The Best Man

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The Best Man Page 4

by Callie Vegas

  He clears his throat and his voice shakes when he answers. “No, she doesn’t know, and I don’t want her to find out, either.” He is raising his voice, clearly worried I will tell her. That’s not for me to do, but he needs to man up and tell her himself.

  “How can you keep it from her? Surely she’s noticed something when you fuck.” My hands are in my hair, pulling on the strands. I can’t believe that Jez wants to marry a woman and not tell her that he is gay.

  Jez goes quiet for a minute. “We’ve never, um, fucked as you put it.”

  I can’t believe this shit. I stop where I am and look at my phone. Did I really just hear that right? “What? You’re marrying a woman you haven’t fucked, and you aren’t going to tell her that you’re gay. Jez I can’t believe this shit. It’s not fair to her, Jez. Fuck!” I start pacing the room.

  “Get a grip Saul, life isn’t fair. Jo and I have a good relationship. We get on, we like each other’s company and we’re both safe people. We don’t do reckless, spontaneous things, everything is planned. We have an understanding.” Jez is getting louder on the phone. It’s like he’s trying to convince me that he’s doing the right thing.

  “What about your sex life? Surely you can’t expect a woman not to have sex with her husband.” What doesn’t he understand about this?

  “I promised her we would spend our wedding night together and I’m just going to have to bear it. Hopefully, she won’t be sexually demanding, and I won’t have to have sex with her often.”

  What the f...? I stop my pacing and my mouth opens so wide, if it could, my jaw would smash against the floor. Does he really believe what he’s saying? Thank god he isn’t in front of me. I’m sure I would have punched him. I think I’m going to wear a hole in the carpet if I don’t stop pacing. My spare hand is clenched so tight my nails dig into my skin.

  “Why would do that to someone you say you love. I’m not sure I can be there when you go ahead with this... this charade, Jez. Man up and tell her or break it off.” With my words I start pacing again.

  “No,” he shouts. “I need to get married. When I get married I’ll be given my trust fund from my grandfather. Also, it gets everyone off my back.”

  I pull the phone away from my ear and run my hand through my hair. This just gets worse and worse. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. My lungs inhale a deep breath and I move the phone back to my ear. “You’re marrying so you can get the money? Jeez, that’s low even for you. What about poor Jo? Does she have a say in all of this?” I don’t hide the disdain from my voice.

  “She loves me. She’s excited about getting married.”

  “But that’s because she doesn’t know you don’t really love her. This is sick, Jez. Totally sick.”

  “I’ll talk to her before the wedding,” he says, but I don’t know if I believe him. “But I can offer her financial stability for the rest of her life.” Most women want love and romance, he can’t offer her that. God, he is really fucking up my head.

  “What about when she wants kids? What are you going to say then? Here’s my sperm, I wanked in a jar, go knock yourself up?” My voice gets loud and my pulse beats in my temple. The more he talks the more angry I am.

  “Don’t be stupid, if I have to have sex then I’ll do it, but I won’t like it.” I can’t believe what a selfish arsehole he is. He thinks this is acceptable.

  “You’re a prck! You need to talk to her before the wedding and if she still wants to get married then let me know and I’ll be there the morning of the wedding and not a day earlier.” I hang up. Seriously, where does he get off?

  He’s put me in a bad mood and it stays for the rest of the day. Fucking Jez!

  One day till the wedding.

  Work is busy and I’m walking the floor, greeting all the VIP’s and making sure nothing kicks off. I can’t help myself but look for the mysterious stranger from the other week. I’ve not taken anyone else home; my body doesn’t want anyone else except her. Her body worked in tune with mine. She pushed when I pulled. She thrusted when I thrusted. My cock stirs as I think about her. I need to pull myself together, she was obviously from out of town and won’t be back. If I’m honest I’m a little disappointed she didn’t ring me. We shared a magical night and I want more of those nights with her. Maybe I was just a random hook-up and that was it for her, but by god she put a lot of effort in when it came to fucking.

