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Expecting You

Page 20

by Claire Cullen

  Zac joined him, crouching awkwardly on the ground, and adding his voice to the mix. Between the two of them, they coaxed Luca back under the small gap in the fence. Beckett lifted the cub into his arms and hugged him tightly.

  The zookeeper apologized. “We have the place shifter-proof to stop just this kind of thing from happening. I’ll have maintenance fix this fence. You guys might want to get along to the indoor cub center. It’s only two minutes’ walk that way, and it’s just for shifter kids.”

  “Thanks,” Zac said brightly. “We’ll do that.”

  They wandered back to the garden to collect their things. There was no sign of the boy and his grandparents, which was a relief. Beckett scooped up the engagement ring that he’d dropped in all the panic.

  “Are you still sure about marrying into this chaos?”

  Zac all but snatched the ring from his hands. “No take-backs,” he joked.

  They hugged, Luca held securely between them, mewling softly.

  “Another day in the life of a shifter family, huh?” He found he wasn’t disappointed, just relieved that Luca was okay.

  “Engagements should be memorable,” Zac said with a laugh, stroking his hand through Luca’s fur.

  They followed the signs to the cub center and joined the lively group already there. It took a little while to convince Luca to stop hovering beside them and go play with the others, but once he did, he had the best of times. Beckett and Zac cuddled together and watched him, their hands intertwined. When Zac placed Beckett’s hand on his stomach, he felt an unmistakable kick.

  “Someone’s wondering what all the excitement was about.”

  “He’ll be a part of it all soon enough.”

  He closed his eyes and focused on his hand and Zac’s stomach, feeling another kick press against his palm.

  “I love you, Zac. Especially on the crazy days.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Zac had always pictured giving birth as something that happened in a hurry. Everyone rushing about, no time for thinking. But it wasn’t like that at all.

  Harper perched on the windowsill of his hospital room as Zac paced back and forth.

  “How long has it been?”

  “Eleven minutes.”

  “Ugh, this is taking forever.”

  His and Luca’s doctor had insisted he come into the hospital at the first sign of labor starting. It had led to two wasted trips with Braxton Hicks before his third time. Even as Dr. Lowe had examined him, he’d still felt sure he was about to be sent home again. But it turned out to be true: third time really was the charm.

  Zac wanted Beckett by his side, but he knew the alpha was doing what was most important right then: getting Luca settled into his room over in the pediatric ward. As soon as the baby was born, the cord blood would be processed and given to Luca. With any luck, the stem cells would have an impact on his condition, delaying his need for further treatments.

  “Talk to me,” he said suddenly, realizing that no contraction was forthcoming just yet, and he was going to lose his mind counting down the seconds.

  “About what, duck?”

  Harper kicked his legs and glanced out the window.

  “Something, anything. How’s the zoologist?”

  “I kicked him to the curb. He only liked me for my shifter animal.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true.”

  Harper sighed and jumped off the windowsill. “Actually, he said he couldn’t see a future with me. I wasn’t mature enough. That my still having a shifter animal at all was proof of that.”

  “Charming guy.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “So, what now? Anyone new caught your eye?”

  A contraction hit, making him wince, and Harper wrapped an arm around his shoulder, supporting him as they walked back and forth across the room.

  “I’m actually thinking I need a break. Some time to focus on me for a while. I can’t be a waiter forever. Well, I could, but I don’t want to be.”

  Trying to get Harper to talk about the future was like pulling teeth at the best of times. Having him speak so freely was a window of opportunity Zac wasn’t going to miss, no matter the circumstances.

  “What would you like to do?”

  “Win the lottery? Marry a wealthy old alpha who dies and leaves me his fortune? Or hey, catch some alpha’s eye and become his muse. I’ve always felt I was inspirational.”

  Zac laughed, his breath catching as the pain peaked. “Be serious, Harper.”

  “I am serious. Watching you settle down is making me think about things. You know, soon enough, with two kids and a husband to look after, you won’t have time for me.”

