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At Death’s Door

Page 24

by Kenyon, Sherrilyn

  That would be sinister enough, but when coupled with his lethal smile-at-me-and-I’ll-gut-you-where-you-stand aura, he could easily play the villain role in any Greek tragedy.

  Oh wait, he’d already done that.

  Several times, and enjoyed it.

  Acheron tried not to be amused by his own rambling thoughts. “So, what do you think, Savvy?”

  “I think you need to find a new nickname for me before I spank you, Ack-Ack.”

  And this was why Acheron had banned the Necrodemian Paden Jack from the room. All they needed was one more sarcastic asshole and Acheron would be forced to throat-punch someone. For that matter, he’d also banned a few others. No need to add those temptations, as none of them would have ridden herd on their tongues and he just wasn’t in the mood for it. He took enough lip from his own Dark-Hunters. He didn’t need to add Thorn’s little group to his migraine.

  Out of the whole crew, he’d only tolerated Bane, along with Nibo, Valynda, Cameron, Mara, Kalder, Rosie, Will, Bart, and Belle to join them. They, alone, didn’t test his nerves.

  “So, about the plan.” Acheron enunciated each word slowly so that Savitar would follow him.

  “I know you meant the plan, Mighty Pain. I just don’t like the name.”

  “Would you answer my question?”

  Savitar passed a smirk to Thorn. “It’s not as stupid as his last one. The fact that no one is being taken to my island to stay there this time is a plus. I vote for it based on that one fact alone.”

  Acheron groaned while Bane laughed at the memory of the crew taking refuge there.

  “I vote for anything that keeps us away from any more demons,” Will said. “Had enough of those buggers for a while.”

  Bart elbowed him.

  Laughing, Nibo shifted his weight to his other leg as he stood in the corner. “So, we’re good, then?”

  Acheron hedged. “Yes and no. Getting Madoc to comply … that’s going to be tricky.”

  Nibo frowned at him. “How so? He has no emotions, right?”

  Acheron snorted at what should be a really obvious answer. “Because he has no emotions, he doesn’t care. Blow the world up. Or down. No vested interest one way or the other.”

  Nibo growled as he realized what Acheron had meant. That was definitely a problem. How did one motivate such an ass?

  “But if we use him against Adarian …” Valynda trailed off into thought.

  “It’ll definitely be worth it.” Nibo stroked his whiskers as he tried to think of some way to coerce a god who had no emotions and no desires to want to do them a favor.

  “Yeah,” Will groused, “this is a tough one. I’ve got nothing.”

  Bart agreed. “I’ve wasted me two last brain cells. All they’re saying is to jump ship while we’re able.”

  “I did that once.” Kalder grinned. “Worked well for me, but I can breathe underwater. You poor bastards are screwed.”

  Acheron ignored his comment. “Are you sure this will weaken him?”

  Nibo hesitated as he considered the question in all seriousness. So far, Acheron didn’t seem to know that Madoc was Adarian’s son, which technically made him Acheron’s brother. They needed to keep it that way, as they didn’t need the complication or risk that Acheron might decide blood was thicker than water, and defect to Adarian’s side without warning. Granted, Acheron had never done that in the past, but why risk it?

  Acheron had unbelievable powers. There was no need to put any temptation there if they didn’t need to. So he decided to keep the truth from Acheron. Nibo cleared his throat. “It’s his Dream-Hunter powers that we’re after. That and his being one of the oldest of their breed and all …”

  Luckily, Acheron believed him. Which was a miracle, given that Acheron normally could sense a lie three leagues off. Which meant Nibo was getting better at this and learning to hide from other immortals.

  Acheron nodded. “I can assign Madoc to my newest Dark-Hunter, Jean-Luc. That might work.”

  Nibo frowned. “I don’t follow.”

  “Whenever one of my Dark-Hunters is created, I usually have one of the Dream-Hunters assigned to him or her for a few hundred years. It helps to siphon off their excess rage over being betrayed, as well as the pain of being alone in the world and cut off from their family.”

