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Page 4

by Grace Kagni

  The tables were set up in rows of three and the first row was a couple of metres from the stage where there was a microphone. They were seated at a table in the centre of the first row, directly in front of the stage.

  The table sat eight people and sitting with them was another politician with his wife, the President of the Italian Cancer Society with his wife and the Director of the Milan Hospital and his wife.

  The food was plentiful and delicious, making the evening pass slowly as each dish was served in between speeches from important dignitaries. Just before they served the dessert, Alessandro was called up to the stage to say a few words. Alessia sat back and watched as she was mesmerized by his handsome looks and charismatic character. He thanked the guests for having participated in the important dinner to raise funds for the Cancer Society and when he finished, the guests stood up to applaud. Alessia stood with the other guests at her table and overheard them saying how much the Minister had done for the Cancer Society. She felt a thrill run through her thinking how important and impressive he looked standing before the guests. She knew that she could never stand before a crowd of people and give a speech. He seemed so comfortable doing it that it blew her mind away.

  She was lost in her thoughts when he came to stand next to her. "Amore, are you ok? You seem distant," he said as he took her hand and raised it to his lips to kiss the back of it.

  They sat down as the other guests did the same and she looked at him, smiling and said, "It's such a lovely evening."

  "Yes it is and I'm pleased that you're here to share it with me," he said.

  The rest of the evening went quickly and they were soon in the car escorted by the guards back to their hotel suite. As soon as they made it inside their hotel suite door, he turned hungry eyes onto her and commanded her to go to the bedroom and wait for him. So she went to the bedroom and sat on the bed waiting, fully dressed. She didn't know if he wanted to undress her or if he would command her to do it so to be on the safe side, she waited. He didn't come right away and as she started to feel the soreness of her ass from sitting so long on the welts, she decided to stand. Just as she stood, he walked into the room and she saw he'd already taken off his suit jacket and pulled off his tie. He walked to her and told her, "Turn around." She turned and immediately felt his hands unzipping her dress down her back and then she felt him unhooking her bra just before he slipped his hands under the material and stroked her breasts in his hands. He pulled her body up against his chest and she could feel against her backside, his arousal, hard and ready inside his pants.

  "Bend over," he said.

  She bent over and then he asked, "What are you supposed to say when I give you an order?" he asked, pulling her back up from her hair, facing her with dark smoky eyes.

  "Yes Minister," she said, remembering her cue.

  "That's more like it now bend over," he repeated.

  "Yes Minister," she said, as she bent over while her dress still covered her body. He knelt down and pulled her dress up over her ass and then with his teeth pulled her panties down to her knees, leaving her silk stalkings as they gripped her thighs. She felt the wetness build up between her legs as she was fully exposed for him to tease and prod as he wished. Then he got up and left the room. He didn't say anything about moving so she stayed bent, not wanting to be punished again and seconds later, he returned with an object in his hand. She wasn't sure what it was but as soon as he turned it on, he realized it was a vibrator. He moved it to the opening of her folds and held it there a moment as the wetness grew and dripped down her legs. Then he pushed it in further and unzipped his pants, pulled out a condom and pushed himself into her anal cavity. She suddenly felt pain and fear groping at her throat.

  What was he doing? Was he insane? She wasn't into that sort of thing but as he pushed himself further and he pushed the vibrator deeper into her folds, she felt a thrilling sensation build up inside and she found herself experiencing an orgasm she'd never before felt. He was pushing in and out of her anal cavity as the vibrator moved and pushed her further into ecstasy until she couldn't stand anymore from the sheer weakness in her legs.

  She nearly collapsed if it weren't for Alessandro's strong arms holding her up while he found his release. As he groaned loudly and bent over her back to feel the pleasure deep inside, he pulled out the vibrator and then set them down onto the carpeted floor while he lay still inside as he regained his breathing. They lay for several moments as he held her from behind while he whispered soothing words into her hear.

  He pulled himself out of her and turned off the vibrator then said, "You did very well. Was this you first time having anal sex?"

  "Yes and I don't think I would have let anyone else try that on me," she whispered with what little voice she still had.

  He kissed the back of her head as they lay still for a while longer then he got up, taking her into her arms and walked over the bed to devour her body all over again, gently and with loving hands this time.

  They lay spent after the second time, slowly drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter Two

  When they woke up the next day, they made love once again and after room service brought their breakfast, Alessia pulled out her iPad as they were eating to see what was on the Minister's agenda for the day and she saw he had a full agenda, starting with a 9:00 meeting with the Mayor of Milano.

  After giving him a brief description of what his day would be like, she looked at him and asked, "How do you bear the long hours of back to back meetings? I think I'll be exhausted after a day like this!"

