Book Read Free

Day's Light

Page 11

by M. A. Church

  “We will get answers. If push comes to shove, I’ll drag the Guardians into this. I will do whatever I have to in order to find those two. You have my word.”

  “But I thought you said—”

  “We don’t like involving the Guardians in our business, no. And if I can find them on our own, then fine. But one of the humans they shot just so happens to be my mate….” Hunter’s vision sharpened as his eyes turned yellow. “So if we get nowhere, then I will approach the Guardians.”


  “Those two werewolves will pay with their lives, and their Alpha will have a lot to answer for.” What he didn’t add was that he wouldn’t be happy with just answers from the Alpha.

  “Speaking of the murders, I got the Vegas police report. Your parents have been identified. The human police are investigating, of course, but they won’t find who did it. You’ve also been classified as missing, which isn’t surprising, since, you know, you weren’t there when the police arrived.” Brax shot a look at Hunter.

  Hunter shrugged. “What can I say? He’s my mate. I would take on the entire human military to protect what’s mine.”

  Mark’s slow smile lit up the room.

  Brax waved his hand in front of his face. “Whew. Dial back the hormones, guys! Some of us are not mated.”

  Hunter snickered.

  “Anyhow, they know you were hurt, since they found your blood at the scene, but they don’t know where you went. You’re classified as missing. It’s being called a mugging that went wrong.”

  “It went wrong, all right.” Mark’s easy smile vanished.

  “Your brother has also been contacted. He knows that your parents were killed and that you’re missing.”

  “Jesus. I need to call Michael.” Mark jerked around to face Hunter. “He must think that… that…. I need to let him know I’m okay. I should have already done that.”

  “Babe, it’s only been a few days, and you spent most of those deadly sick. And when you weren’t, you had other things to deal with.”

  “Still, he has to be losing his mind. Both of us are—I mean, both of us were close to Mom and Dad.”

  Brax discreetly sniffed the air then climbed to his feet. “Why don’t I, ah, go start the grill so you two can talk for a minute?”

  Brax hurried out of the room. Smart wolf, because what Hunter was about to say was sure to stir up all kinds of shit.

  “Don’t tell me I cannot contact my brother.” Mark glared at Hunter. “I can see it in your face, so just don’t. When we talked about this earlier, nothing was said about not contacting him.”

  “It’s not a good idea—and before you lose your temper—let me tell you why,” Hunter said, hoping to head off the explosion he could feel brewing inside Mark. He could literally taste the power rising in his mate. “Remember me saying that drawing attention to you was a bad idea?”

  Mark threw his hands in the air. “I thought that was about me accessing my checking account!”

  “Which is directly connected to you. Nothing has changed. He’s going to have questions—”

  “Our parents were murdered! Of course he’s going to have questions. Hell, I have questions, and I know more than he does!”

  “—questions you can’t answer.” Hunter continued. “First thing he’s going to want to know is if you’re okay, where you are, who you’re with, and why you left the scene. And how. And even if you could bullshit your way through that, he’s your brother. He’s going to want to see you.”

  “Of course he is!”

  “He’s also going to want you to come to whatever service he decides to do for your parents. And you can’t. That’s absolutely not possible right now.”

  Mark lurched to his feet. “Fuck that noise.”

  “This right here is why you absolutely can’t go to the funeral nor meet with your brother.” Hunter slowly climbed to his feet also. “You’re upset, which means you’re emotional.”

  “They’re dead, Hunter!” Mark shouted.

  “I know, babe.” The heartbreak in those words hurt Hunter’s soul. “But did you know your eyes are yellow? I can see your fangs too. Plus, your claws are extending. And when you spoke just now, you had a growl to your words, something no human has.”

  Mark bared his fangs at Hunter.

  Jeez, the power rolling off him. Hunter approached Mark like you would any cornered animal. “You didn’t sound human, babe,” he stressed. “This is why I said you can’t go, and why you can’t see Michael right now. You’re not in control. Not only could you expose us, but you could be dangerous to others.”

