Return to Osprey Cove

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Return to Osprey Cove Page 7

by Luisa Marietta Gold

  Doug had the misfortune of not only being seated in the back of the plane but being seated next to an older lady bent on having a conversation with him.

  "I'm traveling home to visit my daughter in Tucson. She has just had her second child -- a boy. We were all hoping for a girl, but some things are out of our hands. My husband and I retired to Mexico ten years ago. We love it there, but sometimes we miss the States. We try to go back as often as we can to visit our children and grandchildren. We have five grandchildren now. Four boys and one girl. The other grandchildren live in New Jersey. We don't see them quite as often. Do you have children, Mr . . . What did you say your name was?"

  "Castlebury. No, I don't have children. I would like to chat some more, but I'm not feeling well. I need to try to rest if you don't mind."

  "Oh, I'm sorry you are not well. These are not the best seats. It is a bit rough back here. Well, I'll let you rest. If you need to get up and visit the restroom, it's no problem to let you out."

  "Thank you. Enjoy your stay in Tucson."

  "I will. I was rude in not asking who you were going to visit."

  Will this never end? Doug asked himself. "I'm going to Tucson on business. I must rest now."

  "Oh yes, I'm sorry. Please rest, dear."

  Doug did fall asleep. He woke up when he heard the pilot announce they would be landing shortly. He glanced over at 'Grandma Chatterbox' and found that she had fallen asleep. The announcement had not wakened her. Doug was thankful.

  Doug felt a high level of excitement as he entered the Tucson terminal. He was so close to getting his new Vette.

  He lamented that he would have to deal with one more rental car to get him to his motel and then to the dealership.

  . . .

  The dealership did not have a red Corvette in stock. But they were able to have one delivered from another dealership the next day. The salesman was accommodating to Doug and helped him get all the necessary paperwork for him to drive the car back to Puerto Vallarta. He did annoy Doug in his efforts to try to discourage him from driving it back. He kept talking about having it shipped. He tried to convince Doug that it was a difficult trip. He said it could also be dangerous. There were many reports of bandidos.

  Doug was not the least bit concerned. He was up for an adventure. All was right with the world. He had his new Torch Red Corvette!

  Chapter Fourteen


  Alex arrived about ten minutes early for his meeting with the real estate agent, Mr. Reid. Upon arriving, Alex immediately walked up to the front porch. The charming porch surrounded the front and both sides of the lodge. Alex looked closely at the craftsmanship of the front porch. It was truly a work of art. It was a testament to the craftsmen of the 1912 era when the lodge had been built. It had its original railings of turned, white spindles. As Alex glanced the length of the porch, he saw the tables dressed with patterned tablecloths and lace toppers. There were beautiful antique containers filled with fresh flowers on each table. Guests were seated at these lovely tables still enjoying lemonade and pastries on this warm autumn day. It looked like a scene out of a Victorian novel.

  Alex began to reminisce about the pleasant time he had spent on this porch with Catherine during their business meeting a few months ago. He recalled their pleasant conversation as they sipped lemonade and sampled pastries. He remembered her reaction when he pointed out the Osprey nest for which the lodge was named. It was a happy memory. His pleasant memory was interrupted when Mr. Reid arrived.

  "You must be Mr. Droxell," Mr. Reid said extending his hand.

  "Yes, sir, I'm pleased to meet you and glad that you were able to meet with me on such short notice. I hope I haven't interrupted any weekend plans."

  "Real estate agents are quite used to working on the weekends; don't give it any mind. I'm glad to be here and looking forward to showing you this beautiful property. Would you like to start a tour?"

  "Yes, let's do that. I have been a guest of the lodge since I was a young lad, so I am familiar with the lodge to some extent."

  "Well then, you know how charming it is. What are your plans for it, Mr. Droxell? If you were to buy it, would you run it much the same as it has been run all these years?"