  Despite all of Harper’s joking and bluster, there was real fear in his voice.

  Zac turned to him, catching him by the shoulders. “I will always have time for you. You’re my best friend. Nothing, not even a dozen kids and half a dozen husbands, would change that.”

  “But something has to change, duck. We’re finally growing up.”

  “Not you and me. We’re like Peter Pan. Forever young.”

  Harper nodded and tried to smile. “I just don’t want to be one of those omegas. The washed-out ones who missed their chance to really settle down. I mean, I’m never gonna be someone who loves my career, and I’m not nanny material like you. I don’t fit the mold for the ideal omega house husband. People like to have fun with me, but… they don’t want to keep me around.”

  Zac pulled him into a hug. “What’s brought all this on?”

  Harper wasn’t one to be maudlin, even on his worst days.

  “I don’t know. Just… I’m watching you and all the amazing things you’re doing. Then I look at me and see… nothing.”

  “Not nothing,” he said, holding him close. “Your time will come, Harper. Sooner than you think.”

  Harper pulled away, trying a smile on for size. “I hope you’re right.”

  “I am. I feel it in my bones.”

  They both laughed, but Zac’s laugh became a hiss as another contraction started up.

  “That’s ten minutes, duck. We’re on the road.”

  “And going nowhere fast,” he muttered, trying not to sound too sour about it.

  “Beckett will be here soon. That’ll make you feel better.”

  “Beckett’s already here,” the alpha said as he opened the door. “Sorry I was gone so long. How are we doing?”

  “I’m having an existential crisis,” Harper said. “I can’t quite decide what to do with my life... Oh, you mean your fiancé. Well, he’s having a baby.”

  “Thanks for the update,” Beckett said dryly.

  Zac patted Harper on the shoulder and let Beckett lead him to the bed. They sat side by side, the alpha’s arm around him.

  “How’s Luca?”

  “He’s grumpy. Sarah’s with him now. He cheered up when he saw her.”

  “It’s a pity they can’t put us in adjoining rooms.”

  “They said maybe after the baby’s born and the procedure’s finished. Right now, Luca needs to be in isolation, and you don’t need the stress of a clingy toddler.” Beckett kissed his cheek when he caught Zac’s worried look. “Sarah’s got him in a bear hug. He’ll be fine.”

  “Looks like we’re in for a long day,” Harper said. “Anyone for charades?”

  It was the longest day, and an even longer night. But finally, sometime after three a.m., Dr. Lowe kicked Harper from the room and announced it was time. The lights had been lowered, it was quiet and calm, and there was a cool night breeze from the window.

  “On your next contraction, Zac, I want you to push.”

  “I’m scared,” Zac admitted, grabbing Beckett’s hand and squeezing tightly.

  “Perfectly normal,” the doctor said. “Your body knows exactly what to do.”

  Zac had wanted to give birth at home but had read up enough to know that the hospital was where he needed to be, for everyone’s sake. Still, they’d compromised by goi
ng low-key; a quiet, darkened room, one medic, Beckett, and as much peace and calm as could be found.

  Beckett held a straw to his lips, and Zac gratefully sucked up the cool, sweet liquid. He barely had time to catch his breath before the contraction hit, and then the hard work began.

  And it was hard work. Every muscle in his body felt the effort, straining and pushing with all his might. He felt the tension in Beckett and knew the alpha would have done this for him in a heartbeat, if he could have. But birth was the work of omegas, not alphas.

  “You’re doing great,” Beckett said, pressing a cool compress to the back of his neck.

  “That’s it, Zac,” the doctor coaxed. “Almost there. I can see the head.”

  So relieved to hear it, he almost laughed.

  “At least he’s coming head first.”

  Beckett kissed his temple. “I know. Luca was breech, right up until the day before Darcy gave birth.”

