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Hot Target Cowboy

Page 26

by June Faver

  He went on to the stable, quickly spilling his light into each stall and storage area. It was evident that she was not here. Emerging on the back side, he saw at once that the lumber had been disturbed and was strewn all around. “Beau. Back here,” he yelled.

  In a matter of seconds, Beau appeared. “What’s this?” He indicated the lumber and the well.

  Colton’s chest tightened when he spotted a smear of blood on the broken edge of the well. “There!”

  Beau sucked in a breath. “Damn! Something bad happened here.”

  Colton saw signs of a struggle, footprints in the soft dirt, and a broken piece of wood stained with blood on the jagged edge. He went to the well and shone his light down into the void. “Hello? Misty? Honey, are you down there?”

  A faint reply reached his ears. He fell to his knees, and leaning farther over, he peered into the darkness. “Misty?”

  “Colt?” Her voice echoed off the stone walls.

  A rush of relief washed over him. She’s alive. “Yes, it’s me, baby. Hold on.”

  Beau had come up behind him. “Is it Misty?”

  “She’s down there,” he said to Beau. “Get us some help.”

  Beau pulled his phone out and punched in a number. “Dad, can you send the sheriff to the old abandoned property where the road dead-ends onto Reeves Road? We found Misty.” He listened for a while, and Colt could imagine what Big Jim was saying. “We need an emergency crew and an ambulance. Misty is down a well and needs to be extricated.” He listened some more and then disconnected. He dropped to his knees beside Colton. “The sheriff is there with Dad. He’s called for assistance. He said for us to stay put.”

  Colton snorted. “You couldn’t pry me away with a forklift.” He leaned back over the side of the well. “Help is on the way. Just hold on.”

  “Colt?” Her voice sounded hollow and so very far away as it traveled up the stone walls of the well. “Mr. Blair is down here below me. He’s been shot.”

  “Levi Blair?”

  “Eddie shot him and tossed him down here.” There was a pause. “He threw me down the well too, but I’m holding onto a piece of wood that’s jammed in here.”

  Colton recalled the lumber he’d broken when he had almost fallen in the unseen well. Maybe that was what she was clinging to. Maybe it had kept her from plunging all the way to the bottom.

  From a distance they heard the scream of sirens and saw flashing lights. In a short time, an ambulance and a sheriff’s department cruiser rolled onto the property. Beau went out to show them the way.

  Colton relayed this information to Misty.

  Two EMTs came running up, bearing a stretcher between them. They stopped and peered over the edge.

  Beau returned, flanked by two of the sheriff’s deputies. “There’s more help coming.”

  One of the EMTs explained that a Life Flight helicopter had been dispatched out of Amarillo. “And a CS crew is on its way out of Langston.”

  “What is a CS crew?” Colton asked.

  “Confined space team. They have all the equipment and training to get the job done.”

  Colton tried to assimilate that information, judging how long it would take for real help to arrive. He alternated calling down to Misty and pacing.

  In a short time, another siren was heard, and a fire truck pulled into the clearing and around back to the site of the well. Several firefighters emerged from the truck almost immediately and began setting up equipment.

  “Step back, sir,” a female voice ordered.

  Colton responded to the hand on his arm. Turning, he saw a slim young woman in coveralls. She was donning some kind of helmet while the others arranged a tripod of sorts above the opening to the well. Now she was stepping into a harness.

  “Oh no,” Colton murmured. “She’s not going down after Misty, is she?”

  The woman turned, eyeing him coolly. “What’s your problem?”

  Colton swallowed hard. “I just mean, you’re so small. How can you lift her out? Let me go down.”

  Her eyes raked over him from head to toe. “What do you weigh? Well over two hundred pounds, I’m sure.”

  “Two and a quarter,” he replied.

  The young woman glanced toward the sheriff’s men. “Deputies, I want you to restrain this man if he steps close to the well.” Without another word, she buckled into the harness, adjusted her helmet, and swung herself over the side. Giving a signal, she disappeared down into the well as the winch motor whined.