  "Mia Cara, it comes with the job. You get used to it after a while but I promise that you won't need to accompany me to all the meetings. I'll need you to run a few errands for me this morning, so after you've dropped me off, you can have the driver take you to do what I need done," he said as he drank his espresso and ate the miniature cornetti. After finishing their breakfast, they went to separate bathrooms to have a shower and get ready for the day. He knew that if they'd washed together, he'd be late for the meeting with the Mayor.

  Alessia stepped out of the dressing room, ready for the day wearing a black skirt, a cream coloured blouse and a black silk jacket. She looked very elegant and as soon as she met the Minister in the living area, he grinned in approval of her attire.

  "You look beautiful dressed like that. If it weren't for the importance of my meetings today, I'd take you back to the bedroom and ravage your body all over again," he said, as he leant down to kiss her below her ear. He pulled her earlobe into his mouth, sucking on it, sending shivers down her back in expectation of what he would do to her when they returned after their long day of meetings. He inhaled her perfume, making his arousal grow and as he continued to suck her earlobe and kiss the sensitive skin on the back of her ear, he took her hand and placed it between his crotch where she felt his hardness.

  "I'll want you to suck me hard tonight when we come back," he said with a groan, as he pulled away from her with great effort in his dominant tone.

  "Yes Minister," she said in her submissive voice as she felt her panties moisten from the thought.

  He grabbed his portfolio while she grabbed her bag and the iPad before they left the suite to start their day. "I've sent you a few emails with the things I want you to do for me this morning, so after you've dropped me off at my first meeting, I'd like you to go to the shops I've written down and pick up the packages. Read one email at a time and when you have completed the task in that email, you proceed to the next email. Don't come back until you've picked up all the packages I've asked. Understand?" he said in a dominant tone.

  "Yes, of course," Alessia said. She watched as they drove past some of the main sites in Milano, passing the Duomo which she'd always seen on television but never had a chance to visit, until they arrived at the Comune di Milano building, which hosted the Mayor's offices.

  He kissed her lightly on the lips and then stepped out as the guards followed close behind on his way into the building. She
watched as people on the street stopped him, wanting to shake his hand. He politely stopped to say hello and then his guards distanced the people enough for him to walk into the building.

  She opened her mailbox on the iPad and saw his first message. It provided an address and said to collect a package. The message didn't say what she needed to collect but that it would be waiting for him inside so she gave the driver the address and looked out at the city while the car drove through the tight streets to the first destination.

  She got out and went inside to ask for a package for His Excellency Alessandro Medici-Visconti. She looked around at the shop as she waited while the sales lady went to the back to get the package, she noticed that it was a lingerie shop selling men and women's items, so she thought he'd ordered himself some undergarments.

  The lady came back out with a package wrapped nicely in a gift bag with a sealed note attached. Alessia took the bag from the lady, said thank you and went back out to the car. The driver took the bag and placed it in the trunk of the car while Alessia got in. Then she opened her mailbox again and read the second email he sent. It provided another address and so after giving the drive instructions, she sat back again and watched as they drove through the city streets.

  The car stopped in front of a building that didn't seem to be a shop, so when she stepped out and looked at the building, she asked the driver if he was sure it was the correct address. He confirmed it was what she gave him and so she took out her iPad to read the message again and it indicated an apartment number. So after finding the number on the intercom, she buzzed and a voice told her to go to the first floor, apartment 2. She walked up the first flight of stairs and found the door already open. It had a sign on the door indicating it was a business, so she pushed the door open and went inside. A receptionist greeted her and when she told her she was there for a package for the Minister, the lady smiled and called someone, telling Alessia the person would be right with her. The receptionist told her she could have a seat and so she sat down in one of the comfy chairs.

  She was there for a little over 10 minutes when finally an elegant middle-aged lady approached her holding a small letter sized envelope. She greeted Alessia, gave her the envelope and then left. Alessia looked at the envelope, feeling something hard inside like a credit card and thought it must have been exactly that - a credit card or an ATM card. So she tucked it into her handbag and went back down the stairs and outside to the waiting car. She got back inside as the driver held her door open and then she pulled out the iPad to read the next email.

  The third email gave another address and so after giving the details to the driver, she sat back again and waited to reach the destination. Again she was surprised by the destination but stepped out of the car and walked to the front of the building, buzzing the company name as indicated in the email. She was immediately buzzed in and she took the elevator to the top floor as instructed by the voice at the intercom.

  Stepping out of the elevator, she pushed through the doors that said "Medici-Visconti Designs" and went to the receptionist to ask for a package for Minister Medici-Visconti. She was shown to a room where a few models were being fitted with gowns that she thought were absolutely beautiful; most probably beautiful on the models because of their height and figure.

  Alessia waited patiently as she was told that someone would be with her in a few minutes, so she sat and watched while the models moved around in the room, gowns flowing as they drifted by giving the impression of being at a fashion show. She'd never been to a fashion show but she enjoyed watching them as they walked to see how the material of the gowns swayed while they moved.

