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Whiskey Undone

Page 19

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  “Sure.” She knew he didn’t believe her, but that was okay. She’d scared him just as much, if not more than she’d scared herself. And if he had to act like a big, growly bear for a bit longer, she’d let him. And when and if it got to be too much, she’d kick his ass like always. It was how they worked, even when they were only friends.

  Not that there was anything only when it came to Loch.

  Loch pressed a soft kiss to her lips, then picked up Misty and carried her to her bedroom where he presumably tucked her in. Ainsley settled herself against her pillows, waiting for him to come back and tuck her in because he would. He was getting sweet on her, and she kind of liked it, even when he growled while doing it.

  When he came back in, he kissed her again, then laid next to her on one side, his head resting in his hand.

  “What?” she asked when he just stared at her without saying anything.

  He kissed her shoulder. “You’re going to marry me.”

  She blinked, her heart racing even as she kept her voice calm and her face devoid of emotion. “Oh, good, I'm glad we're getting over the caveman part of this relationship.”

  He snorted, then started playing with the edge of her tank. “Seriously, it's going to happen.”

  “So you say.”

  “I say you’re going to marry me. It doesn’t matter that it’s only been a short while since we’ve called each other what we are together now. The timing is right. So, yeah, you’re going to marry me.”

  He kept saying those words in that confident way of his, and it was all she could do to not jump on the bed in glee. Instead, she just gave him a wry look and played.

  Because he was still her best friend, and playing around was part of the fun.

  “Fine, I'll marry you, but only because I want Fox and Dare as my brothers and Tabby is already taken.”

  “I hate you, and I love you,” he growled, even as he moved to settle over her, taking her lips with his. She leaned into him, missing his touch, but he’d been very careful not to touch her in that way since the incident. She didn’t think he would tonight either, not until he knew she was safe and healthy. She didn’t mind because she knew she’d have forever with him, even if she hadn’t thought she’d have a forever at all.

  “I know, same here.” She grinned up at him, her body shaking because hell, he was hot, and she couldn’t believe they were actually talking about this right now and right then. “Oh, can you get my bag?”


  “Yes, seriously. I need to get something.”

  He sighed and then rolled off her, careful not to put any weight on her as he grabbed her bag from the chair next to the window. “Here. What’s so important in that massive purse of yours?”

  She just smiled and dug around until she found what she was looking for. Her hands shook, and she was so damn scared, but then again, nothing worth having came without a cost. Nerves were just part of it. She pulled out the small box she’d hidden in her bag the day before and held it out to him.

  "Beat you. I win." At least, she hoped she did.

  He looked down at the ring in the box and blinked up at her, his mouth open like he had no idea what to say. Then again, she didn’t get to surprise him often. He always seemed to know everything, but today, that wasn’t going to happen.

  “What? I wanted to ask you. I'd get down on one knee, but you haven't let me out of bed in two weeks.”

  “You…you’re asking me to marry you? With a ring? I have a ring in the drawer next to you, but I was going to wait until you were ready.”

  She swallowed hard. “I’m ready now. So are you, hence the whole conversation we just had about you deciding I was going to marry you instead of the whole, you know, asking thing. But it’s us. So, why don’t we just do what we want and do it how we want?”

  Her heart practically beat out of her chest as she waited for his answer. But when he didn’t say anything, she was afraid she’d screwed up. What if he had other plans? What if the idea of a ring and an actual answer was too much for him and she’d ruined it all by going too fast even if they said it wasn’t?

  Then he leaned down and kissed her on the nose, then the cheeks, then the lips, before taking the box from her hands and sliding the ring onto his finger. It wasn’t a wedding band, but a handcrafted one that was made of white gold and had carvings in the side. She’d gotten it at a small shop in Whiskey, one that catered to the beautiful and unique, something she always thought Loch was, though she didn’t dare call him that to his face. Tears filled her eyes, but he didn’t kiss her again, didn’t say anything as he opened the drawer next to her and pulled out a little box that looked similar to hers.

