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A Girl in Ten Thousand

Page 8

by L. T. Meade


  It did not take Effie long to harness the old horse to the gig. She hadoften driven old Jock, and this part of her task did not put her out inthe least. She had a curious sense, as she was driving toward The Grangein the fresh early morning air, of the complete change which wasawaiting her. She was quite certain that one door in her life wasshut--shut forever. She had longed for change,--it had come at last witha vengeance; it was horrible,--it made her shudder.

  Effie was a thoroughly healthy girl, healthy both in mind and body, butnow a sick pain was over her. She did not care to think of the realterror which haunted her. She arrived at The Grange between six andseven o'clock. The woman at the lodge ran out and opened the gate forthe doctor's gig in some surprise. She thought something was wrongagain up at the house, but her surprise strengthened to astonishmentwhen she saw that Effie was driving the horse.

  "Why, Miss Effie, what is the matter?" she exclaimed. Everyone in theplace knew Effie, and loved her for her father's sake.

  "The doctor is ill, Mrs. Jones," said Effie, "and I have come to fetchMiss Fraser."

  "Oh, God help us! he hasn't taken it?" said the woman, falling back astep or two in horror.

  Effie nodded her head--she had no words to speak. She whipped up Jock,and drove quickly down the avenue.

  A kitchen-maid was on her knees whitening and polishing the front steps.Effie jumped from the gig, and asked the girl to call someone to holdthe horse.

  "There ain't any of the men round just now, it is too early," said thegirl.

  "Then take the reins yourself," said Effie. "Stand just here; Jock won'tstir if I tell him to be quiet. Hold the reins. I am in a great hurry."

  "You are Miss Effie Staunton, ain't you, miss?"

  "I am. My father is ill, and I want Miss Fraser."

  "God help us! the doctor ill!" exclaimed the girl.

  She stood where Effie told her, holding Jock's reins.

  "Be quiet, Jock; don't stir till I come out," said Effie. The old horsedrooped his head. Effie ran up the steps and into the house. She hadnever been at The Grange before, but she had no eyes for the beauties ofthe old place this morning. There was something too awful lying at thebottom of her heart, for any external things to affect her. She wentquickly up the broad front stairs, and paused on the first landing. Howwas she to discover the room where Dorothy and little Freda Harveyspent their time together? She was about to turn back in utterbewilderment, when, to her relief, she saw another servant. The servantstopped and stared at Effie. Effie came up to her quickly.

  "You may be surprised to see me here," she said. "I am Miss Staunton,Dr. Staunton's daughter. He is ill. I want to see Nurse Fraserimmediately. Take me to her at once."

  "We are none of us allowed near that part of the house, miss," repliedthe woman.

  "You can take me in the direction, anyhow, and explain to me how I am toget to Miss Fraser," said Effie. "Come, there's not an instant tolose--be quick."

  "Oh, yes! I can take you in the direction," said the girl.

  She turned down a corridor; Effie followed her. The servant walkedrather slowly and in a dubious sort of way.

  "Can't you hurry?" said Effie. "It is a matter of life and death."

  The girl hastened her steps a little. Effie's manner frightened her.Presently they reached a baize door--the servant pushed it open, butstood aside herself.

  "It is as much as my place is worth to open this door," she said. "It ishere the infectious case is, and Miss Fraser's own orders are that thedoor is not to be opened; but you frighten me somehow, miss, and Isuppose there's no harm in it."

  "No, of course there is no harm. Now, tell me which is Miss Fraser'sroom?"

  "The nurseries are entered by the third door as you go down thatpassage, miss."

  The servant banged to the baize door, and Effie found herself alone.She ran down the passage, and opened the outer nursery door. It wasquiet and still, in perfect order, the blinds down, and the windowsopen. Effie, in spite of all her agitation, walked on tiptoe across thisroom. A door which led into another room was half open, and she heardsomeone moving about. That step, so quiet and self-possessed, mustbelong to Dorothy.

  "Dorothy! Dorothy! come here," called Effie.

  Dorothy Fraser, in her dressing-gown, came out to the other room atonce.

  "Effie!" she exclaimed. "Effie Staunton!"

  "Yes, it is I," said Effie; "it is I." She began to unpin her hat as shespoke. "I have come here to stay; I am going to nurse little Freda, andyou are to go back to father. The gig is waiting outside, and you caneasily drive old Jock. Drive him straight home, and go as fast as everyou can."

  "Is your father ill, Effie?"

  "Yes; he has taken the diphtheria. He is very ill. Mother sent me foryou. If father dies, mother will die. They love each other so dearly--sovery dearly. One couldn't live without the other. Go, and save themboth, Dorothy, and I will stay with Freda."

  "You are a dear, brave little girl," said Dorothy.

  She went and put her strong arms round Effie.

  "I will go at once," she said. "But are you prepared to take full chargehere, Effie?"

  "Yes; tell me quickly what is to be done!"

  "There's nothing to be done now but simply to see that Freda doesn'ttake cold. She is not free from infection yet, but she is quite out ofdanger, if she does not catch a chill. Treat her as you would any sickchild. Rhoda is here. She is a capital girl, and will help you withFreda's food. Freda may come into this room for a little to-day, butyou must see that she keeps out of a draught. Good-by. Effie. I won't beany time getting ready. I'll send you telegrams about your father. Godbless you, Effie."


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