The Scent of Sage and Vengeance

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The Scent of Sage and Vengeance Page 9

by Lacuna Reid

  The doors to the penthouse open, and it’s more stunning than I could have imagined, not only is the suite huge and luxurious and gorgeous, but I’m so overwhelmed by the glory of the ocean view that I barely notice the splendor I find myself surrounded by. Not only that, but there’s an enormous private infinity pool, looking over the tips of the tower turrets of the building and… there’s a hot tub! Mamma mia!

  “Gino…” I start to say, but I can’t seem to find the words.

  “You like to swim, no?”

  “I do.”

  Gino steps towards me. He wraps me into his arms and kisses me deeply, artfully, exquisitely, and I’m lost… for moments that might as well be hours because time seems to disappear around us, leaving nothing, but the sensations of our lips, tongues, hands… of our bodies pressing together gently, of our heartbeats and our breathing…

  A fire burns inside me, softly at first, then hotter and hotter until I can hardly stand it, and when Gino finally pulls away, I’m more than ready to jump him.

  “Mira,” Gino says. “There’s nothing I’d like more than to make love to you right now, but you’ve had a big day and I think it’s best for you to have some time to process.

  “Why do you always do this?” I ask. “As soon as we get close, you pull back. Is it because I’ve been with…?”

  “No Mira, it’s not that,” Gino assures me.

  “Then what is it?”

  “I like to think that I’m… I’m being a gentleman. I’m taking the time to get to know you properly… in this life. Besides, I meant what I said about needing some time to process.”

  “Okay,” I say, feeling slightly disappointed, but knowing Gino probably has a point. I do still feel quite foggy and it’s sweet of him not to want to take advantage of me… it’s also flattering to hear how much he wants me… as frustrating as it is not to fuck him right this minute. It also irks me that he always does this… he always seems to pull away, just when we’re getting close, and by the look of pain in his eyes, I don’t believe that he’s telling me the whole truth. Something else is stopping him, but that’s for him to deal with, I have enough of my own baggage.

  “Now… how about we try out that hot tub?” Gino suggests.

  “That’s an exceptionally good idea!” I say.

  So, instead of throwing myself at Gino, I undress and climb into the divine hot tub, enjoying the perfect temperature of the water as it softens the muscles in my body, pondering how I feel about this having-four-hot-soulmates thing.

  Well, so far… so good.

  I hear Gino on the phone, probably checking in on something for work, then he follows me a couple of minutes later, carrying a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

  Gino does a great job of averting his eyes from my boobs as we sip the cold bubbly liquid in the hot bubbly tub. I enjoy the contrast of temperature, sitting close enough that our bodies are touching as if they’re made to fit together.

  “I know I’m not supposed to discuss the regression with you yet,” I say. “But…”

  “Yes, mi amore?”

  “Is it… is it okay that I feel… a connection with…” I stumble over my words.

  “With all four of us?” Gino fills in, reading my mind as usual.

  “Yes, and you know…”

  “I know you were with Theo, and also the others?”

  “Is that a problem?” I ask.

  “Is it a problem for you?” Gino asks.

  I laugh. “No… I have to say… it’s pretty awesome for me, but… Theo seems to be distant.”

  “That’s just his way. Mira, you must remember that anything you do here – that you do with your body in an intimate way – is your choice and if someone… anyone minds, that is not your problem.”

  I sigh, drinking in his words like they are an elixir, soothing against the guilty feeling that I’ve done something wrong, reassuring me that everything is okay. Something else piques my curiosity, and I can’t help but bring it up.

  “But that was a different time,” I say, “a different culture. You don’t think anyone – aside from obviously you!” I nudge him as he continues to beam at me like a manic pixie. “I mean – these days people usually get quite caught up on monogamy,” I say, “and I’m scared I’m going to have to choose one of you, and I don’t know how the hell I’d go about making that choice when I so badly want you all.”