  It should have been strange to hear Darcy’s name right then, but it wasn’t. It felt right. This was Darcy’s baby, after all. Darcy’s child that Zac had given life to, would give breath to.

  “I’m glad I get to do this for him. And for you.”

  “If he could, he’d tell you he was grateful beyond words for everything you’ve done. And I don’t just mean bringing this baby into the world.”

  “Well, don’t thank me yet,” Zac said, gritting his teeth as the strongest contraction yet overtook him.

  He pushed and pushed with all his might, panting when the doctor told him to and leaning heavily against Beckett as the pain reached a crescendo and died away. And then the doctor was holding up a baby, wrinkled and wailing, his face scrunched up unhappily. A nurse hurried into the room, and then another, one of them checking the baby over while the second got everything ready to collect the cord blood.

  “That’s it, Zac. You did so well. Relax now, it’s almost over.”

  He couldn’t take his eyes off the baby once the cord was cut, following every movement of the nurse until his son was placed on his chest, tucked up against him.

  “Hi, baby. Hi.”

  Their little one had stopped crying, his eyes open as he lay there. The people around them spoke in hushed tones, the lights dimmed further, and everything grew quiet. Then it was just him, Beckett, and the baby.

  “He’s beautiful,” Beckett murmured, catching the infant’s tiny hand in his.

  “He’s so small.” Tiny and fragile. Zac wanted to wrap him up in cotton and never let go.

  Beckett kissed his cheek. “How do you feel?”

  “Exhausted, but so, so happy.”

  It was probably the hormones talking, but he wasn’t sure he’d ever felt such contentment as he did in that moment. The rightness of the universe could not be understated.

  “Beckett,” a quiet voice called from the doorway. “It’s time.”

  The alpha hesitated, but Zac grabbed his hand and squeezed tightly. “Go. Luca needs you. We’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll ask Harper to come sit with you.” He kissed Zac again. “I’m so proud of you.”

  And then he was gone, and Zac slipped into a light doze. He woke to the door opening, looking up blearily, expecting to see Harper. But it wasn’t the omega—it was Luca’s grandmother, Sarah. They’d met only once, briefly, when she’d dropped Luca off one evening. But here she was, Darcy’s mother, grandmother to the baby in his arms. His breath caught in his throat wondering what she’d do, what she’d say.

  “I’m sorry, you’re resting. I’ll leave you to get some sleep.” She stepped back toward the door.

  “No, don’t go. Please.”

  “I don’t want to intrude. I wanted to meet you properly before, but with everything going on, and Beckett so protective of you…”

  Her eyes darted from his face to the baby bundled against his chest.

  “Would you like to see your grandson?”

  “May I?” She took hesitant steps toward him, closing the distance between them. “How was the birth?”

  “Hard work.”

  “It always is. You look like a fighter, though.”

  Of anything he’d expected from a conversation with her, it wasn’t this. In stark contrast to his own mother, she was warm and quiet.

  Zac gently eased the blanket back so she could see the baby’s face better.

  “Oh,” she said softly. “I see some of Beckett in him.” Her eyes turned sad even as she smiled. “And a lot of Darcy. I’d know that nose anywhere.”

  “I’m sorry—” Zac tried to say.

  She shook her head as tears filled her eyes. “You have no idea how happy you’ve made me, Zac. Losing Darcy was so hard, but then having to watch Luca struggle more and more, watching Beckett slowly lose heart…” She paused and swallowed, brushing a tear from her cheek. “Since you came into their lives, things have changed for the better. They smile again. Luca laughs so much now. He’s like a completely different child.”

  She took his hand, holding it between both of hers. “I am so proud of you and all you’ve done for them, for me. And grateful, more grateful than I can ever express. I’m sure you have parents of your own, family of your own, but I want you to know that I am always here for you. My grandchildren are the light of my life, and you have sheltered that light and given them a home.”

  Patting his hand, she let go. “Look at me, blubbering on when you look so tired.”

  Zac was near tears, realizing that for all his fears, he might have just found the closest thing to the mother figure he’d always wanted.

