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Tailwind (Love By Design Book 4)

Page 11

by M. C. Cerny

  The phone kept ringing and I picked it up right before it went to voice mail. It let my interfering mother know that I didn’t ask how high when she said jump but that I still respected the fact that she gave birth to me much as she belabored that fact when given a chance.

  “Chase.” One word, that was all my mother needed to start this off as an inquisition and not a conversation.

  My eyes rolled upward praying for guidance.


  “I’m having dinner at the house and I want to get to know this girl you’re seeing.”

  I was going to stick Kristen inside the doggie crate for this.

  “Are you now?”

  “I am and I’m not asking.”

  “Will Grammie be there?”

  “Be a big boy, Chase. Let’s get to know her if you’re planning on making her a regular fixture.”

  “You met her at Bridge with Nana Halle.”

  “Chase.” My mother huffed in that I’m the one not making sense tone.

  “It was the Fourth of July and for reference, why is it that Kristen can invite half the football team and only I get the interrogation?”

  “Don’t slut shame you sister.”

  I muttered, “Somebody should.”

  Mom ignored my pointed insult. To be fair, I was pretty certain my sister hadn’t gotten with the football team because all the guys were my friends and I would have killed them, but that left the soccer team and the weirdoes from lacrosse. So really, it was a toss up.

  “Anyway. We’re eating at six and I have a gorgeous prime rib from the co-op butcher in Ellensville.” My mouth watered thinking about the expensive cut of meat perfectly cooked, but it wasn’t worth the torture of my mother’s harassment.

  “Chase, please.”

  It wasn’t often my mother followed anything with a please or a thank you, and I found myself reluctantly giving in. If this became the shit show it was bound to be, I only had myself to blame. And my sister. She was always meddling.

  “What time is dinner?” I didn’t want to come off as too interested in the main course when I planned on making Winnie my dessert.


  “See you then.” Groaning, I hung up the phone wondering how I was going to present this mishegas to Winnie. She not only got hives at the mere mention of my mother since the Fourth, but family outings seemed to bring up stuff for her I wasn’t yet privy too.

  Winnie was easier to convince than I thought. I stopped by her house and while she was engaged in looking up her potential fall course schedule, another hurdle I didn’t want to tackle right then, I kissed her head and told her we had plans for dinner. It was sneaky, but effective. I’d deal with the fallout later dragging her to my parents house, but for now I was riding the high that this was going to turn out well, or I’d die trying.

  “So remind me again what we’re doing at your parent’s house?” Winnie had been distracted all day and I hadn’t thought to ask what was on her mind. I was being a shitty boyfriend preoccupied with my own musings and family drama, the first being that I didn’t want my mother scaring her off.

  “Dinner. My mother is a bit of a celebrity around here being a judge for the county. She likes to hold dinners and summon us kids to attend.”

  “Oh.” I glanced over to see Winnie’s brow furrow and I reached for her hand with mine while driving across town.

  “My sister will be there too.” We shared that moment to glance over at each other and chuckle.

  “Is she inviting her harem?” Winnie asked, her lips quirked upward.

  “You know, I asked my mother that and she told me not to slut shame her. I’m glad someone else has finally noticed Kristen’s proclivities for drama.”

  “Feel vindicated, do you?” Winnie’s mood seemed to dissipate as we discussed Kristen and her round table of failed knights. If this were medieval times I don’t think we could have paid the gypsies to take her off our hands.

  “Honestly, I’ve only ever wanted Kristen to be happy, but she has this penchant for picking the completely worst of the worst. Except for the cop, but she keeps dumping him.” I could not for the life of me figure out why and my buddy Evan really needed to let Kristen go if he wanted any peace in his life.

  “And the plumber?”

  “Damian? He’s not so bad.” I explained in brief cliff notes how that mess came to be. Winnie nodded her head agreeing.

  “Maybe it’ll work out for her.”

  “Maybe.” I said unconvinced when I pulled up to the house.

  Kristen’s car pulled up right behind me blocking me in. Damn. She was going to make getting out of here tonight a real trial.

  “What’s up Romeo?” Kristen called from the driver’s side getting out of the car.

  “I’d call you Juliet but that somehow seems too weird and morose.”

  “I was going to go with incestuous, but okay.” Kristen drawled.

  Winnie leaned in to me whispering, “More like Taming of The Shrew?”

  I barked out loud before kissing Winnie soundly in the driveway for all to see.

  “You’re lucky I like you so much.” Kristen tapped my shoulder and sauntered into the house.

  “She’s not so bad.” Winnie quipped shrugging. She had no idea how bad my sister could be. I said a silent prayer that everything would turn out alright.

  On a sigh I said, “Win, let’s survive dinner and see how you feel after.”

  “Okay, lead the way, Doctor.” She followed Kristen and I growled giving chase after her. It might be our last real laugh before the night was over and I enjoyed the tinkling sound of Win’s happy chortle.

  I had to hand it to my mother for fixing the seating arrangements before we got there so she could have maximum proximity to Winnie. I was seated between my sister and my dad who had his eye on old college football game highlights of the prior season while the commentators discussed the fall predictions. I didn’t care who was playing and had no desire to speak with him. I’d given up on that ship long ago.