  “Fuck!” Mark’s nostrils flared as he glowered at his fists. “Fuck!” Claws dug into his palms, and drops of blood trailed down his hands. “God dammit to hell and back, I can’t go to their funeral?” Mark wailed. “Can’t say goodbye? Can’t comfort my one and only brother?”

  Mark’s skin rippled, and hair sprouted.

  Chapter Fifteen – Mark

  THE CHANGE swept through him so swiftly Mark was completely caught off guard. Throwing back his head, he howled his pain. The mournful sound bounced off the walls. His vision blurred, and a sharp pain sliced through him.

  The grief he’d buried exploded out of him, drenching him in pain and rage. It wasn’t fair, dammit. His parents had done nothing to deserve what happened. To have their lives snuffed out, and for what? The money they had on them?


  They’d given those fuckers what they wanted, and they still killed them in cold blood. And now he couldn’t say his final goodbyes? Help Michael? Mourn with his own damn brother?

  There was a scramble of feet and cussing, but he didn’t care. His head spun with the need to destroy, to rip and tear. It was the only thing that mattered. Blood. A need rose in him. Yes, he wanted blood.

  The burning anger whispered to him, insisting he destroy the ones who did this—that the ones who killed his mom and dad must pay. He’d rip their guts out, tie them around their throats, and use it to choke the life out of those assholes. He would… he would….

  The reflection of something tall and furry caught his attention. Snarling, he whipped around and peered across the hall into a bedroom where a full-length mirror stood. A wolf-like monstrosity, humanoid in shape, stood upright on two powerful legs. Unable to help himself, he moved toward the mirror.

  The creature easily stood eight foot tall but slouched slightly. A fluffy tail whipped behind it. He studied the absolute lack of human-like features in the facial structure: the defined muzzle with razor sharp teeth, the wolf-like ears that stood upright on the skull, the bright yellow eyes that dominated the face.

  Me. That’s me.

  Lifting his arm, he studied his paw-hands that had long, deadly nails and an opposable thumb. His heart raced as his human side retreated in horror while the predator woke fully.

  One breath in.


  One breath out.

  Kill them.

  One breath in.


  Blackness threatened to descend.

  “I can hear your thoughts clearly, and you’ll have your revenge, I promise you that.” Nonchalantly, Hunter leaned against the doorframe. “But for now, I need you to not let the predator take over. Find your human side—the side that’s capable of love. Of happiness. The side that isn’t bloodthirsty and feral. It’s there. Look into your heart, Mark, and find your humanity.”

  Mark searched for that part of him, the part he knew so well. This side of him still wanted blood to flow, and he kinda did too, but his mate had asked him to not lose himself to the predator. This side of him might thirst for blood, but Mark wanted justice—in whatever form that was for werewolves. Not bloodshed.

  Mark shuddered as he turned away from his reflection. Monster.

  Hunter tilted his head. “Beautiful.”


  Hunter pushed off the doorframe and strolled to Mark. He grasped Mark’s massive muzzle, and he defini
tely had to reach since Mark towered over him. Hunter’s eyes blazed yellow too as he stared at Mark. “Breathtakingly beautiful.”

  Mark whined.

  “You are magnificent,” Hunter declared. “Powerful. Commanding. And by the goddess above, you are mine. My mate. Every terrifyingly gorgeous inch of you. I adore you, Mark. All of you. Come back to me, babe.”

  Mark blinked slowly. Things went fuzzy, colors ran together, and suddenly, the room felt much larger than it had a moment before. His body felt odd, tight. Things got hazy, then he was standing naked as the day he was born with Hunter still tenderly grasping his jaw.

  “Jesus Christ! What the fuck was that?”

  Hunter gently pulled Mark into his arms. “All Alphas have a third form—a human/wolf hybrid. It’s very much the predator. I’d planned to tell you tonight, when we were alone, and try to get you to shift into that form. I shouldn’t have waited, and I’m so damn sorry. That was stupid on my part. I messed up.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, you did.” Mark fisted Hunter’s shirt. “That was something I needed to know, not find out about when it came out of left damn field.”