  “Would you like to hold him?”

  Her answer just proved that his instincts were right.

  “He looks comfortable right where he is. Later, when you’ve had time to bond, I would adore some baby cuddles.”

  The door opened and a sleep-mussed Harper stuck his head inside. “What did I miss?”

  With a quiet laugh, Zac waved him in.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Beckett divided the rest of the night between Luca and Zac’s bedsides, with Sarah doing the same. At about eight a.m., he settled down in a chair beside Zac’s bed and dozed off. He woke with a jolt sometime later. Zac was sitting up wide awake next to him, a tray of breakfast beside him.


  “Hi,” Zac said softly. “Are you with us?”

  The baby was cuddled in the crook of his arm.

  “Present, more or less. Here, let me take him while you eat.”

  He lifted the baby into his arms, careful not to disturb his slumber.

  “I am hungry,” Zac admitted. “Though I don’t think anything will ever taste as nice as the toast they brought me just after dawn. What is it about toasted bread when you’re really hungry?”

  “The age-old question. Speaking of questions, where’s Harper?” The omega had been in the room when Beckett had sat down and was conspicuous in his absence.

  “He went home to shower and change. He’ll be back later. When will we hear about Luca?”

  Dr. Khalid had promised to update them once the post-procedure test results were in.

  “Sometime this morning. He said he’d get the lab to put a rush on it, but it still takes time.”

  Whether the procedure worked, and how well it had worked, would be proven by the blood tests. Beckett was glad it was only a matter of hours. He couldn’t imagine waiting weeks or months to know if it had been successful.

  “Do you want to go check on Luca?” Zac suggested.

  Beckett looked at his phone and shook his head. “Sarah texted ten minutes ago. He’s fast asleep. She’ll stay until lunchtime.”

  That would give Harper time to come back, and the omega could keep Zac company while Beckett sat with Luca.

  “Then I guess we should think about deciding on a name?”

  Beckett glanced down at the sleeping baby. “Good plan. Should we go through our shortlist, or have you picked one out?”

  They’d narrowed it down to four possibilities,
but they had wanted to see the little guy first, to be sure the name suited him. Beckett thought one, in particular, worked best, but he wanted to hear Zac’s opinion before interjecting his own.

  “I thought Henry,” the omega said slowly. “I know it’s the most common name of all the ones on our list but…”

  “He looks like a Henry,” Beckett agreed. “I thought the same.”

  “Darcy for his middle name, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  “You know Sarah came to visit last night.”

  He winced. “I know, she told me. It wasn’t what we’d planned. She was going to wait until you were home from the hospital.”

  “No,” Zac assured him. “It’s fine. We should have done this ages ago. I don’t know why we didn’t.”

  At his pointed look, Beckett confessed, “That was mostly my fault. I didn’t want to put you under pressure, and she felt awkward about the whole situation. Or I thought she did. We had a long chat last night. I was keeping her informed about everything, but I guess we never properly talked about it all. She thought it was because I didn’t want her involved, and I thought it was because it was too painful for her, what with her avoiding the house and all that. Turns out she was afraid of pushing in.”

  He stared down at the baby in his arms, cursing his own stubbornness.

  “Our kids should have a grandparent,” Zac said softly. “God knows they won’t get much of one from my mom.”

  “Or my parents,” Beckett agreed. Loving, attentive grandparents they weren’t.

  “Then I think we should open our hearts, and our home, to Sarah. Our family can grow a little more, can’t it?”

  Beckett knew the smile on his face stretched from ear to ear. “Yeah, it can.”

  A knock on the door put an end to their conversation, and Beckett’s heart stuttered when Dr. Khalid stepped into the room.

  “I have Luca’s test results,” he announced. “If this isn’t a bad time?”

  “This is the perfect time,” Beckett assured him, gesturing him into a chair.

  “It’s good news. In fact, it’s better news than I’d hoped.”


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