  Nibo understood that. Since the only way a Dream-Hunter could experience emotion was through someone’s dreams, they lived for such tasks and were perfect for it.

  Not to mention, he still wasn’t over Qeenan’s betrayal, and that had been thousands and thousands of years ago. Emotions that intense tended to last. Though he doubted if a Dream-Hunter could handle his.

  Acheron scratched his chin. “Madoc won’t think it unusual if I make a request for him to be here for that. But I still don’t see how you think a simple Dream-Hunter can weaken a Malachai.”

  Unwilling to share the truth, as it would only lead to somewhere bad, Nibo shrugged. “It’s a theory I’m working on. Something Shadow said about the Primus Bellum and something he observed.”

  Acheron stood up. “All right, then. Wish you luck with it.”

  So did he. This would either work, or blow up in their faces. Which his past experience said would be the more likely outcome.

  But he was ever an optimist … as in absolutely never, yet it didn’t keep him from trying while hoping for a better outcome. He just wasn’t willing to share that with the group. There were some things they didn’t need to know. Near death being the most obvious one.

  Acheron pulled out his dark spectacles. “I’ll go see Madoc and try to talk him into the human realm. How long do you think it’ll take to weaken the Malachai?”

  Nibo considered it. “If what Shadow said was true and we can keep him here and get him to help us in the battle, should be rather quick. I hope.”

  “Then I’ll see what I can do.” He vanished.

  Savitar frowned at Nibo with a sinister glare. “What are you hiding?”

  But he refused to be intimidated. “How do you mean?”

  “You reek of deception.”

  “And here I thought it was just me smelling that.” Bane retook his chair that Acheron had vacated. “’Course I also thought it could just be Bart, as he hasn’t bathed in a few weeks.”

  “Hey now! ’Tis true, but still! No need getting personal.”

  Savitar ignored him as he rose to approach Nibo. His lavender gaze narrowed dangerously. “What are you not telling us?”

  “I think you know.”

  “Do I?”

  “Don’t you?”

  Thorn snorted. “So, this is what it’s like to witness my conversations with you. Fascinating.”

  Savitar blasted him without taking his gaze from Nibo.

  Luckily, Thorn ducked the blast, which made a large black stain in the side of the ship.

  “Hey now, watch it! That be me lady you’re striking,” Bane growled. “Careful with your tempers.”

  “Forgive me.” Yet Savitar’s tone was anything other than apologetic.

  “Help us bind Adarian.”

  Savitar shook his head. “I’m not involving myself in the politics of this world. Not anymore. Been there and failed that. My days of being a world protector are over.”

  “Why is that?” Nibo arched a brow.

  “It cost me too much in the past.”

  “Yet you never elaborate beyond pithy little hints.”

  Savitar gave him a cruel smile. “And neither do you, Xuri. We all have our secrets.” His gaze went meaningfully to Valynda.

  Nibo didn’t understand where he was going with that. Sometimes trying to follow his line of thought was like watching the flight of a bumblebee, confusing, erratic, and the stuff of nightmares. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Why do you think you’re so drawn to her?”

  “She’s wonderful,” he said without hesitation.

  Savitar rolled his eyes. “Think about it, old man. You’re not that stupid. You’
ve only felt this way about two women in your life. …” He glanced to Thorn before he returned his gaze to Nibo. “Or have you?”

  A chill went down his spine as he finally caught on. “Aclima?”

  Valynda felt a rush of cold go through her at the way he whispered that name. With a loving reverence unlike anything she’d ever heard from anyone before. It stung her with a jealousy so profound that it burned her raw and left her aching. While he’d never mentioned that name to her, it was obvious he had a great deal of affection for this other woman.

  Biting her lip, she saw the look on Cameron’s face as she stepped toward Kalder and took his hand without speaking.

  Savitar nodded. “You felt it the moment you first met. It’s why Qeenan tried to keep you two divided. Why he’s an even bigger threat to you than you know.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Now, knowing that, do you still want to take on the Malachai?”