  Of course, he’d gone to the same place she had.

  That’s why they were best friends.

  He slid the three-stone ring onto her finger, and she studied the tiny pearls on the side, so little, she didn’t know how he’d found something so perfect. He’d found the ring that was just for her, just as unique as his.

  Just as beautiful.

  “God, I love you. And, yes, I’ll marry you, but if anyone asks, I was the one to ask you.”

  “Nope, I'm telling everyone you swooned.”

  And then he kissed her, and she knew everything was exactly as it needed to be. Perfect. Theirs. With a forever she hadn't seen coming.



  Loch leaned back in his lawn chair, watching his family hang out in his parents’ backyard, a grin on his face that he didn’t realize he had until Ainsley looked over at him, grinning right back. He gave her a wink, and she went back to talking with her mom, who sat on the other side of her.

  It had been a long year, but everything that had happened in that year hadn’t been painful, not like the year prior with his family. Instead, it had been…peaceful. So much had happened after Riker and his cronies had gone to jail, and yet none of it had involved the police or people out to hurt Loch’s family.

  Instead, there had been change, yet all for the better.

  “Daddy! Mommy! Look!”

  Both Loch and Ainsley looked over at Misty, who stood near Tabby and Alex. His sister and her husband were sitting on a large blanket, their twins Sebastian and Aria scooting around, laughing as Misty twirled in her spring dress.

  The fact that she’d called Ainsley Mommy wasn’t lost on any of them, nor was it the first time she’d done it.

  Misty had given Loch away to Ainsley and had given Ainsley away to Loch at their wedding just a couple of months before, and ever since then, she’d called his wife “Mommy” and “Mom.” Every time she did, though, it hit Loch like an arrow to the heart, making him feel like he’d saved the world.

  Ainsley smiled widely at him, and so did her own mother, who had finally come to a Collins family event. The two were working on their relationship, and he knew that he’d do whatever it took to keep his wife happy. Ainsley’s mom was a good woman, and she had sacrificed a lot of herself to raise her kids. And when things had all come falling down around her, she’d tried to be strong for Ainsley. In the end, it had taken both of them to figure out what worked for their relationship.

  Ainsley wanted her mother to know Misty, to be another grandmother in his little girl’s life, as well as a grandmother to the baby currently growing in Ainsley’s womb. They were only three months pregnant and hadn’t announced it yet. They wouldn’t until next month when they told Misty, but he couldn’t help the proud, caveman-like grin spreading over his face.

  “I like when the babies laugh,” Nate said from Fox and Melody’s blanket near Tabby and Alex, pulling Loch from his thoughts. “I can’t get CP to laugh like that.” He looked down at his cousin and frowned. “She doesn’t laugh like they do.”

  Melody grinned and held her daughter close. “Caitlyn Pearl is just a little younger than the twins. She’ll be laughing like them any day now. I love their giggles.”

  Fox smiled and kissed his wife’s head. “Soon, your new baby
brother and sister are going to be around, so you can start trying to make them laugh, as well.”

  Nate nodded. “I’m getting two at the same time, but not like Aunt Tabby and Uncle Alex. My brother and sister won’t be twins, won’t even be related, but I’m still going to call them brother and sister.”

  Dare and Kenzie were expecting a boy, and Dare’s ex, Nate’s mom, was expecting a little girl the same month as they were. Considering the other couple was at the Collins family barbeque, as well, seated right next to Dare and Kenzie as they watched over Nate, Loch figured the family, extended and complicated as it was, was making it work. Even Dare’s former partner’s widow was at the house, her daughter in tow as she melded into the family as if she’d always been a part of it.

  Somehow, the family had grown to include more than only the Collinses. Dare had his whole brood, including family friends that were now part of his extended family, even if it was only through friendship. Melody’s grandmother sat next to Loch’s parents, laughing at some story she was telling them about the old days in Vegas, but keeping it rated PG for the kids in the yard.

