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5 Erotic Short Stories

Page 7

by Mia Hart

  The door does not open though. Thankfully, it’s locked from the inside .

  “Yes,” the man shouts through, “I’m just clearing up .”

  Well that’s one way of putting it , I think to myself .

  “You’ve been over an hour. Hurry up,” the voice behind the door says .

  With that, footsteps recede down the hall .

  We look at each other, flustered, and very relieved, and then burst into a fit of faint giggling .

  * * *

  “W hat’s your name?” the man asks .

  I hesitate for a second. If I give him my name, will that spoil what happened? Would he want to see me again? Would he, like Scott, and all my other boyfriends before that, hurt me ?

  “No,” I look into his eyes, “I can’t .”

  His face drops but he says nothing. A part of me breaks. How I wish I could tell him my name, but I just can’t. I can’t be hurt. Not again .

  As I gather my clothes from behind the room’s curtain partition, he calls out, “My name is Chad .”

  I stay silent .

  When I am dressed a few minutes later, I come out from behind the curtain feeling so much brighter .


  Before I can even finish saying his name, he is gone .

  * * *

  “S o girl, how was it?” Connie asks me, wrapping her arm around my waist .

  “It was okay .”

  “Relaxing, isn’t it ?”

  “Yeah…relaxing .”

  If only she knew .

  We collect our coats and bags, and make our way out of the shop .

  Strolling out to the heat of the summer afternoon, I already miss Chad. I try to tell myself that it was just a casual thing, but I could see something deeper in his eyes. I felt like we shared something more than just wild sex. Any sound person would think I was mad. Here I am, just an hour with the guy and I’m already feeling something for him. That was what got me into trouble with Scott. I always fell too soon for a guy. I didn’t want Chad to become that. I wanted to keep that perfect one-off forever …

  Or did I? Would I not enjoy this again? Did I not want to see him again and actually get to know him? All these questions torment me, as I see Connie off at the station. I’m sure she thinks, due to my introspective and silent mood, that I’m still pining over Scott. If only she knew. I couldn’t tell her though. I didn’t want to be a further burden. Forcing my love-life, or mess of one, on her shoulders again. It wouldn’t be fair .

  I try to shrug the whole thing off .

  * * *

  H aving just said goodbye to Connie, I sit motionless in my car for a few moments. I think about Chad, and about the amazing sex we had, and about almost getting caught and how funny that was, and how I wish I had the guts to have told him my name .

  Is this what it will be from now on? Because of that rat of an ex, am I always going to screw up any chance of happiness I may get ?

  I place my seat-belt on and turn the keys in the ignition. Before I drive off, I reach into my bag for a drink. My mouth feels bone dry. As I go to grab my bottle of water, I can feel a piece of paper dance between my fingers. It confuses me at first, as I don’t remember having brought any paper out with me .

  I take the piece of paper out, which is folded four ways, and open it. I half expect it to be an old shopping list or something, but when I read it my heart jumps …

  D ear lady,

  You never told me your name but I told you mine. I don’t know why that is so, but I do know one thing…after what we have shared, I am sure, at least I hope, that you would see me again. At least so I can know your name, if nothing else .



  I frantically take my phone out of my purse and dial the number of the massage parlour .

  After a few rings I get through, “Hello, yes. Could I book an appointment for tomorrow please? No, can I see the man I had today? Yes. Yes please. My name is Sarah .”

  The Fire Fighter


  I run down to passport control as fast as I can, dragging my luggage behind me. I can’t wait to get out of the airport and see America for the very first time .

  “Gemma, wait!” Sasha calls out after me .

  Without breaking speed, I look back over my shoulder and see that both Sasha and Mikki—my two best friends from Uni—are trailing way behind. I don’t stop though. It’s been a long flight from gloomy old England, and all I want to do, as quickly as I can, is feel American soil beneath my feet .

  I’m twenty two years old, on a gap year from my studies, and thanks to Sasha’s dad—who, being incredibly rich, paid for all of us to enjoy ourselves on this trip—I was in my element. I feel so lucky to be travelling the world in the prime of my youth .