  “You’re right, but I wasn’t sure if you’d have the ability to change into the hybrid since you’re a bitten wolf. I just didn’t want to throw one more thing at you. There’s been so much already. I’m sorry.”

  Mark winced. That image would be with him for a long time. “That was… that was….”

  “The mark of a damn powerful Alpha, and this was only your second shift. You are truly extraordinary.”

  “I’m also extraordinarily butt naked,” Mark complained, loosening his hold on Hunter’s shirt so he could bury his face in it.

  Hunter chuckled. “Your clothes are toast. It’s what happens when we change and don’t get undressed first.”

  Mark grumbled.

  “Spare sweatpants and T-shirts are in the chest of drawers,” Brax yelled from the kitchen. “Look over to your right. And he can help himself to some flip-flops. There are several in my walk-in, which is located in the master bathroom.”

  Hunter found some clothes for Mark and handed them to him. After Mark dressed, he lay his hand on Hunter’s arm, stopping him before they left what he assumed was Brax’s bedroom. “Look, is there anything else about me that I need to know? That scared me. The anger was so overwhelming. I really wanted to kill something. Not to mention seeing myself like that was downright horrifying.”

  “Something? Or someone? Or two someones in particular?”

  Mark thought for a second. “Those muggers.”

  “But no one else?”

  Mark opened his mouth, then closed it. His lips twisted as he thought some more. His wolf was very clear who he wanted dead. “No. Only them. I wasn’t interested in going after you or Brax. I mean, I knew who both of you were to me.”

  “And thank the goddess for that!” Brax yelled from the kitchen again.

  “Stop listening in!” Hunter yelled back.

  “Sure thing!”

  Sighing, Hunter shook his head. “Sorry. Super hearing, you know? Look, Mark, we’re predators. You’re part wolf now. We don’t suffer from temporary amnesia and a loss of personality when we change. In the full wolf form, we still have our memories and so on. We know right from wrong. We’re still us.”


  “But the hybrid form is more basic. Closer to being feral. Wild. That form is only concerned about food, shelter, pack, and safety. It’s easier to anger and quicker to lash out but also more protective. The wolf is more in control in that form and way more powerful, I guess is what I’m trying to say.”

  “Good grief.”

  “You lost your human family, and your wolf knows that. He wants revenge for you. Add in your grief, plus being newly turned—and an Alpha on top of that—and your control isn’t where it needs to be for you to be around humans. This is why you can’t go anywhere right now.”

  “Shit.” Mark clenched his fist. There was no help for it. He was going to have to miss the funeral and couldn’t contact Michael for the time being. It was just one more thing he could lay at the feet of those fuckers. “I want them to pay for this. Badly.”

  Hunter leaned closer to Mark and buried his nose against Mark’s throat. “My wolf wants to lay their dead bodies at your feet. Badly.”

  “Why is that so damn hot?” Goose bumps rose on Mark’s neck from Hunter’s hot, moist breath.

  “Guuuuuys!” Brax whined from the kitchen. “Single wolf here! You’re killing me!”

  Mark sighed. “I’ve made a helluva impression, huh?”

  “Oh, you did, trust me. But a very good one, babe.”

  “You’ve called me that several times now.” Mark grabbed Hunter by the hips, pulling them flush together. His hard cock brushed against Hunter’s.

  “Problem with it?”

  “Hell no.” Mark nibbled at Hunter’s ear. He flicked it with his tongue then grinned when Hunter shivered. “As long as you have no problem with me calling you sweetheart,” he whispered.

  Hunter hummed in approval.

  “Dammit, guys, I’m going to take a water hose after you two!” Brax laughingly yelled.

  Hunter stepped back from Mark, making a show of adjusting his cock. Winking, he led Mark out of the bedroom. “Come on, let’s go see if Brax needs any help getting that… meat… ready.”

  “Meat’s already ready,” Mark muttered, moving his dick to a less awkward position as he followed.

  DINNER WAS excellent, and Mark really enjoyed Brax’s company, but he was more than ready to leave. His desire for Hunter had been simmering all through dinner, dammit. Brax had known, if his smirk was anything to go by. The weird thing was that he was completely fine with anyone around knowing he burned for his mate.

