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To Die For (Joker's Sin Book 2)

Page 12

by Davidson King

  We didn’t move, even as my cock softened. I knew I needed to get up in a moment to clean up, but Sparkles gripped me. His desire to freeze life right here and live in this moment forever was so palpable, I relaxed and enjoyed the seconds.

  As I cleaned us up and we lay in his bed afterward, I silently pledged to make sure Dorian Birch left Haven Hart. I didn’t really care so much how—if it was by car or body bag. He just needed to leave this town.

  Sparkles fell asleep long before I did, and thoughts and plans swirled around my brain. I’d make Sparkles feel safe again and protect all he’d built.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I woke to the sound of Max cooing. When I opened my eyes, I saw him sitting on the bed, petting Tank and talking to him as if he were a little baby. I dared not move, enjoying the moment. It was clear Max was naked, only the sheets protecting his bits from Tank’s little claws. Tank was tiny, but in comparison to Max he seemed even smaller. I smiled when Max referred to him as Tank the Mighty and laughed when he wouldn’t let go of Max’s finger. The sound of my laughter gave my spying away, and Max peered over at me.

  “You think your fierce pup mauling me to death is funny?”

  “I think it’s funny you think him fierce, and the fact that he didn’t even break skin is mauling you.”

  Max then stood, and I watched as he walked around my room. I didn’t get a good look at his ass last night, but I remembered it from his bedroom, and seeing it in the morning light was a wonderful treat.

  “Are you ogling me?” he asked as he comically tried to cover his butt.

  “Oh, yes, I sure am.”

  He chuckled as he grabbed his clothes and went into my bathroom. I then got out of bed, grabbed some clean clothes, and dressed quickly. When I entered the kitchen, I hit the button for the coffee and gave Tank his food and water. He’d need to go out to do his business, but he loved eating first.

  Max came in a few minutes later, wearing his clothes from the night before; however, it was obvious he’d cleaned up a bit.


  He nodded. “Please.”

  I placed sugar and milk on the table and handed him a mug of coffee. I watched as he put in a couple of scoops of sugar and a dip of milk. I didn’t wonder why it felt important to know how he took his coffee; I just wanted to.

  “I had a good time last night.” He smiled over the rim of his mug.

  “Me too.”

  I felt like part of me needed to apologize to Max for my past. But it was also odd because there was no judgment when he looked at me. He didn’t see the dirt that I swore was clinging to my skin.

  “You know how you said you loved my home? You felt the love there?” Max was staring at his coffee as he spoke.


  “It wasn’t always like that, you know.”

  I sat in the chair at the table, my mug cradled in my hands. “Oh?”

  “My father died ten years ago, and it was such a strange feeling of sadness and relief. Sure, I was afraid for my family because he worked and provided for my ma. She wasn’t allowed to work. He forbade it.”

  Those words, “he forbade it,” said more than anything. His dad wasn’t the best man, and I had a feeling he wasn’t a role model for Max.

  “He was a hard-core believer that the woman stayed home with the kids, took care of the home, and the man provided. Me, being the oldest, it was expected that I have a good job and basically live my life how he did. But I never intended to, and I think toward the end of his life he knew that.”

  “Did…did he ever hurt you or your ma?” I asked, hoping the answer was no.

  “He hit my ma two times in their marriage, and both times I wasn’t there to see it. Once I was sixteen and out with my friends. I came home to find my ma crying in the kitchen, sporting a shiner. She swore up and down she was clumsy and slipped. But the way the two of them were around each other for the next few days after, I knew he’d hit her.” Max sipped his coffee.

  “The last time, I was twenty-one. It was a year before he died—almost to the day, now that I think about it. I was working. Nothing huge, but it was work. Ma had locked herself in the bathroom, and my dad said she was in a mood. When she came out, I saw her lip was split, and I snapped. I grabbed my dad by the shirt, ripped him out of his chair, and slammed him against the wall. The man that instilled fear in all of us cowered. I told him if he ever laid a finger on Ma again, I’d cut his fucking hands off.”

