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To Die For (Joker's Sin Book 2)

Page 15

by Davidson King

Just as I was reading the last text my phone rang, but I didn’t get a chance to answer it when Mancy ripped it out of my hand.

  “That’s enough of that.”


  Mancy lifted a gun to my face and sneered. “I just have a message for you, and then I’ll leave.”

  Oh, shit.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  The night was pretty relaxing. There was a steady flow of customers, and I was always moving but not frantically so. A little after midnight, I looked up and saw that motherfucker Dorian Birch. He sat a few feet from me with one of his guys and was drooling all over some twink. He saw me and raised his glass in salute. I gave him the finger and moved away to help patrons on the other side of the bar. At least if Dorian was here, he wasn’t bothering Sparkles.

  After a while, I heard someone call my name and saw Dorian in front of me. “What do you want?”

  “You’re not very nice. The customer service in this establishment is atrocious. I should have a word with your boss.”

  I chuckled darkly. “Oh, please do…I dare you.”

  “I’d like a Blood and Sand.”

  “Yeah, I don’t give a fuck. Ask a different bartender or, I dunno, maybe fuck off?” I moved down the bar and away from him, but he followed me.

  “I’m trying to talk to you, and you’re being so rude.”

  “Imagine how little I care.” A guy with blue hair asked me for a rum and coke, and I got busy doing that. After I handed it over, Dorian was in my face again.

  “I’m not sure why you aren’t interested in what I have to say.” I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket.

  “Whatever you have to say is bullshit, and I have zero time or patience for any of it.” I went to pull my phone out, but his next words stopped me cold.

  “Then I guess you don’t give a shit about Lane’s company tonight.”

  I turned to him, his smile smug with victory. It took everything not to jump the bar and beat his face in. “What company?”

  “Oh, so now you want to talk to me?” He sighed and tapped his fingers on the countertop. “How about a Blood and Sand and, maybe afterward, I’ll feel better and willing to talk to you.”

  Dorian Birch made my blood boil. I hated him more than any living soul in the world. I gritted my teeth and went about making his drink. When it was in his hands and he’d taken a few sips, he gave me his attention.

  “About that company,” he began, “I simply sent someone to give Lane a message for me. It’s all fairly innocent.”

  “He’s not stupid, he won’t be opening the door for anyone.” Seeing how dumb Dorian was made it obvious how Sparkles was able to run from him.

  “Agreed, Lane is quite bright. But he’d open the door for a police officer…well, at least for someone he thought was a police officer.” He chuckled and continued drinking. I took my phone out, ready to text Sparkles, when I saw he’d tried to get in touch with me.

  Someone broke into my studio it seems and a cop is here. I’m okay, don’t worry.

  That was all the text said, and it was sent almost twenty minutes ago. I tried frantically to text back, and when he didn’t answer, I tried to call. It ended up going to voice mail.

  “Having phone trouble?” Dorian asked with a sharklike grin.

  “I swear to Christ, I will turn your face into hamburger if anyone so much as touches a hair on his head. Your fucking failure of trying to embarrass him the other night was laughable. We don’t give a shit what he wears, or that he colors his hair. He could come in here covered in lime jelly, and we’d still accept him.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “Maybe next time that’s how I’ll dress him.”

  “No.” I slammed my hand on the bar catching the attention of a few people around us. “You don’t go near him.”

  Dorian tsked. “Kind of hard when I own the building he lives in and the one he works in.”

  The urge to smash his face against the bar was huge. I wanted to laugh and tell him he didn’t have as much control as he thought. I’d spoken to Biggs Brighton, and he got me in touch with a PI who was looking into the validity of Dorian Birch’s claim that Lilac Springs was in financial trouble. Something told me they were fine, and Dorian was just playing Sparkles.

  “Nothing lasts forever, dickbag.”

  “Dickbag?” He laughed. “I like that. I think I’ll use it.”

  I was about to just go for broke and punch him, but Atlas walked over and from the worried expression on his face, I knew I wasn’t hiding my anger well.

