Expecting You

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Expecting You Page 16

by Claire Cullen

  “That’s two,” he murmured in Zac’s ear, hearing a strangled huff of laughter from the omega. From his omega.

  When Zac pushed his hips back, meeting his next slow, languid thrust, Beckett knew he was ready for more. He quickened his pace again, his thrusts forceful as his body met Zac’s.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight,” he rumbled, letting go of Zac’s hips and leaning forward. He put his hands on the floor next to Zac’s, his chest pressed to Zac’s back, the omega pinned in place by the weight of his body. He kissed the nape of Zac’s neck, hearing a gasp that had nothing to do with the thrust of his cock into the omega.

  He was close now, his thrusts losing their rhythm before catching it again. The wave of his orgasm rose to meet him, and he bit down gently on Zac’s neck. The omega cried out and arched against him, his body tightening in waves around him. That was enough to send Beckett over the edge, and he came with a hoarse, guttural cry. Wave after wave of pleasure slammed through him, a release like he hadn’t felt in years. Beneath him, Zac orgasmed again, panting for breath.

  When Zac’s knees went out from under him, Beckett caught him and eased him down onto the floor as he pulled out. He lay down next to him, tugging him close and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

  “That was… that was amazing, Zac. Thank you.”

  The omega squirmed around until he was pressed against Beckett’s chest.

  “I think I lost our bet,” he murmured.

  Beckett glanced up, spying the still-dark sky above them, and chuckled.

  “Uh-huh. What a bet to lose though, hey?”

  Zac sighed as Beckett inched his hand down his stomach teasingly. “I don’t think I can do four just yet.”

  Beckett kissed him again, catching his lips this time. “We’ll save it for later,” he murmured.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Zac woke with a sense of bone-deep contentment, stretching slowly as a yawn escaped. His body ached, but in the best way, and he blinked his eyes open, ready to greet the day.


  He wasn’t in his own bed, and he wasn’t alone. As he sat up, he found Beckett asleep right next to him, the sheet pulled to the side revealing the alpha’s unclothed body. Zac glanced down at himself, realizing he was similarly naked.

  “Oh, no.”

  His whispered words were enough to wake Beckett, who let out a low murmur and sat up. Zac panicked, moving to scramble off the bed, his feet tangling in the blankets. What had he done?


  Beckett caught hold of him before he could fall headfirst onto the floor. He struggled in the alpha’s grip, seized by a sudden, frightening anxiety.

  “Hey, hey, hey.” The alpha gentled his touch and tried to catch his eye. “Zac, it’s okay. It’s all fine. You were sleeping, you’re in my room.”

  Zac’s chest was rising and falling too fast. “I… I don’t…”

  “Zac, look at me.” He met Beckett’s eyes, calming when he saw nothing but confused concern. “That’s it. You’re alright. Just breathe, okay? Nice, slow breaths.”

  Beckett led by example, and Zac tried to mimic him, relieved when the tightness in his chest eased.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s happening.”

  He felt inexplicably tearful and found himself engulfed in a hug.

  “Do you remember last night?” the alpha asked, his tone hesitant.

  Last night? What had happened last… oh. He felt his cheeks flush and pressed his face tighter to Beckett’s chest.

  “We… we…”

  “You invited me to share your heat. We had some fantastic sex, if I do say so myself, and I brought you back to my room to sleep it off. How do you feel?”

  Now that the panic had worn off, the events of the night before were clear in his mind.

  “Silly,” he admitted. “I didn’t know where I was when I woke up.”

  “Sure,” Beckett said easily. “You’ve never had reason to be in my room before. But it’s fine, just relax. It’s still early yet.”

  The alpha moved back against the headboard, bringing Zac with him. It was easy just to stay there in his arms, pressed against his chest, feeling the steady thump of Beckett’s heart against him.

  “Your heat still smells strong,” Beckett said softly. “I don’t think you’re quite through it yet. That’s probably what set off your panic when you woke.” Heat tended to bring every emotion that bit closer to the surface.

  As the ache in Zac’s body made all the more sense now, he took the time to recall the events of the night before. It had been good, being with Beckett. He had that alpha confidence, that surety, knowing exactly what Zac had needed, wanted. What he still wanted.