  "Yes, that is the idea. I would want to change as little as possible. That is one of my motivations for wanting to buy it. I do not want to see it changed. It has been an important part of my life."

  "I'm glad to hear that. I have also been a guest of the lodge many times over the years. In fact, Mr. Badeau and I were good friends. I can hardly believe he is gone. I hope the new buyer will keep the lodge running in much the same manner as my dear friend did."

  Mr. Reid and Alex took a detailed tour of the lodge including the outside property. Alex was not aware how much of the surrounding land was owned by The Osprey Cove Lodge. It seemed surreal to him as he walked the property that he might soon be the new owner of this place that he loved so much and felt such an attachment to. There was nothing that Alex saw while touring the property with Mr. Reid that made him less interested in buying the lodge. In fact, his anticipation and eagerness to do so was only enhanced.

  After the tour, Alex and Mr. Reid sat back down on the front porch. They discussed the asking price, financing options, and other details of its sale. It was such a lovely autumn day; it seemed only natural that their discussion should take place on the porch. The spectacular fall foliage of the surrounding trees was creating beautiful reflections of color on the surface of the lake. The lake's surface was like a sheet of glass. The sky was a typical Canadian sky with its intense blue color accented by billowy white clouds. They enjoyed lemonade and pastries along with the other guests seated there this day. In a short time, in this pleasant atmosphere, Alex had gotten from Mr. Reid all the information he felt he needed to start the process of deciding if he wanted to buy the lodge.

  When their discussion had ended, Alex stood and said, "Thank you, Mr. Reid, you have done an excellent job in giving me the information I need. I will be back in touch with you shortly."

  Mr. Reid handed Alex his business card and encouraged him to call back with any questions or if he would like to take another tour.

  Alex watched Mr. Reid drive away up the beautiful tree-lined drive that ran to the lodge. He sat back down and went into deep thought.

  Am I crazy thinking about buying The Osprey Cove Lodge? Who is going to run it? Being a guest here is far different from owning it. I am supposed to leave for several months to work in the field in two days. Is it practical to think I can keep this lodge going even if I hire a manager? And what about my responsibilities as president and CEO of Droxell? Then there is the financial aspect of it. Is it a good investment for me?

  It was a large sum of money -- a bit more than Alex had anticipated. He had not been aware of the extensive amount of land surrounding the lodge. Alex needed to be sure that his emotional attachment to The Osprey Cove Lodge did not cloud good business sense. Although Alex felt that he had already made a decision, he decided that he would think about it for the rest of the day and sleep on it. Alex had found that often sleeping over a major decision allowed him to wake up with the right answers. He debated discussing it with his parents. Alex valued his parents' opinion on matters. He knew his father had a good business mind and would be of help to him. But Alex felt a strong desire to make this decision on his own. He did not want to be influenced by his parents. If he decided to go forward with buying it, he would call them. But it would be after his final decision was made.

  Alex left the lodge and headed back to The Lady Droxell. He changed into some running clothes and decided to go for a jog. The last time he jogged had been with Rosalind. He may have unconsciously avoided it because of the memories it brought back to him. But this day, he thought running would help him clear his mind so that he could make a good decision. This would be a major decision in his life. It would have an impact on his future life. He wanted to make the right decision.
r />   It was a beautiful day for a jog. The air was crisp and cool, but comfortable. The foliage was just slightly past its prime. There were as many of the fiery-colored leaves on the ground as in the trees. The leaves cushioned the ground making it feel soft as he tread across it. The air had the fragrance of autumn. How did one describe the fragrance of fall? It was impossible. But it was unmistakable. It was delightful.

  Alex jogged the area around the marina where The Lady was docked. Alex loved the sight of all the boats docked in the marina. There was a variety of boats occupying the slips. There were sailboats of varying sizes, their tall masts casting unique shadows in the water. There were houseboats with welcoming decks furnished with comfortable chairs and colorful wind socks. There also were other cabin cruisers, but none as beautiful as The Lady Droxell. If it was possible to be in love with a boat, Alex was surely in love with The Lady.

