Return to Osprey Cove

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Return to Osprey Cove Page 6

by Luisa Marietta Gold

  Alex had always led a somewhat predictable life. He always knew where he was headed. Because his family owned Droxell Outdoor Outfitters, Alex always knew even as a child that one day he would be expected to take over the company. That day was closing in on him fast. Alex never really had the opportunity or desire to deviate from the predictable. But he was about to. Alex decided he was going to buy The Osprey Cove Lodge!

  He hadn't quite figured out all the details of this maverick decision. But just the thought of it gave him a feeling of elation. Unlike some decisions that had created a mental debate, Alex felt one hundred percent sure this was the right thing. He decided to get dressed and head over to the lodge for breakfast. Then he would get the real estate broker's information on the sign and arrange to meet him.

  There was no one at the check-in desk when Alex arrived at the lodge. Apparently, they weren't expecting any new guests to arrive this morning. So Alex headed directly to the dining room. A smile lit up his face as soon as he saw Rose carrying breakfast plates to the tables. The dining room looked more beautiful than ever. The morning sun was streaming through the massive windows that overlooked the lake. The reflection on the crystal glasses on the tables illuminated the room. The wide plank floors glistened as the light from the windows reflected off them. There was a welcoming smell of bacon, eggs, and toast. And colorful pots of steaming tea were sprinkled across the room on the tables. The room was not full, but there was enough guests to create a warm and jovial atmosphere. And Alex's usual corner table was empty! There was no doubt where he would ask to be seated this morning! As if sensing his presence and reading his mind, Rose glanced over. Rose's smile always warmed Alex's heart. But this particular morning it did so more than ever. As she walked toward him, he almost wanted to give her a hug.

  "Mr. Alex, what a wonderful surprise!" Rose said in greeting. "What brings you in today? Are you on that boat of yours again, The Lady . . . I always forget her name?"

  "It's The Lady Droxell, Rose, and, yes, I'm spending the weekend on her."

  "Come this way, Mr. Alex, to your special table. Sit yourself down. Here's the menu. We have some special blueberry pancakes this morning that you might like. I'll be back shortly to take your order."

  "Rose, before you go, tell me about what happened to Mr. Badeau and what you know about the lodge being for sale."

  "Sure, Mr. Alex. Well, it took us all by surprise. It happened so fast. Mr. Badeau just dropped over of a heart attack down by the water as he was getting in one of the boats. He died on the way to the hospital. His son flew here right away. They closed the lodge for about a week. And then, after the services for Mr. Badeau, his son reopened it. Now he is trying to accommodate the guests who had made reservations. But I understand he doesn't want to keep running it. He doesn't want to move his family back here. All the employees are worried about what is going to happen when it's sold. No one is more worried than me. The lodge has been my whole life. I have worked here for thirty years. I'm just hoping the new owner will keep it going."

  "Thanks for sharing that, Rose. I was as shocked as anyone when I arrived last night and saw the FOR SALE sign. You better get back to your tables. We'll talk later."

  "Okay, Mr. Alex. I'll be back to take your order."

  Alex had written down the real estate agent's number. He would contact him right after breakfast.

  Alex felt happier than he had in a long time. There was nothing he enjoyed more than looking at the view from the corner table out onto the cove. It was a beautiful view any time of day, but mornings were especially pleasant. The thought of owning this unique place brought great excitement to Alex. He hadn't thought through all the details yet, but somehow he would make it happen. He was determined to do so. He was sure there would be no financial difficulty in purchasing it. Alex was quite wealthy in his own right. Besides his large salary at the company, Alex had a trust inheritance from his grandparents which he had gotten access to several years ago. He had not touched any of the funds. He knew he could probably pay cash for the lodge if he chose to do that. All he needed to be sure about was that the asking price was commensurate with its value. Alex had many legal and business associates who could assist in that area. What he did need to figure out was who would run the lodge on a day-to-day basis. Alex knew he could not oversee operations of the lodge and run Droxell too.

  Alex was not the least bit concerned about any of the details. He knew this is what he wanted to do. And he felt good about it. He would make it happen.

  Rose made her way over to the table to get Alex's order.

  "So what will you have this morning, Mr. Alex?"

  "I think I will go for the usual -- eggs, toast, Canadian bacon and a pot of tea."

  "You got it, Mr. Alex, I'll be right out with it."

  Alex enjoyed his breakfast even more than usual this morning. Everything in the world seemed right again since Alex had made the decision to buy the lodge. What a difference a few hours had made in his mood. He no longer felt unhappy and lonely.

  Immediately after breakfast Alex left the lodge and headed for The Lady to call the agent. The agent agreed to meet him at the lodge at 1:00 PM.

  Alex took The Lady Droxell out for a leisurely cruise until it was time for his meeting with Mr. Reid.

  Chapter Twelve


  Mr. Harrodson and Catherine entered the taxi that would take them to the upscale restaurant that he had selected to take her to lunch. There was not a lot of conversation between them as they both had many thoughts running through their heads. Catherine was questioning her decision to lunch with a complete stranger. She knew nothing about him other than what he had told her -- that his wife had gone missing, and that he had owned the Corvette that Doug had bought. How do I know his wife has gone missing? How do I know if he even has a wife? She was not usually this easily persuaded. Maybe it is the pregnancy hormones affecting me, she thought.

