline destruction due to artificial technology. There was already an imbalance in the natural world, causing humanity to become susceptible to diseases in the unseen realms.

  The time had come for each human being to awaken from our collective dreamscape, liberating us from the nightmares of hardened existence.

  I tapped into the energetic pulse of my emotional charge, focusing on each of the seven magnetic fields within my spinning vortex. I felt wholly at peace. My integration journey of truth had revealed many incredible insights of my celestial remembrance, graduating my prominence to an Earth Angel status.

  Each of us held a role to fulfill our purpose in this incredible journey of life, resolving, clearing, and processing our respective inner traumas which was required for healing. I prayed that humanity would choose to ascend as a conscious community toward a better world that prioritized our innocent children and our natural world.

  Unrestricted love was holding us all in every moment, with every breath, with honor, humility, generosity, appreciation, and truth.

  These acts of service were all behaviors that Roma exemplified in her Soul, no matter where she chose to travel next in our exhilarating galaxy.

  As I stared into the white and rose childhood vanity, I noticed Roma’s beautiful reflection mirroring back at me. My eyes transformed with sapphire codes of light in remembrance, emulating the windows of her Soul.

  I gulped the rawness of my emotions as sobs escaped from my throat, releasing the floodgate of tears. I surrendered fully to the broken fractures within my center as light filtered through the cracks. My heart yearned for her illumination and soulful connection.

  I inhaled deeply, sending Roma all the intensity of love that sprang from my heart center. Wherever she roamed within the cosmos, I hoped my telepathic message reached her over the secure channel we created.

  “We did it, Roma. Love anchors the New Earth templates of the Goddess Gaia. Love defies fear and transcends the separation and duality matrix. Love unifies all sentient beings as the true frequency of the Prime Creator. Love is the key to joining every individual being before we ascend as a collective. This is how we will navigate humanity to embody the love consciousness of Lemuria, my beauty. I am certain that we will not repeat the history of Atlantis. We will not destroy ourselves with artificial technology. No matter the trajectory of my journey, our hearts will always be linked, transcending time and space, my treasured friend. Thank you for the gift of devotion and knowledge. I will miss you in every now moment, but I honor your journey. Until we meet again, my magnificent Soul mate.”


  “Everything is everything, what is meant to be, will be. After winter, must come spring. Change, it comes eventually.” —Everything is Everything by Lauryn Hill


  In many spiritual cultures, it is believed that sacred fire burns low-frequency energies from the spirit and the lower levels of our consciousness. It consumes old, limiting perceptions that structures our thought patterns, controlling our emotional responses to life’s experiences.

  The emergence of truth and freedom, our divine birthright is the foundation for the global awakening and initiation. As we complete our Soul’s karmic cycles, there is a metaphorical need to release the lodged energetic debris of our painful emotions, traumas, and memories that are necessary for us to transform.

  Each life event is an opportunity for us to learn, grow, and elevate to a higher state of consciousness. The universe will continue to provide us with similar experiences until we choose to embrace the lessons, integrate them, heal, and evolve.

  This clearing and purification process is known as a rebirth of our inner child’s innocence, where our level of awareness expands as the old conditioning is eliminated.

  On a collective level, this process aids our journey to fulfill our Soul purpose of connecting to the Source of Creativity within every one of us, assisting in our efforts to perceive the highest sacred truths.

  We prepare ourselves for this experience of clearing and healing by holding steady in our daily intentions and actions, to express from our hearts, connecting us in a love-based conscious community.

  We are cosmic Light Beings, manifesting in a human nervous system, an aspect of the divine force that transforms energy in multiple dimensions. We are facets of creation, entering this existence with pure consciousness, generating frequencies of unconditional love and bliss.

  Our Souls choose to experience this reality for a purpose, for reasons unknown to us in this physical dimension. This may be done through Soul contracts or getting chosen for missions to guide the life and collective evolution of planet Earth and humanity through the Universal Law of Oneness. It starts with the gentle acknowledgment and loving acceptance of our essence within the human body we inhabit.

  As soon as we enter the Earth realm, the mind begins to create an attachment to this reality through an identity known as the ego. The more masks and constructs we develop on our journey of life, the stronger the ego. It helps us to organize our existence to match our beliefs and experiences through our perceived lens.

  The encounters we go through are meant to enlighten us, activate our pineal gland, and teach us lessons. This integration process enables us to overcome the obstacles created by low-frequency energies meant to derail us from awakening and transforming to achieve our Soul’s divine purpose and potentiality. It is a remembrance of our sovereignty, our truth, that we were always meant to be powerful, autonomous Light Beings.

