Knights: Defenders of Ollanhar
Page 62
After the others had escaped their bonds (with Jerret and Daledus expressing disappointment that they had missed the battle), they searched the fortress for their horses. Ghouls were still lurking about, so they moved cautiously, leading Prince Vannas along. Beyond the Dining Room was a wide hallway lined with thick pillars that ended at an iron door that looked like it could withstand a tree-trunk sized battering ram. The door was secured by another extremely complex Olrog lock that Lannon couldn't open (which was yet another blow to his confidence as far as opening locks was concerned). Had Prince Vannas been his normal self, he could have blasted through the door with white fire, but his condition remained unchanged.
They quickly gave up, instead taking a narrow tunnel that led through some storage rooms filled with barrels of grain and other food items. This area of the keep seemed to awaken Jace's memories, and he told them he thought this route led through a stable and out of the fortress.
Jace was correct. After getting past another locked iron door (this one less secure than the last), they soon came to a large, rugged cavern that served as the stable, complete with stalls and feed for the horses. Not only were the Greywinds there, but several other horses as well. A pair of Ghouls that were guarding the horses fled into the rain at the sight of them.
"The storm has ended," said Lannon, pointing at the cave mouth that led outside. "There is only rain now. We should ride quickly for camp."
Aldreya nodded. "We will return here later and finish exploring--if Dremlock doesn't send other Knights for that purpose."
"Why the urgency, Lannon?" asked Jerret.
"I don't know," said Lannon. "I have a bad feeling."
"You think the camp was attacked?" asked Jerret, a shadow of concern creeping over his face. "I fear that as well."
Lannon didn't answer that question. He didn't have an answer. All he had was an anxious feeling that may or may not have come from the Eye of Divinity. They had rescued Prince Vannas and the White Flamestone, but at what cost?