  The anger in Max’s voice made it known that while his father had been dead for ten years, the memory was fresh, and the emotion was alive and well inside him.

  “Oh, Max.” I reached over, carefully removed the grip he had on his mug, and held his hand.

  “After my father died, it was like we could all breathe. But Ma loved him. So, we never spoke about his life in the negative. It took us years to get her not to flinch when we moved too fast. And even longer to convince her to make the house into a place she’d want to live in, not a place he forced her to dwell in. So, that house you love so much, Sparkles, is made from love. We all have a past, Sparkles. My ma made that house into a home and washed away the bad. If someone came into her life and tried to destroy all she created, I’d bury them.”

  I understood what Max was saying. “That’s why when you look at me, you don’t see all the bad I’ve done.”

  “When I look at you, I see a survivor. Sadly, I see a victim too, but you didn’t let it define you. I won’t let Dorian take your home away. I promise.”

  I lifted Max’s hand to my lips and kissed his fingers. “I believe you.”


  When Max left, he made me promise to come to the club that night, and I said I would. I knew I could get either Alexandra or Nolan to keep an eye on Tank for me. Anyone who looked into his precious eyes became a puddle of goo.

  I’d just gotten out of the shower when my cell phone vibrated across my dresser. I rushed to stop it from falling and didn’t look at the number.


  “Mr. Birch wants to see you at his place in one hour. The address will be texted to you.” Then the person hung up, leaving me no room to argue. The text came through, and the address indicated he was staying at one of the most expensive penthouses in the whole town. No shock there.

  I knew I had no choice in the matter. So, I told Nolan I’d be dropping Tank off at the studio and had a meeting to go to. He said he’d get Alexandra to take my class, and I was grateful I wouldn’t have to cancel on anyone.

  By the time I arrived at Dorian’s building, my hands were sweating and the urge to just drive to Max’s was huge. But I didn’t think Dorian would do anything to me, and I also knew avoiding him would only make things worse in the long run.

  I took the elevator as soon as I was cleared to go up. The entire time I wondered what exactly it was that Dorian wanted with me now.

  When the doors opened, I was met by two of his guys, who frisked me. I rolled my eyes but let them do their thing.

  “This way,” one of them said, and I followed them through the insanely opulent penthouse.

  Dorian collected things. Things no one ever used or thought to own. But because they had hefty price tags, he wanted them.

  “Ahh, Lane, so glad to see you are on time. Have a seat.” Dorian gestured to a wingback chair. He was dressed in an expensive charcoal suit, and while I could admit he looked very good, he repulsed me. After I sat, he offered me a drink.

  “No, thank you.”

  “Very well. I wanted to tell you I received a call from Atlas Durand this morning. He has rescinded the ban for me at Joker’s Sin.”

  I knew he’d do it, because Atlas cared too much, but it was still a huge thing to do. “You could’ve told me this over the phone.”

  He shrugged. “I could have. But then I wouldn’t get to see the look on your face when I told you the next part.”

  Tendrils of dread crept up my spine when he smiled. I knew
whatever he was about to say, I’d hate.

  “And what’s that?”

  “You and I will be spending the day together. We are going to go shopping for the perfect outfit, and you will accompany me to Joker’s Sin this evening…as my date.”

  What the actual fuck? “I have classes to teach, and no way am I going anywhere with you as your date or anything else.”

  He reached into his suit jacket and handed me some folded papers. I opened them, and my stomach turned.

  “I told you the facility your mother was at was looking for buyers. It turns out the current corporation is filing bankruptcy, and my company can help them out with a delightful merger. Now, what was it you were saying about not spending the day with me?”

  He hadn’t signed anything, and there was no way of knowing if he would. I needed to do more research on this and find out how true it was that the facility was in trouble. So, pissing him off wouldn’t be smart right now.

  “If you’ll just let me call Nolan and have him make arrangements for my classes?”

  “That’s the spirit.” Dorian clapped his hands. “You make your arrangements. Meet me down the hall when you’re done with your calls.”