  “Hey handsome,” I hear a small voice say as I walk past one of the VIP booths.

  I turn to face a small, petite, dark haired girl who is the complete opposite of my stranger. “How can I help you?” I ask with a smile on my face.

  “I was just wondering if you needed anyone to keep your bed warm tonight?”

  I choke. Some girls are so forward these days.

  “I have someone warming my bed, but if she leaves then I’ll be sure to look you up.” I say and try to let her down gently.

  “My bad,” she says. As she turns away I assume she forgets me in an instant as she searches her next target.

  I laugh, turn away, and move onto the next booth.

  There’s no trouble tonight and everyone is happy which I’m grateful for. I’ve got an early plane to catch. My bags are packed and I’m going straight to the airport after I finish here. Jeremy says that everything is on target and he will be married tomorrow. I’ll be able to sleep for a couple of hours on the plane. I should be with Jez an hour before he gets married. That should be plenty of time. I don’t plan on sticking around long either, I have a return flight booked for the night after the wedding.

  As the cab drives out to the airport I think about what Jez told me and how he’s prepared to marry a girl to hide his sexuality. I am still disgusted. But, I’m glad he spoke to her, but what kind of girl is she? Is she really shy, timid maybe, and doesn’t want to rock the boat this close to the wedding? Is she really someone who thinks she can’t do any better than Jez?

  The whole situation plays on my mind as I go through the motions at the airport.

  When I get on the plane, I’m glad to see I’m in a seat on my own. I didn’t want to have to make small talk.

  The air stewardess wakes me to put my seat belt back on as we’re coming in to land. She slips me her number and I put it in my pocket to throw away later.

  Jez is waiting at the airport for me, which surprises me as he’s getting married in a few hours.

  “Hey Saul, good to see you,” he says as he hugs me. Does he hold me for a second too long? Or was that my imagination?

  I’m being paranoid, but it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other.

  “Hey, didn’t expect you this morning. I figured you’d be too busy.” I take a step back, enforcing some distance between us and giving me the opportunity to study him. He looks well. Happy even.

  “Never too busy for you, my friend.” He’s very happy, smiling and I see a glint in his eyes. Maybe this is going to work out for him.

  As we walk to the car he tells me all about the wedding. “So, we’re getting married in a hotel. Neither of us really wanted the whole church affair. Then we’ll have the reception there and stay the night too. I booked you a room, I wasn’t sure if you were going to stay at home or not, so you’ve got a choice.”

  “Thanks, Jez. I need to go and see my parents before the wedding, although I’m sure they’re attending too, right?”

  “Yes, they sure are.” He grins.

  “Well if you want to drop me off with them, then I can have breakfast and we can leave together.”

  “Sounds like a plan. It’s good to have you home.”

  “Good to be home. How’s Jo doing? Have you spoken to her this morning?” I’m apprehensive to ask, but we need to talk about the elephant in the room.

  “Um, no I haven’t. I know she’s going to be busy being made beautiful. She won’t have time,” he says as if I’ve asked the most ridiculous question.

  I know if it were me getting married, then I’d be hanging on the phone
to make sure she was okay and to help her through with any nerves. I’d be ringing because the person I marry, will be the person I don’t stop thinking about when I’m not with them. My mind drifts to Joss and for a split second I wonder what it’d be like to be in a relationship with such a beautiful and sexy woman. Intense for sure.

  Jez drops me at my parent’s house and when I open the door my mom runs out to hug me. I haven’t been home in years, they’ve always been out to meet me somewhere half way between here and wherever I’m stationed.

  “Saul, oh my god it’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you, baby,” Mom says pulling me into a hug.

  “It wasn’t that long ago since I last saw you. You came out to Vegas a few weeks ago,” I laugh.

  “I know, but having you in this house, it just takes me back all those years. Why didn’t you move home when you left the army? Why Vegas?”