  If humanity desires to create a new reality, a better, wholesome state of being, then we must direct our collective energy away from the dualistic, separative, and limited existence of our physical world.

  We cannot continue to experience life through the veil of disempowered, conditioned beliefs of co-dependency, fear, disharmony, and conflict imprints. Our advancement toward a conscious community of wholeness, oneness, peace, diversity, and balanced existence is up to each one of us.

  To achieve this evolution, we need to divert our attention away from contracting energy like greed, arrogance, comparison, judgement, and discrimination. We can only achieve this by clearing and healing our collective trauma stored within our emotional bodies. We can then evolve from our associations to every materialistic attachment that we have been brainwashed to desire. Where we direct our collective attention is critical as we invigorate that perception, person, place, or thing with our energetic pulsations.

  We must find better, eco-friendly solutions to save our planet, using our vast expertise and intelligence to fulfill humanity’s needs organically. And this starts with each one of us, making conscious choices on our consumption, taking accountability for our footprint for our children’s future.

  When energy expands, it creates a state of awareness within the non-physical realm through an experience. The increase in velocity or frequency when it speeds up moves the pulsations up the vibratory vortex of our auric fields into higher states of consciousness.

  When this energy contracts, it slows down into a lower state of consciousness, back into the fight or flight density of pain and suffering. It is through this lens that we witness the events manifesting on our planet with our perceived realities.

  As more cosmic light activates our DNA in our physical bodies, it increases the speed of our energy fields. This is known as ascension when we naturally move into faster or higher states of consciousness. We become more aware of our Soul’s remembrance and begin to recognize that we are powerful, sentient beings, with free will to choose and co-create our desired experiences.

  The survival-based physical dimension is very dense, it holds polarity and duality. We are under the illusion that we are not free to create our reality, permitting external enviro
nments to dictate the quality of our existence.

  With this ideology, relying on peripheral authority figures, educational, political, and institutionalized systems for our happiness, we start to become victims of attachments, dependencies, and expectations. We unwillingly give up our power to others through their control and manipulation.

  Operating from the space of fear, scarcity, victimhood mentality, comparison, and greed divide us as a civilization. It’s up to us to make the choices from love-centered space toward our highest good. This is how we become empowered, enabling us to contribute to humanity’s transformation and form a better world for our children and future generations.

  When we appreciate every now moment within the quantum field, we begin to rise out of our oppressed vibes. This takes a lot of courage and bravery since it’s much easier to continue the comfortable narratives of victimhood or blaming others. We need to release the past, own our present moment, and take responsibility for the reality we wish to manifest.

  Once each of us unites, heals, integrates, and embodies our Divine truth, we become empowered as a collective to be in service for humanity’s highest good. We can choose to master our thoughts and act from our loving hearts with kindness, consideration, forgiveness, empathy, and compassion. This starts by taking action to save our beautiful blue planet Earth.

  We can raise our awareness by informing ourselves to overcome self-serving divisive systems. Using discernment, we can decide how to contribute to environmental solutions as it resonates with our Souls. Mother Earth is manifesting all the dark attributes of humanity’s energetic exchange that have been swept under the rug for generations.

  Let’s choose to shine our collective light and expose these shadows, acknowledge them so we can transmute them back into the light, no longer perpetuating the same patterns. This is our wake-up call to prioritize the health of our world for our innocent children, and the future of mankind.

  To understand how we can make a difference, we should question everything and use our shrewdness. We have unrestricted access to information at our fingertips to understand our planet’s circumstances.

  Here are a few observations about the infestations currently occurring on our beloved home:

  •Significant climate change factors that have contributed to new pathways for pestilence, disease, and a global pandemic. This also consists of severe flooding, drought, wildfires, rising sea levels, harsher hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and catastrophic storms.

  •New energy sources are being tested every day including wind and solar alternatives. The burning of fossil fuels is a major contributor to our air and environmental contamination. This affects our breath of life, which is essential for our existence and survival. We need clean energy consumption for humanity to endure on this planet. Mother Earth will evolve with or without us.

  •Water pollution is a significant concern for our aquatic life as well as human health and well-being. Every sentient being should have limitless access to clean water with necessary minerals to nourish our bodies, no matter where they reside on this abundant planet.

  •We all are aware that toxic waste and chemical elements are poisoning our beloved planet and all its inhabitants, which includes our children.

  •We can all make a difference for our environment if we choose to recycle and reuse items. Waste management sites are becoming problematic with plastics overflowing landfills that are reaching capacity. Imagine if billions of people on Earth took action for their behaviors, how incredible the results would be?

  There are so many other issues facing our planet. Ozone depletion, agricultural impacts, oceans and fisheries sustainability, and deforestation, to name a few.