  “Max,” Atlas said. “I need to see you in my office.” I knew it was a tactic to get me away from Dorian, and I was sure it was obvious to everyone.

  I left the bar quickly and went straight to Atlas’s office. Atlas was hot on my heels and the second I stepped in, he shut the door. “What’s going on?” he asked.

  I took the next minute, telling Atlas everything…everything. From what Sparkles told me to right up to this minute. I knew he already knew more than most, and if Sparkles was in trouble, I needed all the help I could get. I was constantly checking my phone while I talked, hoping I’d hear from Sparkles.

  “And you haven’t heard from him?”

  I shook my head. “No, I gotta go. I have to make sure he’s okay.”

  “You’re not going over there alone.” Atlas pressed the button for his mic. “Ciro, I need you in my office.”

  “Ciro? You can’t spare him right now.”

  Atlas rolled his eyes. “It’s a quiet night, and Ciro is the best person to help you. Now, go get your shit. I’ll keep trying Sparkles and text you if I hear anything from him.”

  I wanted to argue with Atlas, but I was running out of time. I tried calling Sparkles once more, but it went to voice mail. “Fine,” I told Atlas, and I walked out of his office.

  While I was in the back getting my jacket, Atlas caught Ciro up on what was going on, and when I was walking toward my bike, Ciro said he would follow in his car. I hoped Sparkles wouldn’t be mad at Atlas and Ciro knowing everything that was going on, but there was no choice. We needed help.

  I was frantic the entire drive to Sparkles’s place. We were so close to getting him out of this shit situation. Did Dorian figure out what he did? Did he know Sparkles wasn’t going to be in that apartment or that studio next month?

  My mind was spinning so many scenarios, questions, and probabilities. Visions of him unconscious had me accelerating, not really caring if Ciro could keep up. The need to get there was too strong. I hoped Sparkles was okay, because if he wasn’t, I didn’t know if there was a force on earth that would be able to stop me from killing Dorian Birch.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  “I’m guessing this message is from Dorian?” I didn’t dare move. Tank was growling in between little barks.

  “Shut that fucking dog up!” he shouted, and I scooped Tank up in my arms.

  “Just say what you came to say and leave. He won’t stop, because you’re threatening me, and he knows that.”

  Mancy chuckled. “He’s a tiny little shit. I’m not afraid of him.”

  I shrugged, knowing just how sharp Tank’s teeth were. “Though he be little, he is fierce.” Of course Shakespeare’s quote was directed toward a woman, Hermia from Helena in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, I doubted Mancy here knew that.

  “Whatever. Dorian wanted me to relay a message and to make sure you understood he sent me. See, you’re clearly not listening, or are far too dense to understand, so let me clear it up for you.” He took a step closer, the gun steady in his hand.

  “I’d hear better if that gun wasn’t in my face.”

  He completely ignored me and continued talking. “He knows you’ve had a PI snooping around his life and Lilac Springs and wants you to stop.” I had no PI doing that, which meant this was Max’s friend doing something. “If you don’t back off, Dorian will pay a visit to Lucia Fazio, and Max’s sisters Maria and Frances. If goi
ng after his mom and sisters don’t get you to stop, then we go to Teresa, Barney, and their little ones. Do you see where this is going?”

  I nodded. “I don’t have a PI doing any digging. I’m not sure I can stop it.”

  “Find a way. Oh, and one more thing. Dorian doesn’t like you hanging around Max much anymore. Says it’s a bad influence for you.”

  No way was this happening to me. “I don’t give a shit. He doesn’t get a say in my love life anymore.”

  He moved so fast I didn’t have time to react, and he hit me with the hand that held the gun. I fell to the side and was glad when Tank ran into the kitchen. Maybe not the best guard dog.

  “You’ll be sure to stop seeing Max Fazio—is that clear?” He was an inch from my face. I placed my hand over my cheek, feeling wetness.

  “Get out!” I shouted, readying myself for another hit, but Mancy chuckled and stepped away.

