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Scorpio (Zodiac Killers Book 12)

Page 13

by W L Knightly

  Bay realized what he was hearing could be rats fighting over her flesh. “Fine.”

  They still had a ways to go to get to the back, but they pushed on through the rows of boxes until Bay heard another sound, and he moved a little faster.

  Finally, they came around a corner where the overhead light was brighter. “There.” Lizzy pointed ahead, and they moved forward, with her just steps ahead of Bay and Darek on their tail. “Something is—”

  Lizzy’s words were drowned out by a loud squealing sound, and when Bay looked up, he saw Mia’s eyes, wide and pleading.

  “Mia!” He started forward, closing the distance to get to her, but Lizzy put a hand on his shoulder.

  “Stop, she’s alive, and we’re going to get her out of here, but I need you to listen to me. This is a crime scene. Proceed with care.”

  Bay turned to look at his Mia. She squealed louder, the ball gag in her mouth making it impossible for her to speak. She was tied facedown on a board, her body stripped naked, blood coating her like a second skin. How she was alive was anyone’s guess. But it meant that Max had never been in on this alone.

  “Fuck you and your crime scene!” He hurried over, and as he approached, Mia’s sounds became more pleading.

  “Don’t worry, Mia. I’ve got you.” He had to get the gag off her, but as he walked over to undo the clip, he saw that she was carved up. “I’m going to kill that asshole. You mark my words. I’ll cut his fucking heart out and eat it!”

  As the gag’s clasp popped open, Mia’s eyes filled with horror, and four long blades pierced her middle, protruding through her back.

  “No!” said Bay, realizing what had happened. He backed away as the life drained from his little girl, his most prized pet, his Mia.

  “Fucking hell,” said Darek, who shot forward, grabbing Bay and pulling him away. “There could be more. This whole place could be one big trap.”

  For the first time in his life, Bay was frozen still. He couldn’t comprehend what had happened, and he couldn’t stop thinking how close he’d been to having her back. Max had not taken her twice, but three times.

  And he’d made the last one count.

  Lizzy stepped over and took her pulse. “She’s gone. Darek, call the units. She’s got some serious wounds.” She turned to Bay. “Look at her back, Mr. Collins.”

  Bay stepped around to where he could see the damage that had been done to Mia’s back. Not only had she been held captive, but she’d been stripped naked and tied to a board that had been specially designed to pierce every fatal target possible, including her heart. The blades had been so long that they had pierced through her back and through the Zodiac wheel that had been crudely carved into her back. She looked just like Emily Johnson, except for one detail, which Lizzy pointed out.

  “They’re all the same sign,” she said. “My guess would be Scorpio.” She turned to Bay, placing her hand on his left shoulder, right over the place where Bay had been branded with the same sign years ago. “I’m guessing that’s you?”

  There wasn’t any denying his involvement now. He could rat Darek out to his girl and blow up the entire fucking world, but Bay did something he never thought he could. He reached up and undid the top two buttons on his shirt and then pulled his collar to the side. “Yeah, the asshole molested me too.”

  He hoped that with him and Lane both telling the same story, it would be a much stronger case, and because of his status in the community, he hoped he could keep the press out of it.

  “I’m going to have a lot of questions,” said Lizzy. She reached over and closed Mia’s eyes.

  “I’ve got the answers.” He didn’t know what it was going to mean for his life and his reputation, but as long as it could buy his freedom, that was all that mattered.

  He turned to Darek. “I want to see that asshole. Make it happen.” He’d watched the life drain out from Mia’s eyes, and he’d do the same to Max. It was just like Rose Marie had said. Something quick and then pain. “He set this up. He fixed it so I’d be the one to kill her.”

  “He had no way of knowing you’d be here.” Darek slumped as he released a long breath. “Max had help for this.”

  Bay gave him a knowing look. “Yeah, he did.” He didn’t need to say her name. Darek knew who Bay thought it was.