  “What?” Colton said. “I don’t need to be restrained. Tell them, Beau.”

  The deputies closed in on either side of him.

  Beau shook his head. “My brother is crazy in love with that girl down there, but between the three of us, I’ll bet we can keep him from jumping in after her.”

  * * *

  Misty could see lights above her and heard a lot of commotion, but now something or someone was being lowered down on top of her. She held her breath, trying to keep her panic level from reaching hysteria. I’m just barely hanging on here. Don’t knock me off.

  In a matter of seconds, a bright light shone in her face and someone was hovering right over her. “Hello. I’m Stephanie. Can you tell me your name?”

  “Misty,” she gasped out.

  “Where are you injured?”

  “I don’t know. I hit this piece of wood with my back. I’ve been hanging on for dear life. There’s a man down below me. He’s been shot.”

  “We have to get you out first,” Stephanie responded. “Show me if you can move all your extremities. This foot first.” Stephanie tapped her left leg and then her right. She repeated the process with her arms, although it was terrifying for Misty to let go of the board, even for an instant. Finally, Stephanie asked Misty to lift her head, and when she did, she got a thumbs-up.

  Stephanie was reaching across her and looping some kind of harness over her arm. She repeated the process, gently lifting Misty’s head. She secured the harness and then, using a handheld control, lifted Misty off the board. “Hold on to me,” she instructed, and the two of them rose straight up and out of the well.

  When her head reached above the level of the well, she was momentarily blinded by the bright lights.

  “Misty!” It was Colton’s voice she heard, followed by a chorus of “Stay back, sir.”

  “Easy, now.” Stephanie was holding her, but other hands were reaching for them. They were swung over to one side where Misty was released from the harness and gently lowered onto a stretcher. A circle of anxious faces bent over her.

  “Mr. Blair…” Misty said.

  “I’m going back down for the other victim.” Stephanie threw her leg back over the side of the well. “She said he’s been shot, so send down the basket when I ask for it.”

  The whining sound again as Stephanie lowered herself into the well with the winch.

  “Baby, are you all right?”

  She was able to focus on Colton’s worried face hovering over her. “Colt,” she breathed. The EMTs raised the stretcher with a jolt and rolled her into the waiting ambulance. She was aware that Colton stood outside the open doors of the vehicle. He looked worried. That made her feel grateful. Glad to have someone who cared.

  The EMTs began examining her.

  “Is she okay?” Colton asked.

  “That’s what we’re trying to ascertain, sir.”

  In a matter of minutes, she heard the rotors of a helicopter.

  “That’s your ride,” one of the EMTs announced. When they transported her to the helicopter, Levi Blair had already been loaded. He looked ashen.

  “Misty, I’ll be at the hospital as soon as I can get there.” Colton’s distraught face tore at her heart.

  “I’m pretty sure I’m okay,” she said. “They want to take X-rays and run some tests.”

“Whatever it takes.” He was hustled out of the way as the Life Flight crew took over.

  The helicopter lifted off, and Misty tried not to think of how high off the ground they were. She tried to look at Levi Blair, but the EMTs had fitted her with some kind of device that immobilized her neck. “Is Mr. Blair okay?” she asked the person who was taking her blood pressure. Misty read his name tag and that he was an RN.

  “He’s lost a lot of blood,” the man said. “Are you a relative?”

  Misty sat up halfway so she could see Levi Blair at the same moment he opened his dark eyes to stare at her. “Yes,” she asserted. “I’m his relative.”

  A ghost of a smile flickered across his mouth and then vanished.

  “Do you know his blood type?” the nurse asked.

  “No, but mine is O positive. Universal donor here. Just let me know if he needs some of mine.”

  * * *

  Colton stood for a minute staring up at the helicopter after it lifted up and flew in a straight line toward Amarillo.

  The sheriff’s car pulled around the side of the stable. Colt was surprised to see his father riding in the passenger seat. Big Jim climbed out, his face grim.

