Dark Soul: A Fae Shifter Romance (Guardians of the Fae Realms Book 7)

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Dark Soul: A Fae Shifter Romance (Guardians of the Fae Realms Book 7) Page 4

by JL Madore

  Keyla bursts out laughing and sits deeper into the couch, tucking her feet under her. “Well, you’re a field medic and doctor, so I don’t think it’s needles. I’m going with stripper being the lie.”

  Creed laughs. “Since I know nothing about you, I’ll go with Keyla’s doctor theory and pick bank robbery. You don’t seem like the type to me.”

  I grin. “Keyla drinks. I was at a bachelor party weekend in Vegas a couple of years ago. I got really drunk and joined the Thunder From Down Under from the audience. The next night, they asked me back for an encore up on stage.”

  Keyla’s belly laugh is the sweetest sound ever.

  “So, am I right?” Creed asks.

  I shake my head. “You’re drinking too, my friend. One of my first ex-military jobs was for a security company that pokes holes in systems considered to be impenetrable. I absolutely robbed a bank.”

  Creed lifts his glass and takes a long drink.

  “Okay, who’s next?”


  The thick, rubber soles of my boots beat off a steady rhythm as Vik and I respond to the summons from on high. I knew it would come, yet still, I’m not looking forward to it.

  The first time Vik and I came into the throne room of the Dornte quadrant we were twelve years old. Our father, Shadrick Silverwing was the second in command of the wildling dragons and we were on the fast track to a life of success and respect.

  Born into one of the oldest families in the strongest wildling species, we were young princes in our own rite.

  Then our brood Alpha, Shadowcaster set his sights on our mother and our lives turned to shit.

  So, yeah, maybe I sympathize with Creed and what he’s been put through. Maybe I’m jealous. Not about the female—no, I couldn’t give a shit about her—but about the fact that the universe swooped in and offered him a chance to set it right.

  Where’s my chance?

  The guard outside the throne room opens the eight-foot panel of wood and allows us entrance. “She has been waiting.”

  I’m sure she has.

  Head’s held high, Vik and I enter, shoulder to shoulder. Despite what the world sees, we’re not bookends. Yes, we’re identical in appearance, but we’re not the same person. Vik is a good soldier—a great soldier—but he lacks foresight and doesn’t think past his orders.

  He also doesn’t wonder if we’re on the right side.

  Honestly, I don’t think he cares. He’s here because we’re duty-bound and that’s the end of it.

  The queen is listening to one of her rich and shady supporters complain about something, so Vik and I step off to the side and stand at attention to wait our turn.

  When the man has had his say, he waits for Laryssa’s response. Whatever he’s hoping for doesn’t materialize because, after a moment, he gives up, drops his chin, and backs away.

  Most people know better than to turn their back on Queen Laryssa.

  We know better than to advance.

  When she’s ready, she turns her head and points to the floor in front of her. Both of us move in to take a knee at her feet.

  Again my memory flips back to the time we visited with our father. Creed’s father, King Thornebane sat on that same throne and practically sucked the air out of the room. He was an impressive and intimidating man and what’s more… he never forced anyone to take a knee.

  If you chose to bow to him, that was your call but he never demanded it.

  He didn’t need the boost to his ego.

  Laryssa falls short of him on all fronts. “Tell me about your day, Rhylan, and make it good.”

  The acerbic tone doesn’t bode well and I draw a deep breath. “The day didn’t go as planned, Majesty. The Wolf King opted to go to Clarinta to further his mission to establish the portal bridges with the other quadrants.”

  “I permitted you to accompany them on a tour of Dornte starting at the archive exhibits. I did not approve you leaving the quadrant with Creed and strengthening the Wolf King’s foothold in this realm.”

  “I apologize. Sincerely. I put my foot down and objected. It fell on deaf ears. Short of shifting and physically air-lifting Creed and Nakotah back here, there was nothing I could do to keep them from crossing into Clarinta.”

  “Creed has become emboldened with his mating,” Vikarus adds. “He’s found an ally in his brother-in-law and is becoming a problem.”

  Slecking hell.