  He could feel the alpha pressed against him, already hard. Zac shuffled around, rewarded with a low groan from Beckett at the friction. His short heat was fading fast, and it seemed only right to want to take advantage.

  “How do you feel about the omega being on top?” he murmured, lifting his head to meet Beckett’s eyes.

  The alpha’s gaze was dark and full of passion.

  “All the better to see you,” he rumbled, easing down lower on the bed.

  It had been a while since Zac had done this, and he was out of practice. But he knew Beckett would be patient. He was exactly the kind of alpha that Zac had always fallen head over heels for.

  Straddling Beckett’s hips, he took the alpha in hand, humming as he felt the length and girth of his cock. No wonder last night had been so good. Every part of the alpha was impressive. He stroked him lazily, ensuring he knew every inch of what he’d asked for, then he pushed up on his knees and moved forward. Beckett’s hands bracketed his hips, helping him into position, and the two of them held eye contact as Zac slowly sank down onto Beckett’s cock.

  Still stretched from the night before, and wet from his heat, he felt only a deep ache within him as Beckett pressed inside. He saw the alpha’s eyes widen, heard the moan he couldn’t quite hold back, and gave himself over to it. It felt as good to give pleasure as it did to receive it. Nicer even, with the right person. And Beckett was the right person, of that he had no doubt.

  When Beckett was fully sheathed inside him, he took a moment to catch his breath, his eyes still watching the alpha’s.

  “Some alphas don’t like it this way.” He traced idle patterns across Beckett’s chest with his finger. “They want all the control.”

  Beckett laughed and hitched his hips a little, making Zac gasp.

  “Some alphas don’t understand the meaning of the word, or what it means to surrender it.”

  Zac flushed, heat suffusing his whole body at the alpha’s words. He bit down on his lower lip.

  “Would you surrender to me?”

  “Body and soul,” Beckett promised, dragging his eyes down Zac’s form. “You are so beautiful. I could watch you like this forever.” He lifted his hips again, stealing another gasp from Zac. “But I think we have more pressing concerns.”

  Zac laughed and leaned forward, bracing his hands against Beckett’s chest. He lifted his hips, pushing off Beckett, then sinking back down. It felt wonderful, and a long, loud moan slipped from his mouth. He was glad there was no one else around to hear him.

  “That’s it,” Beckett murmured. “Beautiful.”

  It took a few tries to get the hang of it again, to find the right pace. But soon he had the alpha panting beneath him, lifting his hips to meet Zac’s every time he pushed downward. Having Beckett inside him felt so real; tight and hot and full. Each time he sank onto the alpha again, Beckett’s cock nudged that sweet spot inside him, sending pleasurable sparks across his skin. Zac chased the feeling, moving faster, pushing harder, watching Beckett’s eyes every moment.

  “I’m not sure how long I can keep this up,” he admitted, feeling the burn in his thighs and the ache in his back. His body was tiring already. Practice made perfect, and he was very out of practice.

  “I’m close, Zac. Let me help.”

Beckett let go of Zac’s hip to encircle his cock, just holding his hand there and letting Zac’s own movement provide the friction. Between the alpha’s cock inside him and his hand around him, it was all too much.


  He let go with a cry, coming hard as the alpha thrust up into him and came. The two of them clutched tight to each other as they rode the wave of white-hot pleasure that spilled over them. Every touch seemed magnified, every sensation heightened. Zac gave in and just let himself feel it all, reveling in the alpha’s presence. Everything went fuzzy and indistinct, and he came around pressed to Beckett’s chest, the alpha murmuring soothing nonsense to him as he stroked his hand down Zac’s back.

  “You with me?”

  “More or less,” Zac whispered, sighing softly. “Mostly less. Feel like I could float away.”

  “Then hold tight to me,” Beckett said. The words rumbled through his chest, the hint of a lion behind them. “I’ll be your anchor. I won’t ever let you go.”

