Dark Soul: A Fae Shifter Romance (Guardians of the Fae Realms Book 7)

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Dark Soul: A Fae Shifter Romance (Guardians of the Fae Realms Book 7) Page 3

by JL Madore

  Calli crosses her heart. “As long as you’re not in danger and they don’t need to know, then they won’t hear it from me.”

  I point to the chairs at the end of the conference room table and we sit. “Okay, where to begin. First off…” I tell Calli about mating Creed on the mental plane and him inviting Doc into our mating and how even though it’s what I wanted, Doc doesn’t seem too happy about it yet.

  “It’s very new and male pride is real. The balance, in the beginning, is tough. When we started, there was a lot of friction between Hawk and the others. It took some work, but I broke through the barriers he had erected and showed the others the other side of him.”

  I sigh. “I think their tension is less about each other and more about me.”

  “Then it’s your job to reassure them both. Maybe that’s about one-on-one time or maybe it’s about the three of you as a couple.”

  “That’s another thing I need your advice on.”

  “What’s that?”

  I hesitate to even mention it, but I need insight. I don’t usually feel as young and inexperienced as the number on my license indicates, but regarding how to juggle this many men, I’m out of my depths.

  “This has to stay in the vault. It’s personal and dangerous for me to talk about.”

  Calli’s expression tightens. “Absolutely. You have my word.”

  I lean in close and lower my voice. “I think there’s something between Creed and Rhylan.”

  “I’m not surprised. I got that vibe back in the clearing but at the time I thought the dragons were his bodyguards, not his prison guards.”

  “The first night we snuggled together to sleep, I smelled Rhylan on his skin. I asked him about it later and he freaked out. After he calmed down and realized I was worried about him and not being nosey, he admitted there have been moments of the two of them together.”

  “And you’re wondering what?”

  “I’m wondering if I should bring up Rhylan joining us. Creed invited Doc into our mating bed for me. I wondered about doing the same for him.”

  Calli considers that for a moment and then shakes her head. “My advice is to wait. Sure, the two of them might’ve worked off some hostility physically but that doesn’t mean he’s a good fit for your marriage. You need time to assess him as a person and make sure you can trust him as part of your group.”

  “I get that. Yeah, I suppose I’m in a bit of a mating mood after watching your quint develop.”

  She smiles. “The difference is, we were tied by the prophecy from the beginning. The mating bound all five of us at once. Rhylan is currently fighting for the wrong team. He’s on Laryssa’s payroll and until that changes, he’s more of a liability than an asset.”

  I hear the warning in her words and despite wanting to argue on his behalf, she’s right. Maybe what Creed and Rhylan had was just working off pent-up energy.

  In which case, he wouldn’t be a good fit.

  “Okay, thanks. That makes sense. I’ll slow things down and wait on the R-factor.”

  “I think that’s best.”

  There’s a knock on the door and then Jaxx, Brant, and Doc shuffle into the room carrying trays of food.

  “Lunch is served, ladies. There’s a big ol’ city beneath this place,” Jaxx says.

  “Well, we won’t go hungry anytime soon, that’s for sure.” Calli laughs as the guys set the trays down. “Do we know what this is?”

  Jaxx winks. “Not really, but it smelled good and the dragon pointed out the things to avoid. He may be a bit standoffish, but I think he’s comin’ around to us a bit.”

  I hope so. I honestly do.

  Glancing over Brant’s shoulder, I’m glad to see the door is shut. “Okay, before we’re interrupted, Doc and I need to fill you in on why we really came to this realm. If we can’t get time alone with Hawk and Lukas, tell them we need help finding the blood witch who cursed Creed.”


  Sitting next to Hawk’s bodyguard and right-hand man in the meeting I wonder if he’s as good as Keyla and Doc believe him to be. The outcome of my entire future depends on him finding that witch and helping us figure out how to break her curse.

  It guts me that I left that building without answers.

  I understand the logic that I couldn’t stand on the sidewalk indefinitely and then strangle her when she emerged, but it felt like another round of brutal torture to walk away.

  “I see no issue with that,” the Clarinta liaison says.