  Mr. Harrodson was thinking about his reason for having lunch with Catherine. He needed to try to determine whether his wife Eva and Doug had been involved with each other in any way. If Doug had been involved with Eva and her plan was to double-cross him, then Doug was a link to finding what he was looking for. He acknowledged to himself that it was a weak link since Doug had been killed. But it was all he had to go on for the moment. He would give it his best shot. He also thought that Catherine seemed like a nice person; she certainly was attractive. Having lunch with her would be pleasant no matter what the outcome.

  "Thank you for agreeing to have lunch with me, Ms. Wellin. When you said your husband had also disappeared and then been killed, I felt as though you might be able to relate to what I am going through. I felt you might understand the desperation I am feeling to try to find her."

  "Well, I must confess it is out of character for me to accept invitations to lunch with complete strangers, but I do feel empathy for your situation. It is strange that we have had similar experiences. I hope that you have a better outcome than I did."

  The conversation between them remained casual and light while they ate their food. They discussed how good the food was and how nice the atmosphere of the restaurant was. They also discussed other restaurants that they both enjoyed in the city. As they were finishing their meal and having coffee, Mr. Harrodson decided he would attempt to elicit the information he wanted. He knew that he had to do it tactfully so as not to send up red flags and break off communication with her. It was not going to be easy to find out the nature of the relationship Catherine had with her husband. But he would give it his best shot.

  "Yes, I am hoping that perhaps Eva just decided she wasn't happy in our marriage. She may have decided she needed a break from our relationship. That is not a pleasant thought to me, but it is better than the alternative, that something sinister has happened to her. There was no sign that she was unhappy, but I recognize the fact that it might have been the case. It's the 'not knowing' that has been difficult."

  Catherine could har
dly believe what she was hearing. It was as though this man whom she had just met was reliving the exact anguish she had gone through after Doug disappeared. He was precisely articulating what had gone through her mind at that time. He was expressing the same feelings she had felt during Doug's disappearance. She felt an instant bond with him. Her compassion for him became even more engaged.

  Mr. Harrodson could sense by the expression on Catherine's face that what he had said had resonated with her. He once again could see that Catherine was feeling compassion for his situation and was relating to it. This was good, he thought. He hoped it would cause her to open up and express her feelings. He needed her to talk about the relationship she and Doug had before the accident. He wanted to find out whether Doug might have assisted Eva in the betrayal, if, in fact, it was a betrayal. It also entered his mind that he should try to find out where this accident occurred. If they had taken off together, Eva might still be in the area of the crash.

  Catherine did not acknowledge that she too had asked herself if Doug's disappearance was due to his unhappiness with her. Sadly, it had been confirmed that this was true in her case. She only said, "Thinking that they were unhappy is one of the thoughts that enters one's mind when a mate disappears. Hopefully, there is another explanation for your wife's disappearance."

  "I don't recall if you mentioned where your husband's accident occurred, Ms. Wellin?"

  Catherine was somewhat taken aback by this direct question. She wondered of what relevance to him it was where Doug's accident occurred. She started to tense up again and wonder why she was here with this stranger. Why would he want to know where Doug's accident happened? He was now asking questions that were making her feel uncomfortable.

  "He was out of town when it happened. He rarely drove the car in the city." Catherine then made a special point to look at her watch and said, "I hadn't realized how late it has gotten, I need to get back to the office. Thank you for lunch, Mr. Harrodson."

  Mr. Harrodson realized he had probed too much and caused her to become uncomfortable. This had caused an abrupt end to the conversation. There was little he could do at this point except try to leave Catherine with a good impression of him. He hoped that he would have another opportunity to see her. He needed more information.

  He called the waiter over to get the check. He then attempted to repair the damage he sensed he had done with his abrupt question about the location of Doug's death. He said, "I can't tell you how happy I am that you agreed to have lunch with me. Going through this alone has been difficult. Eva and I were close. We had been married for almost ten years. I didn't realize how difficult it would be to not have her around. It's downright lonely, to be honest. It was nice to have someone to talk with. And I sense that perhaps you understand a little bit of what I'm feeling. Well, enough of that, let's get you back to work."

  His words started to push Catherine's compassion button again, but this time, she allowed her head to respond and not her heart.

  "I hope things turn out well for you, Mr. Harrodson. I really do. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help. It was a lovely lunch, but I must be going. There is no need to ride back with me. I'll get my own taxi," Catherine said as she rose from the table and shook his hand.

  Max stood there and watched her exit the restaurant. He definitely needed to figure out a way to see her again. He had a gut feeling that there was some connection between his missing wife, the missing diamonds, the fiery crash of the Corvette, and the death of its second owner.

  There were secrets yet to be discovered.

  . . .