  Nibo moved to stand behind Valynda so that he could place his hands on her shoulders protectively. “Knowing that, it’s imperative that I take him on, and stop him.”

  And with that, he used his powers to take her from the room and into hers below the deck so that he could speak to her alone.

  Valynda’s stomach ached in fear of what he had to say. Although she already knew. Aclima was obviously someone important. Someone she couldn’t hold a candle to.

  “You don’t have to say anything, Xuri.”

  His amber eyes scorched her with the intensity of his emotions. “Aye, I do.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “Nay. It’s probably best—”

  He cut her words off with a scorching kiss that made her head spin and left her breathless. “Xuri, what are you doing?”

  “I should have known it was you the first time I tasted you.”


  He laughed and kissed her again, then started tugging on her clothes, which was beginning to make her angry.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I want to be inside you.”

  “Nay … I don’t think so.”

  He looked up, stricken. “What? Why?”

  “Because you’re thinking of another woman!”

  Shaking his head, he smiled at her. “I’m thinking only of you, Vala. There’s only ever been you.”

  “You’re thinking of Aclima.”

  “Who is you.”

  She scowled at him as she tried to follow his reasoning. “What?”

  His features melted into a loving grin. “Oh, mon ange. You are Aclima. Don’t you get that?” Turning her around, he pulled her toward the looking glass that stood in the corner and held her so that she could see herself there. He pressed his cheek against hers.

  “Think back, Vala. To a simpler time and place. We were promised to each other. But Qeenan wanted you for himself. You are the only thing I ever fought my brother for, because I didn’t want to live without you.”

  She started to deny it, but as she stared at the mirror, she began to see images of the past. Images of her and Nibo sitting on a distant mountain …

  With her long dark hair flowing freely to her waist, and dressed in vibrant red with bare feet, she saw herself so clearly while he sat beside her playing on a lute. The wind tugged at her hair while she laughed in time to his tune.

  Suddenly, everything came pouring back. Every memory of their life together. Then, as now, she’d been of humble origins. A simple shepherdess. Unpretentious and quiet, she’d never wanted much of anything in life.

  Except Nibo, who had come rushing into her life one day when one of her lambs had been trapped and she’d been unable to free him. The bleating had been so intense, and she’d been so focused on helping the little one that she’d paid attention to nothing else.

  “I’ve got him. Stand back.”

  Startled, she’d moved away as Nibo had climbed into the dangerous ravine with nothing more than his bare hands and feet and somehow lifted her lamb up to her and set him free.

  She’d gathered her lamb to her to hold it and had watched as he lifted himself up and smiled at her. Not smugly, but in pure bashfulness. It’d been the sweetest expression she’d ever seen.

  “Is he all right?” he’d asked as he came to check on him.

  She’d fallen in love instantly.

  How could she ever forget that? “You promised to marry me in the spring.”

  “Aye,” he whispered. “You were to wear baby’s breath braided in your hair.”

  Because he liked it best. He thought it made her look like a fey princess. And it was then she realized that he still wore her ring on his pinkie. He’d kept it all these centuries. Tears filled her eyes.

  “I’ve never stopped loving you, Vala.”

  Those words toppled her emotionally. How could anyone hold on to that for all this time? Especially Nibo the feckless?

  “I know you better.”

  “Aye, you do. It’s why I was never attached to any other woman. They weren’t you.”

  That succeeded in making her cry. This time when Nibo drew her into his arms, she welcomed him with the same passion. Never had she thought a mere kiss could be such a wondrous experience.

  And when his warm, calloused hand closed around her breast, she sighed in blissful contentment. Absolute pleasure pierced her as heat pooled itself in the center of her body. She couldn’t imagine craving anyone else. It absolutely consumed her. It was electrifying. Tormenting, and it left her wanting more of him.