  Chapter 21


  After calling in the death and having the place combed for other traps, which came back clear, Darek led Lizzy and Bay back into the building. Mia was still strapped to the board, and her photo was being taken.

  Bay grimaced. “She’d hate that,” he said as the camera flashed. “She always wanted to be camera ready. She used to want to be a model, you know? But she was so petite, and she had too much pride for catalog work. She wanted to be on the runway. That’s when she decided she’d just make the clothes and bags. She really could have made it.”

  “She was a good girl,” said Darek. It was the most he’d heard Bay say nice about anyone in a long time. “I’m so sorry for how it went down. I also know what you’re thinking, and I’m not getting into it with you over Raven, but I also can’t let you go down to the station until you’ve calmed down. I’ll see about arranging something in a few days.”

  Bay watched as Lizzy walked over to talk to the photographer, pointing out things she wanted catalogued.

  “This shit was designed to hurt me when I found it,” Bay said.

  “The killer couldn’t have known you’d be here,” Darek said. “That’s totally against protocol.”

  Bay shook his head. “Then maybe you were supposed to kill her. Either way, Max didn’t go through the trouble of all of this, keeping his fucking mouth shut and waiting like a fiend until we stumbled on Mia. Someone else orchestrated this shit.”

  “On that, we agree,” said Darek.

  Bay nodded. “That anonymous tip? Did Lizzy say who it came from? Male or female?”

  “No,” Darek said. “We were down in the interrogation room, about to talk to Max when it all went down. Someone called, but I never heard the conversation.”

  “My money is on female,” Bay said.

  “Come on, man. Let’s not do this now.” He glanced at Bay with weary eyes. “We need to keep it together. Shit’s about to get ugly. I tell you, if Lizzy ever pops this on him, he’s going to blow.”

  Bay nodded. “I’ll call Lane and warn him. And tell him about Mia.” He let out a long breath. “Christ, I’ve got to go home and tell Lila. When she asks how it happened, how am I going to tell her this shit? That it was ultimately my fault?”

  “It isn’t your fault. It was set up to make you feel like that, but Max did this.”

  “Him and someone else,” Bay said.

  Lizzy walked over. “The CSI guys are here, getting photos and fingerprints. I hope that whoever did this for Max was sloppy. Maybe we’ll find some DNA. It looked as if she had some vaginal bleeding. I’m not sure if that’s from her cycle or if she was assaulted.”

  Darek wanted to tell Bay that if she was raped by a man, it couldn’t have been Raven involved. With Lizzy around, he had to hold that back. “Maybe it was his brother, Otis Jr. He could have been in on this with his brother all along.”

  Bay all but spat. “You’d like that to be true, wouldn’t you? I’m pretty sure that’s Mia’s period. The assholes gave her no fucking dignity. I guess I can be glad she wasn’t pregnant.”

  “We’ll call you when those things come out,” Lizzy said. “If Mia was pregnant, the blood could be a miscarriage from the stress.”

  Bay’s nostrils flared. “Thanks,” he said through gritted teeth. “Isn’t she just a shining example of empathy?”

  Lizzy walked back over to the body, giving Darek a regretful look.

  “She’s just in her work headspace,” Darek said, feeling the need to defend her. “She’s like a whole different person when she’s focused on work.”

  “Who gives a shit?” Bay asked. “I want Max. I’m going to check with my feelers,
see if they found a way to get to him.”

  “Be careful,” said Darek under his breath.

  “I’m going to make sure that someone pays for this. Soon.”

  “Don’t do anything stupid.” He wondered if Bay would try to go after Raven, but he realized Bay would probably leave her alone, knowing she was still in Nashville. Darek considered warning Bay against it, but he didn’t want to put any ideas in Bay’s head.

  Lizzy walked back over. “Before we move her, would you like a moment with her?”

  Bay’s chest swelled with a deep breath, but it didn’t do anything to cleanse the stormy expression from his face. He walked over and brushed her hair back from her face. Tears were still wet on her cheeks. Bay must have seen them too because he brushed them away.

