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At War with War

Page 4

by Seymour Chwast

  1998 Oklahoma City’s Federal Building bombed, killing 250 people

  1998 Serbs attack Kosovo Albanian civilians. U.S. brokers a cease-fire

  1999 NATO troops sent to maintain peace in Kosovo

  1999 Second Chechen War

  2001 More than 3000 dead when Osama bin Laden’s terrorists crash airliners into World Trade Center

  2002 U.S. attacks Al-Qaida forces in Afghanistan

  2002 Hindu majority and Muslim minority attack each other in India. Hundreds killed

  2003 Liberia’s Charles Taylor defeated during Second Liberian Civil War

  2003 Soldiers from U.S., U.K., Australia and Poland invade Iraq looking for nonexistent weapons of mass destruction. 3000 U.S. soldiers dead. 55,000 civilians killed

  2004 Spain is rocked by terrorist attacks. Over 200 dead

  2004 Chechen terrorists take 1200 schoolchildren hostage

  2004 Pakistan’s A.Q. Khan sells nuclear-weapons designs to North Korea, Iran and Libya

  2005 London hit by terrorist bombings killing 52 and wounding 700

  2006 Bombs explode on commuter trains in Mumbai. Over 200 people dead

  2013 South Sudanese Civil War (ongoing)

  2013 Russians kill Islamist rebels in Chechnya

  2014 Israel launches ground offensive into Gaza in July and August. 2143 Palestinians and 64 Israeli soldiers killed.

  2014 In Ukraine armed conflict between Russian and separatist forces and the Ukrainian government

  2015 Heavy fighting between Somali forces, Al-Qaida militants and Al-Shabaab militants

  2015 Central African Republic: Seleka and rebel groups clash in Markounda

  2015 In Syria and Iraq U.S. trained rebels fight with ISIL, Islamic State and the Levant, a jihadist fundamentalist group. Ongoing

  If we do not learn from history we shall be compelled to relive it. True. But if we do not change the future, we shall be compelled to endure it. And that would be worse.

  Alvin Toffler




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