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Page 4

by Lora Darc

  Diana trembled as they came to the sealed door. Jeremy opened it and motioned for her to step inside. Diana went through and stopped at the top of the stairs, searching through the darkness.

  “Marcus…” She whispered, hoping he might not hear.

  Chains shifted by the wall. “Diana?”

  “It’s me,” Diana tried to keep her voice as cold as possible.

  The chains dragged along the ground. “You’re alright. I thought for a moment that…”

  The hopeful confidence in his voice shriveled into a pained hiss as Jeremy entered behind her, lifting the lantern up to reveal the center of the chamber where Marcus stood.

  He stared up at them in shocked anger, his hands slowly turning into fists. “What is—”

  “I’m not going with you,” Diana began, wanting to get the awful conversation over with as quickly as possible before she couldn’t stand it and betrayed her true feelings. “I never wish to be near you again. You are a fiend and a monster and I do despise you. You can’t seduce me with your power any longer. My fiance has come and has saved me from your wicked ways.”

  With that, Jeremy came up beside her and placed an arm around her waist. “You’re a clever beast I’ll give you that.” Jeremy spat at the ground near Marcus’ feet. “Trying to take her to get to me and the others.” His hand went up and squeezed Diana’s breast. “While I’m fucking my wife-to-be, I’ll enjoy knowing you’ll be rotting down here knowing you lost. Take one last look at her, cause you aren’t getting the chance to again.”

  Marcus did look at her. And the spark of fury in his eyes made her want to cower away in terror. She tried to show with her own eyes that it wasn’t true, but he no longer seemed to really see her. He bowed his head and a low growl emanated from his throat. When he lifted his head back up he looked positively feral, his rage apparent. His hands turned to claws and he seemed to be growing larger. He spread out his wings and tugged violently on his chains. Then he roared.

  Diana shot her hands up to her ears. Jeremy dragged her back and slammed the door closed. She screamed as he forced her back out of the cellar, Marcus’ snarling, shrieking cries filling the house.

  “What’s happened?” Maggie cried as she started down the stairs. Diana’s sisters looked down in horror from the top balcony.

  “Get back to your rooms now. I’m taking Diana back to my house.”

  “Why?” said Cathrine.

  “She’s staying with me until we’re wed. That is all. Inform your father when he comes back. Tell him I will return and we will finish the vampire off for good.”

  Diana cried out as Jeremy tugged her through the front door and out into the moonless night.


  Diana stood out on the balcony of her temporary bedchamber, looking over to the dark hills beyond. Tendrils of mist slipped through the trees in the orange glow of the setting sun, slithering down the hills towards Jeremy’s estate.

  She was eternally grateful that for the last couple days she had been given complete privacy in a room of her own, not one shared by Jeremy. When he had brought her to his estate some nights ago, she was fully prepared to be taken to his bedchamber and forced to lie with him. But, with great luck—and quick thinking on her part—Diana asked to have some wine before the horrible act was to take place. Jeremy happily obliged, having another drink of his own. Afterward, when he went to undress her, he collapsed on to his bed in a drunken stupor. Diana showed herself out of his room and had a maid prepare one for her. She locked the door after that.

  But the day after, he came knocking. And she refused to let him in. It wasn’t until later that night her father came and she explained what had happened. Then she asked him with as much cold indifference as she could muster if the vampire was still alive. He had assured her that he was and that they wouldn’t kill him just yet. They were going to torture him one last time to see if they could finally get him to talk, then end him after.

  When her father left, Diana wept furiously.

  Now, with Jeremy gone back to her father’s house, she was left alone in her misery, not knowing if Marcus was still alive.

  As the sun disappeared below the horizon, Diana searched desperately around the estate for any signs of Marcus, uncertain whether she would be relieved or terrified if she did see him coming for her. The look on his face when he thought she was betraying him haunted her dreams. His rage had been awesome. And she feared he might very well hate her.

  But her feelings for him hadn’t changed, and Diana hoped that she would have the chance to make things right.