  Alex continued his jog over toward the property boundary of The Osprey Cove Lodge. When he reached the area that he knew was The Osprey Cove Lodge land, Alex had a unique feeling come over him. He felt an affinity toward the beauty that surrounded him. The earth beneath his feet, the trees rising majestically above him, and the leaves that rustled so melodiously all around him seemed to be calling out to him. It was as though they were saying to him, "You belong here with us."

  Alex jogged a little further inside the property that he knew was part of the lodge. He gradually slowed his paced and stopped dead still in the center of the woods. Through the trees, he got just the slightest glimpse of The Osprey Cove Lodge. It looked magical. He allowed his glance to wander from the lodge to the large trees next to him. As he saw the sun reflecting off the blazing colors of the leaves, Alex knew he had made his decision. He did not need to think about it anymore. He did not need to sleep on it.

  Alex was going to buy The Osprey Cove Lodge.

  . . .

  Alex waited until morning to phone Mr. Reid and present an offer. About an hour later, Mr. Reid called back and said Mr. Badeau's son had accepted the offer. Alex was under contract to buy the lodge. It had been little more than 24 hours since he had seen the FOR SALE sign. His first thought was that he should call his parents. He had no idea what their response would be. This was out of character for their predictable son.

  "Hello, Dad."

  "Alex, I didn't expect to hear from you this weekend. You never call when you are spending the weekend with The Lady. Is everything all right, Son?"

  "Everything is fine. In fact, everything is great. I have some good news to share with you."

  His father's first thought was that he hoped his son hadn't entered into another quick relationship. "Well, what is it Alex? Shall I call your mother over to the phone?"

  "Yes, I think she might like to hear it directly from me."

  "Julia, come over to the phone, it's Alex. He says he has some good news to share with us."

  "Good news?" Julia whispered in a low tone as she walked toward the phone. She, too, got concerned that he had jumped into another relationship after being rejected by Rosalind. She had seen far too many rebound relationships in her lifetime. They never worked.

  "Okay, Son, your mother is here. What is your good news?"

  "Well, I made a major purchase today." A sigh of relief came over both his parents almost simultaneously. They had a profound sense of relief that it wasn't another engagement announcement. Alex continued, "I bought The Osprey Cove Lodge today!"

  "You did what?" Alex's mother and father said in unison.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Catherine was glad to get back to her office after her lunch with Mr. Harrodson. He seemed like a nice enough guy, but he just made her feel uncomfortable. She felt especially uncomfortable when he had asked her where Doug's accident occurred. It did seem odd that both of their spouses had disappeared and had both been owners of the Corvette. Well, she was tired of thinking of the accident, Doug, and Mr. Harrodson. She entered the reception area of her office where Jill's desk was. She found Jill hanging up her coat, just getting back from lunch herself.

  "So how was your lunch with the handsome, mysterious stranger?" Jill quipped.

  "It went fine. He seems like a nice gentleman. I know you are dying to know why he wanted to see me. So here goes -- his wife was the previous owner of Doug's Corvette, and she has gone missing. The last time she was seen was in the Corvette. He was hoping to look at the car to see if he could find any clue to her disappearance. Of course, we know that's not possible since the car was destroyed in the crash."

  "Well, I'm sorry to hear his wife went missing. He not only looks like James Bond, but there is intrigue connected with his visit as well."

  "You are incorrigible, Jill! I think you read too many mystery novels!" Catherine said laughing. "Maybe I'm not keeping you busy enough that you have time to dream up all this intrigue."

  "You know I'm just kidding. But you do have to admit he is handsome."

  "That he is," Catherine replied. "I appreciate your sense of humor, Jill. I need humor in my life right now. And, Jill, I have appreciated how you have kept things running smoothly here at the office during all that has happened lately. I don't think I tell you often enough what a great job you do."