  We’ve been through this so many times since I told her I was moving to Vegas. “I’ve lived away from home for so long Mom, I don’t think I could move back to this small town again. I was given an opportunity in Vegas, with good money, a fantastic apartment and a new start in life. So I took it with open arms. I’m not staying long either so have all the hugs you need.” I smile.

  She takes me up on the offer and hugs and squeezes me tight. Lots of memories come flooding back to me just being in the house. The inside hasn’t changed at all, the same ornaments and decoration. It was always a cozy and warm home. My friends would all love coming to my house because mom made them feel welcome. Anyone was welcome in our house and I know that’s still the case.

  After breakfast I get dressed into the suit Jez left for me and when I go downstairs, Mom has tears in her eyes.

  “Oh, Saul, you look so handsome. Everyone will think you’re the groom today. When are you going to settle down?”

  “Mom, I’m not ready to settle down yet, I haven’t found the right girl. You’ll know all about it when I do, I promise.” She kisses me on the cheek. My mind drifts to my beautiful stranger, but I shake my head to rid those thoughts.

  “I just know you’ll make some woman really happy one day.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” I say kissing her back. “Right I’m going over to Jez’s to get this wedding moving. Have you met Jo? What’s she like?”

  “Have you not met her? Wow, I thought you had. She’s gorgeous, so beautiful, enthusiastic and so much fun to be around. She’s so kind, she’s helped me with some things in the past.”

  I’m confused, that’s not the picture that Jez painted to me the other week. He told me that she wasn’t overly pretty, and she was big and timid. “No, I’ve not met her, but Jeremy’s told me all about her. I can’t wait to meet the girl who’s taking him off the market.”

  Mom looks at me strangely. “I’m surprised he’s getting married to be honest. I wasn’t sure he’d ever meet someone. He seemed to be happy alone, if you know what I mean.”

  “I know what you mean, and I thought the same thing. She must be an amazing woman that’s all I can say. Right,” I say and lean down to kiss her on the cheek, “I’m off, I’ll see you there.”

  I walk to the house next door and bang on the door. Jez comes out and he’s all dressed and ready to go. “You look good, man,” I say to him.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.” He smiles. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  The car is waiting for us and while we’re being driven over to the hotel, I ask, “So, are you nervous about today?”

  “No, not really. I know she’ll turn up. I’m more nervous about tonight, if I’m being honest. I’ve never had sex with a woman before and I don’t know how to do it properly.”

  Really? I didn’t know he was a virgin! “Look, it’s easy, just make sure she likes whatever you’re doing and then you stick your dick into her pussy. After that you can think it’s an ass or whatever turns you on and you’re home free. Just don’t mess with this chick’s feelings if you don’t feel anything for her in return.”

  “I do love her you know.”

  “I hope so,” I say.

  The driver turns around to us. “We’re here sir.”

  “Thanks,” we both say at the same time and get out of the car. I follow Jez because he knows where he’s going.

  He opens the door to a room that is decorated for the wedding. It has a red carpet running from the door to the front of the room which has floor to ceiling windows covering the whole wall. The room overlooks the gardens of the hotel, which are really well looked after. I nod my approval. “This is a great room, Jez.”

  “Yeah Jo picked everything, she just told me where to be and what time to be here,” he says, before he heads over the other side of the room to say hello to some of the guests.

  My mouth is open and nothing is coming out. I can’t believe he just admitted that he only had to turn up and he didn’t have anything to do with the wedding.

  There are a few people here already and I look around trying to see who I know. I see Mom and Dad, some other neighbours, who I nod my head at. Then I see a row of girls sat staring at me. They look familiar but for the life of me I can’t place them. Maybe I went to school with them or something. Although they look younger than me. They are whispering, and they keep sending not so unobvious glanced my way. One of them takes her phone out and pretends to look at it but I know she is taking a sly pic of me… Really? Maybe she wants to hook up later or something.