  “Wonderful.” Kotah offers Ms. Aristand a warm smile and then looks toward Hawk to see if he has anything to add to the conversation.

  The way Kotah and Hawk interact is impressive. For only knowing one another a few months and being forced into a mating like Keyla and I are, they appear to be genuinely happy and at ease with one another.

  I realize trust is earned, but there also has to be a willingness to allow someone to earn it.

  I check myself inwardly and chuckle. When did I become such a damned sap? A week ago I hated everyone and wanted to slit throats and make Vik and Rhy clean up the entrails. Funny how life spins out of control when you’re not looking.

  I wonder what Keyla’s doing right now.

  She’s likely tucked herself into a corner girl-talking with the phoenix. From what I gather and what I saw in the clearing when we arrived, Calli and Keyla are close.

  Which sucks for me because I certainly didn’t make a stellar first impression on any of them.

  “I think that’s all we need,” Hawk says, breaking me out of my thoughts. The avian is the lead alpha of their quint. He’s tall and chiseled and with the expensive clothes and the tattoos, he’s something to look at. “Do you have anything else you’d like to discuss, my King?”

  Something lights in Kotah’s eyes as Hawk calls him that. No one introduced him as Kotah’s mate, so I didn’t bring it up. It seems Hawk calling him that is some kind of inside joke.

  “I think that’s everything,” Kotah says rising from his chair. “Once we visit Rames and Travon we’ll have all the coordinates and be able to finalize the portal bridges. We look forward to hosting delegates from your quadrant in the Human Realm while you explore life on the other side of the rift.”

  “It’s an exciting time indeed,” Paige says, her pink wings fluttering gently behind her. Once she zips her portfolio closed, she presses her fist to her right shoulder and bows, as is the custom. “Peace and happiness.”

  “And also to you,” Kotah says.

  When the faery leaves, Lukas stands and heads toward the door.

  I raise my hand. “One moment. May I speak with you before you leave, Lukas… and you, as well Hawk, if that’s all right?”

  Hawk’s gaze narrows but when Kotah nods, he seems to relax a little. “Okay, let me check that the girls are taken care of, and then I’m all yours.”

  “I’ll go,” Kotah says. “This is important and I haven’t seen Calli yet.”

  “She missed you boys last night, Wolf,” Hawk says, grinning at his mate. “Yeah, go say hi.”

  It’s funny, as Kotah steps away and I realize how badly I need their help, my stomach kicks up a fuss.

  “Are you well, Creed?” Kotah says, turning back to grip my arm. The connection of skin-on-skin brings a wave of soothing warmth and my nerves settle.

  “What is it you do when you’re near people?”

  He releases my arm and blushes. “Apologies. I forget sometimes….”

  “No, it’s fine, I just… I’ve been angry for so long, it’s a little unnerving when you’re near me and it eases and then, right now when you touched me, it’s like a balm to the anguish that burns inside me.”

  “Kotah is an omega,” Hawk says, his gaze sharp as he assesses me. “It’s a natural affinity. We call him a bullshit buffer but it goes beyond that. His compassion knows no bounds and he is hands down the smartest, most genuine person you will ever have the honor of meeting.”

  Kotah looks up at the ceilin
g and chuckles. “Laying it on a little thick, aren’t you? Are you plying me with compliments in the hopes you’ll get lucky later?”

  Hawk grins. “Is it working?”

  “Was there any doubt?”

  Keyla comes through the closed door and chuckles. “You’ll have to excuse my brother and his mates. They make no secret about their physical attraction to one another. You’ll get used to it.”

  Hawk winks. “Hey, Princess. How is mated life treating you?”

  She hugs him and then comes to my side to slide her arm around my waist. “So far so good. But honestly, I’m ready to get back to the castle and spend some alone time. Things have been so rushed I feel like I’m falling downhill and can’t quite get my footing.”

  “I know that feeling,” Hawk says. “Is Calli good?”

  Keyla laughs. “Brant and Jaxx brought up half the food court and are feeding your young.”

