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Page 7

by Grace Kagni

  Her eyes widened and her hand went to her mouth as she shook her head. He walked close to her and pulled her into an embrace. "Amore, nothing will happen to you. I will be the one being dominated and tortured by my male partner. You will submit to me and nobody else," he said as he felt her trembling from fear.

  "I don't know if I could do this. You've pushed me to do things that I wasn't confident doing but this is a totally different level of domination. I don't think I could sit back and watch someone torture you for sex," she said as she closed her eyes, not wanting to look at the room any longer.

  "Amore, I promise that you won't be hurt and my partner and I use safe words for when it becomes unbearable. I would really like to experience this with you. I've never done this with any other woman," he said as he raised her chin to look at her eyes. "Open you eyes and look at me."

  She opened her eyes and he could see fear in them so he told her she still had time to decide whether she'd participate or not in the experience.

  "You mean that you'll do it whether I participate or not?" she asked, shocked by what she'd understood.

  "Yes, I set it up weeks ago and I feel safe doing it with my male partner so it is up to you if you want to participate or not," he said as he kissed her on the forehead.

  "But I don't understand! Why would you want to be tortured by someone?" she asked, still not understanding his decision.

  "I won't deny it doesn't cause me pain but it also gives me pleasure while I'm being dominated by a male partner. I can't explain it to you but it is something that you'll have to experience for yourself, if you ever feel confident enough to try the room with me," he said as they walked back to the main bedroom. He shut the door and her expression seemed to relax.

  He took her out to the main dining room where lunch was being served. They sat at the long table together and he noticed she hardly touched her food. "Alessia, please eat some of your food. You need to keep your strength up," he said while he caressed the back of her hand while it lay on the table.

  "I still can't believe you're going to go through with this tonight! Is there any way that I can persuade you not to do it?" she pleaded.

  "Amore, are you so worried about me that you'd rather I not do it?" he asked, touched by her sudden interest in his wellbeing.

  "Of course! I don't want to see you being tortured or know that you're being tortured. It would break my heart," she said as sadness fell over her and a tear rolled down her cheek.

  He pulled her hand, making her get up and brought her close to him; sitting her on his lap. "Amore, I'm not afraid of doing it and it gives me pleasure. Isn't that enough to put your mind at peace?" he asked while he stroked her back.

  "But after it's all finished, you'll be in pain and I can't bear to see you in that state. Why do you have to put yourself through it? That's what I can't understand. You come from a noble family, an important family and you have everything anyone could want in the world, so why should you feel pain to feel pleasure?" she asked with a heavy heart.

  "Because it is what brings me back to reality; knowing that many people were put through it by my ancestors - it gives me a sense of peace. Please reconsider it for me; it would mean very much to me if you could be present and experience it with me."

  "I can't promise you anything but I'll think about it seriously. Now can we please change the subject?"

  He nodded.

  "Where are we going this evening that you needed to be in Florence?" she asked.

  "We're going to a fundraiser at the Meyer Children's Hospital. Our family hosts the fundraiser every year and this year it is my turn to attend the event," he said as she slid off his lap and sat back onto her chair.

  "Oh, that's a wonderful thing! I've heard good things about the Meyer Hospital and I'll be proud to attend the fundraiser with you but there is only one problem," she said.

  "What would that be?" he asked.

  "I don't have a dress to wear. The one I wore last night will need to be dry cleaned before I can wear it again," she said feeling sad that she didn't have anything nice to wear to the event.

  "Mia Cara, when you go to your bedroom, you will find a new dress with all the accessories needed for tonight," Alessandro said as he brought her hand to his lips to kiss the back of her hand.

  "You bought me a new dress for tonight's event?" she asked as she went to kneel next to him while she hugged his chest.

  "Of course - you've become an important part of my life in these few days and I want you next to me at all times," he said as he kissed the top of her head.

  She sat back down and ate a little more of her food before dessert was served. She had an espresso coffee and then felt she needed to lay down a little, so Alessandro showed her to the female chamber which was next to his and as she walked in, she gasped at the beauty that lay within the room. It was decorated in a dusty pink colour with a dark four-poster bed, a beauty table, a wardrobe and large dresser. Alessandro showed her to the private bathroom that had a freestanding antique bathtub, toilet, bidet and sink.

  "I presume there is indoor plumbing?" she smirked.

  "Of course," he said as he ran the water in the tub so she could have a bath before a nap. "The new gown and garments are hanging in the wardrobe so take your time in the bath, have a nap and I'll be by to meet you at 19:00," he said before kissing her on the forehead. He turned and left the room.

  Alessia looked around at the room and couldn't believe that she was a guest inside the beautiful palace. She undressed and slipped into the hot water, relaxing against the back of the tub. Her mind wandered back to that horrible room wondering how she was going to find the courage to be there with him; she decided she needed to be there for him because it was important to him - she only needed to find the courage.