  “I’ve done my job, you’ve been warned. What you do with this information is up to you now.” He didn’t put the gun away, but he slowly walked out. I stayed right where I was until I heard the door shut.

  Tank came running over to me then, whimpering. I picked him up and hugged him. The side of my face felt like it was on fire, and I swear it was like my eye exploded. Very slowly, I walked to the bathroom, Tank in my arms nuzzling me and shaking.

  “Shhh, it’s okay, little guy. The bad man’s gone.”

  I turned the light on and saw that I was, in fact, bleeding. He broke skin and there was no way that wasn’t going to be a massive black-and-blue bruise. With one hand I turned the sink on, got a washcloth, and gently cleaned my face. The bleeding wasn’t stopping, but I didn’t need stitches, thank goodness.

  I had just grabbed a box of Band-Aids when I heard my door open. Since there was no buzz, it had to be Max. I hadn’t gotten a chance to text him back to tell him I was okay.

  “Sparkles,” he called out, there was no missing the tremor in Max’s voice. He was pounding through the apartment frantically.

  “In the bathroom.” I put Tank on the toilet bowl lid and opened the Band-Aid. I’d just placed it over my cut when Max came in.

  “Jesus,” he whispered, and just the sound of his voice lifted me out of my bubble of bravery. I was trying to hold it all together, but the second he spoke so softly, I fell apart.

  The tears came hard and fast, and I would’ve crumbled to the floor had Max not been there to wrap me in his arms. He slid down the door and I sat on his lap. I wanted to climb inside him and stay there. Where it was safe, warm, and I felt loved.

  “Oh, baby.” He kissed my head while I cried, remembering everything Mancy had said…knowing what I had to do.

  “The place is clear.” I knew that voice. I lifted my head and saw Ciro standing in the doorway. “Hey, Sparkles. How are you doing?” The man always looked like he was never surprised about what he found. He was big, broad, and slightly burly. His head was completely shaved, and if I had never seen him smile and laugh, I’d think him incapable. I knew nothing about his life or his past, but I imagined it wasn’t sweet good-nights and cuddles.

  “Been better.” I sniffled and he handed me a tissue. “Thanks.”

  “I’ll be in the living room.” He walked away, and I listened to his retreating footsteps. Tank barked, and I realized he probably couldn’t get off the toilet lid.

  “Sorry, Tank.” I leaned out of Max’s embrace and got him down. He ran out of the room, probably to investigate Ciro.

  “Let me see you.” Max tenderly cupped my unmarred cheek, eyes intently examining where I was hit. “Who did this?”

  “He said his name was Lieutenant Mancy.”

  “He wasn’t a cop, not even a corrupt one. He got his hands on a uniform and a shiny badge.”

  “How do you know that?”

  He told me about Dorian being at the club tonight and everything they said to each other. That was how Max knew the company I had wasn’t really a police officer.

  “Did you happen to see the studio?”

  Max nodded. “Yeah, nothing wrong there, no broken windows. The guy just needed to get up here, and he knew you’d only open the door for me or a cop.”

  I slid off Max’s lap and with his help, stood up. “Yeah, I should question cops in this town, honestly.”

  Max huffed and we walked to the living room, where Ciro was sitting on my couch scrolling through his phone with one hand and petting Tank, who was asleep on his lap.

  “Well, that’s a sight,” Max said. Ciro looked up, unfazed by the fact that a tiny dog was owning him.

  “He’s adorable.” Ciro shrugged and continued to pet Tank.

  “Have a seat and I’ll get you some water.” Max went into the kitchen and I did as asked, not really loving standing since I was a little dizzy.

  “Get him painkillers too,” Ciro shouted without taking his eyes off his phone.

  Max came out with a bottle of water and two Tylenol. I took them and rested my head on the back of the couch. It was peacefully silent for all of one minute.

  “So, what happened?” Ciro asked. I lolled my head to the right, looking at him.

  “A not-cop that works for Dorian came here and gave me a message.”

  “What was the message?” Max took my hand in his, concern thick in his voice.

