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A World Beyond the Dark

Page 20

by Andrei Navala

  “I’m sorry.” She whispered as she kissed him on the forehead. She took two steps away and flicked her wrist, snapping her fingers. Her body teleported on the other side of the thorn gate and she looked back one more time before going on her way. She needed solely to travel out of the forest before she could teleport to the elven capital. The reason for such was the barrier put up by her mentor Rhea which rejected teleportation from within or outside. So, the exiled princess left to take back her home from greedy hands.

  Rylan lunged forward, slashing the air with both swords in a failed pincer attack. The shadow leapt away with a back flip, dodging his move masterfully. Rylan was heating up from the inside as well and his sweating was out of control. Even his breathing was having issues and he just tried to maintain his consciousness while chasing the pyromaniac. With the following swings, his opponent visibly parried with his bare arms which confused Rylan until he was able to discern his hands were covered in scales. He had to come up with an attack which couldn’t be parried or else everything was in vain. With a forward thrust of his greatsword, he pierced the abdomen of his foe and then he raised his executioner sword high above the head, bringing it down with might. The impaled shadow had no way of moving so it tried to parry the final blow with both arms put up but the sword sliced them off and cut from his shoulder to his waist, slicing off that entire chunk. Rylan let go of the greatsword and moved his hips, gripping the hilt with both hands. He smacked his enemy with viciousness, hurling him all the way into the flames. With a bloodthirsty look in his eyes, he followed him and leapt right amidst the sizzling fire. There, his opponent was already standing with the greatsword in his remaining hand and smiling. That mocking smile infuriated him beyond belief and he charged forward with the intent to chop off his head.

  The black being stepped out of the way of his attack and swung the blade upwards but was met with the cold, thick steel from Rylan’s massive sword. The foe moved back with a surprised look on his face and pondered what course of action to take while trying to buy some time.

  “Are you perhaps acquainted with the ones living here?” Kaerethas spoke on a cold, defying tone. The only response he got was a glacial glare which made even him feel a shiver down his spine, amongst all that absurd heat. Rylan started spinning his sword in a circular manner around him, creating a growing vortex of flames. This move surprised his opponent because it seemed as nothing more than self-harmful.

  Suddenly, from the fiery tornado came flying the blunt edge of the executioner sword, smashing the demon in the chest and making him vomit blood as he went flying and fell on the ground with the heavy sword over him. Rylan leapt through the flames with his skin burned prepared to beat the living crap out of the defiler of his only remaining home.

  “Rylan, where are you?” Shouted Marn from somewhere to his left. He turned his head and saw his two companions gasping for air as they barely made it after chasing him. He shook his head trying to ignore them and moved his gaze back on his foe. Fatality had occurred. Kaerethas was gone without a trace. Rylan roared from the bottom of his lungs pulling out his hair in anger. He fell on his knees and smacked the ground with his fists, unable to contain his rage. The other two discovered his position and were silently watching him with a sense of sadness and pity.

  Talas suddenly started pulling on Marn’s sleeve and pointed somewhere deeper among the flames. He listened carefully over Rylan’s anguished screams and noticed faint cries. He was so hopeless and the fire was burning so intensely that there was nothing he could do. Talas darted off from his side and he was unable to stop him. Was their journey in vain? Marn was clueless as to what was going on and why their destination was burning to the ground but hope seemed to have vanished. He watched as Talas disappeared beyond a wall of flames and fell down on the ground, watching Rylan as he despaired. They were so close and yet their quest was over with blazing flames.

  “Master, save me! Please…” The elf cried as he finally escaped the flames and was limping through the forest, throwing up blood. His arm and knees were weak and he sat on his back, watching his work of art having finally discovered true fear.

  “You did well, my child. You will live through this and become stronger.” The feminine voice whispered in his head as always. Her tone was endearing and charming, yet somehow vile and twisted. “Now that you have finally met your match you understand how valuable life is. You are a full-fledged apostle of mine, ready to grow further beyond my expectations. Forward on, you are free to do as your heart desires.”