  Me and my buddies all go to the same University back home, Cambridge University, where we’re all studying for different PhDs .

  Mikki is beautiful, vivacious, sexy, and kind of tom-boyish. However, it’s Sasha who’s the firm favourite with all the guys. She has a bob of blonde silky hair, an hour-glass figure to die for, and one hell of a killer personality. Both of them are a lot more adventurous with men than I am, and are certainly not afraid to shock. I guess I’m a little more reserved, which makes my over excitement at finally arriving a little surprising to them I suspect. I can’t help feeling this way though, as it’s my first time travelling so far from home .

  On booking our trip, we made a solemn promise to each other: to have as much fun as possible, create as many awesome memories that we could share forever, and to never, ever, let a guy get in the middle of our bond. As geeky as it sounds, I guess we’re like the female equivalent of the Three Musketeers—all for one, and one for all .

  Our first stop across America is Boston—a vibrant city in the state of Massachusetts. It is home to one of the most prestigious Universities on the East Coast and the whole place has a really cool bohemian vibe .

  Once we get through customs, we catch a bus and head downtown. Although we’re all a little jet-lagged, we’re far too excited not to take at least a sneaky little look around the place. Wheeling our luggage around is a bit cumbersome, but we get the day off to a fine start with a tiny bit of shopping, a few lattes to neutralize our jet lag, and some quick touristy stuff. We have another two hours before we have to check into our hotel, which is just a short taxi ride away from the centre .

  The men of Boston are as varied as any other city really—skaters, goths, older business guys, athletes, geeks, and scrumptious hunks. But what I universally love about all of them over here is their accent. It’s so cute and sexy .

  After a quick tour of the area, where we would spend the next three nights, we finally check into our hotel. My feet are aching and I’m relieved to finally kick off my shoes and be rid of our heavy bags .

  It doesn’t take long before we get our first taste of the fine men the city has to offer. Standing behind us, in the queue at reception, are two super-hot guys. Both are dressed in smart fitted polo-shirts, tight jeans, and cool, stylish trainers. I assume they’re brothers—they look like brothers to me anyway .

  As we check in and collected our keys, I can feel their eyes burn into the back of us. Being that we’re almost always on the exact same page, me, Mikki, and Sasha look at each other and giggle under our breaths. We know exactly what’s on their minds. Sasha starts to bend over the hotel reception counter, taking a business card, purposely giving the boys a taste of her shapely legs and ass. We just know they’ll feel as feverish as rabid dogs by now—drooling at our young, luscious bodies. It feels really naughty but empowering at the same time. Playing up to an old cliché, we laugh even louder as we take our key cards and brush past them like mischievous school girls .

  “Hey ladies, how long are you around for?” One of them calls out .

  “Not long enough for you to find out!” Mikki replies, as we all run over to the elevator in hysterics .

  Poor guys—I feel a little
sorry for them as I glance back, but our trip has only just started and maybe we would bump into them later at some random club .


  W hen we arrive to our rooms, on the 7th floor, we are all gobsmacked. They are absolutely stunning. Nice long bath tubs, cable TV, fresh coffee makers, large double beds, and enough wardrobe space for all of us, and more! We also booked another room next door, as this one, being a twin room, could only hold two guests. Now this was opulent luxury and we knew we couldn’t stay in places like this the whole trip, but we needed a bit of a treat and this was only for a few short days. It was up to the flick of a coin to decide which one of us would bag the more private single room .

  “Ready girls? Who wants to go first?” Sasha asks, fiddling with a silver dollar coin between her fingers .

  “Heads!” calls out Mikki .

  Sasha flicks the silver coin into the air. “Ah, sorry babes, it’s tails. Okay Gem, it’s between us now…heads or tails ?”

  “Heads,” I call .

  She flicks the coin into the air once more, pausing for effect when it lands on her palm and then slowly reveals the result. “Damn! You bitch !”