  Hawk and Kotah both grin and seem to relax. Hawk brings his attention back to me. “Alrighty then. What is it you wanted to discuss?”

  I check that the door is still closed and draw a steadying breath. “I realize you don’t know me and I was a royal pain in the ass when we arrived even when you tried to extend a welcome, but I need a favor. Keyla suggested that the two of you are the men to talk to.”

  She seems to gauge my discomfort and takes over. “Since the moment our searing took hold, we’ve been pulled by an unrelenting force toward something. At first, it was what drove us to run for the rift after our searing, now we’re certain it’s destiny’s design for us and has something to do with Creed breaking Laryssa’s curse on him and reclaiming his throne.”

  Hawk nods. “Okay, I’m with you so far. We pieced together as much ourselves.”

  “Well, a few hours ago, that calling pulled us into the path of the blood witch who cursed him with the demon wolf. We followed her through the Clarinta hub and to a building not far from here. We don’t have a name but we all got a good look at her and are hoping she lives in the building.”

  “So you need us to find out who she is and assess what we’re up against,” Hawk says.

  I nod. “I haven’t given you any reason to want to help me but—”

  Hawk raises a hand. “Save it. You’re Keyla’s mate. She’s our little sister. As long as you’re good to her and honor your mating, you are family. If you color outside the lines, all bets are off and—royalty or not—I will bury you where no one will find the body.”

  “Noice,” Calli says, coming in to join the party. “It’s been hours since we threatened to murder and bury people. Now it’s a party.”

  “Did someone say party?” Jaxx says, leaning into the room. “I’m game.”

  Keyla laughs. “You are always game for a party.”

  “That is true, sweetheart. So, where and when?”

  “Back to the castle, right now?” Vikarus says. “Your portal gate business is done for the day. We need to get Prince Creed back.”

  Jaxx grins. “Party at your place it is. Do you have supplies or should we stop on the way home?”

  I blink at Keyla, not sure how to take any of this.

  “Like I said. You’ll get used to them.”



  By the time we get back to the Thornebane Castle, it’s mid-afternoon and everyone decides to retreat to their corners for a few hours before dinner and what we’re calling a ‘Drink and Think’. Party seemed inappropriate considering Creed’s current situation.

  Which, who are we kidding, is Jaxx’s way to have a party even with so much pressing down on us.

  I’m okay with that. I could use a drink.

  Keyla, Creed, and I arrive back at the royal suite and that’s when it dawns on us that things are awkward. I want Keyla naked. By the arousal I’ve smelled coming off Creed more than once today, he wants Keyla naked. And Keyla has been more than open about the fact that she wants us naked.

  “Okay, not to be weird or indelicate here, but how the hell are we doing this?” I ask. “It’s crude to ask, but are we taking turns or what?”

  Keyla frowns. “It’s not crude. You’re curious and want to communicate. That’s fine.”

  “I say we start with drinking,” Creed says. “Perhaps a lot of drinking.”

  Keyla’s frown grows. “Is the idea of us being together really that uncomfortable for the two of you?”

  Creed meets my gaze and the two of us nod at the same time.

  “Yeah, babe. It’s a little uncomfortable. I think drinking is the way to go.”

  I hate the tightening of her smile but there’s no sense lying to her. “It’s different for you, Princess. You know me and love me. You’re bound to him and feel the pull of building something solid with him. Creed and I have neither of those things.”

  “What we do have,” Creed says, joining in, “is our shared affection for you and our commitment to make this work.”

  Keyla toes off her shoes and drops them by the door. “All right, then I suggest we take a page out of Jaxx’s book. Instead of drinking for the sake of getting drunk, let’s play a drinking game geared to get to know one another better.”

  I laugh and meet Creed’s ebony gaze. “Fair warning, all Jaxx’s drinking games end up with people naked and having sex.”

  Creed’s silver brow arches. “Consider me warned. Since that is the desired end-game, we’ll proceed.”

  Prince Thornebane returns to the door, turns the latch, and the heavy clack of the deadbolt signals we are free to begin.

