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Tomorrow's Shadow - Part II - Transitions

Page 6

by Marcus Kruger

  ~ Let the Games Begin ~

  The small lantern dimly lit the inside of the wagon where the men rested. Stefano laid stretched out with his arms under his head; Gerik was prone over him, between his legs. His chin was on his sire’s chest so they could look at each other. He stretched up and gave a gentle kiss.

  “Thank you for allowing me to come on the journey around your territory.”

  Stefano moved one hand to slip through the other’s hair. “Vargon assured me since this is not an official visit, I could bring you. I have sent word to each of the groups; they also know this is just for meeting everyone. Keep in mind, I may be called upon to resolve a pressing issue. If that happens, the elders will decide if you remain. Should they say ‘no’, just come back to the wagon.”

  “As you wish, sire.” Gerik turned his head and laid it against his chest. “It is still odd not hearing a heartbeat. I suppose I’ll get used to it.” Getting no response, he lifted his head. “Stef?”

  “Hmmmmm?”  The answer was barely audible, even for a kindred.

  Gerik grinned and kissed Stefano’s chest. He began kissing his way down, sliding himself slowly off his sire’s body.

  “Gerik. I don’t have the energy for more.”

  “No matter. You rest. I will do all the work.”

  “Ngh…” Stefano arched his back as Gerik began once again to ‘wake the dragon’.


  Their first visit was with Harn and the Galaspis kumpania. People began to gather as soon as he entered light from the campfire. Stefano started talking with the elders as the younger set moved out of ear shot.

  Gerik followed the young people until one turned around and pointed a finger at his chest.

  “You are not welcome. We did not ask you here. Go. Before harm can fall upon you.”

  “I am chylde of Prince Stefano.” Gerik’s anger began to brew deep within him. “If you have no respect for me as kindred, you owe respect to my lineage.”

  “Fah!  The new prince is a fool. Trying to be what he has not the power to be. Where is his nanny?  Certainly he didn’t come without her.” Laughter burst from those standing around.

  Gerik stepped back, his eyes pulsing.

  “Stop this!  Both of you come here.” Harn stood between them and the campfire. “Now.”

  The younger kindred began to gather around Harn until he stopped them. “Gregor and Gerik must present themselves. The rest of you best find somewhere else to be, quickly.”

  Youth scattered in all directions like debris from a volcano. Gerik bit his tongue to keep from laughing.

  “Gregor, speak. Gerik remain silent until I tell you different. Now then, Gregor, tell me what was happening here.”

  “That one,” he pointed at Gerik, “tried to force his way into our gathering. When we questioned him he threatened us with him being chylde of our Prince.”

  “I see. You now hold your tongue while I speak with Gerik.” He turned to Stefano’s chylde. “Tell me what was transpiring here before I stopped it.”

  “Yes, my lord. It is true I was following them, hoping to be part of their conversations. However, this one”, he jerked a thumb towards Gregor, “called Prince Stefano a fool. Said he needed a nanny. I was about to respond when you called us.”

  “As expected, two conflicting tales. But who speaks the truth?  Who speaks the truth?”

  Stefano had been watching from the campfire until the two young kindred stood before Harn. As his chylde was one of the two, he started walking towards them. He had just reached them when Harn asked his last question.

  “May I be of any assistance, Harn?  Otherwise I shall return to the fire.”

  “A true prince. Appearing where needed when needed.” Harn smiled broadly. “Indeed you might have a solution. We have two tales of things happening earlier, but in direct conflict with each other. Would our Prince help me find the truth?”

  “I would be honored to help Galaspis’ representative to the Chair.” Stefano stood before the two younger kindred. When he spoke his voice register rumbled with his authority. “I would know the truth. But should I ask both of  you?  You will both claim you tell the truth. So instead, I request that the spreader of falsehood speak and admit his error.” The sound of distant thunder.

  He now stood in silence, just watching the two. Gerik stood quiet, hands clasped behind him, his eyes locked on his sire’s. Gregor began to fidget as if ants crawled over his skin. His eyes reflected terror as he struggled to remain quiet. Finally he could resist no longer.

  “I am. I lied. I did call you a fool, Lord Prince. I was fond of your sire, he was good to the young ones here. Always had time to speak with us. I did not like losing that.”

  “If you had just waited, you would have found me to be an equal to Lord Vargon in longing to speak with the youth of the camp. Instead  you forged ahead in folly. And now you face my judgement instead of my friendship.”

  Harn cleared his throat. “My Lord Prince, thank you for your divining the truth. All of Galaspis knows such an error can carry heavy consequences.” He shot Gregor a look. “Including death, when warranted.”

  There was a stifled cry from somewhere in the crowd. Stefano paused, then hearing no more, stooped to pick up a small rock.

  “Gregor. I now hold your future in my hand.” He held out the hand with the rock, then closed his fingers around it. “Speaking against an elder is cause for discipline.” The rock in his hand began to crack, shadow seeping from within. “Speaking against a prince, any prince, is reason enough for death.” He dropped the stone, it fell apart along the crack lines. “However,” he paused long enough for fear to register fully in Gregor’s eyes, then glanced around the crowd. “Who does this belong to?”

  “He is mine, Lord Prince.” A woman stepped out of the crowd, great worry on her face. “I am Zolita, and this one is mine. He is new, young, he still learns to calm the beast within. Sometimes his mouth gets far from his mind. I would request leniency.”

  Stefano turned back to the accused. “See how your sire steps forward in your defense?  She places her honor under the executer’s axe.” Another pause. “Because she speaks with compassion and conviction, I shall grant her request.” Relief flooded Gregor’s face. “Yet there is still a judgement. You shall spend as much time as elder Harn decrees at his feet. You shall learn from him. And if you do not, Harn will send word, and I shall return with a much darker decree. I trust that is understood.”

  “Yes, my Lord Prince.” Gregor dropped to one knee. “I thank you for your mercy and a second chance with my life. I shall learn all there is to learn. And I shall serve my Lord Prince as if my life depended on it.”

  Stefano smirked. “As it does.” He looked to the side. “Gerik, come. We shall return to our own camp.”

  “Yes, sire.”

  Stefano bowed his head to the crowd. “I thank you all for your acceptance. I am proud to call you part of the shadow family. Meeting you was a great pleasure. I shall return on the second wolfmoon from now and hold audience with those who desire it.” He turned to the elder. “Harn, as always, it is good to see you standing. We shall talk more on my return.”

  “Thank you, my Lord Prince. I am glad we are falling into place once again.”

  Stefano looked at Gerik as the strode out of camp. “Proud of you, my love. You remained quiet, in place, standing still for the entire impromptu hearing. And I do appreciate your desire to protect my honor.” He stopped them and turned to look into his chylde’s eyes. “As much as I love you, I cannot protect you from your own tongue. You did no wrong tonight, but it could have escalated. You must watch yourself double when visiting another camp.”

  Gerik grinned, the imp shown in his eyes. . “Maybe my lord and sire can help me train my tongue.”

  Stefano chuckled and took Gerik’s hand as they headed for the wagon.

  “I am sure I can find some exercises for both you and
your tongue.”


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