  “It would be cruel of us to force you to make such a choice, Mira, and it would compromise everything we have all been working to build at El Cielo…”

  It’s great to hear that Gino is in favor of me dating all four guys, although I’m still not sure what to do about that particular Theo problem, but I decide to leave that for another day… because when it comes to Theo, there are more pressing issues on my mind.

  “There’s something else I’ve been wondering about,” I say.

  Gino raises his eyebrows and looks at me with those deep green eyes.

  “Is it about Theo again?”

  “Yes… and no,” I say. “Something strange keeps happening… actually a few different things… It’s almost like every time I’m close to Theo, there’s a cold draft that shouldn’t be there, or a slamming door… or I feel like I’m being watched.”

  Gino exhales slowly, casting his eyes down, away from me.

  “What?” I ask. “What is it? I’m not imagining things, am I? There is something… something like a g…”

  “You should ask Theo about it,” Gino says, interrupting me. “It’s not for me to say.”

  “I tried,” I say. “All I got was more aloofness.”

  Gino shrugs and raises his hands in the air. “It’s not for me to say.”

  “I get it – you promised Theo, didn’t you?”

  Gino looks at me now, and I can tell I’m right. “Something happened, and you promised you wouldn’t talk about it.”

  “I never betray a confidence,” Gino says, “…if I can help it.”

  We are silent for a few moments, listening to the sound of the tub, bubbling away, and the crashing waves in the distance. We both watch the horizon. I have so many questions, but I’m not sure what’s okay to ask, since obviously I don’t want to come between close friends. I’m not here to create dramas. I just want to know the truth.

  “I had a dream,” I say, eventually.

  Gino looks at me, curiously.

  “It wasn’t like the past life dreams, it was… different… kind of… haunted.”

  His eyes never leave mine as I continue to speak. “There was this young girl… she was sad… so sad… she was desperately in love… and then a man came and hurt her… buried her.”

  Shivers run down my spine, as if the act of speaking these words is somehow bringing them out of my dream and into reality, and by the look Gino is giving me, he’s having a similar reaction.

  “Gino,” I say. “It’s true, isn’t it? It wasn’t just a dream. There was a girl…”

  Gino nods. “I can’t say any more, Mira. I told you. I can’t break Theo’s trust.”


  Just at that moment, I’m jolted by a knock at the door.

  Gino jumps up. “Room service!” he announces, plastering a smile to his face. So that explains the phone call he made before he jumped into the tub. He returns with two plates of fettuccini with a salmon caper sauce, and I realize I’m famished.

  “There’s a chocolate torte for dessert,” Gino says, “… if you’re up for it.”

  Amidst the delectable food and a late-night swim, I drop the subject of the apparent haunting of El Cielo. I respect Gino’s honorable intentions, and anyway… it seems that Theo is the one who should be giving me answers. I decide to relax and enjoy myself, while mulling over the visions of my apparent past life in medieval France.

  That night, Gino and I go to bed in different rooms of the penthouse suite, and I lie here, lonely, wanting Gino to hold me, to stroke my body with his smooth silky hands, to make me come, over and ov

  He has way more self-control than I do, and I respect that, but I’m also convinced there’s something else going on – some other reason he won’t fuck me. Whatever it is, I hope he gets over it soon because I’m craving him so bad. I need all of them… I realize… all four of my lovers… my soul mates.

  I drift off to sleep and into another delicious dream.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I lie restless in the priestess sleeping chambers. It’s late, but I can barely sleep all night. My mind is so full of anticipation, of thoughts of my taboo plans with Alfio and Lasonas. I toss and turn and eventually drift to sleep.

  I wake with a shock, and then another shock hits me as I realize the night sky is just beginning to lighten towards dawn. I throw on my old robes from before I became a priestess and slip out into the dark. The entire temple is asleep at this time, and the very act of leaving is a thrill.

  Just as I’m walking out of the gate, I hear my name.


  For a moment, I’m afraid it is Amedes. But as I turn, Alfio wraps his lanky arms around me, ushering me out and away from the danger, real or imagined.