  “Don’t go, don’t leave me. Master!” he yelled in pain, gasping for air. The familiar voice he had grown fond of never responded and he began to crawl away from the burning mansion, holding on to his life with eager claws. As much as he hated being so weak and discouraged, his last fight was most enjoyable. He had to live on in order to meet that man again and win against him. He had to avenge the humiliation he’s been put through. As he crawled like a dying insect he swore to avenge his misery one day.

  Talas emerged from the flames, carrying something in his arms. Marn stood up staring at him in disbelief and hurried to meet him. Rylan was still lamenting on the ground, unwilling to even raise his head. What their friend was carrying was a crying child, wrapped in white cloth with stains of blood over it. Marn could only imagine what was on the other side of the wall of flames. He took the baby from his arms and looked at him. He was of pure elven breed, with long pointy ears and smooth, silky skin. His presence sparked something inside of Rylan’s mind and he stood up all of a sudden. He was still on his knees but he turned his head to see the baby in Marn’s arms.

  “W-Where… did you find him?” He muttered, trying to find his words. His heart was racing and Marn managed to point in the direction of the flames. He hardly raised one leg while still leaning on one knee and followed up with his other leg. He clenched his fists and dashed through the fire without a trace of doubt in his mind. He was in the main hall of the mansion and the ceiling around him was slowly collapsing. His heart skipped a beat and his eyes were getting heavy with tears as he observed the charred remains of a tall, slender body lying on the ground. All sense of pain was gone from his body and he walked up to her, leaning over her body. He couldn’t tell if it was her but there was no mistaking. Nobody else lived there. He tried to lift the fragile body but it turned to ash, blown by a gust of hot wind. He reached out in his only pocket and grabbed the flower. Its petals were slightly burned but its tiny roots were intact. He hastily wiped his tears and left the hall, returning to his companions.

  “What shall we do now?” asked Marn with a gloomy expression. Both he and Talas were trying to calm the baby but it was of no use.

  “Not all hope is lost. I know not of his origins but he must be hers. So we shall take this child to the elven capital for he is the rightful heir. We will claim back the throne for him… no, my request is selfish. You two have come far enough and have served me well, as friends and brothers in arms. I shall raise him myself and-”

  “Do you honestly think we’d abandon you after going so far? I have nowhere to turn to either way and I’m sure it’s the same for Talas.” Marn handed him the baby and as soon as they made contact, his cries ended. He finally opened his large, blue eyes and stared right at Rylan who was speechless. He put the white flower behind the ear of the child who finally smiled, which brought a strange sense of joy and a feeling of warmth to Rylan.

  They hurried away from the flames and continued to wander the forest until they reached the river again. The party decided to rest for the remainder of the day. Even if hazy, the memory of his dark visage was ingrained in Rylan’s mind. He was an elf as well but a strange one. His body was covered in scales and he had a collar of feathers around his neck. The only explanation he could come up with was that he was some sort of demon.

  “Two demons fighting each other…” He thought, continuing to lament his defeat. He cared not that he overpowered his opponent. From the very moment he arrived, the f
ight was lost.

  “Ever since you regained your arm you acted strangely. Care to explain?” Said Marn before he took a large bite from the chunk of bread he was holding. Rylan didn’t seem very eager to respond and just stared in the distance. He was in fact lost in thought.

  “Maybe if I had stayed behind as she asked me to, I could’ve protected her. Ainnea, Silhelm…” His mind was overwhelmed and before his eyes flashed countless images, memories. They were all flying past in rapid succession burning away with his hope. They were all incinerated and it was his fault. He killed them and his memories of them. He felt a shake but he was unable to return in the present yet. Rylan, Anvalth… they were lost in space and time, wandering pointlessly. Both their lives combined amounted to nothing; no accomplishments, no happiness. He could feel pain yet he couldn’t respond to it. He heard cries in the background yet his ignorance avoided them.