  A knock on her door sounded and a servant called her down for supper. Reluctantly Diana left the room. When she made it to the stairs, however, the front entrance flung open and Jeremy stumbled inside, coated in blood.

  The servants screamed and Diana froze in shock.

  “Master, what has happened?” One of them approached him, but Jeremy didn’t seem to see her, he looked around wildly and, when he locked eyes with Diana, his face twisted into an angry sneer.

  “You bitch. You lied to me,” he said up to her. “You almost had me fooled.”

  Diana stood her ground. “I don’t know what you mean, Jeremy,” she said calmly.

  “The vampire, you sneaking whore!” he shouted. “You were with him. And now he’s gotten free, hunting the countryside looking for you. You brought this on us all.”

  Diana went pale. “How? How did he escape?”

  “Ah, yes, you would really like to know, wouldn’t you? You think he’s coming to save you, Diana?” Jeremy laughed. “Oh no, I think he very much wants revenge. Revenge on us both.”

  Diana shook her head, unable to form words.

  “It was that damn witch,” Jeremy began. “The vampire got to him somehow. Promised him eternal life and limitless power. And the fool took the bait. He let the vampire out and the monster ripped through the house in search of you. Now he’ll be coming here. But I won’t give him the satisfaction of killing you, Diana, oh no, I’m going to have the pleasure myself first.”

  With that, he raced up the steps toward her and Diana bolted back down the hall to her room. She slammed the door shut and locked it, but Jeremy was past being kept out and kicked the door in, shattering the knob.

  Diana backed away quickly as he came for her, knocking into a cupboard. She tried to get around him, but he lunged for her, grabbing her by her hair. He dragged her over to the bed and shoved her down. Diana screamed as he crushed himself against her and tried to force his hand up her dress.

  A crashing and shattering of glass sounded behind them and suddenly Jeremy leaped back off of her. There was a loud cry and then the sound of something cracking. When Diana looked around she saw Jeremy fall to the ground, his neck broken.

  A massive shadow with great wings towered above Jeremy’s crumpled body. When the shadow spread out its wings before her, Diana gazed on Marcus in terrified wonder. His eyes were cold as he glared at her, his lip curling back to expose his cruel fangs.

  “Diana…” Marcus growled low, prowling towards her.

  Wide-eyed, Diana scrambled up the bed. “Marcus... please believe that everything I said before wasn’t true. I did it to keep Jeremy from killing you.”

  “Did you sleep with him to save me as well?” he said venomously.

  Diana shook her head. “No. No, I wouldn’t let him touch me.”

  Marcus seemed to still a little. His rage now only simmering. He studied her closely as he hovered over her.

  “Get up and come to me now. I shall see for myself.”

  Frowning, Diana did as told. When she rose from the bed, he took hold of her face in his hands.

  “Look at me, Diana, and don’t look away. I can read the truth in your mind, in the feel of your body.” He held her head firmly and seemed to search deep through her. His hands drifted down her face to her neck and shoulders, going lower. Diana dared not look away from him. His hands paused on her hips and his eyes softened only for an instant

  “You tell the truth…” Marcus grabbed hold of her hands. “But my fury remains. I lust for blood, Diana. And the need to take you. I cannot shake this bestial desire. Only giving yourself fully to me now will satisfy.”

  Diana shivered. She breathed in and closed her eyes. When she opened them she fixed her gaze to his. “I am yours then, to do with what you will.”

  Marcus’ eyes flashed brightly as if alighting with a new fire. He turned her around and took hold of the back of her neck.

  “Tonight then we wed through blood and desire, my darling.” Marcus grabbed hold of the back of her dress and tore it from her body. Naked now before him, Marcus turned her back to face him and lowered her onto the bed. He covered himself over her and Diana could feel his hard shaft pressing against her core and belly. He kissed her, his fangs grazing her lips, the taste of blood filling her mouth. He kissed down her throat to her breasts, cupping each swell in his hands and pressing them together to suck and lick at her nipples. As he moved down her belly to her core, Marcus lifted her legs up, placing them on his shoulders, and went down once more. He penetrated her with his tongue, then swirled and flicked over her core.