  * * * * * *

  After having a relaxing bath and a nap, she got up and went over to the wardrobe to see what Alessandro had chosen for her to wear for the evening. The garments were hanging in designer bags, so she pulled each one out of the wardrobe and laid them out on the bed. Carefully unzipping the larger bag, knowing the evening gown would be inside; she stood back a moment to take in the beauty of the material and the design of the gown. It was a full-length sleeveless dress of a mustard colour with tiny pearls around the neck. It too had a V back that extended to the bottom of her back. Inside the other bags, she found matching satin shoes and evening bag; silk undergarments and silk stalkings. In the last bag was a box with a choker, bracelet and earrings with a note:

  Mia Cara, tonight you will be a jewel among the flowers and I hope you like what I have chosen for you.

  Love Alessandro

  She smiled as she touched the fabric again; closing her eyes, she could almost feel Alessandro's gentle hands on the small of her back. She opened her eyes and started to get ready for the evening.

  Alessandro was punctual as always and when she opened the door to her room, he smiled as he took her hand and brought it to his lips. "Tesoro, you are gorgeous tonight!"

  "Thank you. You are very handsome!" she said.

  He escorted her out of the bedroom and down the corridor to the front entrance where his guards were waiting. They got into the car and waited as the guards got into the second car to escort them to the event. Finally, they were on their way.

  The event was being held at the Hotel St. Regis Florence and as soon as the two cars drove up to the front of the hotel, the event promoters were outside waiting for the Minister.

  Alessandro stepped out of the car and leaned in to help Alessia out of the car. There were photographers outside taking pictures and as soon as Alessia stepped out of the car, the flashes shone in her eyes like strobe lights; nearly sending her off balance. Alessandro caught her by the waist and then led her through the front doors and to the main reception room to where the photographers weren't allowed. "I'm sorry - I should have warned you about the photographers. Are you ok?" he asked, worry clearly visible in his eyes.

  "Yes. The lights
stunned me and I lost my balance a moment but it passed as soon as you steadied me," she said, looking at the beautifully decorated reception room.

  The guests immediately came to Alessandro to greet him and after a brief moment, she went to the ladies room to calm her nerves. She wasn't used to the attention and the photographers so she washed her hands with cold water and reapplied lipstick to look like she was actually in the bathroom for a purpose. Then she turned and walked back out to join Alessandro who was surrounded by many guests. He saw her coming and broke away from the guests a moment to escort her to their table.

  The room was laid out with round tables in the middle of the room, surrounded by large plants and flowers on every corner of the reception hall. The tables were laid out with cream coloured tablecloths and blue with silver trim china settings. In the middle of each table, was a large Chrystal vase with long stemmed red roses and silver branches that gleamed under the chandeliers; dimly illuminating the room.

  Alessia sat down while Alessandro held her chair and then he chatted more by the table as people constantly came to him to shake his hand. Finally, after a long while he was able to sit and enjoy the evening.

  They were served several courses and before the dessert arrived, Alessandro went up onto the stage to give a speech, thanking everyone for their time and contribution to the event.

  When the event was finally finished, he shook many hands on their way out and more pictures were taken when they stepped out to their car but when they were safely inside the car, he turned to her and said, "Thank you for coming with me tonight. It's always long and boring no matter how important the charity is and you're being with me has made it pleasurable tonight." He took her hand and raised it to his lips, softly kissing the back of her hand. His kisses continued up her arm to her shoulder until he stopped and looked deep into her eyes.

  "We're nearly home - have you decided about tonight?" he asked, hoping she would share his experience with him.

  "Yes, I will participate although if I find I cannot bear it anymore, I will either ask you to stop or leave. I will not stand by and watch you be tortured for pleasure," she said with stern eyes.

  "Ok, this is all I ask," he said.

  "And, I will not let your partner touch me!" she said as she crossed her arms.

  "I won't let him touch you. Actually, you're task will be to submit to my requests," he said as he gently leaned over and softly kissed her neck.

  "Ok fine!" she said still pouting.

  They arrived at Palazzo Pitti and got out of the car. As they walked into the palace, they walked to their rooms where Alessandro told her that he'd call her when his male partner arrived. In the meantime, she was to change into what she'd find in the top dresser drawer of her room.

  Alessia went into her room and took off her gown, placing it carefully on the bed. Then she went to the dresser and opened the top drawer to find a black silk chemise that closed with a little diamond button behind the neck. It was completely transparent and had matching panties that were open on the bottom. Taking these out of the drawer and laying them on the bed, she proceeded to take off the undergarments she wore and put on what Alessandro laid out for the evening. She slowly put the evening gown back into the garment bag and hung it inside the wardrobe then she went into the bathroom to brush her hair and put on some perfume.

  Suddenly she heard a knock on her door, so she took a deep breath and went to answer it. Alessandro was standing outside in a black silk robe and extended his hand to lead her from the room. She followed him quietly, feeling knots in her stomach from what was about to happen; her palms sweaty while she started to breath heavily. He noticed her apprehension and turned to look at her before entering his bedroom.

  "Tesoro, everything will be alright. You have to trust me. I promise that you won't be touched or hurt," he said, as he took her face in his hands and brought her lips to his.

  As she looked into his blue eyes, she felt safety and fear at the same time. "I know I won't be hurt. What I don't know if I can bear is to see you hurting," she whispered.