  Everything had changed since his brothers and sister had started finding their spouses, and yet it was all for the better. In the past year, Dare and Kenzie’s inn had grown, same with the bar and restaurant, with the idea of expanding into other small towns on the horizon. Melody’s dance studio was rocking with Melody back from maternity leave and her new assistant from her old school a wonderful addition. Fox and Ms. Pearl were in the middle of writing a book about her life, something he’d never thought his little brother would do. Ainsley was working full-time again, though things were going to change when the baby came, but Loch would make it work so she could keep her job the way she’d always wanted. He was going to be the one staying home with the baby and Misty. He would hire an additional manager to take care of the gym.

  He had more than enough money now thanks to the sale of the company and what Jason had left him. Loch and Ainsley had decided to use the money to build their future for their children rather than toss it away because it held too much grief. They’d use it for good rather than whatever Riker had wanted to use it for.

  And when Loch looked over at his best friend again, she smiled and gave him a curious look. Before, he’d tried not to think about the what-ifs, or even look too deeply at what had happened to make him who he was. Yet, with his wife, he couldn’t help but do that daily.

  She made him a better man. She had always done that.

  She left him completely undone, and for that, he’d be forever grateful. Because without her, he wouldn’t be who he was. Wouldn’t be who his family needed him to be.

  “I’d like to propose a toast,” Dare said into the noise of family and friends, holding up his glass. The others joined him, and Loch squeezed his wife’s hand. “This town, this family has seen it all, done it all. And yet, we’re still here.” He winked over at Tabby and Alex. “Yeah, some moved to another town, but they’re back to visit, and Whiskey will always be a part of their hearts. This town has shaped us all in one way or another, and I’ll never be more grateful for what it’s brought. So, here’s to Whiskey.”

  “Whiskey is home,” Fox added.

  “Whiskey is our life,” Dare put in.

  “Whiskey is family,” Loch said, and then the rest added their own replies, but he only had eyes for his wife, his best friend, his everything.

  “Love you,” he whispered.

  She leaned over and kissed his jaw. “Love you more than Whiskey.”

  And in this town, he knew that meant a whole hell of a lot, because nothing was more important than Whiskey, not in this bootleg town of family, friends, and secrets.

  * * *


  A Note from Carrie Ann

  Thank you so much for reading WHISKEY UNDONE. I do hope if you liked this story, that you would please leave a review! Reviews help authors and readers.

  I hope you loved Loch and Ainsley’s romance. I’ve been waiting forever to write their story so it’s about time I got to do it! And I LOVE the fact that it’s set in the same world as my Montgomerys so there’s always a few surprises for longtime readers!

  I know this is the final book in the Whiskey and Lies series, but it’s not the end by far for my characters. You might just see them again in the Montgomery Ink world, so keep reading!

  Don’t miss out on the Montgomery Ink World!

  * * *

  • Montgomery Ink (The Denver Montgomerys)

  • Montgomery Ink: Colorado Springs (The Colorado Springs Montgomery Cousins)

  • Gallagher Brothers (Jake’s Brothers from Ink Enduring)

  • Whiskey and Lies (Tabby’s Brothers from Ink Exposed)

  • Fractured Connections (Mace’s Sisters from Fallen Ink)

  * * *

  If you want to make sure you know what’s coming next from me, you can sign up for my newsletter at; follow me on twitter at @CarrieAnnRyan, or like my Facebook page. I also have a Facebook Fan Club where we have trivia, chats, and other goodies. You guys are the reason I get to do what I do and I thank you.

  Make sure you’re signed up for my MAILING LIST so you can know when the next releases are available as well as find giveaways and FREE READS.

  Happy Reading!