  I walk over to them, I could do with getting to know them better, but I’m stopped in my tracks by Mrs. Wilson, Jez’s mother. “Saul, we haven’t seen you for years. You were always over and then poof you were gone. How are you?” she asks, hugging me tight. She’s always been a bit handsy where I was concerned, and I’m so thankful that today she keeps herself under control.

  “I’m well thanks, Mrs. Wilson.”

  “Call me Penelope, there’s no need to call me by my full title now. We’re old friends,” she says as she squeezes my arm.

  And there she goes… I need to get away from her.

  The door opens slightly and a pretty girl, who also looks familiar, pokes her head around it and nods to the sound guy in the corner.

  The music changes and everyone sits down.

  I hear the first few beats of You & I, by John Legend. Great song. It’s show time!

  Walking over to Jez I interrupt him and we both go to stand at the table where the officiant is.

  The doors open again and in walks my beautiful stranger. She’s the one woman who I think about when I go to bed. The one I think about when I wake up. And the one that I miss when she’s not around. Joss!



  What the fuck?

  Why is Paul stood next to Jeremy?

  How do they know each other?

  Jeremy’s best man is called Saul not P… oh shit… it must have been so loud that night in the club I didn’t hear his name correctly. If I’d heard Saul then I would have questioned him, because let’s face it, Saul is not a common name around these parts.

  I pull back on Katie’s arm. I don’t think I can do this. Can I really marry the wrong guy when the man of my dreams is stood next to him?

  “What do you want to do, Joss?” Katie whispers.

  “I don’t know. Can we just walk slowly so I can think? Please?” My heart races and I think I am going to pass out. I tighten my hold on Katie’s arm and take a deep breath.

  “Whatever you want to do I’m one hundred percent behind you,” she says, slowing down her walk. At this rate I don’t think we’ll make it to the other end of the room before the song finishes. My mind is flitting back to our one night together. It was the best night of my life and I never expected to see him again. Shit.

  I don’t look at Jeremy, all I can do is look at Saul. But looking at him and searching his face to see if he recognises me is tying me up in knots.

  I remember his voice reverberating through me and hitting spots I didn’t even know I had. The way his
cock fitted perfectly into my pussy. His kisses so tender one minute and rough the next. His perfectly sculpted body enhanced with the sweat from our fucking running down his chest. I remember his tongue as it licked me out, when I came on it and him lapping me up. Then I remember when he kissed me after and I could taste my own musky, salty flavour.

  Squeezing my thighs together I continue walking, slowly, remembering everything about our night together. Is he here to ruin everything for me? I start to panic, but from the look on his face he’s as shocked as I am.

  He looks at the floor and then back up to me. His gaze is intense and I can see emotions flitting across his face. I just know that he didn’t know who I was.

  I turn my gaze to Jeremy and he isn’t even smiling at me. I’m not sure if he saw the way I reacted to Saul or it’s the indifference I’ve noticed since the Vegas bachelorette party. I’ve been blaming it down to my guilt about what I’d done. Maybe there’s more to it than that?

  “What are you going to do, Joss?” Katie whispers once more, breaking my inner thoughts.

  “I don’t know.” I can feel the tears begin to fill my eyes. What the fuck do I do? Seeing Saul stand there at the top of the aisle… I can imagine walking down towards him and taking his hand in marriage—not Jeremy’s. Fuck!

  The music’s still playing. I can hear something about my heart being yours forever – I can’t listen it’s too much.

  I can’t promise that anymore. I can’t promise to be Jeremy’s forever when all I want is to be Saul’s for one more night.

  “I think I’m going to be sick,” I say to Katie. “I don’t think I can go through with this.”

  “Do you want to turn around and walk back out? We can so do that you know.” She squeezes my arm, giving me the encouragement if I needed it.

  “I couldn’t do that, what would everyone think?”

  “They would think you finally came to your senses, Joss. He’s not right for you if you had a one-night stand. I know what we said, but we didn’t really think you’d do it.”


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