  “There you are,” Lasonas says. He is waiting a few steps along the path. We approach him, embracing him quickly, then we continue down towards the river and I’m pleased that they were right; it is deserted here at this time.

  As we arrive onto the still-dark banks of the river, Lasonas finds my ticklish spot. He chases me playfully, right into Alfio’s arms, where I pause, breathless, and find myself in another mesmerizing kiss which seems to stop time.

  Lasonas wraps one arm around my waist and the other around Alfio’s, causing him to groan softly. We are completely lost in the moment until another sound breaks through.

  I look up and see him approaching through the darkness. A first I think it’s Amedes, and the violence of my dreams flashes through my mind. I tremble in terror, but then I notice he has too much bulk to his muscle.

  “Teris,” Lasonas says. I expect a fear in his voice. We’ve been discovered, even if it is just by the gorgeous blacksmith. There surely must be consequences. Instead, Lasona’s voice has a richness, a tinge of desire.

  “You,” he says, looking at me. “You have been in my thoughts since I glimpsed you in the market. I felt, surely, you must be destined for me – my future wife, and now I see you here with my old friends…”

  I feel a jolt between my legs as I hear the lust in his voice, in his eyes.

  It must be the madness of the moment, and surely, I have nothing to lose. I hold out my hand towards him.

  “I’m Teris,” he says, as if remembering his manners.

  “I’m Mya.”

  Teris nods, as if he already knew, as if he’s been asking after me.

  “Join us,” Alfio say. “Just like when we were younger.”

  I realize there is much more history between these men than I ever knew. That explains the tension… the lustful glances.

  “The sky is lightening,” Teris says, although it still looks dark to me. “And as she’s a priestess, you’re taking a dangerous risk.”

  “We know,” Lasonas says. “And yet here we are, asking if you will risk your life with us.”

  Teris gulps and looks at me. “Come!” he says. “It’s not safe here, too exposed. I know a better place.”

  We follow him down the banks of the river into a sheltered place between the trees and thick reeds and rushes. The river bank is smooth and damp beneath us. Teris moves some fallen branches to block us completely from view of any early morning prying eyes, then he turns to me.

  I’ve never felt such tension of anticipation in all my life.

  I reach towards Teris, as the other two begin to stroke by back, my arms, my waist, through my robes.

  Teris looks into my eyes. “Mya, please tell me, why is it that you have such power over me – over us – without even trying.”

  “I could ask the same of you,” I said. “I can’t stop thinking of you, all of you. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before, and all I can guess is that we are somehow destined to love one another – that the Goddess has compelled it… or that we are soulmates, somehow.”

  “Far be it for me to get in the way of what the Goddess wants,” Alfio says, tickling my ear with his tongue.

  I see the desire in Teris’ eyes, but he still holds back, making me ache with need.

  “Please,” I say, pulling him in, towards me. His lips are rough and hungry against mine. His muscular arms sweep around me, entwining with the other boys’.

  I lean between them, buffered by their strength, barely having to do anything to stay standing, which is just as well because I’m swooning so heavily, I may well collapse if they don’t hold me. I lean back against Lasonas, and he lays me down onto the soft earth of the bank.

  “This is sacred,” I say, to everyone and no one in particular, caught up in the magic of the moment. “How could this be wrong?”

  There is a lightness in my head and a heaviness in my hips, where all the energy is pooling.

  Teris follows me down to the ground, his strong muscles pinning me to the earth. I surrender to him, and to the others, who are stroking me, kissing me, kissing each other.

  Teris wraps his tongue around mine, I feel his hardness against my leg, pressing close to my kusthos. I tense in desire for him to fill me… for all of them.

  “Mya,” Teris whispers. “Are you sure this is what you want? It’s not too late.”

  To answer him, I clench my thighs, tightening around his péos, making him groan in delight. He pulls back, stroking my inner thigh, delighted in their dampness. He slowly makes his way up, stroking his fingers in small circular motions, right to the folds of my kusthos. It’s my turn to groan softly.