  She was lost in her thoughts when a young woman that had the same eyes as Alessandro approached her.

  "Buongiorno Alessia," the lady said with friendly eyes.

  "Buongiorno, how do you know my name?" Alessia asked.

  "My brother, Alessandro, told me you'd be coming by this morning," she said.

  "Oh, you're Alessandro's sister?" Alessia asked.

  "Yes, I'm Valentina Medici-Visconti," she said, as she extended her hand to shake Alessia's.

  "It's nice to meet you. I'm Alessia Ferrara but I guess you already know that," Alessia said.

  "Oh yes, my brother has done nothing but talk to me about you," she said.


  "Yes, really!" she said as her eyes danced while she grinned knowing how her brother felt about Alessia.

  "I didn't know Alessandro had family in Milano."

  "Well, my brother is not one to give out personal information about himself and he doesn't normally talk about a woman either, but he seems to be quite taken by you," Valentina said.

  "Well, I'm happy that we've had a chance to meet. Am I here to pick up something for Alessandro?" Alessia asked.

  "No, actually you're here so I can take make some alterations on a dress he commissioned from me," Valentina said.

  "A dress for me?" Alessia asked feeling suddenly a rush of heat on her face at the thought that Alessandro had taken the time to ask his sister to design a dress for her.

  "Yes, you must be very special to him because he's never asked me to do this before so let's not waste more time. We'll have plenty of time to get to know each other now that you're in Milano, so come with me," Valentina said, as she showed her through a door to another room that was private.

  In the room, on a mannequin was the most beautiful dress that Alessia had ever seen. It was a cream coloured chiffon full-length evening gown with beads hand sewn on the material. The back was open, forming a V. It was simple but so elegant that she felt her eyes dampen from the beauty of the dress.

  "Do you like it?" Valentina asked.

  "I love it - I feel so honoured to have such a beautifully designed gown."

  "I'm happy now you'll need to put it on so my seamstress can make the final alterations before you can wear it tonight," Valentina said as she pulled it off the mannequin and hung it behind the partition changing area. "I'll have to help you put it on because it's full of pins still and my brother would never forgive me if you hurt yourself with the pins," she said with a twinkle in her eye.

  Alessia started to undress and let Valentina help her into the beautiful gown, which fit like a glove. There were very little alterations to make and as she stepped away from the changing area, Valentina passed her a pair of matching shoes.

  "The shoes look the same as the dress. Did you design these too?" Alessia asked.

  "Yes, I did."

  "The gown and shoes are beautiful. Thank you for making these for me," Alessia said, as she looked at herself in the large mirror. She nearly didn't recognize herself as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was spectacular and as Valentina's seamstress came in to put pins where last minute alterations were needed, she had to take a long breath to calm her nerves, which were spiralling from excitement.

  "It's my pleasure. It's not every day that my brother asks me to do this and so I am more than happy to have designed something that you like," Valentina said.

  When the seamstress finished, she helped Alessia out of the dress and took it to the back to work on it. Alessia dressed quickly, not to waste more of Valentina's precious time and when she came out from behind the dressing partition, she thanked Valentina for her time and left.

  As soon as she got back into the car, she read the last message that Alessandro had sent her and this time he signed it Minister Medici-Visconti, making it official. She read the message twice before she realized that it was an invitation to the theatre and then a private dinner.

  In his message, he told her to open the envelope she'd picked up earlier and give the address to the driver. Then she was to go up to the penthouse, open the door with the card key that was inside the envelope and wait for a hair and makeup stylist that would turn up later in the afternoon.

  The car stopped in front of an exclusive residential building and when the driver opened her door for her to step out, she was greeted by the buil
ding's doorman and shown to the private elevator to the penthouse. Her head was spinning with all the emotions that were running through her body that when she finally arrived at the top and the doors opened, she had to slide the card twice through the glass doors for them to open. As she stepped into the penthouse, she suddenly felt a shortness of breath from the grandness of the furnishings and the elegance throughout. This was his home! The thought that he'd let her into his private life suddenly made her eyes moist from the emotional changes she was going through.

  When she stepped further into the penthouse, she found a table laid out for a meal with a vase of red roses and a note on it with her name.

  Mia Cara, I hope you had a pleasant morning. I've ordered lunch for you, so sit down and enjoy a quiet lunch after all the running around you did this morning. Then take a nap or have a relaxing bath before the stylist arrives. I've made plans to take you out tonight for a special evening and then I will bring you back here where you'll submit to my desires.


  The scent of the red roses together with his note sent a delirious sensation running through her body, moistening her core between her legs simply at the thought of what he had planned for the evening. She sat down at the table and uncovered the dishes as the scent of the food floated up with the steam from the hot dishes.

  She took a moment to look around at his penthouse and saw that it was different from what she'd expect it to be. It was elegant and very grand but it also felt cosy. It was difficult to explain but she sensed that it was where he called home.


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