  They said their goodbyes and headed home. The air between them was charged with sexual tension. It was so thick he could’ve cut it with a knife, and there wasn’t much talking. Frankly he’d never been so happy to see a driveway as he was to see Hunter’s. After Hunter parked the truck, they hurried inside.

  As soon as Hunter locked the door and turned, Mark slammed him against the nearest wall. Hunter growled even as he reached for Mark. Sinking his hands into Hunter’s silky hair, Mark yanked him forward. He needed the taste of his mate on his tongue.

  Their mouths clashed together with bruising force. He opened, and Hunter immediately took advantage—his tongue barreled inside demanding dominance, but Mark refused to give in.

  Plastered against Hunter like he was, he felt the rumble in his mate’s chest just as one of Hunter’s hands gripped Mark’s throat. He swallowed and felt fingers move on his skin. It excited him, the strength in those hands—the very hand currently wrapped around his throat.

  Pleasurable tingles shot through his body. Needing more, he wrapped his leg around Hunter’s hips. With his free hand, Hunter lifted Mark’s leg higher, then palmed Mark’s ass, kneading the flesh. They fought for control, and Mark heard Hunter huff in amusement.

  He grinned, tightening his hand in Hunter’s hair. Groaning, Hunter slanted his mouth over Mark’s more furiously than ever. Mark rocked against him in retaliation.

  They both were breathing hard when the kiss ended. Hunter—trapped between Mark’s body and the wall—stared, his eyes changing to that eerie yellow that’d once scared Mark. Now it inflamed him. Hunter smiled smugly, flashing a fang. Mark flashed his fangs right back.

  Tightening his hand on Mark’s throat, Hunter ground his hard-on against Mark. Grunting, Mark retaliated by tugging Hunter’s hair. Hunter squeezed Mark’s throat one last time and let go. His other hand rested on Mark’s hip. Mark let his leg slide down to the floor, then released his mate’s hair.

  Now that Hunter was no longer kissing Mark senseless, he could think—and what he thought was that they both had on too many clothes. “This happen to mean anything to you?” Mark asked as he fingered the fabric of Hunter’s shirt.

  “No. Why?”

Mark grabbed the neck of the T-shirt and ripped it open. The material parted like a hot knife through butter. Hell yeah, he liked having super strength. “Oh, no reason.”

  “Jesus Christ!”

  “I did ask,” Mark reminded him, spreading it open. He ran his hands across Hunter’s broad shoulders and muscular chest. He hummed happily. The skin was warm and firm. There was just the right amount of hair on Hunter’s pecs too.

  Hunter’s head fell back and banged against the wall. A soft puff of air escaped from him, and laughter drifted on the air. “Kinky.”

  “Better believe it.” He sniffed at Hunter’s throat. “Heaven above, your scent. Drives me nuts.”

  Hunter ran his hands up and down Mark’s back, and Mark shivered at the faint prick of claws against his skin. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

  “Oh, fuck that. Do it again!”

  Hunter stared at Mark. “You’re not scared of this at all, are you?”

  Mark leaned back. “What am I supposed to be scared of?”

  Hunter held his hand up, showing his claws.

  Mark was totally confused. “I wasn’t afraid the first time. Why would I be now?”

  “Maybe because you just found out you’re more than just a werewolf, and so am I.”

  Mark frowned, trying to understand. Finally, a lightbulb went off. “Ah. You mean that third form?”


  “So we have another form.” Mark shrugged. “It’s going to take some getting used to, I don’t deny that. But you’re still you. I’m still me.” Mark paused. “Um, unless you’re hinting you want to do it in that form—”

  “Hell no! That could get bloody real fast.”

  “Hold up. Are you telling me we can have sex in that…? Know what? Never mind. I don’t want to know. I mean I really, really don’t want to know, and we’ll leave it at that. But to answer you again, no, I’m not afraid. Not of you, and not of what I am, either.”

  “That makes me very happy.” Hunter slipped his clawed hand behind Mark’s neck, then leaned in and brushed his lips across Mark’s mouth.


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