  I head straight for the bar and start flipping tumblers up. “Keyla prefers mixed fruity drinks but it looks like the selections are whiskey, a stout ale, and something dark burgundy.”

  “That’s haze,” Creed says. “It’s tasty and fruity but its name is apt. It sneaks up on you and leaves you in a haze.”

  I uncork the top and it smells a little like red licorice. “Done. I think a haze is the way to go.”

  “Pour me one, too,” Creed says. “And since we’re here for the night, you might as well use full-sized glasses. It’ll save trips to the bar.”

  “A man of strategic planning.” I exchange the tumblers for taller glasses and pour two. “What about you, Princess?”

  “Whiskey neat.”

  I hear the tension in her voice and check on her. “Everything okay?”

  She lifts a shoulder but it’s obviously not. “I think I owe you both an apology. I wanted this because it’s what I wanted, but I’m realizing now how selfish that was. I watched Kotah’s life bloom with his mates and maybe I got carried away with the idea that we could have it all.”

  I hate the sad, self-recrimination in her tone and walk the drinks over. Keyla accepts hers and sits on the edge of a long, over-stuffed four-seater sofa by the fireplace, Creed sits beside her and leans back against the cushions, and I sit on the marble-topped coffee table opposite them.

  “Is this trio what I pictured the past three months? No. Is there a small part of me still mourning the life I envisioned for us? Yes. But don’t think for a moment I regret where we are. You are my mate. You are my home. And yes, I agree. I’ve seen the quint grow from behind closed doors like you have and think it’s fucking awesome. But it didn’t happen on day one or even on day three and that’s where we are.”

  Creed sits up and strokes a gentle hand over her knee. “I’ll warm up to things, I promise. A week ago, I had no one in my corner and no one I could trust. Now, I’ve got you and Dillan, and I seem to have inherited an entourage of family supporters. We’re not against any of it. We’re just saying—and correct me if I’m wrong, and speaking out of turn, Bear—that taking a beat to breathe without expectations would be welcome.”

  I nod. “Yeah, taking a beat would be nice.”

  I watch Keyla’s expression as that sinks in. “All right, that’s fair.”

  Except I smell her disappointment.

  It’s not very often her youthful inexperience comes into play, but I think
that’s all this is. I’m her first real boyfriend and that compounded into a three-way marriage. Even though she wanted it first and most, I think she needs to slow down a bit too.

  “All right.” I set my glass on the floor next to the couch they’re on and then move the floral centerpiece to the floor as well. “Help me move this coffee table.”

  Creed hands Keyla his glass and moves to take the other end. Yes, I’m a bear and yes, I could do it myself, but it’s his furniture and a little teamwork can’t hurt.

  “Fuck, this thing weighs a ton.”

  Creed chuckles. “It’s made out of a sheet of solid stone.”

  “Good point.” We get the stone slab shifted to behind the couch and that leaves us with two massive couches facing one another and what is probably a million-dollar rug in between. I undo the button of my jeans and settle on the floor with my back to the couch opposite Keyla.

  When I’m settled, I reclaim my drink. “Okay, the game is two truths and a lie. Each time one of us guesses someone’s lie, we get one action. This means, I might want a kiss from Keyla or she might want me to take off my shirt. We’ll start with easy actions at first, so nothing too demanding. One win, one action. If no one guesses the lie, the two guessing have to drink.”

  Keyla beams. “Got it.”

  Creed frowns. “But can’t wildlings scent lies in the air? How is that fair?”

  “It’s true, we can.” I pull a purple flower out of the arrangement and hand it to Keyla, and then choose a blue one for myself. “That’s why Keyla and I will have to fill our sense of smell with something else.”

  Keyla’s face falls. “Oh, I thought you were rigging it so we could win.”

  I laugh. “No. If you win all the time, Creed and I will end up naked and making out and we’re not there yet. We want a chance to get you, too. Don’t we, mate?”

  Creed nods. “Definitely.”

  “Okay, I’ll start.” I hold up my glass and point for Keyla to sniff her flower. “I had a brief stint as a stripper in Las Vegas. I once robbed a bank. I’m squeamish about needles.”


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