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Tomorrow's Shadow - Part II - Transitions

Page 10

by Marcus Kruger

  ~ An Unexpected Guest ~

  Stefano drummed the fingers of his hand on the bar while he sat on a stool and watched Viktor run the numbers in the daily ledger. “Did he say when he’d be back?”  Frustration emanated from him.

  “No, m’Lord. Mas… Lord Vargon only said he was going ‘out’ and would return soon.”

  “But you know where he went. You are too connected to him not to know.”

  “I can sense general area is all, and before ye ask the answer is ‘No’, I will not break generations of protecting his privacy. Even for ye.”

  “Fair enough, then. I truly do find your loyalty a strength.” He stood, unbuttoned the top of his trousers, then sat back down. The pants were his tightest; they looked uncomfortable. He was sans shirt and barefoot. “Foul things are going to strangle me.”

  “I did offer to handle your laundry earlier this week. Ye know I would without question or delay. I actually do enjoy my station in life, m’Lord.”

  “Yes, Viktor, I know. It is apparent in everything you do. I was just trying to … I don’t know what I was trying to do.” Stefano paused in thought before continuing. “Alright. You are right, I’m being stubborn for no reason. Viktor, I would be pleased if you would take on another duty here at the Keep. Will you handle the laundry for myself and Gerik?”

  “Yes, m’Lord.”

  “Stefano, what is this?”  Gerik walked down the stairs slowly, carrying a small oaken box.

  “Ah… the memory box.”

  “Memory box?”

  “A place for keepsakes, that type of thing. It belonged to Allise. There is a small panel on the front that slides enough to unlatch the top.”

  Gerik examined the box carefully, then grinned widely as he opened the small container. He set it on the bar and took some things out, then stopped. “It is all right if I look through this, isn’t it?”

  “Of course, my heart. Memories are meant to be treasured and shared with those you love.”

  “It looks like mostly finger bands and the like. Wait, this one is too large for a woman. What is this one for?”  He handed it to Stefano.

  Stefano smiled as he slipped it on his right index finger. “A marriage band. This one is mine. After … after I lost Allise and Niko, I put it in the box so I wouldn’t misplace it somewhere.” He slipped the band off and handed it back to Gerik.

  “Yes, Niko was your son. I remember. I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you by bringing this down.”

  “You have not, Gerik. These are things I treasure, it is only right you learn their value.”

  Gerik held out his hand. On his palm was a small circular item with a delicate chain and closing hook. “And this?”

  Stefano picked it up, again with a wistful smile.” A ringlet. Worn on the ear. Something my troupe used to show affection and dedication for another. They were made in pairs.”

  “A ringlet?  But it is not round. That is, yes, it is round, but it has sides and edges.”

  “Indeed it does. Six, to be precise. It is carved from stone, a fine crystalline, actually.” He handed it back. “Let it hang from your fingers and spin it in the light.”

  Gerik gasped. “It pulses light. A blue light.”

  “Yes. I have no idea how Ferin, he was our stonesmith, managed to make them. Because of the angled edges, it catches light and filters the blue. It almost looks like a heartbeat, the way it pulses.”

  “And your wife wore the other one. So you wore both band and ringlet?”

  “No. Actually, the mate to that ringlet was worn by Nikolos. Mine was worn in the left ear, his in the right.”

  Gerik turned it a few more times before returning it to the box. “It is beautiful. Incredible craftsmanship. Impressive, really. All right, so what is this?”  He pulled what appeared to be hairs tied by a thread from the box.

  Stefano paused, his hand shook as he held it out for the hair. “Nikolos… that is, Niko, my son. From his first hair trim. Allise wanted a locket to keep it in. She planned on giving it to him … on his wedding day.” He wiped a tear from his cheek and handed the hair back to Gerik. “Possibly the one memory that still causes me to weep.”

  Gerik replaced the hair and closed the box. He leaned forward and kissed his sire’s cheek. “I’m sorry for your loss and pain, Stefano, but I thank you deeply for sharing these memories with me. I shall put this back in our room.” With that he turned and reverently carried the memory box upstairs.