  "Thank you, Catherine. I know you appreciate me. And it goes without saying how much I enjoy working for you. I consider you a friend as well as my boss."

  "That means a lot to me, Jill. You know, we haven't been to lunch for a while. Why don't we make plans for one day this week? What is a good day on my schedule and for you?"

  "That sounds nice, Catherine." Jill scanned Catherine's appointment book on her desk and replied, "Friday looks good for you. It's good for me, too."

  "Great! Let's do it. Where would you like to go?"

  "You pick the place. You get around more than me. You probably know a place that is good."

  "The restaurant I went to today with Mr. Harrodson was excellent. It was my first time there. Let me try to find the number and you can call and make a reservation."

  "Well, now I'm excited. I like trying new places -- especially one that would attract 'James Bond' types."

  Catherine smiled and went into her office. Jill marked their lunch date in Catherine's appointment book.

  . . .

  Mr. Harrodson stared out the window of his posh office located on the twenty-first floor of an elite high-rise building in the city. Mr. Harrodson was an executive vice president of a large pharmaceutical company. He was well-respected in the industry and earned a six-figure salary. He was proficient in his role as executive vice president. The rumor mill had it that he would be the likely candidate for CEO when his boss retired in a few years. He was also a jewel thief, and a good one. As he stood staring at the city below him, he thought about the heist he had just masterminded. Not only was he interested in recovering the fortune in diamonds, but he was concerned about what happened to his wife, and for the first time in his career that he might be caught. The diamonds were no longer under his control. He had no idea where they were. Eva was missing. Did she have the diamonds? Would she expose him if she was caught? Did someone intercept her, harm or kill her, and take the diamonds? The mind that was able to craft the nearly perfect heist was now working overtime trying to find the answers to these questions. He kept arriving at the same conclusion. There had to be a connection between Ms. Wellin's husband's disappearance, the Corvette, and his lost diamonds. He needed to pursue Ms. Wellin. But how? He doubted she would agree to see him again. He had played the sympathy card a little too hard.

  He sat back down at his desk and began scanning his computer for any news reports relating to the diamonds. It had been some time since the heist. After the initial reporting, coverage had died. He hoped the press would remain quiet until he could figure out what happened.

  The intercom sounded and interrupted his web surfing.

  "I'm heading out to lunch, Mr. Harrodson," his secretary announced. "Would you like me to bring yo
u something back?"

  "No, thank you, Clara, I hadn't realized it was that time already. I think I'll eat out today. Thanks for asking. Enjoy your lunch. Take your time, no need to rush back."

  "Thank you, Mr. Harrodson."

  . . .

  Jill was excited about having lunch with Catherine today. She did feel as though they had a relationship as friends as well as boss/secretary. She rapped lightly on Catherine's door.

  "I made the reservations for 12:15 PM. Do you think we should leave now?"

  "Oh my, I had no idea the morning had flown by. Yes, let me grab my jacket and we'll head out."

  Jill and Catherine arrived at the restaurant and were seated at a quiet corner table. The restaurant exuded class. It had an aura of old world elegance -- rarely found anymore. It was dimly lit, with candles flickering at each table. The white linen tablecloths, dark wood, antique style chairs, and crystal chandeliers gave it a formal atmosphere. But it was not intimidating; it had a subdued and relaxed atmosphere. Catherine especially enjoyed it because it was quiet. Catherine disliked the new modern-style restaurants in the city that were so loud that it was difficult to have a good conversation. The restaurant was a perfect setting for her lunch with Jill.

  "This is lovely, Catherine. I can see why you wanted to come back again. This is a great table, too. Thank you for bringing me here."

  "I knew you would like it. You're welcome, Jill, you deserve it. I appreciate all you do for me."

  The menu was extensive. Both Catherine and Jill were studying it intently trying to make a selection. Catherine looked up from the menu as she heard someone addressing her.


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