  Mom handed out dishes and pestered Winnie in between.

  “So, tell me what brings you to New Paltz for the summer?”

  “Mom.” I grunted warning her off.

  “Nonsense Chase. It’s an innocent question. She’s not attending the school here and she hasn’t set up shop anywhere that I know of and pet sitting isn’t a career with benefits.”

  “It’s okay. I’m actually taking a break so I can figure out what I want to do. I agreed to watch my aunt’s house and her pets while she’s traveling for an extended period of time.” Winnie sipped the wine mom poured and smiled. Dad remained silent.

  “You know Chase did that between his injury and veterinary school.” Dad said non-pulsed between bites of meat and potatoes slathered in gravy.

  I gripped my fork stabbing it into the meat. The meal was the best mom had served in a while, but her questions along with dad’s friendly demeanor soured the experience.

  “Did he? I didn’t know.” Winnie leaned in and her curiosity would get her burned, it was only a matter of time before it happened.

  “Yeah, could have gone pro if he had the surgery and rehabbed like he should have.” Dad shoved food in his mouth and my fork clanged to the plate annoyed. I was ready to leave about ten minutes before the food had been served, but this was bullshit. I didn’t enjoy being questioned and having my integrity as a man called into question. I had been seriously injured with limited options for recovery and football had never been my passion to begin with. It had been his and I was mere the vessel which he lived vicariously through until I stopped giving a shit and made my own choices.

  “You know, dad…” I drawled and waited for the show to drop. This conversation had been a long time coming and if we needed to have it out here and now than I was balls deep because Winnie was going to either love me or hate me after this was over. Cards were all out on the table now.

  “Chase did you book you flight for Vegas yet? The guys need
to know.”

  I half turned snarling, “What?”

  Kristen gulped her wine before starting in again, “Vegas. The co-bachelor party for Taylor and Hunter? It’s next weekend. I uh have to finish the room arrangements. Did you book your flight?” She enunciated each word like I was an idiot. I felt like one because time escaped me quicker than I realized.

  “Vegas?” Winnie questioned and I knew I was fucked six ways to Sunday. I could have continued my confrontation with dad, but Kristen effectively nixed that while simultaneously bringing up the one thing I hadn’t yet mentioned to Winnie. I wasn’t sure until just now if we were a trip taking kind of thing yet. I wanted to be.

  “No I haven’t.” I glared at Kristen who shrugged as helpless as I was with her big mouth making trouble. “Was sort of hoping to discuss that later.” I mumbled. “Much later.” I shoved a bite of meat into my mouth.

  Kristen nodded. I knew what she had been trying to do but I didn’t need my little sister throwing me a life preserver just now.

  “Are they getting married in Vegas?”

  “No.” I told her chewing my meat giving Kristen a death glare.

  “But everyone is going to Vegas.” Winnie was sharp as a tack, I’d give her that.

  Kristen jumped in before I could add anything. “Yup and mom has graciously agreed to help out with the cost.”

  “Of course.” I muttered. Far be it for my sister to foot the bill for anything of her own doing like a co-ed bachelor bachelorette party for our two best friends.

  “Chase, you know Taylor is like a second daughter to us. She’s lived next door her whole life.” Mom reached across the table patting my hand. It was clever how mom clearly ignored the tension between dad and I when Kristen dropped this bomb.

  I had nothing against Taylor, heck; there were times I liked her far much more than my own sister. It had to do with Kristen growing the fuck up while I was still paying penance because my dream wasn’t my dad’s dream. I never wanted to play pro football if it wasn’t in the cards and considering the shitty hand I had been dealt, I felt like I managed this all pretty good considering.

  “My parents are coming to visit that weekend.” Winnie grimaced and I felt awful. I couldn’t abandon my friends nor could I leave my girl hanging in the wind like this. Shit. None of this was going to end well.

  “Oh that’s lovely. I wish we were all here to meet them. Grammie needs help at the cabin and I’m taking your father up there.” Dad grunted and I felt even worse. The place would literally be a ghost town.

  Dessert managed to be equally as awkward with little conversation and blank angry stares passed around the table like stale coffee. I was able to last another half hour before I stood up and decided I’d had enough of this hot mess.

  “I think we should head out. I’ve got a clinical consult in the morning on a schnauzer.”

  “Of course honey.” Mom put down her cup and saucer ever the gracious host. Winnie said her goodbyes politely. By the time I reached her at the front door the gloves were apparently off.

  I followed a stomping foot Winnie out the front door of my parents’ house into the driveway. She left with such vinegar in her steps the door nearly blindsided me as it swung on its hinges. Luckily Kristen’s car was parked behind mine so I had time to stall.

  “Win, come back.”

  She didn’t answer me but I could hear her muttering and her heels pacing the macadam pavement. Her silhouette glowed in profile as she stood facing away from me, her hand on the door handle of my car.

  “Babe we can’t go yet.”

  “Chase, wait!” Kristen plowed into me from behind and I had no patience to deal with my spoiled selfish sister in this moment. She hurt Winnie’s feelings and I wasn’t okay with that.