  Viktor looked up from his ever-present ledger. “Your mate is an interesting study, m’Lord.”

  “How so, interesting?”

  “Many might be jealous of a lover’s memories from previous days. Lord Gerik seems to value your past almost as much as you do.”

  “He has a gentle soul, a kind heart. He is the greatest joy in my life.”

  “Who’s the greatest joy in your life?”  Gerik grinned as he walked back to the bar.

  “You, of course, my love.” Stefano replied, kissing Gerik softly as he sat.

  Viktor closed the ledger and looked to Stefano. “I must speak to the kitchen help about any supply needs and contact the delivery market. If you gentlemen will excuse me.” He bowed his head then turned and walked into the kitchen. Gerik chuckled as the door closed and got an inquisitive look from Stefano.

  “You find something humorous?”:

  “More intriguing, I suppose. I was just noticing that Viktor will ask to be excused but leave before he gets a response.”

  “If you listen, you’ll find he is not truly asking, it is more him saying we should excuse him because he is about to step away.”

  “I’ll have to give closer attention. Stefano, I was wondering, should we get marriage bands or ringlets or some-such?  Anyone who sees us would then know we are together.”

  Stefano winked. “If they cannot tell by the lust in my eyes, they are blind. But – did you have something in mind?”

  Gerik grinned, the imp in his eyes shone. “Well, I do know one place you could wear a band, assuming, of course, one could be found large enough.”

  Stefano laughed and shook his head. “Can you remove your mind from my pants, even for a short time?  Besides, how would anyone ‘know we are together’ with a band there?”  He dropped his voice conspiratorially. “And by what do you mean ‘large enough’?  I thought you found my size … ideal for your pleasure.”

  Before Gerik could answer, one of the front doors swung open and Vargon stepped in, accompanied by a man neither Stefano or Gerik recognized. Stefano was pleased to see Vargon appeared in good spirits. They were apparently in deep discussion as they were walking slowly with several hand gestures. Stefano waited until they were at the bar and looked his direction, though  Vargon spoke before his chylde could ask about the stranger.

  “Jence, this is Stefano, Lord of this Keep and Prince of the region. Stefano, I met Jence on the mainland seeking for you.”

  Jence extended his arm. “Prince Stefano, it is my distinct pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Jence, chylde of Baston, chylde of Orvis. I am here to request acceptance as a subject of your realm. I wish to reside within your territory.”

  Stefano and Jence grasped arms firmly as Stefano spoke. “Jence, it is good to meet you. I thank you for seeking me out and abiding by the traditions of old. Tell me of where within my realm you wish to settle.” He released Jence’s arm as his was released.

  “I desire living in the Arvus camp; I have a missive from elder Runick. He handed the sealed parchment to the kumpania.

  Stefano carefully opened the page and read it smiling.” I know Runick’s hand, his signature, and the seal on his missive. As he has given permission to your request, I welcome you to the kumpania. Runick says here your wagon sits with theirs and that you have two meek steeds. What is your skill or trade?”

  “I care for animals, my lord. It was my dream as a child; the Fates have surely smiled upon me to grant that hope. And they bless again with
my finding the kumpania. I look forward to traveling with them, living with them, becoming one with Arvus kindred.”

  “Well met, then. Viktor, wyne for friend Jence and my sire. Jence, may I introduce my chylde, Gerik.”

  Jence extended his arm. “Well met, friend Gerik.” His eyes flashed with desire.

  “Well met, Jence. I once considered the medical trade but didn’t take the studies.”

  “Truly?  What made you give up on medicine?”

  “It is a long, boring tale of a spoiled rich child.”

  “You have raised my interest, I would enjoy hearing more.”

  “Once you are settled in Arvus, you should come back for a stay and we can talk more. We have plenty of spare rooms.”

  “I would enjoy that.”

  Stefano watched in silence as shadows swirled within the prince’s pupils.


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