  Nibo left her lips to kiss a trail down her throat to the breast he cupped. Valynda swallowed at the sight of his dark curls brushing against her pale breast, at the feel of his tongue teasing her taut nipple. His tongue was rough and hot, his lips soothing and tender.

  She cupped his head to her and let the locks of his hair tease her fingers.

  He was so beautiful there, tasting her, teasing her. His beautiful face showed the pleasure he received just from touching her like that, and she sighed in contentment as she let the incredible earthy sensations sweep her away until she was nothing but an extension of the man holding her in his arms.

  She would forever be his.

  Nibo had never tasted anything like her body. She was so warm, so inviting. More so because he knew she was sharing with him what she’d never shared with anyone else.

  He was her first and only.

  In this life and her other.

  Why she would choose his worthless arse, he couldn’t imagine. He was so unworthy of what she offered. So unworthy of her, period.

  She was lightness and joy.

  He was darkness and sorrow. Tragedy. Nothing good had ever come from him.

  Yet he was glad that, for this one moment and for whatever reason, she was with him now.

  Valynda tugged at his shirt. Eager to oblige her, he pulled it off. Biting her lips, she ran her hands over his tense arms. He clenched his teeth as his head reeled from pleasure.

  The things her touch did to his body …

  It was incredible. Invigorating. It made him feel virile and wild. Made him hard and aching. Most of all, he felt vulnerable to her. She was his one and only weakness.

  But he couldn’t pull back. Nay, he needed more of her. Needed to touch every inch of her body and to claim it as his own.


  Valynda smiled up at him as he gathered her into his arms and carried her to her bunk, where he threw her playfully and then covered her with his long, languid body. Her thoughts scattered at the glorious feeling of his skin against hers. Of his heavy weight that felt good instead of oppressive.

  Nibo took her hand into his and guided it back to him. “I love when you touch me.”

  Valynda ran her hand down his shaft as the tip of it probed her. It made her even more tender toward him. “I love when you’re inside me.”

  He kissed her again, then drove himself deep inside her.

  Nibo whispered sweet endearments in her ear while he used his tongue to toy with the tender flesh of her neck.

She panted in pleasure as he coaxed her. And in this moment, she reveled in the strength of his arms around her and the sound of his deep voice in her ear. Valynda wrapped her arms around his shoulders and buried her face against his muscled neck where she inhaled the warm scent of him. It gave her courage and strength because here, she knew she was home.

  This was all she wanted. To share her body and soul with him. If they lost this fight and this was her last peaceful moment, she wanted this memory with him. She needed it.

  Nibo wanted her in a way unimaginable. She surrounded him with heat, and her breath against his neck sent a thousand chills over him. She felt wonderful and he never wanted to let her go.

  He smiled at her courage and at the sight of her lying underneath him, her body bare and perfect.

  It was the most incredible thing he’d ever seen. A wave of fierce possession tore through him then, especially when he looked down to see them joined.

  “I love how full you are inside me,” she said. “I would give anything to carry your baby.”

  Nibo laughed at that. He’d never had a woman speak of such things. But then talking was what she did best. From the first night they’d met on the beach and she’d told him off.

  “How do I feel?”

  “Full and deep. I can feel you all the way to my core.”

  He sucked his breath in at her words and the image they created. He liked to hear her speak of such things. “Can you now?”

  She nodded.

  He pulled back, then thrust his hips hard and deep against hers.

  They moaned in unison.

  “You feel so incredible!” She sighed.

  Nibo rolled over with them still joined. He sat her on top of him and watched her in the darkness.

  Her smile turned wicked as she realized what he wanted. “I see you liked being my cheval.”

  “Aye, I did.”

  Wrinkling her nose, she braced her hands on his muscled chest and began to slowly ride him.

  Nibo ran his hands down her thighs and watched the way the moonlight cut across her pale skin.

  “May I ask another question?”

  His mind was dazed from the feel of her naked body sliding against his, and it took a few seconds before he could respond. “By all means talk, mon ange, if it gives you pleasure to do so. Tell me more about how I feel inside you.”


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