  Regardless of labels and beliefs, there is a higher intelligence that permeates and connects everything in our Universe, planet, and all living things. When we are misaligned and imbalanced, it triggers energetic blockages of the flow through our seven energy fields, which may contribute to pain, illness, disease patterns, and suffering.

  This diminished energy flow may create distorted perceptions that allow us to be out of harmony with the natural laws and our true authentic identity. The spinning color wheel of our energy vortex draws in vital essence to maintain an aligned and harmonious state of being for our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

  As an aspect of the Divine Source of Creation, our human emotional bodies are an expression of our free will, thought memory, feelings, and experiences that contribute to our reality. Ensuring balance and integration of our emotions assists us on our journey to become an empowered, self-sovereign, conscious community.

  If we choose to acknowledge our present moments with blessings of gratitude, we can experience a greater range of joy, peace, fulfillment, and bliss in the boundless potentials of cosmic love.

  We are all connected within this intelligent, loving Universe. Where there is light, we can always have hope to exist in coherence with our planet through the alchemy of kindness and service for the greater good.

  Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. It can heal the world, inspire others, and bring us closer to our Higher Self. It is eternal, a never-ending gift to ourselves and to all that we truly adore.

  The concept of self-love may seem small, but it can explode and embrace the whole Universe, throughout every timeline, reality, and dimension, as infinite love remains in a constant perpetual motion.

  Please, take only what resonates with your Soul, always use your discernment, and follow your instincts and intuition; they will never steer you wrong.

  From my heart to yours, I love you and honor your journey. I hope you enjoy the uplifting and inspiring poetry for inner peace, nourishment, compassion, and fulfillment. With gratitude and grace, many blessings.

  Spinning Colored Wheel

  Root Center

  Let’s weave together energetic fields,

  within our bodies that magnetically yields.

  Vibrations regulating organ function,

  with our immune system and emotion.

  The first field in the spinning, colored wheel,

  governs our sexual organs that may need to heal.

  With estrogen, progesterone, testosterone,

  compounds compared to entanglements of a clone.

  We see red as we experience an inflamed life,

  through the base of our spine, sharp as a knife.

  Managing our survival hormones instinctively,

  reproduction, elimination, sexuality, distinctively.

  A tremendous amount of artistic energy,

  when in balance, creativity flows in synergy.

  Providing grounding, confidence, and serenity

  in our empowered state of sensual identity.

  Sacral Center

  The second spinning wheel of life

  operates smoothly without strife.

  With consumption and eliminations

  using digestive enzymes and extractions.

  It’s related to social networks, structures,

  relationships, family, and cultures.

  This orange field governs our intuition,

  self-esteem and worthiness in addition.

  When in balance, we feel secure, safe,

  Loved in any environment without strafe.

  Solar Plexus

  The third spinning color wheel

  located in the pit of our gut that needs to heal.

  Governs stomach, intestine, spleen,

  liver, bladder, adrenal gland to be clean.

  The kidneys too, with a hue of yellow band

  oversee will power, self-importance that is grand.

  Impulse control, drive, aggression,

  competition, dominance, and egocentric intention.

  When in balance, we eventually overcome,

  the wounded Souls that we have become.

  Heart Center

  The fourth spinning color wheel

  is powerful energy when we feel.

ocated in the center of the chest,

  behind the breastbone, it beats the best.

  Green governs our generous heart,

  lungs, and growth glands from the start.

  The oxytocin created stimulate,

  a healthy immune system without debate.

  It’s associated with various emotions,

  love inspired when in energetic motion.

  Embodying unity and trust,

  gratitude and compassion are a must.

  The place that houses our Divinity,

  the color of earth, it’s our spirituality.

  When in balance, we are caring,

  feeling whole, fulfilled, and daring.

  Throat Center

  The fifth spinning color wheel

  is a vortex of blue that will appeal?

  Located in the center of our throat,

  articulates our truth with authentic note.

  It governs the neck, calcium, thyroid,

  salivary glands and parathyroid.

  It’s responsible for our metabolism,

  expressing our reality through this prism.

  When in balance, we communicate,

  using our voice, operating from a pure state.

  Pineal Gland

  The sixth spinning color wheel,

  is a purple light of the cosmic reel.

  Known as the third eye in spirituality,

  it governs the door to higher dimensionality.

  Shifting our perceptions as we awaken,

  through the density, illusion, do not mistaken.

  When this center is open, we can see,

  through the physical veil where we are free.

  Tuning into higher frequencies, riding the wave

  beyond the five senses, evolving and brave.

  When in balance, we become aware,

  lucid, observant, and conscious with flare.

  Master Field

  The seventh spinning color wheel

  rests above the head, with hues of indigo and teal.


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