  Those were the words Zac had always wanted to hear. That he was someone’s, not just for a night or a week or a few months, but forever. He clung tight to Beckett, wanting nothing more.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  They were halfway through Luca’s treatment cycle when it happened. He’d been doing so well that Beckett had been lulled into a false sense of security. But one Tuesday, after struggling through breakfast, and lunch being a battle of wills, Zac turned up at the door to his office with the thermometer in his hand just after three p.m.


  Beckett grabbed his phone.

  “Give him some medicine, I’ll call Dr. Khalid.”

  The doctor agreed to make a house call, and Beckett rescheduled his last meeting of the day, joining Zac in Luca’s bedroom.

  Luca was lying on his bed with flushed cheeks and glassy eyes, whining softly.

  “Hey there, kiddo. I should have known something was up. Spaghetti’s always your favorite.”

  He sat down on the side of the bed and brushed Luca’s hair off his forehead, resting his palm there. He could feel the heat radiating from Luca’s skin.

  “I gave him some medicine. He should start to cool down soon.”

  Zac had already stripped Luca’s outer layers and moved back the blankets.

  Luca reached his hands up, and Beckett lifted him into his arms, settling him against his chest.

  “I’m sorry, Luca. I know how much you hate being sick. You were so good to take your medicine for Zac. We’ll have you feeling better in no time.”

  Luca whined again, his little hand grasping Beckett’s shirt tightly.

  “Dr. Khalid’s coming to see you. He’s going to help get you better.”

  He said it more for Zac’s benefit than for Luca’s.

  “How about a nice, cool cloth for your neck?” Zac suggested. “That might feel good, huh?”

  The omega slipped from the room, returning a few minutes later with a damp washcloth and a glass of purple liquid. He handed over the cloth and set the glass down on the bedside table.

  “It’s one of those rehydration drinks. He hasn’t had anything since lunch. I’m guessing it hurts to swallow? He wouldn’t let me take a peek.”

  Luca was no stranger to throat infections. He’d had them almost weekly with his last treatment. Beckett had hoped they were going to escape them this time.

  “Here we go, kiddo. This might feel a bit cold.” He settled the cloth on the back of Luca’s neck. The little boy squirmed and sighed, rubbing his face against Beckett’s shoulder.

  “That feels nice, doesn’t it? Zac made you a special drink. Will you try some? It’s purple.”

  “I brought you a straw, too,” Zac said. “It’s got ladybugs on it.”

  That was enough to pique Luca’s interest. He lifted his head, regarding them both a little suspiciously. But he readily accepted the straw and sucked up some of the drink. He made a happy sound when the sweet taste hit his tongue but whined when he swallowed. Beckett stroked his cheek, hoping to distract him from the pain.

  “Good job, Luca,” Zac murmured, catching the damp cloth before it could fall. He folded it and dabbed it lightly over Luca’s forehead and neck. “Does this feel nice? We’ll get you all cooled down in no time.”

  Between the two of them, they managed to coax Luca into drinking half the glass before he fell into a light doze in Beckett’s arms.

  When the doorbell rang, Zac hurried out to answer it, returning with Dr. Khalid and one of the nurses.

  “Let’s see what we’re dealing with.”

  They had a tough time getting Luca to cooperate, since he mostly wanted to sleep and cling to Beckett. But when all was said and done, they had him tucked under a light sheet on his bed, sleeping almost peacefully.

  “You’re right,” Dr. Khalid told them. “It’s tonsillitis. We’ll start him on antibiotics as a precaution while we wait for the strep test. If his fever goes above one-oh-two, you’ll need to bring him into the emergency room. Give him the fever reducers every six hours, check his temperature every two hours, and encourage plenty of fluids. I suspect you’ll be in for a rough night. If his fever hasn’t broken by morning, he’ll need to be admitted.”

  It was nothing Beckett hadn’t heard before, but he’d always wished that each time was the last time.

  He saw Dr. Khalid out and returned to find Zac sitting on the side of Luca’s bed, watching him sleep.

  “I’ve got this,” he told the omega. “You should go get some rest.”

  “We’ve got this,” Zac corrected. “This is what I’m here for.”

  Beckett was ready to argue, but he could see the determined glint in Zac’s eyes.

  “Then we’ll alternate. We haven’t eaten, so I’ll order takeout. We’ll split the night between us. We can take turns sleeping in here with him.”