  The sheriff got out and came around. “What’s happened here?”

  “Misty and Levi Blair are on their way to the hospital in Amarillo. Eddie shot Levi and threw him down there and then kidnapped Misty. Thankfully, he didn’t shoot her before throwing her in the well. She said Nate Blair’s remains are down there too.”

  Big Jim stared at him morosely.

  “Don’t worry,” the sheriff said. “We’ll dredge up this whole thing to make sure we recover Nate’s remains and anyone else that might be down there.”

  “Dad, are you okay?” Colton asked.

  “My truck,” Big Jim pronounced.

  Colton looked around. “Where is your truck?”


  The sheriff slapped Big Jim on the back. “Your dad is a hero, boys. When you called to tell him Eddie had passed you, he drove his truck across the road to form a barricade. Eddie must not have seen him because he broadsided your dad’s truck and went airborne. Landed upside down in the field.”

  Big Jim’s face was a mask of tragedy. “My truck.”

  “What happened to Eddie?” Beau asked. “Is he dead?”

  “Nope,” the sheriff said. “He climbed out and took off running across the field. I have deputies out looking for him.”

  “I’m headed to the hospital in Amarillo,” Colton said. “I want to be there for Misty. I can drop you two off at the house, or you can come along.”

  “I’m a-coming,” Beau announced.

  Big Jim sucked in a deep breath and released it. “Me too.”

  * * *

  Misty went through a battery of tests. She was X-rayed and run through an MRI machine. Her blood was drawn, and she peed in a cup. Since her clothing had been demolished when it had been cut away, she wore a hospital gown with another one on the wrong way to cover her backside. She was sitting up sipping apple juice in the ICU outside the treatment room where Levi Blair was being attended.

  She was extremely sore and wore a mass of scrapes and bruises, but the many tests had revealed that she’d suffered no broken bones or internal injuries. The scrape on the back of her calf had been cleaned and bandaged as had another scrape on the back of her shoulder. Her entire spine was bruised, and she had a knot on the back of her head.

  “You are very lucky, young lady,” the ER doctor pronounced.

  “Yeah, lucky.” She thought of all the misery caused by Eddie Simmons. “I guess I am at that.”

  When a doctor emerged from behind the door to Levi’s room, she stopped him, climbing painfully to her feet. “Mr. Blair, how is he?”

  The doctor shook his head. “Touch and go. He’s lost a lot of blood.”

  “I want to donate,” she said. “I’ve given blood in the past. My dad was a cancer patient.”

  The doctor raised a brow and fisted his hands at his waist. “You’ll pardon me for saying so, but you don’t look like a prime candidate to give blood.”

  With effort, she drew herself upright. “I’m just a little banged up, but I’m very healthy.”

  The doctor agreed and called for a tech to take her to the lab. Quickly, a lab tech arrived with a wheelchair to transport her. It was determined that Misty could, indeed, donate blood for Mr. Levi Blair, and so it was drawn. It was more painful than Misty remembered, but that was probably because generally she hurt all over.

  When she was wheeled back to the ICU, she was met by the three Garrett men at the nurses’ station. All of them surveyed her anxiously, but Colton’s expression caused her heart to flutter in her chest.

  She grinned, aware that her appearance might be frightening. “I’m better than I look.”

  The nurse put a fresh ice pack in her hand, and she held it gingerly to the knot on her head. “I tried to check on Paco, but he’s not here. The clerk at the information desk couldn’t tell me what happened to him.” She felt her lips tremble. “She said I would have to call tomorrow. I hope he isn’t dead.”

  “I hope not either.” Colton’s brows drew together. “We’ll find out tomorrow, first thing.” He squatted down beside her. “Baby, you look rough.” His fingers gently caressed her cheek. “You have a bruise here.”

  “That’s where Eddie hit me.”

  Colt flinched. “He’d better keep running.”

  “Don’t worry. Nothing’s broken. No internal injuries. I’m just covered with cuts and scrapes. Bruised everywhere.” She heaved a sigh. “But I’m alive.”