  My head turns on a pivot and I glare at my twin. He likely thinks he’s helping me by throwing Creed and the Wolf King in the fire, but dangling their insolence in front of Laryssa serves no one.

  “Yes. I’ve noticed. Do you know how I noticed?”

  I can tell by the tone of her lead in that I’m not going to like what comes next. Still, I have no choice but to respond. “How is that, my queen?”

  Laryssa picks up the datapad from the table beside her throne and calls up a video. “It seems Creed and the Wolf King seized an impromptu press opportunity to bring the citizens the good news about the opening of the portal to the Human Realm. A portal I worked tirelessly to secure for months.”

  Yeah, except your plans with the Black Knight dissident fell through and your military coup d’etat never got off the ground.

  “Explain to me how this happened, Rhylan?”

  “The prince kissed his bride inside the hub and by the time they parted, there was a swarm of curious citizens closing in. He announced Keyla and Dillan as his mates and then explained who they were and how they came together. I don’t believe there was any intention of undermining your role in establishing the first contact.”

  The queen doesn’t seem pleased, but she also doesn’t argue. “And they are secured in the suite now?”

  Vik nods. “Yes, Majesty. Creed and his two mates and the Wolf King and his four mates.”

  She blinks. “The phoenix and all the guardians are here?”

  I nod. “They arrived while the Wolf King was speaking to the Clarinta liaison about establishing their bridge.”

  Laryssa frowns. “Clarinta having access to the Human Realm wasn’t part of my plans. I need to know if I can salvage any of my original objectives. Vikarus, you will go to StoneHaven and speak with the travelers. I want Sebastian Whitehouse’s other son tracked down. What was his name?”

  “Hunter,” Vik says.

  “Yes. Find him. We didn’t work so hard to put this pup king into power just to have him find his spine and steal my rule. I was assured once the boy’s father was dead, the realm would fall to me.”

  Except the fae universe stepped in and gave Kotah the backup he needs to rise to the occasion.

  It makes me wonder about Creed’s searing. As much as it bugs me to be his enemy, now I feel like I’m the enemy of the cosmic plan as well.

  If Kotah’s mating was to get him ready to lead the Human Realm then it makes sense that Creed and Keyla’s mating is to give him the strength he needs to reclaim his power.

  “Rhylan? Is there a problem?”

  I blink and realize Vik has stopped halfway to the exit and turned back wondering why I’m not leaving.

  Oh, we’ve been dismissed.

  “Apologies, my queen. No problem. I simply got lost in my thoughts. Peace and blessings.” Dipping my chin, I back away and stride across the throne room floor to catch up with Vik.

  “You okay?” he asks as we exit.

  “Yeah, fine. Just a lot on my mind. Before you do anything, let me know what you find out about Hunter and the queen’s plans.”

  He snorts. “Don’t you think the queen should be the first to hear that info?”

  I shake my head. “No. I don’t. The tides of power are shifting, Vik. We’ve got to be very careful of our footing or the ground will crumble beneath us. Promise me you’ll bring it to me first.”

  Vik shrugs looking bored. “Sure. I’ll let you know.”

  Good. That’s good. I have a feeling how we handle things from here on out will determine our future. “All right. I’ll
head back to the suite and keep an eye on Creed and his company. You be careful.”



  Apparently, without my sense of smell, I am a terrible lie detector. I’ve lost my pants, shirt, bra, and panties and am on my fourth drink. Creed and Dillan are still way too covered up. “I feel silly wearing only socks.”

  Doc chuckles. “I don’t know. I like the look. What do you think, mate?”

  Creed laughs. “I like the socks. I like it more if they were leather boots or heels, too.”

  Doc whistles and nods his head. “Definitely leather boots. Let’s make that happen.”

  I let them have their moment without protest. Maybe common goals will help them find common ground. “All right, I offer you carte blanche. If you guys buy it, I’ll wear it. How’s that?”

  Doc’s brow arches. “Hells, yes. Challenge accepted. I’m sure, between the two of us, we can come up with a few ideas.”