  Diana gritted her teeth and arched her back but didn’t so much a squirm or struggle as he ate her with a savage intensity. As she came, he immediately lifted his mouth from her and pulled her to him, plunging inside her and moaning as he filled her completely, feeling her tighten around him.

  Diana cried out as he sunk deep into her gushing hot center. With a furious, predatory possession, Marcus thrust into her, pounding madly, making the bed shake and groan underneath them.

  All his rage and animalistic need to possess were buried into her and Diana came, again and again, screaming his name but never wanting him to stop. Marcus sat up and pulled her to him, making Diana sit on his lap as he continued to drive into her. Her hair dampening with sweat, Diana clung to him weakly, the heat and throbbing ache making the pleasure agonizing.

  With one last thrust, Marcus stilled, groaning loudly. As he came inside her, he growled wildly and sunk his teeth into her breast, tearing through her skin. He drank hard just as he came hard; filling her with his need and drinking his fill.

  Diana’s vision began to darken but, before she lost consciousness, Marcus unlatched himself from her and, with one taloned finger, sliced against his stomach.

  “Drink, Diana.” He breathed heavily. He led her down to the cut and Diana pressed her lips to him, tasting him.

  Marcus gripped her with one hand and leaned back and Diana dug her nails into his side as she sucked against him. When he pulled her away, they each collapsed on the bed. Diana writhed and shook until she felt her bones cracking and a fire burning through her insides.

  Marcus forced himself up and gathered her into his arms. He watched her carefully until she grew still.

  Diana lay against him as if sleeping until she finally opened her eyes which were now red as blood. She rose slowly to meet him, smiling with newly sharpened teeth, and placed a hand on his face.

  “Take me to our kingdom, my love,” Diana said in a silky sweet voice.

  Marcus smiled wickedly. He picked her up and went out to the balcony and unfurled his great wings.

  With a single beat, they rose, disappearing into the night. As they flew above, their laughter could be heard echoing across the dark hills.

  Claimed by the River God


  Thoughtless humans.

  They tread too far from the safety of their little boats.

  They dare come here, filling my river with their toxic presence.

  I could scare them away easily.

  Maybe even tear off a limb or two as a warning…

  But there is one... a girl. She stands just on the edge of the river.

  She is... breathtaking.

  I watch her just below the surface, entranced.

  The sun hits her back in a warm glow. She shines golden.

  My hand unconsciously reaches up to her. But she turns away.

  I wait in the deep until she braves the water.

  I swim just below her.

  My hand reaches again to touch her but I pause.

  I don’t wish to terrify her. As I know I will.

  I am evil looking to them. I am just a monster. Lurking in darkness.

  And she is a goddess of light.

  She goes into the cave nearby. Why?

  I follow her.

  She looks around as if waiting to find something.

  I can’t stop myself. I must have her...


  “Tell it again, Ms. Adams. Exactly how did it happen?” Dr. Hillman leaned forward, his pen at the ready.

  Elise sighed. She clamped her knees together, her fingers clutching her skirt tightly. “I already explained everything.”

  “Yes, but for the record. I know this is tiresome. Half the staff has questioned you, but I’m the one who needs the full account. How did the creature approach you?”

  Creature. That’s all they call it now. Not homo amphibious. Not deus do rio, “river god”, like the locals chanted. Not even merman or fish man. Just the creature.

  Elise swallowed. “Me and the others—”

  “Others who?”

  Elise gave him an impatient glare. “The other interns... were swimming down the narrow part of the river and found a hidden pool. Jamie went in first. Then we followed. There was a small cliff face, and we were diving off. I stepped out by the edge of the pool to watch for a moment, then went in and noticed the narrow cave entrance as I swam around the edge. They dared me to go in so I did. I went in as far as I could, just before the light was gone completely, and came to the end of a shallow pool. The water only went into a part of the cave. There was a small bank to another tunnel leading farther in. I went to turn back when…”


  “When I saw him. The…”

  “The creature?”