  “He said to call off the PI that’s going through his life and that you and I have to break up, or Dorian will go to your mom and sisters and nephew and niece and probably burn their houses down with them in it. Honestly, I’m not sure what he’ll do, but I have no doubt it’ll be awful.” I said it all with no emotion. It was unbelievable to me that Dorian would stoop to murder, but maybe it shouldn’t surprise me at all.

  “He said what?” Max’s voice was thunderous.

  “I’m assuming the PI is yours?” Ciro asked Max.

  “Yeah, he’s mine. I asked my friend Biggs to help, and he got me in touch with a PI. He’s already backed off because he found nothing showing that Lilac Springs was in any danger of shutting down. Any proof Dorian provided Sparkles with indicating the facility was in trouble was fake. That should shock nobody. As far as poking through the guy’s life, I don’t know what he’s talking about.”

  “I’m guessing he didn’t want you finding out about Lilac Springs and is likely trying to scare you. Possibly that’s something you should heed at this time,” Ciro concluded and then looked at me. “So what are you going to do?”

  I gave a little shrug. “The only thing I can do.” I turned toward Max. “I’m going to break up with you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “What the hell, Sparkles?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “So, you’re what, going to let him, once again, control your life?”

  Ciro sat expressionless, watching the two of us, never once stopping his petting of Tank.

  “Whoa!” Sparkles looked at me with a fire in his eyes. “I never said that, why are you putting words in my mouth?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you said you’d be breaking up with me because of Dorian?”

  Sparkles glared at me, and even though I knew he wasn’t at his best, there was no hiding how pissed off he was. “Did you not hear the part where I said he’d hurt your mom and the rest of your family?”

  “Oh, I heard you. Did it maybe occur to you that I could protect my family? That maybe I could come up with a plan?” I knew he didn’t think me incompetent, but I was sure he’d seen Dorian do a lot of horrible things. Hell, he’d probably experienced them firsthand.

  “I move into the new place next month. Maybe we can just keep our distance from each other until I’m out of here. That’ll give us time to come up with some sort of plan.” Sparkles didn’t sound like he believed his own words, and the thought of not being with him that long felt like a knife in my heart.

  “Can I say something?” Ciro sat back, slipping his phone into his jacket pocket.

  “Sure,” Sparkles and I said at t
he same time.

  “Max, there is zero doubt in my mind that you’re capable of anything. And, Sparkles, the fact that you bested this man once tells me your clever ways work wonders. But there’s a huge problem—several actually—that neither of you is thinking about.”

  Sparkles and I glanced at each other, unsure of what Ciro was going to say.

  “Okay, let me lay it out for you, then.” Ciro lifted Tank and placed him on the cushion beside him. “Sparkles, you ran, and he found you. That proves that no matter what you do and no matter how long it takes, he will get to you.” He turned his attention to me. “Max, you’ve kicked his ass, but only his. You’ve never had to face him and his guys at the same time, and while I don’t doubt your strength, you against five is a no-go. What, are you going to constantly wait until he’s alone for the rest of your life and give him an ass-kicking?”

  When Ciro put it out there like that, I didn’t have a great plan. “So, what do you suggest then?”

  “I’ll have to think on it and iron shit out. Normally I’d call my detective friend but at the end of the day, I’m not sure she can help us here. Dorian isn’t someone she’s familiar with, and Sparkles doesn’t want anyone really knowing he stole from this man, right?”

  Sparkles nodded. “It wouldn’t end well, no.”

  “Right. Gimme a few days to make a couple of calls. Whatever is done has to be permanent. Max, you can’t keep beating him up, and Sparkles, you can’t keep running. So, let me figure some shit out.” Ciro stood.

  “And in the meantime?” I asked.

  Ciro’s eyes darted between Sparkles and myself. “In the meantime, I think Sparkles is right. You need to at least pretend to be broken up. Keeping everyone safe until we have a solid plan is the best thing right now.”

  “Okay, so I stay home watching my family, and who the fuck is going to watch Sparkles?”

  “What makes you think I need anyone watching over me?” Sparkles stood in front of me, anger simmering at the surface.


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