  Creed chuckles. “I know our little wolf has a few ideas of her own. Has she mentioned to you she fantasizes about men in leather bondage shorts?”

  The look on Doc’s face is too funny. I wave away the look he gives me. “All right. Who’s turn is it?”

  “Mine,” Creed says. “You both guessed wrong, so I get two actions.”

  I point at my socks. “Let me guess.”

  “Hardly. I’m not wasting my time on your socks. My first action is that the bear takes his boxers off.”

  Doc pegs him with a look, downs his drink, and stands up to oblige. With sure action, he shoves the cotton underwear down his muscled thighs and steps free of them. Widening his stance a little, he adjusts the lay of things now getting aired out.

  “And your second request?” Doc asks.

  “Keyla should go down on you and suck you off.”

  My wolf lets off a growl. “Yes, please.”

  “I don’t know what you’ve done and not done before, Little Wolf, but if there’s ever something you’re not fond of, you need to be honest about it.”

  “Oh, I’m happy to suck on him but it was your wish. Are you sure you don’t want me to suck on you?”

  Creed is leaning back on the sofa, his boxers firmly filled out at the front with an arousal to be proud of. “Don’t worry about me. Watching you get your bear off is a give and take. You give him pleasure and I take pleasure from it in return.”

  Doc is already sitting on the rug so I point for him to lie down. “Do you mind?” I know he doesn’t.

  He’s bare from the waist down and sporting one heck of an ode to getting sexy. Not to mention the scent of his hunger filling the air. “Who am I to argue with our host?”

  Creed tosses a cushion to where my bear is stretched out like an offering ready to be devoured. It hits him in the face and my prince chuckles. “Nice catch.”

  Doc reaches back and places the cushion behind his neck. The movement stretches out his torso and gives me all kinds of inspiration.

  Coming in from the side, I crawl into position and grip his shaft. The contact has his cock jumping in my hand and his bear lets off a deep, raspy grumble.

  I give him a moment to settle.

  Even though oral is something we’ve explored, it adds a new dimension to have Creed there watching.

  “Would you like to walk me through what you want or shall I take it from here?” I glance up and Creed is taking off his pants and tossing them on the floor beside the couch.

  He lowers his chin and looks at me through hooded eyes. “Oh, I’m calling the play-by-play. I take it you two have played this game before?”

  “It’s one of my favorites,” I say.

  “All right, then let’s not keep you from something you love. Give him a few strokes and greet him properly.”

  The strength and command in his voice are laced with seduction. It pushes at me with an almost tangible force and I realize he’s unleashing his gift on us. Not that I mind. When he used it during sex when it was just the two of us, it surrounded me and brought me to another level of pleasure.

  It was incredible.

  My eyes close as I’m bombarded by a surge of arousal. I bite my lip and focus on the task at hand. Doc’s cock is solid steel beneath a silk sheath. I tighten my grip as I slide my hold root to tip and back again.

  “Good girl. Now lean in and suck on the swollen crown. Draw your tongue around the tip of his cock.”

  I follow his instructions and savor the scent that I’ve grown so accustomed to.

  My bear’s arousal is natural and woodsy. It’s possessive. It’s addictive.

  “Now swirl your tongue around the rim. Trace that engorged head and then lift up and slip the tip of your tongue into the opening.”

  I do as I’m told and Doc lets off a hiss.

  “See how much your boy likes that,” Creed says. “Did he spill for you just then, Little Wolf?”

  He did.

  My wolf howls within as the scent of his cum hits my senses. I gather the pearl of salty cream from his tip and swallow. “Mhmmm.”

  “Doc, now it’s your turn. You’re a strong boy. Grab our girl by the hips and swing her over your head so you can tongue her in return.”

  My legs are swung around so I’m kneeling over his shoulders and he’s sixty-nineing me. My heart’s raging beat pounds inside my chest.

  Yes. I want this. Bad.

  Having them both here spurs on a wild desire in me.

  “Test the waters and tell me, Bear. Is she wet?”

  The scruff of Doc’s jaw rubs the inside of my legs. I sigh as his tongue sweeps the length of my folds and flicks the opening of my pussy in long, leisurely strokes. “A good start, but she can do much better. Our girl gets so wet you can lap at her like a thirsty predator.”