  “Yes. He revealed himself only a few feet away. I thought to scream.”

  “But you didn’t?”

  Elise shook her head. “No. Guess I was frozen in shock and fear.” Elise sat up straight and looked down at her hands. “Then... he came closer and I rushed for the exit. But he stopped me. That’s when Jamie and the others came in to the cave and saw. Then the... creature fled.”


  Dr. Hillman studied her carefully. He scribbled down on his report. “And that’s all?”

  Elise nodded. “Yes.”


  Dr. Hillman leaned back in his chair. “Alright, Elise. That’s all for now.” Dr. Hillman went to stand.

  “You promised,” Elise blurted. Her neck and face went hot. Dr. Hillman paused. He looked down at her with a frown and tapped his pen against his desk.

  “Elise, I don’t think it’s a good—”

  “Our deal. You said I could if I talked again. And I did. Now I want to see…”

  Dr. Hillman’s frown grew, but he nodded. “Fine. Fine. Just... give me one moment.” He went around her and left the office.

  Sitting still, Elise could feel the rocking of the boat. She closed her eyes and remembered the event moment by moment. She had gone into the cave, had seen the bank and tunnel. The water was cool and she shivered. As she floated there for a long moment in the dark, she had felt something graze her leg. She had swirled around but there had been nothing. She thought maybe it was a fish. Then she feared a snake. As she made for the entrance of the cave, that’s when the creature had revealed itself.

  It’s true she hadn’t screamed. And it may have been partially true that it was, indeed, from fear and shock. But there was more. When the shock had died off, what was left was a complete fascination. She had been utterly amazed and captivated.

  He was beautiful. His scaly blue-green skin shimmered in the water. Silvery fins went up to his head and down his back, and along his arms and legs. His eyes were like glass.

  She hadn’t rushed for the exit ri
ght away. But she couldn’t tell Dr. Hillman that. Instead, she had let him come closer. She had held up her hand and he had touched his hand to hers.

  Discovering a mythical being was not unlike discovering a rare exotic species. Despite the possible danger, she craved to get closer. Wanting to know more, wanting to let it explore. Its curiosity in sync with her own. Elise only ever had one other such encounter. And that was with a thresher shark. It could never compare, but it had its similarities.

  She trembled with both excitement and nervous anticipation. Fearing the creature might strike her at any moment but, instead, he had circled around her. Already stunned by his humanoid appearance she wasn’t too surprised to see he showed incredible intelligence. He observed her no differently than a man would when seeing a female he found desirable.

  Her face and neck went hot from his gaze. And she stayed transfixed as he drew closer and pressed against her. Elise had gasped in surprise as she felt his clawed hands stroke the sides of her thighs. He growled non-threateningly and gently backed her against the side of a cave wall. He kept her up as if she weighed nothing.

  “What... what are you doing?” She remembered whispering. But she hadn’t stopped him. Hadn’t fought. Perhaps it was the way he held her firm but carefully or how he caressed her sides, but something told her he wasn’t there to harm her.

  His face had lowered to her chest and he had licked away the beads of water gathering there. Elise had lifted her head and, in some insane urge, wanted him to go lower. Heat rose in her center as she felt the hard length of him press against her core. She felt compelled to open up for him and wrap her legs around his waist.

  Just when Elise thought she couldn’t take it, Jamie had appeared along with the others. The creature had immediately released itself from her and shot away. But not before they had gotten a good look at it as it leaped from the water and disappeared into the tunnel beyond, with another resounding splash echoing through the tunnel.

  Elise had been too slow to react. So stunned by what had happened and confused, she barely made out the words coming from the other intern’s mouths.

  They seemed hysterical. Truly freaked by what they had seen. They thought her in shock. And she was. It wasn’t until she was pulled out of the cave and carried needlessly back to the boat that she finally started coming back to her senses.


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