  He had a child and a wife somewhere and he neglected them. He abandoned them again, saying it was for their sake. Was he just scared to face reality? Was running away all he could do? What did Rylan chase? Why had Anvalth given up his life for this stranger, this spectator? Were the two even any different? In retrospect, Rylan could find no greater strength than what Anvalth had. It wasn’t even the strength of will that he had. It simply was, for no specific purpose. He was fortunate on so many occasions, his life was sparred countless times and still he knew not how to live. All he could feel was grief, anger and sadness. Why was everyone around him going away? It must’ve been his fault. Rylan and Anvalth are both demons in disguise. They struggle to fit in a world in which they don’t belong.

  “Answer me, I said!” yelled Marn, rocking Rylan and punching him in the face furiously. “Who are you and what have you done? Why are you acting like this? Why was that place burning to the ground? Answer me, damn it!” he continued to punch Anvalth in the face over and over while the baby was crying in the background. Talas tried his best to hold him but to no avail.

  “I-” No words would come out from his mouth. He couldn’t explain anything, not even to himself.

  “Just tell me straight!” He continued, finally letting go of him and pushing him away onto the ground. “Are you even human?”

  “I hope…” muttered Rylan, utterly confused and slightly nauseous. Talas had just let go of Marn who the moment he heard his words jumped right back at his neck.

  “What do you mean you hope? You don’t even know?” Another punch flew towards him but this time Rylan caught it in the air and clenched his grip around it. His fingers were like iron bars, smashing Marn’s palm who screamed in pain. Rylan remained lying on the ground while Marn was trying to catch his breath and tend to his hand. After some time of silence, he continued. “Do we even know if this child is hers? Was there even her corpse there? And who is the woman we were searching for anyway?”

  “She’s my mentor-” Rylan sighed, realizing he had to tell the truth. “She’s a princess of the elves.” Marn’s jaw dropped hearing his words. “She doesn’t like to be called that though, because it brings back awful memories. The truth is she was forcefully exiled by her kin because of higher interests regarding the throne.” He stopped explaining as he raised his upper body from the ground, staring at the baby. “We were supposed to bring her that astral flower which would signify her royal authority. You were there when Rhea told us.” Marn shook his head unable to believe what he got himself into. Royal conspiracies and elven princesses… he never imagined he’d ever have to deal with anything close to this. He was both excited and frightened. “As for your previous questions, there’s no doubt about that. Other than her loyal friend Silhelm no one else lives there, and yet I found the charred remains of an elven woman.”

  “But don’t you find it strange that both the child and her body were conveniently there for us to find and that only she was dead. If she was in such a state, her child couldn’t have been much better and yet…”

  “That’s because she most probably gave her life to save him. I can’t figure out how that thing defeated both of them but it must’ve been through trickery and deceit.” Upon clenching his fist, he realized his right arm was not in place. It wasn’t anywhere in fact. “Let’s rest for now. We’re all too tired to think clear. Tomorrow we’ll figure what must be done.” He continued, lying on the side and putting one hand underneath his head. He was fast asleep because of both mental and physical exhaustion. Talas lied on the ground close nearby and fell asleep as well. Only Marn couldn’t seem to close an eye. He was overwhelmed by everything around him and stressed out. Eventually, exhaustion caught up to him and his eye lids kept getting heavier until he joined in the rest.

  The following day, they set out on the great journey. The only obstacle in their path was their lack of knowledge, for mortal men were not taught the paths of the elves through their vast forests. They were all weary and concerned because of the task at hand. It wasn’t the simplest of missions to bring up a child of the elves, more so to make him the next king in line without anyone backing him. Now that they had such a burden to carry, the woods seemed much more ferocious and wild. Rylan was leading the group, followed right after by Marn carrying the baby and lastly was Talas who was as carefree as usual. The twigs beneath their feet were cracking loudly and a cold breeze was blowing through the leaves. Winter was chasing closely behind them along with all sorts of new dangers. The kid’s wailing was the only thing that could be heard throughout the forest and for quite some time they continued to ignore it, not knowing what to do. They were all out of food, there wasn’t any source of water nearby and they could smell a faint stench coming from the baby. The party was forced to stop and look at each other with confused looks. Marn changed the diapers with a look of disappointment and disgust. All he could replace them with were large leaves which he tied around. While he was busy figuring out why the baby was still crying, Rylan caught a plump rabbit which he gave to Marn to roast on a stick while overwhelmed by the little one.