  * * *

  The Whiskey and Lies Series:

  A Montgomery Ink Spin Off Series

  Book 1: Whiskey Secrets

  Book 2: Whiskey Reveals

  Book 3: Whiskey Undone

  About Carrie Ann

  * * *

  Carrie Ann Ryan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary and paranormal romance. Her works include the Montgomery Ink, Redwood Pack, Talon Pack, and Gallagher Brothers series, which have sold over 2.0 million books worldwide. She started writing while in graduate school for her advanced degree in chemistry and hasn’t stopped since. Carrie Ann has written over fifty novels and novellas with more in the works. When she’s not writing about bearded tattooed men or alpha wolves that need to find their mates, she’s reading as much as she can and exploring the world of baking and gourmet cooking.

  * * *

  More from Carrie Ann

  Montgomery Ink: Colorado Springs

  Book 1: Fallen Ink

  Book 2: Restless Ink

  Book 3: Jagged Ink

  * * *

  Montgomery Ink: Boulder

  Book 1: Wrapped in Ink

  * * *

  Montgomery Ink:

  Book 0.5: Ink Inspired

  Book 0.6: Ink Reunited

  Book 1: Delicate Ink

  Book 1.5: Forever Ink

  Book 2: Tempting Boundaries

  Book 3: Harder than Words

  Book 4: Written in Ink

  Book 4.5: Hidden Ink

  Book 5: Ink Enduring

  Book 6: Ink Exposed

  Book 6.5: Adoring Ink

  Book 6.6: Love, Honor, & Ink

  Book 7: Inked Expressions

  Book 7.3: Dropout

  Book 7.5: Executive Ink

  Book 8: Inked Memories

  Book 8.5: Inked Nights

  Book 8.7: Second Chance Ink

  * * *

  Fractured Connections

  Book 1: Breaking Without You

  Book 2: Shouldn’t Have You

  Book 3: Falling With You

  * * *

  The Whiskey and Lies Series:

  Book 1: Whiskey Secrets

  Book 2: Whiskey Reveals

  Book 3: Whiskey Undone

  * * *

  The Gallagher Brothers Series:

  Book 1: Love Restored

  Book 2: Passion Restored

  Book 3: Hope Restored

  * * *

  The Talon Pack:

  Book 1: Tattered Loyalties

  Book 2: An Alpha’s Choice

  Book 3: Mated in Mist

  Book 4: Wolf Betraye

  Book 5: Fractured Silence

  Book 6: Destiny Disgraced

  Book 7: Eternal Mourning

  Book 8: Strength Enduring

  Book 9: Forever Broken

  * * *

  Redwood Pack Series:

  Book 1: An Alpha’s Path

  Book 2: A Taste for a Mate

  Book 3: Trinity Bound

  Redwood Pack Box Set (Contains Books 1-3)

  Book 3.5: A Night Away

  Book 4: Enforcer’s Redemption

  Book 4.5: Blurred Expectations

  Book 4.7: Forgiveness

  Book 5: Shattered Emotions

  Book 6: Hidden Destiny

  Book 6.5: A Beta’s Haven

  Book 7: Fighting Fate

  Book 7.5: Loving the Omega

  Book 7.7: The Hunted Heart

  Book 8: Wicked Wolf

  The Complete Redwood Pack Box Set (Contains Books 1-7.7)

  * * *

  The Branded Pack Series:

  (Written with Alexandra Ivy)

  Book 1: Stolen and Forgiven

  Book 2: Abandoned and Unseen

  Book 3: Buried and Shadowed

  * * *

  Dante’s Circle Series:

  Book 1: Dust of My Wings

  Book 2: Her Warriors’ Three Wishes

  Book 3: An Unlucky Moon

  The Dante’s Circle Box Set (Contains Books 1-3)

  Book 3.5: His Choice

  Book 4: Tangled Innocence

  Book 5: Fierce Enchantment

  Book 6: An Immortal’s Song

  Book 7: Prowled Darkness

  The Complete Dante’s Circle Series (Contains Books 1-7)

  * * *


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