  I squeal like a little girl, jumping around the room like I just won the gift in a game of pass-the-parcel .

  “Sorry girls,” I say in a sarcastically apologetic tone. I pick up my suitcase and head next door to freshen up for the night .

  * * *

  W e arrange to meet in the lobby of the hotel around nine. Agreeing to hit the local bars first and then call further into town to experience the authentic Bostonian night-life, we’re all buzzing about what the city has to offer .

  As I change out of my travel clothes, I hear the muffled noise of my friends giggle and chat. I put the TV on and prepare myself a quick cup of coffee. Clutching the remote, as I begin to unpack my suitcase, I scan through the channels: News…Shopping…Cooking…News…PORN !

  My eyes widen as I pause on the rude channel. It costs ten dollars to unlock the naughty movies on demand. Now, some people may think porn is just for men but I beg to differ—I love a good porno film, especially if the guy is super-fit !

  Grabbing my credit card and hovering by the phone I briefly consider it, but then think twice. Maybe later, I tell myself. For now, all I want is a nice hot shower .

  * * *

  A fter finishing my shower, I wrap my wet hair into a bun using a small towel. Then, I wrap a larger bathroom towel tight around my body. I creep out of my room and tip-toe my way next door to borrow Sasha’s hair-straighteners. I knock on the door several times but there’s no answer .

  I knock harder .

  “Sash,” I shout. She opens up and to my shock, she just stands there, butt naked, nonchalantly putting her eye-liner on .

  “Hey babes,” she says, flinging the door open even wider .

  “Sash, get in you nutter!” I say, just as a male hotel porter walks past .

  The expression on his face, as he crashes his trolley into the wall, is a real picture. I guess it was a nice surprise for him though, seeing this gorgeous, curvy, sex-kitten, just standing there—stark naked, and proud of it .

  I scramble inside and slam the door shut behind me. Mikki and Sasha begin to burst out laughing .

  “You’re crazy,” I tell Sasha .

  “Call him back and ask him if he’d like to watch TV,” Sasha mocks .

  “Yeah, he can sit on the bed if he likes,” adds Mikki, who lies down on the bed in just a small pair of polka-dot panties, caressing her toned belly with moisturising cream .

  “I think we’d all give him a heart attack,” I say, opening Sasha’s suitcase .

  “What are you looking for?” Sasha asks .

  “Your straighteners, I left mine back home. Maybe I can pick up a new pair when we look around the city tomorrow .”

  As I go through her case, Sasha, who’s sat on a small stool by the dressing table mirror, continues with her make-up routine. To my surprise, as I unzip a small compartment inside the bag, running my hands over what I think are her straighteners, I find three large rubber dildos! Now, far be it for me to act prudish, as I’m a big sex-o-holic myself, but Sasha’s blatant openness is a little startling .

  Staring at me through the table mirror as she draws her eyelashes on, she grins and says, “Always useful if the night turns out bad .”

  Mikki laughs in response .

  “And what about this one?” I ask, holding up the double ended specimen she packed .

  “Oh…that’s if we have two bad nights,” she says .

  We all laugh .

  “Well I’m not into the whole lesbo thing, but you two can knock yourself out,” I say .

  “I’m sure we can convince you,” Mikki quips .

  “Yeah…but I’m sure we’ll all be riding on a nice firm cock by the end of the night, so don’t worry,” Sasha says, winking at me .

  I shake my head at my goofy mates and take the straighteners back to my room .

  Before I leave I slowly peek out of the spy-hole in the bedroom door, just to make sure that porter was gone .


  W e head down to the first bar of the evening, ‘Jimmy’s Place.’ It’s a rough looking establishment—an old run down shoe-box sized tavern, nestled between convenience stores and pool halls. Although we expect to end up somewhere a little classier later, it’s the perfect place to get loaded up on cheap booze and loosen up .