  I waited for him to leave to let Nolan know what was going on. He wasn’t at all happy, but I dare say I was far more upset.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “Halloween is coming, so what do you think Atlas has planned for that?” Shane asked as we shared a pizza before the club opened.

  “I’m sure whatever it is, it’ll force me to wear something very uncomfortable.” We both laughed, and when we were done with the pizza, Shane said he’d toss the box into the dumpster out back while I did my checks.

  Ciro opened the doors for the night, and one of my bartenders came over to tell me I had a phone call. It was weird to get calls on the club phone, everyone I knew used my cell but whatever.

  “Hello, this is Max, who’s this?”

  “Hi, Max, it’s Nolan. I’m sorry to disturb you at work. I misplaced your cell number, so I had to call you there.”

  I could hear the uncertainty in Nolan’s voice for calling me at work, but it was the fact he was looking for me that had me worried. There was no way he was contacting me to just say hi or to shoot the shit.

  “Is everything okay?” I tried to remain calm.

  “That’s the thing. I don’t know,” he said. “Lane called me and asked me to arrange for his classes to be taught by Alexandra or to cancel them if I had to because Dorian Birch had requested Lane’s company for the day and evening.”

  I gripped the phone so tightly, I could hear it strain under the pressure. “Did he give you any indication what he meant by ‘evening’?”

  “No, but well, Max, I could tell Lane wasn’t okay when he called. I’m worried. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and trust he could handle it, but it’s been awhile since I spoke with him and I have a bad feeling, and I know if he was in trouble, you’d be the one he’d want to help him.”

  I wasn’t so sure about that, because helping Sparkles would mean doing something drastic that would change our lives forever.

  “I don’t know how to help him right now. Where is he?”

  “I’m not sure where he is right now, but I’m sure you’ll see him tonight. He said Dorian was taking him there. So, keep an eye out and…” Nolan sighed.

  “I’ll take care of him.”


  After I hung up, I turned my mic on and told Ciro and the rest of them that if any of them saw Sparkles come into the club to tell me immediately. I was glad none of them made stupid jokes like they often did whenever I mentioned Sparkles’s name. I went back to the bar and began serving people drinks. My eyes constantly scanned the place over and over, but with so many bodies in front of the bar, it would be hard to spot anyone.

  It was a good two hours into the night when Ciro’s voice crackled through my earpiece. “Sparkles is here…shit, Max, promise you’ll stay behind the bar.”

  I didn’t know what that meant, but it was clear he’d vocalized that to everyone with an earpiece, because Atlas came walking over to me, and Toby and a few others began standing by the bar.

  “What the hell do you think I’ll do?” I asked Atlas as he stood next to me.

  “I saw him on the cameras.”

  Shit. What wasn’t he telling me? Was Sparkles hurt? “What’s going on?”

  “Just promise you’ll stay behind the bar. I can’t afford another brawl in here.”

  I nodded. “Fine.” When Atlas didn’t move, I knew he didn’t believe me, and maybe he was right not to. He’d seen Sparkles, and I hadn’t.

  I kept scanning the bar, knowing that if Dorian was with Sparkles, he’d make sure I saw it. Sure enough, after a few minutes Dorian stepped into view. I couldn’t see Sparkles.

  “Blood and Sand for me and, what would you like, pet?” Dorian turned to the side and brought Sparkles forward.

  My eyes widened, and I ground my teeth together. Rage like no other blurred my vision. Sparkles’s pink hair was now black; he was devoid of all his makeup and wearing some sort of red leather outfit. He had a rhinestone collar and a leash hanging from it. I followed the lead to see it wrapped around Dorian’s hand. Sparkles didn’t say anything as he stared at me, but the pain that radiated in his gaze told me all I needed to know. I was going to kill Dorian Birch.

  “I know what Sparkles likes, you piece of shit,” I said but he only laughed.

  “Oh, yes, of course you do. As do I. He’ll have a water with lime.”