  Creed chuckles. “Did you hear that, Keyla? Our bear says you can do better. He’s thirsty and you’ve got more in you to give. Bear, I want you to dig in and make her legs quiver. Take your time. The longer it takes building her up, the better it’ll be.”

  A low rumble vibrates against my core and the primitive sound sends goosebumps racing across my skin. I brace one arm against the carpet and grind back against Doc’s mouth.

  “That’s it,” Creed rasps. “Ride his mouth and at the same time, keep tonguing that slit of his. Press the tip of your tongue in and flick around. Don’t worry about it hurting him. I guarantee you that sting feels amazing. Doesn’t it, Bear?”

  “Fuck, yeah,” he breathes arching his hips. I stroke up and down the length of his shaft with my mouth a few times.

  “Keyla, when you bob your head up and down, let your teeth gently score his shaft. Then, when he starts pumping his hips, ease back and tongue the slit again. Go ahead, and have some fun. I’m going to sit back and stroke off to the view for a bit. Bear, how’s she tasting?”

  “So, fucking good.” He nuzzles rougher, nipping at my clit and sucking the tender nub of nerves with his teeth. A rush of moisture meets his mouth and my nipples harden even tighter. “That’s my girl. Now we’re getting somewhere.”

  I groan as he grips my hips and forces my thighs wider so he has more room to move. Doc is a black bear, so even though he doesn’t have the massive size of Brant as a grizzly, he’s still a stocky, well-built male.

  “Bear, our girl’s a greedy little minx. Fuck her with your fingers.”

  I groan as he obeys.

  Before now, Doc has always been so careful when fingering me, determined not to break the seal of my virginity. That’s over now.

  Creed’s calling his bear forward.

  When Doc’s fingers impale me I push back and revel in the greedy clench and pull of my inner muscles around those digits. He is a welcome presence in my body, stretching me… teasing, and touching me.

  The steady click, click, click of Creed palming a damp cock is too good not to lift my head. Gripping Doc at the root of his erection, I raise my gaze and growl.

  Creed is manspreading on the couch above us, pumping a hand up and d
own with a violent rhythm. His shirt is unbuttoned and hanging open to expose all that toned musculature.

  I soak in the sights, my gaze drawn to the beauty of his lineage tattoo down his side.

  One day, I will learn to read what it says.

  He catches me staring, his attention searingly intense. With our gazes locked a wave of need zings straight to my core. “Do you like what you see, Little Wolf?”


  “Bear, do you have any hangups I should know about?”

  “None. I’m good.”

  “Then wet your thumb and play at the rim of her ass. Don’t impale her yet, just play. Our minxy mate likes a little rough and dirty, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” I make a small, helpless sound as that thumb comes into play. Doc refused to engage this side of me. I don’t know if he didn’t believe me or didn’t want to believe me, but this is too good to pretend I don’t love it.

  It’s teasing torture, pressing against sensitive nerve endings. Calling something wild in me. Desperate, I brace my palms against the carpet and suck on him with everything I’ve got.

  “Feel the pleasure ripple through you, angel. Is your arousal brewing like a storm inside you?”

  I nod.

  “Then tell Doc if you want more. Do you want that thumb to do more than tease?”

  I nod.

  “Give her more, Bear.”

  I cry out as the teasing becomes an intense burn and then a fierce pleasure. Whatever reservations Doc had before, seem to be gone.

  “Take from him, Keyla. Ride his mouth and push back. More, Bear. Claim her inside and out.”

  I can’t breathe. I arch my back and climax in a shattering blast. My release robs me of sight and scent of breath and heartbeat.

  The pleasure is deep, endless. Consuming.


  As Keyla comes apart, my bear lets off a long, lusty growl. The two of us have shared plenty of playful orgasms but nothing like this. Keyla’s wolf is close to the surface and taking everything I give her with greedy, hungry pulls.

  She told me all along not to treat her like a princess and I never realized how much of a disservice it’s been to both of us.


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