  The evening passed slowly, and it was just after nine when he managed to convince Zac to go get a few hours of sleep, promising to wake the omega before one a.m. Even then, Zac was back by twelve-thirty, sleep-mussed but anxious.

  “How’s his temperature?”

  “One-oh-two again. I’ve given him more medicine. Let’s hope it kicks in soon.”

  Zac shooed him off to bed, but Beckett struggled to settle. After two hours of tossing and turning, he padded back to Luca’s room. Zac was sitting on the floor, his back against the wall and his knees drawn up, watching Luca sleep.

  “How’s his temp doing?”

  “Still one-oh-two. I’m checking it hourly now.”

  Beckett sat down on the floor next to Zac. “He’s sleeping, at least.”

  After a pause, Zac let his head rest against Beckett’s shoulder. “He seems peaceful. I sponged him down with a damp towel again. He didn’t like that.”

  “I’m sure he didn’t. Listen, if you want to get a bit more shut-eye…”

  “No, I’m up.”

  “And you feel okay? The baby…?”

  “The baby’s fine,” Zac murmured. He took Beckett’s hand and pressed it against his stomach.

  Beckett knew it was a little too early to feel kicks just yet.

  “Can you feel anything?” he asked Zac.

  “Little flutters, now and then. Dr. Lowe says omegas can feel a baby’s movements as early as fifteen weeks. We’re what… almost twenty now?”

  “Nineteen weeks and six days, according to the app on my phone.”

  He felt comfortable with his hand cupped over Zac’s bump, and Zac seemed equally as relaxed next to him.

  “We’ll have to start talking to Luca about the baby soon, get him ready for his little brother’s arrival.”

  “There are books,” Zac suggested. “We could start reading them to him at bedtime. It’ll help him get his head around it at his own pace.”

  Beckett liked that idea, slipping the concept of a baby brother into Luca’s subconscious.

  “Maybe we could add a few books about eating all your vegetables while we�
�re at it.”

  Zac laughed softly. “Worth a try, I guess.” He yawned then, his eyes tired.

  Beckett gently urged Zac to lay his head down on his lap. He ran his fingers through Zac’s hair, caressing him, feeling the tension slowly drift away. His breathing deepened as he fell asleep, but Beckett kept petting him, kept stroking his hand through Zac’s hair. He was almost drifting off himself when his eyes caught the clock. It was time to check Luca’s temperature again. Easing out from under Zac and replacing his lap with a cushion, he padded across the room. Luca barely noticed when he slipped the thermometer into his ear. It beeped softly, and he checked it, smiling to himself.

  “Beckett?” Zac called, and he turned to see him pushing up off the cushion and peering around the room. “How is he?”

  “Ninety-nine. The fever’s broken. Let’s hope it stays down.”

  With a sigh of relief, Zac relaxed back onto the cushion. “Good. He’ll sleep easier now.”

  “And so will we,” Beckett said softly.

  He spent another minute watching Luca, making sure the sheet wasn’t tucked too tightly around him, before returning to Zac. The omega was fast asleep again, curled up tightly. Beckett slipped his hands under him and lifted him easily, cradling him against his chest. He knew he should have carried the omega back to his own room, but Beckett’s was closer. He set the omega down on his bed and covered him with a blanket.

  “Sweet dreams.”

  Zac turned his head, his eyes barely open as he smiled.

  “Only if I dream of you.”

  Beckett bent down and kissed him on the cheek, but Zac shifted, their lips meeting. Before he could pull back, Zac had slid a hand behind his head and deepened the kiss. Even more asleep than awake, his kisses were something special.

  Zac found he and Beckett were on high alert for the better part of a week while Luca recovered from his tonsillitis. He was listless most days, slept a lot, and getting him to eat was a nightmare. Zac made soups and milkshakes, tried ice cream and oatmeal, used every trick up his sleeve to coax Luca into getting the nutrients he needed. But gradually, his appetite improved and so too did his energy. Though he wasn’t anywhere near as energetic as other kids his age, he was back to his normal self or as close to it as Zac suspected he was going to get while still undergoing his treatment.


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