  “Yeah,” he said, softly stroking her cheek.

  “Glad you made it,” Big Jim Garrett said gruffly. He pointed to her arm where the blood had been drawn and a cute bandage announced “I gave.” “What happened here?”

  “Um, I donated blood for Mr. Blair.” She shrugged at Colton’s concerned expression. “I thought he needed some Dalton blood.”

  “Is that so?” Big Jim frowned down at her. “Well, he for sure needs some Garrett blood. That might soften up the old coot.” He started rolling up his sleeve and cocked his head at the lab tech. “Come on, young lady. I’ll donate for Levi.”

  “Me too,” Beau announced. Two of the Garrett men were led off to the lab.

  Colton remained beside Misty. “You really scared me,” he said. “I thought for sure I had lost you.” He reached for her hand.

  “I’m not letting you off that easy. You promised me jewelry.” She held out her left hand, waggling her ring finger at him.

  For the first time, the tension around Colton’s eyes relaxed, and he chuckled. “I’ll pay up. Don’t worry about that.”

  She eased herself out of the wheelchair and took up her station outside Levi Blair’s room. Peeking in when the door opened, she had to duck out of the way when the doctor came hurrying out. She noted that Levi’s color looked a little better.

  The doctor closed the door behind himself and stopped to speak to her. “We’re taking him to surgery to remove the bullet. He wants to see you.”

  Misty glanced back at Colton’s puzzled expression and then entered the small room. Levi Blair was hooked up to several beeping machines with various lights blinking. She stepped closer, and he opened his eyes. “Hey,” she said with a smile. “They’re going to take that bullet out.”

  “So I heard.” Levi’s voice was just a whisper. “I wanted to say thanks.”

  “For what? I told you there might be someone looking for us.”

  “Looking for you,” he said. “You gave me hope when I was ready to give up.” He reached toward her. “I was ready to let go of that board and let the well take me. I kept thinking that at least I would be with my boy, Nate.”

  “I’m glad you held on.” She gathered his hand in hers. �
�Did you know my daddy, Mr. Blair?”

  “As a matter of fact I did. Arnie and me used to go fishing when we was kids.”

  “Well, my daddy passed recently. And my only blood relative is my twelve-year-old brother.”

  “I’m so sorry, young lady.” His gaze softened.

  “I’m going to get married, and I sure would like it if you would walk me down the aisle. Maybe then neither of us would be so lonely.”

  Levi’s dark eyes assessed her. “Misty, if I survive this surgery, I would be right honored to walk you down the aisle.”

  She leaned over and gently kissed him on his scruffy cheek. “You’ll be just fine. I promise.”

  All of the Garretts waited with Misty until Levi was out of surgery. The doctor came by to inform her that the surgery had gone well and Mr. Blair was in recovery.

  “I’m taking her home to get a little rest,” Colton said. “We’ll be back to see Mr. Blair tomorrow.”

  Reluctantly, Misty allowed Colton to convince her to accompany him back to the Garrett ranch.

  She was forced to ride to the portico in the wheelchair pushed by a less-than-enthusiastic orderly. Colton and Big Jim were standing beside Colton’s truck. Colt assisted her up into the cab and then went around to climb in on the driver’s side. Big Jim climbed in beside her while Beau took over the back seat, slouching down and closing his eyes.

  She clutched a plastic bag containing her torn and bloodied clothing. “Thanks for coming to get me.”

  Colt tossed the bag in the back seat before planting a kiss on her upturned face. “Didn’t you know I would?”

  “Yes.” She nodded happily. Yes, he will always be there for me.

  Colton drove out of town, and as soon as they left the bright lights of the city, Misty’s head dropped onto his shoulder, and she was fast asleep.

  * * *

  Colton was exhausted. It had been a long and tough day. He remained aware of the precious person resting against his shoulder. His jaw was still tight from the grueling search and the frightening rescue. But I got her back. All the agony of the search had been worth the results.


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