  I turned and got everything for Dorian’s Blood and Sand. I did the whole show for him, he smiled, and then I went to get Sparkles his. I wasn’t giving him water. He loved his watermelon margaritas, and that was what I’d be making him.

  When I pushed it toward him, Dorian stopped me. “That’s not what I ordered.”

  “It’s on the house, and it’s not for you.” I met Sparkles’s gaze. A small smile played on his lips, which made me feel a little better.

  “He won’t be drinking alcohol tonight.” Dorian pushed the drink back to me, and that was when Atlas stepped in.

  “When I lifted the ban, I did so at the request of Sparkles. If you continue to treat my establishment like some amusement park and Sparkles here with disrespect, there will be nobody in this town that will ever convince me to let you return to my club. So, I suggest you let Max give Sparkles his drink, and you thank whatever God you pray to that I haven’t had my security kick you out yet.”

  Dorian’s face turned a bright, angering red. I smiled wide as he handed Sparkles his drink, but instantly frowned when I saw Sparkles take a tiny sip and look down. What the fuck was going on here?

  “Sparkles, can I talk to you for a minute?” I said and Dorian shot me a glare.

  “Aren’t you working?” Dorian sneered.

  “I can take a break, isn’t that right, Boss?” I looked at Atlas who gave me a curt nod, never taking his eyes off Dorian. “Great. Sparkles, a word?”

  Sparkles glanced at Dorian, and when Dorian released the leash, he darted over toward where he knew there was an entrance to the bar. Atlas was keeping Dorian busy, so I grabbed Sparkles’s hand and guided him to the back room.


  “Before you talk, I want you to hear me, okay?” He nodded. “I don’t want to hear you apologize or make an excuse for him. I don’t want you to feel ashamed or worried that I’ll think differently of you. What I want is for you to tell me how I get you out of whatever situation this is you’re in.”

  “Max…” He tried to speak, but a sob came out instead. There was no stopping it at that point. He cried, his body shook, and without thinking about anything, I scooped him up into my arms and made my way to the storage room. I had a big couch I often napped on or just went to when I needed to get away.

  I sat with Sparkles cradled in my arms. The squeaking sound of his outfit irritated me, and I wanted t
o tear it from his body and wrap him in a blanket. I just waited him out; I let him cry and release all the emotions of the day. I placed gentle kisses on his head and let him know I was there.

  He cried himself to sleep right there in the storage room. There was no way I was waking him up to go back out there, and I also wasn’t letting Dorian get near him. I clicked my mic on and, careful not to wake Sparkles, told whoever was listening that Sparkles was with me and wouldn’t be returning to the floor and to let Dorian know. No one protested, and when Atlas said he’d gladly inform him, I knew he’d enjoy it.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I could feel warmth seeping into my bones as I began to wake. My body didn’t feel restricted, and the scent of mint and vanilla tickled my senses. When I moved slightly, I didn’t hear the creaking sound of the suit Dorian had made me wear. Instead soft cotton caressed my flesh, and a rumbling sound echoed in my ear. Peeking up, I saw Max with his head resting against the couch and eyes closed. His brow was crinkled, and his mouth was set to a frown in an expression of serious concentration.

  Gently, I brought my hand over his stomach and up toward his chest. He sighed, and his breath gusted out. When Max brought me to the storage room, I thought it would be to criticize me about my outfit and being here with Dorian. But the second he’d asked me what he could do to get me out of it, it was like the dam burst, and once I started crying, I couldn’t stop.

  “Hey.” Max’s voice was rough with sleep, and I smiled when he met my gaze. A softness fluttered with worry appeared there.

  “Hi. What time is it?”

  He lifted his hand so I could read his watch. It showed one in the morning. I’d been asleep for hours.

  “Oh no, Dorian!” I sat up and immediately realized the reason I felt so comfortable was because Max rested beside me, and I was wearing sweat pants and a T-shirt. I vaguely remembered Max changing me as I slept. I tried helping but he told me to relax—he was just getting me into comfy clothes.


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