  We thought it would be quiet but surprisingly, once we get inside, the whole place is jumping! Awesome rock music, neon lights, and most important of all, it’s packed full of hot men. Sasha looks like the cat that got the cream, finding her new stomping ground, whilst Mikki isn’t too far behind in eyeing up all the hotties on offer .

  They both charge to the bar as I trudge a few steps behind them, surveying the place. I can feel dozens of men’s eyes follow our every move .

  “Come on girls, let’s start with some slammers,” Sasha declares .

  “I’ll just have a beer. It’s a little too early for me,” I meekly reply .

  “Aww come on you wimp, we’re on holiday .”

  “Later,” I say .

  She turns her attention to Mikki, “You’ll have one, right ?”

  “Damn straight!” Mikki replies, adopting a fake American accent .

  I don’t take long to break. “Fuck it. Go on then .”

  Necking down my first shot, which burns the back of my throat, I immediately begin to unwind. We slam our glasses down on the bar simultaneously. Sasha quickly orders another round, followed by a pitcher of beer for all of us to share .

  As we continue drinking, Sasha begins to stalk the room like a lion would stalk its prey .

  “Look at all these men! I think we’re in for some action tonight, girls .”

  “But we share a room, Gems the only one who has her own,” Mikki replies .

  “So? As if that’s gonna stop us,” Sasha starkly states, throwing her arm over Mikki’s shoulder .

  I just smile into my beer, swaying to the beat of the music .

  “Look,” Sasha says to us both. “Look over there !”

  Mikki and I look over to the other side of the bar and see four hunky men standing in a group. They’re hovering by the dance floor, drinking, chatting, and doing exactly what we are—looking for a little fun .

  Sasha adjusts her skirt shorter, ready to get her game on. I roll my eyes at my sex-mad friend .

  “Sash, we have the whole night yet. Why get tied down here?” I ask .

  “Oh fuck it, look, have you seen how hot those guys are?! Let’s just see, yeah? Come on Mikki, let’s leave Gems to look after the drinks .”

  As they walk away, I tut to myself. Great! I’m now proverbial wall flower !

  I watch them as they waste no time chatting the guys up. Not quite the subtle pick-up technique we use back home in Cambridge .

  I turn back to the bar, lost in myself .

  As I’m sitting there, sipping gingerly
on my cold beer, feeling completely side-lined, I hear a male voice…“Hey miss, can I buy you another ?”

  I look up to my right and freeze .

  Standing next to me is perhaps the fittest bloke I’ve seen in my entire life—well, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration but he is F.I.T! Tall, muscular, tanned, and sporting a great smile. My defences are instantly eroded but I try and play it cool .

  “Yeah, yes please. That would be great,” I say .

  “Wow! That’s a cute accent. Are you from London ?”

  “Cambridge actually, not too far from London,” I reply, purposely exaggerating my accent now I know he thinks it’s cute .

  He looks my body up and down with his beautiful, dark-eyes. I can tell he’s aroused from the evident bulge in his trousers. Knowing this sends tingles swirling through my belly, igniting sparks of lust which burn deep below. This guy is a clear ten, a nine if I was being cruel. I wouldn’t normally have such a strong and instant attraction for someone whom I’d just met, but this guy is an exception .

  “Cambridge, huh? So, what are you doing here in rainy Boston?” he asks .

  “Just travelling, my friends and I are on gap year from Uni and we’ve always wanted to see America .”

  “Where are your mates ?”

  I point over to Sasha and Mikki, who by now have their tongues deep inside the mouths of two of the guys from the group .

  “Oh, I can see they didn’t waste any time getting acquainted with the locals !”

  I shyly laugh in response .

  “Well, seeing as you’re just in town for a while on your travels, we shouldn’t waste time either. I’m John .”

  “Gemma,” I reply, shaking his hand .

  We talk for at least the next half an hour, chatting about life in general. I find out that he’s a fire fighter for the local fire department, and so are his friends. As well as being ridiculously hot, he is actually a really funny, sweet, and cool guy. My interest in him, if not already through the roof, only builds by the second .


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