  Catherine arrived back at the office. Her head was spinning. Would her life ever get back to normal? What was normal for her now? Would she ever be able to put thoughts of Doug and the crash behind her? Her hand touched her belly. It's not likely I will ever be able to put Doug out of my mind -- not when I'm carrying his child.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Doug sat on the hillside terrace of his newly-named The Villa Castlebury. He was sipping on a gin and tonic waiting for Isabella to serve him lunch. A view of the crystal blue water of the Bay of Banderas stretched out before him. The beauty of this natural bay was breathtaking. Even Doug, who was not usually inclined to acknowledge natural beauty, found it to be so. One of the reasons Doug had selected Puerto Vallarta to start his new life was this beautiful natural bay off the Pacific. The Banderas Bay, one of Mexico's largest natural bays, provided the opportunity to engage in many water sports. This was most appealing to Doug.

  As he sat there enjoying the view and waiting for his lunch, he thought about all the things he wanted to do in his new home here in Puerto Vallarta. Many of the things involved the beautiful waters before him. Doug had already gotten a taste of parasailing during his Saint Martin vacation and loved it. Parasailing was popular here; he planned to do a lot of it. He thought about learning to surf. Perhaps he would buy a sea kayak and enjoy the bay in it. While Doug was more of a hands-on guy, he was also intrigued by what he had read and heard about whale-watching in these waters. Starting in December the locals told him he would see humpback whales when they came to the bay during their annual migration from the cold waters of Alaska to give birth in the warm waters of the bay.

  The hillside location of The Villa Castlebury also provided a view of the bright green foliage of the Sierra Madre Mountains. The contrast between the brilliant green color of the mountains and the intense blue waters of the bay was breathtaking.

  "Here is your lunch, sir," Isabella said as she brought Doug a colorful Mexican dish that smelled as good as it looked.

  Doug knew little about Isabella other than that she had done an excellent job in getting his villa back in order and was a great cook. He decided he should learn more about her.

  "Thank you, Isabella, it looks fantastic. Sit down for a minute and chat. Would you like to bring a plate out and eat it with me?"

  "Oh no, Mr. Castlebury, I will eat later in the kitchen. But I will sit with you if you like."

  "So, tell me about yourself, Isabella. All I know about you is that you worked for another American family before coming here."

  "Yes, that is right -- the McDonald family. I enjoyed working for them, but they returned to America."

  "Tell me about your family. Do you live with your parents?"

  "Oh no, sir, I have a husband and a baby."

  Doug was caught off guard when he heard she was married. He assumed she was single because she was so young. But things were different here in Mexico. He was even more surprised to hear her say she had a child. Perhaps that was why his attempts at flirtation had met with little success.

  "I didn't know you were married and had a baby. Who watches your child while you are here?"

  "My mother takes care of him."

  "I see. Well, you are doing a good job, Isabella. I'm happy with your work."

  "Thank you, sir."

  With that, Isabella went back to her chores, and Doug continued daydreaming about all his plans. His mind drifted back to a conversation he had with his friend Will. They had been seated by the pool at their resort in Saint Martin. He asked Will if he ever thought about quitting his job and moving away to an island like Saint Martin. Doug commented that many people were doing it these days. Perhaps it was back there where the seed was planted for this new life. After his find in the secret compartment of the Corvette, Doug did quit his job and soon made the dream a reality.

  The one thing missing in Doug's new life was friends. Recalling his conversation with Will had brought this to mind. He had gone to dinner a few times at the country club, but so far it hadn't produced any new acquaintances. It was not easy meeting people when one didn't work. Perhaps, he thought, after I get my Vette, I'll start meeting people. Corvettes did attract attention. He hoped so. Living in Paradise was great. But you needed someone to share it with to enjoy it.

  Tomorrow was the big day. It was the day his flight left to go back to the States to buy his Corv

  . . .

  Doug had arranged to fly to Tucson to buy the Corvette. He had researched that he could pick up his route back to Puerto Vallarta, National Highway 15, about an hour south of Tucson. Doug was a little apprehensive about making the trip to Tuscon. Most of the apprehension was because he had only used his new IDs once to get himself to Mexico. He had not had a problem then. He hoped things would go smoothly again. He was not too concerned about being recognized. His new blond hair had dramatically changed his appearance. He had purchased several new sets of shades. He would wear them as much as possible while he was in the States. He felt confident that his altered appearance would keep him from being recognized. Besides everyone who knew him lived on the East Coast.

  Doug headed to the airport in his long-term rental. He planned to turn it in at the airport. I hope I never see this 'piece of junk' again, he thought.

  Doug got through the boarding process at the airport without a glitch. He sighed a heavy sigh of relief once he got settled in his seat. His seat wasn't the greatest. He was way in the back of the plane. He hadn't made his reservation early enough to have much of a seating choice. For a brief moment where he was seated made him think about Catherine. He knew she always had to have a middle of the plane, over the wing seat. Catherine would never have sat back here, he thought. It was a mere casual thought of her. Catherine rarely came into his mind these days. He had only one dominating thought in his mind today, and that was buying his Corvette. Doug was more concerned whether the Tucson dealerships would have a red Corvette in stock than being recognized.


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