  “I’m sorry, Mia,” he whispered. Darek noticed he didn’t shed a tear of his own, but he had never seen Bay look so pale before, like a ghost of himself.

  Bay walked away without another word and left the building.

  Lizzy joined Darek’s side. “I can’t believe he didn’t tell us about his involvement. To think the victims of Gough’s crimes were right in front of us the whole time, along with the killer? I don’t know about you, but I’m getting tired of the surprises.”

  Darek shook his head. “He’s a victim. He’s ashamed.” He still couldn’t believe that Bay had told Lizzy he’d been molested, too. “I think these men are concerned about their privacy. Both have a lot to lose. We need to make sure we keep this under wraps until necessary.”

  “I still think we have to nail Max’s balls to the wall,” Lizzy said. “And find out who helped him. He didn’t have Mia strapped up like this all on his own. This took skill and planning. They’ve been coming here to take care of her, without a doubt. So, we need to see if there are any security cameras around this area. Something that might show us who has been coming and going.”

  Darek just hoped that it wouldn’t show Raven. He knew in his heart it was a stupid theory, but his brain couldn’t help wonder. No, someone else had to be close to this case, and he was willing to bet it was Otis Jr. or whoever Emily’s sister turned out to be. Anyone but Raven.

  And even though he was ticked off at Bay, he knew he shouldn’t be alone. Someone needed to watch him. Darek dialed Lane’s number, hoping he’d be up for the task, but got no answer.

  Chapter 22


  After what happened, Bay couldn’t face Lila to tell her. He feared too much for his child, more than for his stubborn wife. She already resented him for having a boy like he wanted, and not the daughter she wanted to turn into her little clone.

  Instead, he wanted to get away by himself and thought his crow’s nest at Taunt was the perfect place to be alone.

  Mia had hated it there in the end, but he still remembered the first day he’d brought her up there when she wasn’t quite legal. He had respected her until she was, but her curiosity had gotten the better of them both, and he wanted to sneak her in and let her see what kind of life he had to offer her. She was hooked from the very first night, and he’d left her to be alone with herself to get the full effect.

  She had always been so curious, and when she confessed that she’d been watching him and Lila have sex, he knew she was going to be interesting.

  “You are so hot,” she’d said. “I can’t wait until I can have you. All Lila does is lie there.” Which wasn’t entirely true. “You need someone who bites back.”

  So, just like she was still there with him, he could people watch from his observation deck and hopefully drink enough to forget the sound of the blades ripping through Mia’s flesh like she was nothing but a paper doll. As long as he lived, he’d never get over the sound of the metal chipping past her bones, the gurgle in her throat, and the way her eyes stilled. The expression on her face had faded as the muscles stopped doing their job. She had slipped away right before his eyes.

  He had never wondered what was on the other side, but he hoped that wherever Mia was, it was pink.

  After stopping off for one of his favorite vodkas—one so expensive he didn’t bother keeping it stocked for the club patrons—he turned off the highway, onto the side street where he could easily get to the back lot. He pulled his car back there to use his private entrance, where his security and staff parked, and he noticed that there was already a nice little crowd forming at the front door. The early night crowd was tame compared to the late-night arrivers, but at least they weren’t as worried about being discreet, which fascinated him even more.

  As he got out of his car, already sipping his poison straight from the bottle, he saw someone walking across the lot.

  “You sneaky bitch,” he said.

  He walked across the lot and into the back door, where he stepped inside and saw Raven speaking with the security guard.

  “I’m only here to see Eve,” she said in a defensive tone. “She told me to use the back door. I’m not paying you a cover charge so you can go and snort it up your fat nose.”

  Bay was amused at how she handled his guard, and everything she’d said about him was true. “It’s okay,” said Bay. “I’ll take it from here.”

  Raven’s back stiffened before she spun around. “Great,” she muttered.

  “Funny to see you here,” he said.

  “Is it? I used to practically live here. Shouldn’t be too much of a shock.” She crossed her arms, clutching the shopping bag full of what looked like clothes from Bay’s perspective.