  My breasts feel suddenly heavy, in need of stroking, and I reach out to the gorgeous men on either side of me, pulling their hands in, towards my chest, as Teris continues to stroke small heavenly circles into me.

  I need more. I pull Lasonas down to kiss me, as Alfio’s mouth find’s my nipple. He wraps his body around me, letting his péos grind against my outer-thigh. He moans deeply and reaches across my waist to find Lasonas, on the other side, stroking and caressing him, and somehow heightening all our pleasure.

  Teris makes bigger circles, slowly, right down to my opening. I arch back in pleasure and hunger for him.

  “Oh Mya,” he whispers, and drives his big fingers inside me soliciting another moan. I’m not sure what he’s doing with those fingers, but they curl and flick against me in the most delightful way, sending me deeper into a trance of pleasure and desire. At this point I want any of them inside me, all of them…

  I feel Lasonas and Alfio, loosening my robes as their pleasure increases. Their hands and lips search across my naked skin, sending delightful tingles everywhere. It’s all too much, I’m boiling over, like a pot that’s been left too long. I need to be sated.

  I arch my hips, high enough that Teris’ hand falls away, and I grind against his hardness. His body stiffens and his eyes flare like a bull. Suddenly, he’s right on top of me, and the others are caressing him too. He leans back once more, and his eyes close in pleasure at their touch.

  I feel the tip of his péos slide over the top of my kusthos, and through the wet folds until it is right at my opening. Teris pauses, as if drinking everything in, but in my fiery impatience, I grab hold of his butt cheeks and pull him into me.

  He is bigger than Amedes, but for a moment I wish that my priest was here too… only he would probably condemn us all. I push thoughts of Amedes out of my mind and surrender to the pleasure of the three men, all over me, all over each other. Teris’ pace increases, thrusting harder and harder into me.

  My pleasure builds to a glorious climax. Teris pauses, letting me rest in the heavenly daze for a moment. But he’s not finished yet. He slips out of me, still hard, as I lie there blissfully. Lasonas, who still has Alfio’s hand massaging
up and down his péos, reaches over towards Teris, and begins tugging at him too, making him sigh in pleasure. I curl into Alfio, who cuddles me, his hard length still pressing up against my thigh.

  With all the pleasure building around me, it isn’t long until I’m ready for more. I reach down for Alfio, and he sighs in delight as I take him, first in my hands and then, after a few moments, I stroke his péos right through the wetness of my folds.

  He gasps as I pull him inside, then he begins to buck wildly against me, as if he’s found Zeus’ ambrosia, covering my neck with kisses. He is both thinner and longer than Teris, stretching deep inside me to dance against places I never knew existed. He has let go of Lasonas, who is still working the length of Teris. They move in closer to us, caressing our bodies. Alfio spins me, so that I’m in the center of everyone. With my head in Lasonas’ lap, I’m delightfully close to his péos, which I begin to stroke and lick. Enjoying his salty taste. This only drives Alfio wilder. He thrusts up, deeper and deeper into me, causing me to gasp and groan, building, building, building… I pull Lasonas properly into my mouth – needing to fill every inch of my wanting. Lasonas sighs in delight as the pressure builds even higher… I’m intoxicated on these men who pull me into light and darkness all at once, giving me pleasure I never felt possible, driving deep into me… caressing me…

  It happens like the falling of dominoes, first Teris groans deeply, and I feel a rush of release as he is spent just at the same moment there’s a spurt – Lasonas offerings in my mouth, and in the sounds of their pleasure, Alfio drives deeply into me. I feel the throbbing of his release and I’m hit with another wave of absolute bliss, sending my body floating limply to stillness.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I can’t shake the sexy-as-fuck dream from my mind all morning. Gino knocks on my door with a basket of pastries and coffee, and we chat for what feels like hours. I don’t tell him about the dream, but my mind keeps slipping back to visions of him as Alfio, and Lasonas/Elias and Teris/Helio… all wrapped around me, fucking me in a steamy sweaty mess.


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