  “And how do you think this is gonna feed three people? This bother can’t even chew his food either so we still need to feed him.” Exclaimed Marn with a look of exasperation on his face as he handed the elven kid to Talas and afterwards fell on the ground with a long sigh.

  “I am working on it.” Responded Rylan as he eagerly looked around their improvised, temporary camp. At first he felt impossible to cope with the situation before them. He still didn’t get past Ainnea’s death but he tried to accept his new quest as something beyond his meager aspirations and wishes, it was a task presented to him alone which he had to accomplish no matter what. As he stared at the little kid he was reminded of his own daughter. He smiled with melancholy in his heart, thinking how life would have been by their side. “Liliana…” He whispered as he came back to reality, ready to do his utmost to protect and nourish the little elf. His goal was to find any sort of fruits he could mash together into a juice so he sprinted away into the woods, staying on guard at all times. Before going too far he looked back once more, worrying for the safety of the others. He saw them not as a burden, but he was scared for he knew how dangerous the world was.

  While he looked around without much success a chilly wind started to blow and soon after, the first snow of that year slowly came down upon the forest. It was the earliest snow he had seen because he still felt it was autumn. A strange sensation passed him by and he felt anxious about something unknown. His first instinct was to draw his swords and get into a lower stance. He was immediately reminded that his other hand had not returned to its magical state and was still missing. He drew his executioner sword but the tense wait was killing him as nothing seemed to show up. After hesitating for another minute in his combat stance, he finally put away his weapon dismissing the hunch he had.

  Just as he did that, something jumped out of the bush behind, grappling him. His heart jolted and he was about to retaliate with vigor but he felt the grapple way too soft, almost like a hug. As he looked down around his chest, the hand
s were slender and covered in long white sleeves which ended in silk gloves of the same color. He was in a really awkward, slightly bent position and he couldn’t really move because the hands firmly grasped him without letting go. His heart was beating faster and faster in anticipation. He did not want to raise his hopes only to be disappointed; after all it couldn’t be her. He saw her corpse right there. So he waited in that embrace as snow was falling around them, slowly perking up on the trees. Neither uttered a word and the silence was only interrupted by the wind blowing through the branches. He could feel the woman’s unsteady and excited breathing. With slow and gentle movements he grabbed her hands in his and moved them away, turning to face her.

  The person before him was wearing white from head to toe, stained here and there from the wilderness around. She had a few scratches around her legs and torso and she wore a plain white hat with a flock of feathers sprouting at the top. Her face was covered by a thin mask of porcelain, with holes only for her eyes, mouth and nose. Even as slim as it was, there was still hope in his heart. He might’ve been mistaken and the corpse belonged to someone else. After all, he couldn’t really discern her visage. From behind the mask he noticed a faint smile which was in return for his joyous expression. With trembling hands he reached for the mask but his movement stopped when she backed away from him. A feeling of uneasiness took hold of him and he hesitated in place, unsure how to approach the unknown yet familiar woman. Rylan stretched out his hand with an expectant gaze in his eyes. She extended her arm, grabbing his hand and upon doing so, Rylan wanted to carefully take off her glove but he was met with a swift slap on his arm and with the girl moving even farther away from him. This awkwardness between them was bothering him and as he wanted to speak up he heard a loud shout coming from his camp. In that moment, he forgot all about the woman in front of him and dashed through the bushes with his heart racing. He could hear a pair of steps keeping up with him from behind and he was amazed how such a frail girl could follow him through the wild environment, matching his great speed.


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