  “And you obviously think that gives you backdoor privileges?” Bay felt a surge of victory. Seeing Raven in New York was all the proof he needed. She’d been the one to help Max, and he was going to prove it. But first, he was going to have a little fun.

  Raven scowled at him. “I’m only here because I’m selling Eve some of my things.”

  “You need money? I thought that last lover of yours left you well off. What happened? Did Nate take you out of the will?”

  “No, it’s not that. It’s just, I’m going to lead a much tamer life in Nashville, so I don’t exactly have any use for hooker boots and leather panties.” She gave a shrug, and Bay thought of how good she would look in a pair of leather panties and nothing else.

  And then he imagined her on fire, wondering how she would scream.

  He had to ask. “So why come back to New York? Darek made it sound like you were gone for good.”

  The poor bastard was going to be heartbroken when he found out that she was involved. Darek had fallen for the woman, and no matter what happened to him and his partner, he would always love her. Some things weren’t easy to let go. Like Mia.

  Raven frowned. “Not that it’s any of your business, but Noah’s here. I came back for him. Once he’s released, we’re moving to Nashville for good. I’ve got all the arrangements in order for the bed and breakfast, so if you’re ever in Nashville, don’t look me up.”

  She was sticking to her story, but Bay wasn’t buying it. She had probably been in New York the whole time. She thought she’d get in and out of Taunt without Bay noticing, since he didn’t usually go there so early.

  “How long have you been back in the city?” he asked.

  “Just landed a few hours ago. I had all of this shit in my luggage for Eve, and I’m making room for Noah’s things when I go back home.”

  Bay winked at her. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell Darek I saw you. You know, Mia always wanted to go to Nashville.” She hadn’t really. He just wanted to read Raven’s expression.

  Raven narrowed her eyes. “Did she?” She showed no emotion either way as Bay carefully watched her eyes. “You should bring her sometime.” She turned and started to walk away, but Bay wasn’t going to have this whore turning her back on him.

  He put his bottle on the floor and hurried to grab her arm. “Little late for that, don’t you think?”

  “I beg your pardon?” She gave him another hard stare, and Bay could tell she was dying to get away from him.

  “Never mind,
” Bay said. “How about you come up to the office and wait for Eve with me? You know, out of all the Zodiacs, I’ve never had the pleasure of your company. Yet you frequented my club more than anyone else. I think I’m the only Zodiac you know that you haven’t had a taste of. We should remedy that, don’t you think?”

  He knew she’d never go along with it, and while he’d never forced his cock on anyone else, he wanted to shake her up with the suggestion.

  She jerked herself away. “I think I should find Eve myself.” She held the bag closer to her side, as if for protection.

  Bay grabbed her and pulled her back to him. “I think you need a lesson in control.” As she struggled, Bay pushed open the downstairs storage room and crowded her inside. “You like others to be in control, don’t you? I bet you’d love a good lesson.”

  “You’re out of your mind.” Her jaw was so tight, he could see the muscles twitch. “Get the fuck off me, Bay. I’m not here for that, and I’d never be with you.”

  “Why is that? Have you heard what a reprehensible bastard I am? Do you know my demons?”

  “Get off me,” she growled. “Before you see my demons.”

  Bay reached down and cupped her mound. “That’s the thanks I get for all of those hot nights you spent in ecstasy in my house? Unacceptable. Besides, our demons want to play together.”

  “Eve will be coming soon,” she said with a hard tone. Her eyes were as wild as a cornered cat’s. “Remove your hand, Bay.”

  Bay smirked. “Come on. Let me inside you, Raven. Be a good girl for me. Turn around and touch your toes. I promise to fuck you good and hard, just like you like it. We can talk about our secrets. I know you have secrets, Raven. A dark-haired, mysterious woman like yourself. And you know I do too. My secrets interest you a lot, don’t they? You know you wanted to hear the truth; the whole story. I can tell you everything.” With each word, he pressed harder, rubbing between her legs. “I bet you’re wet for me already.”


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