  "I won't be hurt in any way. We use a safe word that if it becomes too much for me to tolerate, I use the safe word and my partner stops. I promise I will use it if I need to," he said, kissing her again on the lips.

  She let out a long sigh and followed him into his bedroom and then through the passageway to the secret room. Inside was a tall muscular man with dark hair. Alessandro introduced him as "Marco" for privacy reasons and then shut the door to the chamber.

  Alessandro's voice suddenly changed and he told Alessia to lay on the bed with her legs spread open. He told her she needed to touch herself until she came and she needed to repeat the process until they were done for the night.

  Alessia wasn't sure what that meant so she asked, "Do you mean I need to make myself come more than once?"

  "Yes, that is exactly what you need to do. Do you understand?" he asked.

  "Yes," she said.

  "Excuse me?" he asked with his dominator tone.

  "Yes, Minister," she said as she crawled on the bed and lay on her back with her legs open as he ordered.

  "You will use the tools you find on the bed to make yourself come, using a different tool each time, is that clear?" he growled.

  "Yes, Minister, " she said as she looked at the strange tools that lay on the bed next to her.

  Then the man stepped forward and removed his robe, exposing his body to all. Alessia was lost in the moment as she watched his muscular body and his erection that was strong and thriving. His legs were muscular and toned. The man then turned to Alessandro and said, "Take off your robe."

  "Yes Master," Alessandro said while he took off his robe, exposing his beautiful body. Alessia looked at Alessandro and felt wetness growing below by the sight of his erection that was pulsing. Then Marco told Alessandro to step up onto the metallic contraption and lay forward extending his arms outwards.

  She watched as Alessandro went up the few steps and bent over onto the contraption. He stood with his legs against the bottom part of the contraction as his chest lay on the metallic plate on the top of the contraption. His manhood dangled downward freely; nearly hovering over Alessia's body. Marco fastened the ankle cuffs and the wrist cuffs on him, binding him to the contraption in a position that he was bent forward with his ass in the air. The position looked uncomfortable but Alessandro seemed to be tranquil, so Alessia remained calm.

  Alessia felt desire swell between her legs watching as she placed her finger inter her core to make herself come. She was so close to tipping over that Alessandro told her in his dominating voice, "Don't hold back. I want to hear your desire echoing throughout the room."

  "Yes, Minister," she said as her breathing was laboured and she felt the first wave of pleasure wash over her body. His eyes darkened with lust as he watched her body trembled from the first orgasm.

  Then Marco took a long breaded leather whip and took a couple of steps back from Alessandro before cracking it into the air; hitting across Alessandro's bare bottom.

  Alessia saw Alessandro flinch as the whip hit his skin but then his face relaxed so she didn't alarm herself at that moment. Looking at the tools next to her bed, she saw there was a metallic stick with a ball at the end of it; almost having a similar shape to a man's penis so she took that and pushed it deep into her wetness to see how it felt. The coldness of the metal sent delirious sensations through her body and as she moved it in and out; it brought her close to her second wave as she heard the second crack of the whip. Looking up at Alessandro, she saw him wince for a moment but then he relaxed again so she continued with what she was doing. She felt the juices of her core sliding out onto the bed as she opened her legs wider to push the tool deeper inside her and as she did this, she saw Alessandro grin at her; clearly giving him lustful desire seeing her pleasure herself.

  Then the third crack of the whip hit and again Alessandro barely winced. Alessia hit the top of her wave and was riding it until her
orgasm washed over her. She lost focus of what was happening to Alessandro as she moved her bottom while the tool inside sent her spinning as she screamed out her desire. Slowly her body started its descent and relaxed as she heard another crack of the whip. She wasn't sure how many times Marco had hit Alessandro with the whip but she heard Alessandro say the colour yellow.

  Marco put the whip down and then pulled out a paddle. Taking two steps up onto the platform so he stood next to Alessandro's body, he lifted the paddle and whacked it on Alessandro's backside. Once, twice and a third time; then he moved the paddle over his backside, caressing his ass with it.

  "Your ass is sweeting from pleasure. What is your colour?" Marco asked.

  "Green, Master," Alessandro said.

  Marco took the paddle firmly in his hand again and gave Alessandro another four hard slaps on his backside that clearly gave Alessandro more pain than what he wanted to admit.

  His face relaxed and so Alessia looked around the bed again for another tool. This time she saw a feather and wondered if she could turn herself on simply using a feather, so she picked it up and started to move it around her breasts as she stuck two fingers deep into her folds. The tingling of the feather over her sensitive skin and the movement of her fingers inside her core sent her quickly into her third orgasm. She was deep in her abyss while she was washed over by her pleasure and lost focus again on what Marco was doing to Alessandro. She tried to stretch out the pleasure of this orgasm longer then the previous ones and by the time she'd finally screamed out from deep inside, she saw that Marco had attached a clamp to Alessandro's erection while he was getting ready to penetrate him from behind.

  "What is your colour?" Marco asked.

  "Green, Master," Alessandro said.

  Alessia looked at Alessandro's blue eyes and suddenly started to worry about what they were doing because the clamp looked painful and being penetrated from behind while he was bent over didn't seem comfortable or pleasurable.


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