  “Not now, Kristen. Haven’t you done enough tonight.” I snarled.

  “Don’t be pissed with her.” Winnie turned to face us and the porch lights made the tears on her cheeks glisten.

  “Are you pissed at me?” I asked clearly confused who should have been pissed at who or what in this moment.

  “At myself.”

  “Now that doesn’t make any sense.” My hands slapped my legs in frustration. She wasn’t mad at me, or my idiot sister, but she was aggrieved at herself? Clearly I had no idea what women wanted from me.

  “Chase, maybe give us a minute?” Kristen tugged my shirt.

  “Not happening, sis. In fact, do me a huge favor and move that car of yours out of the driveway.” I pointed to her junker that looked like it had a newer bumper than the last time I saw it. “I want to go home.” I was done with tonight. Done in every aspect of the word.


  “Now.” I pointed at that car following her down the steps.

  Kristen sidestepped me tossing her hands in the air mumbling and went to her car throwing it in reverse and leaving. I’d deal with her later. Right now, I needed to fix this.


  “Not tonight Chase. Please take me home.”

  I opened her car door waiting for her to get settled inside. When she didn’t expect it I leaned in and reached for the buckle slowly pulling it across her chest and snapping it into the buckle.

  “I’m not leaving you at your house like this.”

  She crossed her arms glaring straight ahead.

  “Like what?”

  She didn’t even turn to look at me, oh my darling Winsome it was on now.

  “Sexually frustrated.” I joked in poor taste.

  She huffed and shook her head. “Get in the damn car, Doc.”

  I smiled. She couldn’t have been that mad a teeny tiny wrinkle of a smile edged at her lips. I’d wear her down. We’d have epic makeup sex and I’d figure out what exactly had her panties in such a twist.

  “Yes, ma’am.” I shut her door and got in on my side having a jaunt in my step that wasn’t there from the earlier mess.

  We’d work this out. We had to because she was obviously still into me.



  My aunt called today and asked if I could stay longer. I said yes because there was no point to go back to the city. I had nothing else going on and no college classes to return to. My parent’s cancelled their drive up which wasn’t unexpected at this point. My dad was traveling alone to Albany after a fight with my mother. We’d try to make plans for lunch but he had a bunch of consults lined up and little time to spare. I was used to this by now and it didn’t sting anymore.

  Mom was more or less depressed and decided to stay in the city. She’s probably have lunch with some girlfriends and commiserate with her other divorced friends that this was normal. I didn’t know what normal was. We couldn’t help each other and I had to figure this out. My aunt was paying me, but this gig wouldn’t last forever. I might be able to stay in the guest room when she got back. I might even be able to transfer some of my college credits up here, but I needed a job. A steady gig that would help get me back on my feet and independent. It wouldn’t be enough for a studio apartment in the city but maybe here I could manage something.

  I messaged a few friends from home. Leggings seemed to be all the rage. Lipstick too. I even looked up these videos where ladies were cutting open clams for pearls as a business. It looked pretty gross chopping though clam meat. I didn’t care for squishy smelly seafood so I didn’t think that shucking pearls was up my alley either but I needed to find something quick.

  I grabbed a notebook and started jotting down things I did like and what I was good at. There had to be something I could do, a job to apply for, or a business I could start that wouldn’t take a bunch of capital out of my dwindling savings.

  Even the dogs acted like something was up. All three followed me around the house more subdued than usual.

  I needed a job and considered shucking oysters for pearls on the internet since I don’t like leggings. I refused to give up my department store lipstick.

  It’s weird being here and not spending time with Cha
se or any of his friends. Most of them are in Vegas at a bachelor/bachelorette party.

  Doc: I wish you here.

  Win: Why, not enough butt in Vegas?

  Doc: Plenty of butt babe, just not yours.

  Win: I bet you say that to all the girls

  Doc: Only one I know is you…

  Doc: Did your parents show up?

  Win: Nope.

  Doc: Wanna talk about it?

  Win: Nope.

  My phone rang and sure enough it was Chase. He had this uncanny ability to ring me and force me to dump all my problems on his lap. Didn’t matter if it was the dog refusing to eat or my package that never showed up from Amazon and I was convinced the mail carrier had it out for me.

  “Winsome…” Chase drawled over the phone.

  “Are you drunk?” I asked trying to ascertain the mood he was in. It wasn’t often he imbibed alcohol and his lazy words sounded sexy through the phone.

  “Nope.” He popped the p and I giggled.

  “Yes you are.” I countered.

  “Okay, maybe a little but the guys went for tattoos and I had to supervise my future brother in law.”


  “No, Damien. It’s inevitable.”

  That poor guy had a reputation which I didn’t think was one hundred percent undeserved but still.

  “Are you sure, and don’t think we’re not going to circle back to the tattoo business.”

  “I’m positive.” He sounded like he was choking and holding back.


  “I caught him banging my sister and threw up in my mouth.”

  “Pretty sure I didn’t need that visual either.”

  “Sorry. I couldn’t keep it to myself. My eyes would like a bleach bath but then I couldn’t perform surgery.”

  I thought about this for second and despite everyone’s reservations, it probably wasn’t our business to interfere either.


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